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View Full Version : A320...Inflight Diversion Vs Landing Dist

11th Dec 2007, 12:49

let's say that you are enroute...and you want to divert to enroute alternate due ...medical siuation or shortage of fuel.

your landing will be normal...i.e no failure...

assuming a landing weight of say 60.000KG....

to know the landing distance...do you use ...actual landing dist without auto brake (QRH4.03) or Required landing distance FCOM 2 ...or to look at the automatic landing dist with auto brake (as it will be almost identical to the normal pilot landing ? )

how to know the landing dist for diversion with out failure?


11th Dec 2007, 14:12
Inflight you would normally use autoland distance with autobrake QRH 4.04. Or alternatively the Landing module of FOVE using the LPC if equipped.

You can perfectly use QRH 4.03 (without autobrake. i.e. max manual braking) inflight, but I would think twice before diverting into a place where you'd need max manual braking.

So legally inflight you can land on any runway where you can make the numbers work, QRH 4.02, 4.03, 4.04 (or LPC).

Hope this answers the q.

12th Dec 2007, 04:11

assuming a dry rwy with no failures and a GW of 60T at the diversion airfield...and not using the autoland feature on the machine..i would look at the required landing distance since it will give me a 40% safety margin in general

autoland/config full/dry rwy/autobrakes low/60T...2104m
actual ldg dist/no autobrakes............................810m
req ldg dist....................................................1350 m

12th Dec 2007, 07:01
thanks guys for the great inputs...

during our type rating course...we have been informed to use the figures of the auto land incase of inflight diversion with out any failure...

as these figures are very close to the manula landing with auto brake.

have a good day

12th Dec 2007, 16:31
I agree with bflyer and to make it easy, on the 320 series the dry RLD ( ALD x1.67 ) equals approx. the dry autoland brake MED.
So with the 4.04 (autoland) table in MED you are basically covered and still have the choice to manual brake.
Now if you really need take the ALD but no margin in there.