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View Full Version : Logging multi crew in a single crew certified aeroplane ?

3rd Nov 2007, 10:05

A couple of questions if anyone can help please.

1) Where can I look to see if an aeroplane is certified under JAA for single crew ops ?

2) If said aeroplane is certified for single crew ops but is operated multi crew on a AOC on public transport flights can F/O log those hours and use them towards full ATPL ?

Aircraft in question is a Beech 1900.

Ta muchly.


3rd Nov 2007, 12:59
Hi Buzz

If the a/c is operated 2 crew under the terms of the AOC then all flight time when operating with 2 crew can be logged as such and will count towards ATPL. That is of course as long as you are type rated on the a/c in question and your OPC, I/R etc are all curent.



5th Nov 2007, 10:01
I am more than happy to be contradicted on this but I seem to remember that an acquaintance flew the King Air as co-pilot (multi-crew) but as the A/C is single crew category he could log the hours but they couldnt count towards him obtaining his ATPL. (even though he was rated on it).

Good luck with your query.

5th Nov 2007, 13:43
Aircraft in question is a Beech 1900.

Two crew ops only, IIRC.

Arfur Feck-Sake
5th Nov 2007, 21:50
Beech 1900 is a single pilot aeroplane in JAR land. If required to be operated multi-crew, the hours may be logged as multi-crew time and may be counted towards the 500 required to unfreeze an ATPL. However, an ATPL cannot be unfrozen on a single pilot aeroplane. It's all in LASORS on the CAA website and from memory, in JAR-FCL 1.220.

5th Nov 2007, 23:20
Reference is given to JAR-FCL.

1st Problem - Operator needs to have operation with two pilots in his OM-A and OM-B approved by authority.

2nd Problem - Acceptance of these hours to your NAA.

IMHO - go and talk to your people of the NAA. My opinion about these hours? Stay out of these planes as F/O if operation has no manuals and procedures in place. Worthless hours in the end when it comes to prove it.

We tried several guys with these hours - 3'000 to 4'000 hours with a lot of these B1900 hours as F/O. NAA says "no-no".

Good luck.