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26th Nov 2007, 12:02
Hey Anna,

You have just brightened up my Monday.........Thanks for that! Did she defo say that it would be either Jan or Feb then? I hope so! Would be great if we were on the same course xx:)

26th Nov 2007, 12:53
No nothing def but said it was for temp WW and she said all courses were gone for Dec and the next courses would for us would be Jan/Feb. Nothing set in stone as Im sure things can change but gives us a rough date to work too.You never know though if someone drops out of an earlier course could be sooner rather than later !!??!! X

26th Nov 2007, 15:36
You fellow EF holding pool swimmers , its not happening today for sure. I guess its only Monday and like last week they called people from Tuesday I think. Lets hope its the same this week. Glad I did not stay up all day waiting and managed to sleep after my nightshift. Had the phone next to me though. Fingers crossed for tomorrow or later this week.....get us out of this misery once for good!!:ugh:

26th Nov 2007, 19:59
Well no phone call for me today so fingers crossed we all start ringing from tomorrow! Again watch those phones, its getting so close!
Anyone who was on the interview monday 21 may in the morning let me know cheers!

27th Nov 2007, 15:30
.....another day without any call?....
....a watched pot never boils...:rolleyes:

27th Nov 2007, 15:47
Hi Kikko, and all other BA holders, or wannabees,

I am currently waiting in LHR EF Holding Pool for my notification (my assessment was on the Morning of 17th May 07).

Unfortunately yes, the wait continues, and another day without a call.

It seems as if the early February courses may now be full, and we will have to wait for additional courses. Lets hope new courses are planned soon!

Good luck to you all!
Kind regards,

27th Nov 2007, 16:01
Guys, I am really disappointed we have not been called for further February courses this week. Someone who is working on EF already recently told me that there are about 60 people waiting to be transferrred to WW. It could be they already have the 60 to train for EF so that they can move on with the transfer of existing EF cc to WW. That's one possibility. We may also still hear this week or next week as its more than 2 months ahead if they are carrying on with the 11th of Feb as the next course date. Lets hope so.

27th Nov 2007, 17:26
Think I'm losing the will to live:bored:

27th Nov 2007, 17:28
Does anyone actually think that we are gonna get the call before our offer expires, if they dont call us now then im guessing its gonna be april if we are lucky, then 6 weeks training, we might start flying by winter next year!!!

Im staring to get p´d off!!!!!!!!!:ugh:

Everythings on hold, just waiting for that call!!!!

the letter
27th Nov 2007, 18:52
Can you start training if your references haven't been sorted out? Some people say yes, some people say no. What happens otherwise? Will you be put in the hold pool until another training commences or will they withdraw your offer?

Flower Duet.
27th Nov 2007, 18:54
At Heathrow tomorrow, course is going well and just want to say
if I'm this excited about LGW. You guys waiting for LHR are going to
have it really good. It's a Good Airline British Airways, I know it's been
a long wait for you guys. But once you get in all this anger will go !!

And the trainers are great so so nice.. Fingers and toes crossed about course dates as I have few friends still in the hold pool since MAY..

Now gotta pack for 12 days at Heathrow :)

PS. I'm still waiting for a ref, so the answer is yeah you can still keep your course dates etc.. just get it done before the end of your course.

27th Nov 2007, 20:25
I so thought someone might have been lucky today, nevermind! I thought getting the job was going to be the hardest part but that seems like the easiest thing we had to do! 6 months is tough to be patient and i think we've all been that and more, i'm trying to be positive and not think about the fact this could all have been for nothing if we get to 12 months and expire - how rude!
Keeping fingers crossed and good luck everyone!

27th Nov 2007, 22:06
hi all
keep positive-I'm sure good news is around the corner! :)

27th Nov 2007, 22:33
Guys, I know we are all very frustrated and also tired of waiting for so long but like the Guiness ad says "all good things come for those who wait"...We have showed a lot of patience and character for over 6 months now and I think it wont be too long before the rest of us get that most important call. The positive point is I think almost or more than half of the holding pool people have got their dates and its just us now that remain. Lets not get too carried away with the worst possible outcome which is very unlikely to happen I think and lets wait that little bit more. We have proved we can do it and that holding pool does not scare us. Together we will be dry with enough towels for all.:)

28th Nov 2007, 08:23
Hi all,

I consider myself very lucky to be out of the EF hold pool and finally on a training course. To be honest near the end i was thinking that it would never happen, annoyed that i got the job yet would never actually fly. But the call did come. I firmly believe that i will be in the air with all of you at some point, in which case i shall buy the first round of drinks on our first stop over! BA's manpower recruiting system is frusting to say the least, but it does seem to work in the end. My advice is don't think about the call too much and chances are your phone will ring (remember CC is the most changeable department in BA, people are always coming and going and recruitment is almost continous throughout the year).

28th Nov 2007, 15:43
Trying to be postive but no calls toady. Guess we won't hear this week now :hmm:

28th Nov 2007, 16:45
I phoned up BA recruitment today and spoke to a lady who was very helpful. To cut a long story short, she said that they will be phoning people who are in the LHR eurofleet holding pool in January.
The wait goes on :ugh:

28th Nov 2007, 16:51
Oh I was hoping sooner than that!

28th Nov 2007, 17:00
I know, me too!!:(

28th Nov 2007, 17:03
So did they seem quite definate it would be then?

28th Nov 2007, 17:04
**** :( sorry guys for the language :) we should see it on the brighter side....they will call us in jan and we'll get a course within THE year ;)

28th Nov 2007, 18:49
Yes unfortunatly it looks like we'll have to wait till January.
The lady I spoke to was really nice and she phoned me back to explain that at the moment they were recruitng for Gatwick and EF LHR won't be until January.

I mentioned our concerns that our applications could expire and still not be called but she explained that that is not always the case, maybe they'll extend the application, who knows.

I do know someone who is cabin crew for EF LHR and she told me that BA are recruiting for 700staff in January so that has got to be us!!

Just a bit of a bummer that we have to wait till Janury though, would be nice to hear before Christmas:{

28th Nov 2007, 20:31
JenniD, were you given info on recruitment or new EF courses? Why would the lady tell you about EF recruitment in Jan when you were inquiring about new EF courses dates and we already know they are recruiting for LGW right now. Sounds like that lady got a bit mixed up??

28th Nov 2007, 20:52
Hi guys,

I've thought all along that our wait would take us into 2008 ...

Lets just stay positive, enjoy Christmas and look forward to a call early in the new year :)



29th Nov 2007, 10:14
She basically said BA will be calling people up for course dates in January so I presume that's us

29th Nov 2007, 11:08
Hi JennyD,

I really hope that the lady you spoke to she understood exactly what you were asking her and the reply she gave you was accurate and correct.

I must say that unfortunately all my recent calls to BA (I shouldn't phone up..but I do:ugh:) were answered by people that didn't seem to know a lot and they gave answers not strictly related to my questions...very vague and general. It also seems to me that the answers we get are different depending on who answers the call.

If BA really need 700 EF crew early next year I don't see why BA cannot let us know more officially, either by email or at least, by giving us a straight answer when we phone up (even if they haven't already planned all the course dates). Even if it was only like:
" ..please rest assured that you will be called before your offer...will expire..." After all I wouldn't think (not sure though) that there is more than 150 ppl still in the hold pool (probably less).
.....I know ..I know ...this is the price we need to pay to maybe one day work for " A Prima donna" airline...

xxxxxxx to all

29th Nov 2007, 11:35
I know I'm starting to wonder if any of them have any idea what is going on at recruitment.

When I phoned the rivers, the lady I spoke to said she will get someone to call me back, 3 hours later no call, so I called again, spoke to the same lady. In the end she chased it all up for me and phoned me back herself.

It would be nice if we knew where we stood, I'm supposed to be going to new york in January for 4days and am beginning to woner if I should stay home just incase they call:ugh:

29th Nov 2007, 12:21
in your case i wouldnt stay at home and waiting for that damn phone call....there s no guarantee they call u...enjoy nj and leave ur mob on...and if they cant reach u they will leave a message and u call back...as easy as it is. :)

29th Nov 2007, 14:10
JenniD, whatever that lady told you, I bet you we will hear something even before xmas. And if we dont, you just go for yr holiday and do check your voicemail and email regularly. You wont miss anything.

29th Nov 2007, 15:20
welcome to British Airways guys! Thats just only the start:-) The people would not even know how to run a convenience store! They ve had you waiting for months and am surely you ll be called. But why on earth could they not plan ahead their training courses?! ....a few months later they will be panicking that they are desperately short of crew and start investigating how it all happened! The same situation happens at LGW. They cancelled a few months ago recrutment campaign because they predicted surplus of crew and now they are cancelling loads of flights every day! I truly believe that they should be ashamed of themselves....the name and reputation of British Airways deserves better!Good luck to all!

29th Nov 2007, 15:59
supply and demand.....it constantly changes at a big airline. Also remember the introduction of T5 is changing a lot of the numbers.

30th Nov 2007, 00:33
There will be training courses throughout January for EF.
There are however big problems at BA Gatwick SFG (Single Fleet Gatwick),with between 40-60 crew leaving the airline every month so they are now going to have to bring recruitment forward urgently.Flights are being cancelled on a daily basis due to 'Operational Reasons'.(Crew leaving in their droves!!).
Hold out for Heathrow.;)

30th Nov 2007, 10:09
:uhoh::uhoh: im starting LGWSF in february and hearing that so many crew are leaving they are having to cancel lots of flights is really worrying me! are there any crew at gatwick who are happy there???
would really appreciate any info/reassurance :\

30th Nov 2007, 10:30
Blueskybird, among the 40-60 leaving every month, if that is so every month, its a a bit worrying. However not all of them are leaving because they are not happy. Some are retiring and others moving on to other things or for other reasons. Same as Heathrow a lot of people leaving every month for various reasons. So dont worry.

30th Nov 2007, 13:25
My posting was not without substance.

I am in fact Heathrow crew and have just had the pleasure of two excellent longhaul flights out of Gatwick,crewed by SFG crew.

Lovely crew,professional delivering an excellent service.

As normal you have a chat with each other about things.The crew I spoke to gave me the figures and explained the reasons.

To back this up there was a live forum this week with our head of In Flight Services.He was asked about the situation at SFG by a Gatwick crew member.
His answer was 'a high turnover is not a bad thing'!!.:confused:.He carried on to say however they would have to see why so many people were leaving and speed up recruitment into single fleet.

Please don't shoot me I am just the messenger!!.


Flower Duet.
30th Nov 2007, 15:24
Just to let you know they are very short of trainers at Cranebank, And also very short of crew at LGW as you all know.So maybe that's why the wait is taking so long....

But everyone at Cranebank is speaking about the LHREF holding pool, so don't worry no one is going to forget about you.

You are all assets to British Airways as crew not "FISH" .

Keep the faith :ok:

30th Nov 2007, 18:05
BA are so short at SFG they are subbing flights to Monarch and Titan Airways for the next few days!!.

Nuff said.


the letter
2nd Dec 2007, 10:24
I'm starting training soon for LHR WW. How many people are in each course?

2nd Dec 2007, 10:50
There were 12 on my course but that was some time ago. Expect to start with anywhere from 12-20, especially if there is a shortage of trainers. You'll have a blast.

The Cribbys
2nd Dec 2007, 12:03
I trained in July this year and there were 24 on my course. Think it depends on how urgently they need crew and how many trainers available. We needed four trainers on my course to keep us under control!

the letter
2nd Dec 2007, 13:07
That's great, thanks. This has probably also been asked before. The basic salary is around 10 980 GBP per annum but how much could you expect to be earning in averge every month including allowances?

2nd Dec 2007, 18:18
Hey All

Congrats :Dto all of those who have rec'd there phone calls to say that they have got there course dates I won't lie but am totaly envious of you all!!

Was anyone on the 8.30 LHR WW int on the 5th Oct have any of you had the all important call to say they have got there course dates??

Or to those whose have been in the hold pool is that a little bit too optomistic to think we would get a call so soon?? Cause at the the pool feels like it is getting real full and quick but things seem to be slowing on the course date front!!:{

I am tryin to be patient and to not think about it but you know how things are:rolleyes:

3rd Dec 2007, 05:03
SD83, you only just had your interview and have been put in a holding pool, whereas a lot of us from the LHR EF pool had our interviews back in May and still waiting for a course date. So the wait can be weeks or even months..just hang in there, it will come eventually.

3rd Dec 2007, 11:50
Hey fellow swimmers!!!!

As I dont live in the UK I dont get the chance to watch British TV and never see the News, but thanks to our friends at youtube I think this news report might interest you all....


8 Months swimming and LHR is short of Cabin Crew, is BA the company I really want to work for, this doesnt look like a company that is well organised and Im starting to wonder if Im doing the right thing.

Would it be too much for those helpful people at BARecruitment to send us an email or something to update us on our situation.

If we are lucky we might be flying by .......god knows :bored:

Pass me the towel...

3rd Dec 2007, 17:43
Once you are trained and flying, BA is still a pretty good airline to work for. There are things that need to be addressed, particularly at LGW. Pay, transfers and duty hours to name a few.

I would say that perhaps the job itself is in decline across the industry. Pays are being cut, terms and conditions eroded, etc. People do it, for various reasons, despite they way the airline is steered.

If you can tell me a better airline to work for in the UK, I would give it serious consideration. Other than that, BA, for all it's problems is still the airline for me.

For those that are in the various holding pools, just hang in there. This is not the first or the last time the company have used holding pools. I waited two years for a start date. It sucked at the time but it was worth it in the end.

3rd Dec 2007, 17:54
Two years!! OMG!!:{

3rd Dec 2007, 18:06
Two years?????

Lets hope it doesnt come to that!


3rd Dec 2007, 18:41
Hi guys,

I also was disappointed last week when i realized nobody else was being called but we need to see the good side of it. We sill spend christmas at home with the people we love and this will be the last. Our last christmas before being in BA. Next Christmas we would be flying around Europe and we will be part of one of the best airlines in the world.
I am tired of being in this pool as well but I am sure we will be rewarded after so much waiting. We just need to make the most of our last months before BA... I am currently living in Spain and I will personally make the most of my life in Madrid til Ba rings my phone and changes my life. The new year will be very good for all of us waiting Im sure and we will get that so much wanted course date for "The three kings".Its just around the corner !! Happy Christmas to you all...

3rd Dec 2007, 18:55
The way things are right now I doubt we will have to wait for 2 years. But I suppose it can happen. There is a shortage of crew as you all know and not enough time and trainers for all the fleets new crew. Lets hope we get a call after new year.

4th Dec 2007, 15:34
Where have all the fish gone???? Its pretty quiet on here lately, I hope everyone is floating ok!!

Maybe its a good idea to stop checking the messages on here every 20 minutes, it cant be healthy!!

Doubt theres gonna be any news at all for us until after new year!!!

Does father xmas visit holdpools, I do hope so!!!!!! :D

4th Dec 2007, 17:55
Spoon82, I think we are still swimming around...and not drowning. :-)
Checking postings on here is ok to pass the time and be kept updated of any news. But at the end of the day its that phone call that we need. Never really believed in father xmas but that could change if....hehehe..Better get some stockings and a xmas tree then...

4th Dec 2007, 19:19
Hi everyone...

I heard that because of the open skys agreement in Europe ,BA are planning on opening a base in Paris and Madrid ?

5th Dec 2007, 07:23
I heard that because of the open skys agreement in Europe ,BA are planning on opening a base in Paris and Madrid ?

Yes they are, but it will probably be staffed by people seperate to mainline BA so getting in to this would not get you in to mainline. Although they have only advertised for pilots so far.

7th Dec 2007, 13:22
Does anybody know for crew that are just about to/already started enroll on training courses in the next few weeks of we will have any time off over the xmas period? Many Thanks :)

7th Dec 2007, 13:55
As far as I know there is no training on 25-26 december and 1st of january.

the letter
8th Dec 2007, 10:38
From what I have heard there will be training on December 26th!

the letter
8th Dec 2007, 13:08
About the exam on first day of training (Stage two from the pre-course work), what is it like?

8th Dec 2007, 20:28
anyone explain how the training works. Pass marks etc. Thanks

11th Dec 2007, 14:18
Hey guys,
Are you all on holidays already?? :)
Or the water too cold??
I suppose there's no news apart I heard that there won't be much recruiting and training between March and June due to the opening of T5.
Lets hope we hear something after New Year.
Santa please get us our courses!! :ugh:

11th Dec 2007, 14:36
I wonder if we will make it before our offer expires??

11th Dec 2007, 15:50
Difficult to say. I suppose anything is possible. But I think they might extend the offer for another few months if they are 'suspending' recruitment and training for a few months. Who knows! :ugh:

11th Dec 2007, 17:31
Hello all

I suppose the opening of Terminal 5 has nothing to do with recruiting new crew. They still are very short of crew and i dont think they will have enough with the few courses they are doing in february for next summer. Where did you hear the recruitment will be stopped between march and june Londonphilou? Is it from a relayful source or is just gossip?

11th Dec 2007, 18:00
Dan, it is from a reliable source as far as I know. They did not say they will stop completely but there WON'T BE MUCH recruiting and training. I suppose they need most staff during that period for a smooth transition. We shall know in the new year I suppose. I don't think there's anything to worry.

11th Dec 2007, 18:08
Well, if they have told you there wont be MANY courses running but there will be SOME... Londonphilou we are the next in the list, so one of the few courses running at the time can be ours... :) I still think they will need to do at least one or two courses between that time...

Fingers crossed !

Flower Duet.
12th Dec 2007, 16:01
Hi ,
Any pointers on what to expect in the exam and is it hard ?
Info appreciated as my head is so full of AVMED/SEP, so a little
nervous about this test.:confused:

12th Dec 2007, 17:18
Dont worry about the final exam you will be fine. There wont be anything on there they havent taught you at some point. An example would be what levels of membership do BA have, and stuff like who is the CEO or IFS manager.

Best of luck to you and everyone who are taking the exams this week :ok:

Flower Duet.
12th Dec 2007, 18:03
Thanks for your kind reply...
Just going over my notes, Service recovery etc


the letter
12th Dec 2007, 19:34
What is the test at the first day of the course like?

12th Dec 2007, 19:59
You will be tested on the books you get sent out on the first or second day, but the big test will be done on the last day in the morning.

the letter
12th Dec 2007, 20:37
And what is the test like? The test which they test you on the books you got from them.

12th Dec 2007, 23:01

OK I understand they are short of crew at gatwick but after spending 8 months in the holdpool with no news from BA, i now read on cabincrew.com that people who attended interviews for gatwick THIS MONTH have already been offered training courses for feb 2008.

I see that there are courses for gatwick as late a the 25th feb, so when do BA intend on calling the rest of us:bored: for LHREF

Maybe april, may, but then our offer expires, a year wil have passed since our interviewsĦĦĦĦĦĦĦ


should we be angry

12th Dec 2007, 23:26
no offence...but why are you angry? Those people are offered LGW courses! and I believe you are one of the few who are holding out for LHR EF....If I remember well, a few months ago BA had asked some of your fellow pool guys if you want to switch to LGW as they didnt know when LHR will be available and the majority had turned it down. Can I just say that today officially the trade unions and BA announced the new agreement which will allow Gatwick Fleet to transfer both to LHR EF and LHR WW. This could mean a decrease in the amount of recruitment for LHR EF...then again it may not...it all depends on the finer details of the agreement...I am sorry you are left in this position but I dont think BA has done anything bad to you....its your choice to wait...good luck to everyone...

12th Dec 2007, 23:29
BA tend to let new entrants know about their courses about 2 to 2 1/2 months before.. I believe you ve got till may until your offer expires...if i were you i d wait until next year till about feb then i d get worried and maybe consider other options as its unlikely they would call you in april fora course two weeks later...with t5 coming soon,things are getting very busy for the company and i am sure they will have completed recruitment well before april....

13th Dec 2007, 00:25
Spoon82, please be a bit more patient. Don't panic! Its not the first time that people have been left in the holding pool for so long. Its just that our turn has not come up yet and with the shortage of crew at LGW they are doing whats best for the company right now. We chose to stay in the pool and the only thing we can do is to wait. The good thing is quite a good amount of people have been offered their courses already and we are the ones left now.
In the new year we will get our dates I hope. :) Did I mention March? :)

13th Dec 2007, 05:01
Hi people,Has anyone heard anything further about courses for us ?? XX

13th Dec 2007, 11:42
Hey Guys,

Just to let you know I have just received my call from BA Recruitment! I have been in the LHR EF hold pool since May, and my assessment date was 17th May 2007.

I will be starting training on 3rd March 2007. Obviously I'm very pleased, and now looking forward to working hard during my training.

Thanks to those of you who have provided advice and information up to now, and good luck to you all.

Kind Regards,

13th Dec 2007, 13:11
G GMGH Congratulations!!!:D:D what a wonderful news.... I guess was unexpected....:ok:

So now things are moving again ....I hope that it will be really only a mutter of time for all of us ef pooler to get a call....just hope we all may just make it before we "expire"....

13th Dec 2007, 13:19
Brilliant news-hopefully we'll all be out of the pool soon! :)

13th Dec 2007, 13:31
Hi Anna,

I haven't heard anything, have you spoken to recruitmeny since last time?


13th Dec 2007, 13:35
hey guys

just received THE call cant believe it so unexpected was thinking we all get the call in the new year. :) start date 3rd march. c u all then :)

13th Dec 2007, 13:38
Thanks Kikko and TeaCoffee!:ok:

So the pool is obviously moving again a little, and I hope you hear from them soon, both for LHR EF and LHR WW respectively.

Certainly has put a smile on face!

Good luck to you all.

Kind Regards,

13th Dec 2007, 14:16
when was you interview??
getting excited now!

13th Dec 2007, 14:23
my interview was on the 18th may (morning session) and i know that only 4 got through in the morning......keep ur mob's tight u all.....best of luck ...but am sure u all get a call today or tomorrow....very positive :)

13th Dec 2007, 15:17
Did I mention March yesterday on here??:):):)
I got it too!!!! starting on the 3rd of March!! They did not get through to me as Im away and I called them myself just 10 mins ago. Soooo relieved and our patience has paid off!!
I had my interview on the 17th of May. Well done guys and I hope everyone will hear soon. All the best.

13th Dec 2007, 15:35
Well done everyone. Am hopeful should get the call soon!! :)

13th Dec 2007, 16:27
I had my interview on the 23rd May, but have had no call today :-(

Do you think they have forgotten about me??

Should I call them tomorrow and see?



13th Dec 2007, 17:02

To be honest I didnt think there would be any calls before xmas but its great to see BA giving people a nice little chirstmas present.

So there is hope for the rest of us, I was on the 22nd morning interview, and I see people from the 18th have been called.


13th Dec 2007, 19:29

I did it on the 17th and i have not had got any call nor messages! whats going on? can anyone give me the recruitment hot line to call them tomorrow morning?

Thanks a lot,


13th Dec 2007, 20:04
Dan I cant believe you have not been called yet!! We were in the same group at the interview!
I was and am still, abroad when they rang me but I do not think they left me any message. They rang my work and of course I was not there. I saw someone from the 18th got the 3rd of March while I was on cabincrew.com and thats when I rang them straightaway. I did not bother to check my email or my voicemail from home as I had no message left on my mobile phone. And they told me ctually that they called me earlier. And then I was put through to another person to give me all the details etc. And my phone bill is going to huge but I dont care as far I got the course now. The lady also told me that the course will be 6 weeks long!
I dont have the number of recruitment with me now but go to www.ba.com/careers (http://www.ba.com/careers) and select contact, u will see the number. I really hope u get a call tomorrow. Im puzzled u did not get one yet. Surely its on its way. I am sure. All the best.

13th Dec 2007, 20:21

I will call them tomorrow morning to see whats going on

13th Dec 2007, 20:41

Here's the number mate ...


Good luck and let us know how you get on!


14th Dec 2007, 00:00
Hello the letter...

I start my training on the 17th I have been told there is no big exam on the first day about the pre learning stuff you were sent, thats the info i was told anyway... I couldnt believe how many airport codes, i really hope they dont expect us to know every single one.. there were places i never even heard of let alone airport code..:) i done all the insight workbook and the self assessment too, got to bring those on 1st day... see ya soon:)

14th Dec 2007, 07:50
Do as much research as you can on routes, codes, products and retail items from High Life. The more you can swot up on now, the easier you will find it and it is not difficult but it is intense and busy.

14th Dec 2007, 08:39
Hi guys,

Just called BA Recruitment to get an update on things ... they were unable to confirm when I would be called for a course, however she checked the numbers on the 3rd March course, and she said there wearn't that many people on the list, so could mean a call soon ....

The wait continues :-(



14th Dec 2007, 08:47
Hey guys,

I just called recruitment and explained that people who were after me on the list had already been given a course date and I hadnt and she told me that we were being called by different groups of people and maybe thats why I hadnt been called yet. She confirmed my name was on the list though and thanked me for my patience. So, i guess i will have to keep on waiting...

14th Dec 2007, 08:59
DMED hope you get your call soon!..Today
I hope what she meant was that the list is already compiled in order of assessment date and that the timeing of your call does not follow necessarily in that order...Do I make sense?..

14th Dec 2007, 09:31
hope so kikko cause im gonna end having a heart attack...

14th Dec 2007, 09:59
Hi all,

I just got 'the call'.....Start date march 10th, what a fab christmas present. I'm sure it won't be long now till we're all flying high. Have got my fingers crossed that you all hear something soon :) xx

14th Dec 2007, 10:41
Happy ---- well done!!!

May we ask the typical question, when was you interview???

Fingers crossed DMED get his call today because he should be the next in line!!!

Once again well done, and heres to the rest of us still swimming!!:)

14th Dec 2007, 11:28
i dont understand whats going on
I called this morning and nothing. I had a missed call in my uk mobile and when i returned the call the number does not exist. I called ba again and nothing: I have to wait.Now, someone has been given course on March 10th... and I still waiting for a call... is it because they need to call a foreign mobile number? is it because i am cyrrently living in spain? I dont understand whats going on... Can anyone tell me the number that appears on their phones when ba calls?

Thanks from a desperate swimmer

14th Dec 2007, 11:50

March the 10th course is for WW. It's disappointing t say the least the response you got from BA, considering that they say that they call ppl strictly in order of assessment dates....however if what you have been told this morning is correct I shouldn't worry. They normally don't release any infos whatsoever lately (regarding list etc)....Just be a bit more patient...it's the last step for you....while for the rest of us I wonder if they will be running other EFcourses in March after this one .....or they will concentrate just on WW and LGW...lets see.

The day is not over yet...:ok:....and there's also next week...

14th Dec 2007, 12:09
thanks a lot for your support kikko.
knowing march the 10th is a ww course relieves me a bit...

I´ll have to wait , what else can i do?

14th Dec 2007, 12:21
I begin on December 17th and am swatting on Insight at the moment. Does anyone know if there is much focus on the capital cities/currencies?


14th Dec 2007, 15:03
Thanks Spoon82,

My interview date was the 9th October........I feel so bad for all those who have been waiting for EF since May...As I know how hard it is. Hang in there guys I'm sure it won't be long now xxx

14th Dec 2007, 16:13
Guys, Im sure there will be more courses. Re which list they are going according to, its just anybody's guess. I can imagine what Dmed is going through. I am very happy and felt such a huge relief yesterday. It was as if something we have been fighting for and now we have the outcome. Im also disappointed that they have put out one new date only. We have been in this together all along. One thing for sure, they always allow a week or a bit more to put out the next course date. So, dont despair. Its just a matter of days or a week or two before you will hear from them. All the best.

15th Dec 2007, 08:31
Anyone got any news or know when EF LHR will be recruiting again?

15th Dec 2007, 08:46
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU HOLD POOLERS WITH A COURSE DATE !!! :) I'm really happy for you, by the time you start your course on 3rd MAR, I will have finished mine on 29th FEB so hope to meet you guys up in the AIR.

As for those still swimming, DMED, AZZURI, KIKKO, etc.... Please hang in there and think positive always. You have waited this long which is admirable. I know its hard but I firmly believe that you will be home dry soon. My fingers are still crossed.



15th Dec 2007, 09:33
Hey Happy

That is excellent news I got my call yesterday too and looks like we are on the same training course !! I am so excited now :) whoo

I was wondering if anyone knows where I could find decent accomodation for the training course that is near Cranebank :p


17th Dec 2007, 10:05
Congratulations to you !!! Great xmas present !! Were you on the morning or afternoon course?? Feel excited that I actually may find out before christmas but trying not to get my hopes up too much !!! XX

17th Dec 2007, 10:22
Can I ask which interview did you attend??Just wondering if I will here soon ish ??! Will keep all my three phones at the ready !! Ha Ha Ha

17th Dec 2007, 13:00
Ahhhh!!! Just got the call too !!! Im soooooooo excited !!! 10th March here I come !!! XX

17th Dec 2007, 15:16
Good to see that things keep moving for WW pooler...
Anymore calls for EF today?...x x
x x

Flower Duet.
17th Dec 2007, 15:51
My friend who had interview in May has got a start date for march 2008 and she was called today.

17th Dec 2007, 16:09
Do you think they'll call as many people as possible before Christmas if they have the course dates ready? Or is that just me being REALLY optimistic?

Also does anyone know when the last interview date was for EF, just wondering how many of us are left swimming, (my fingers are starting to wrinkle up from the cold!)

17th Dec 2007, 16:52
Hi Jenny,

I know that they held interviews at least until 31st of May (maybe beyond that but I am not sure).
It would be nice if they let us all know before Christmas....It all depends on how many courses BA has already planned etc.
Personally I think it's a bit optimistic to think that we all get a course date before Christmas.....but you never know ...

17th Dec 2007, 17:43
So lets have a recount!!!!

Join me in counting the numbers of EF swimmers still swimming!!!!!!

So here goes,

Swimmer number 1, swimming since May 22nd 2007, 8.30am!!!!!

Swimmer number 2, ?????????????????????????????????????????

Flower Duet.
17th Dec 2007, 17:46
There is vacancies again for LHRWW Temp !!

17th Dec 2007, 18:45
swimmer number 2 , swimming since May 16th !!

17th Dec 2007, 19:01
swimmer n 3 swimming since 25th May...

17th Dec 2007, 19:24
Swimmer no 4 since 31st May (morning session).



17th Dec 2007, 21:03

I was on the 5th Oct at 8.30 and you?? :ok:

Well keeping all your phones on obviously worked Congrats:D


18th Dec 2007, 08:46
Swimmer no. 5 since 24th May, afternoon session

18th Dec 2007, 09:54
Finally... I got it !! Londonphilou and company will see you on 3rd March !!!

They finally called me half an hour ago to my uk mobile and gave me the date for my course. I am so excited. Your life changes in a matter of seconds. Its amazing!

Anyway... one swimmer less in the pool !

Good luck to all you guys still there. The call will come !


18th Dec 2007, 10:00
AT last!!!!...Now sit, relax..and have a happy Xmas!!

18th Dec 2007, 10:21
Hi Anna,

My interview was the afternoon, so I'm thinking your wait should not be for much longer :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you x

18th Dec 2007, 10:23
Hey Anna,

Just realised you got the call too and we're on the same course which is brilliant!! Do you know where you are going to be staying? xx

18th Dec 2007, 11:15
DMED!!!! POR FIN - ENHORABUENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyday there are less people in this pool, lets hope the rest of us are next in line.

I assume the next calls will be people who attended interviews, Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd (thats me)

Once agian well done DMED!!!!!!!!:)

18th Dec 2007, 12:17
Thanks to everyone who has supported me and to everyone who has given me hope. Thanks to kikko, azzuri, spoon82 etc etc

and see you all at Cranebank !!

18th Dec 2007, 13:08
Congrautulations DMED!!

I am very happy for you ...



18th Dec 2007, 13:30
Well done Dan!! I am very relieved you got it in the end. Could not understand why they left you out in the first place!! All this thing about high scores etc..I think its non-sense especially at this stage of waiting in the holding pool. Anyway, glad to know I will see someone I already know there and a few of you I got to know on here. Im sure the rest of you will hear very very soon.

18th Dec 2007, 13:43
apparently, they called me last week. I saw an english number missed call in my phone last week but when i tried to call it said the number did not exist. They did not leave any message in my voicemail either so i was not able to return the call... but they did call again :)

See you the 3rd of march! :)

18th Dec 2007, 17:11
Does anyone know if one has to send the medical questionnaire as soon as possible or wait for a bit before sending off? I got all the attachments already since last Friday. Start date is 3 March 2008. Thanks.

19th Dec 2007, 05:28
I am so excited ! I will be staying at a friends in clapham for teh whole 6 weeks. So will fly in from France dirctly early on a monday morning to T4 and then back to france on a Friday night !!! Tough going but well worth it !!! Cant believe three of us will all be on the same course!!

19th Dec 2007, 05:54
Well guys and girls have just finished my six weeks training and am now on line in SFO after my first sector and it was great for all of you waiting to start good luck its a long course but well worth it in the end......if anyone wants to ask any question send me a pm but bear in mind i am online so may take a while to reply


19th Dec 2007, 10:00
Hi Londonphillou,

Glad to hear that we will be flying together at sone point. And congrats to the rest that got the call.

I sent off medical about 3 weeks after getting all the info. I assume that there is no great hurry but better to get the admin sorted anyway. Uniform fitting is also booked for 8th january, it is best to get that sorted straight away since they are heavily booked up.

Hope everybody has a lovely christmas...:)

19th Dec 2007, 10:46
Hey Anna - I am sooooo excited too! I have friends that I could stay with in Balham (which is not far from Clapham) But not sure if the commute may be a little far each day....can anybody advise as I am not overly familiar with that area.

Thanks xxx

19th Dec 2007, 11:06

I am rather confused when it comes to education requirements for the various airlines. On the BA website it says secondary education/sixth form. When I look up 6th form it seems as its equivalent to A-levels, is this true?? An secondary education seems to be like GCSE... its confusing.. So the way I see it Virgin atlantic require less schooling tha BA and many others...

Could someone please clarify what the requirements are?
Is Secondary education the same as A-levels and higschool?


19th Dec 2007, 13:50
Hi Missydk
The only educational requirements I see that is needed for BA for cabin crew is GCSE Maths and English. These are the exams you take when you are around 16 years old. You then do A levels after this. I guess when they say they want secondary level of education it means GCSE's.
Hope this helps...

19th Dec 2007, 14:41
Hello, apart from Londonphilou and me who else is on the course of March the 3rd? It would be great to know people in advance...

(Leave a private message with your msn / mail so we can all get in touch)

Happy X-mas !

19th Dec 2007, 15:00
Hello -
I'm starting my training for BA Cabin crew in FEB at LGW. I don't have a car - and was wondering if anyone nows of any cheep travel (discounted) fares for staff going to and from LGW?

Flower Duet.
19th Dec 2007, 16:06
Once you start training you will get a British Airways ID,
which gives you discount on the Gatwick express, £10.70 return per day. And you also get Discount on the Heathrow express.

19th Dec 2007, 19:23
hi all, had my interview am on 24th May so hopefully will get the call soon!! :)

19th Dec 2007, 19:28
Hi everyone

I've just applied for the 11 month position for LHR WW. This is the perfect opportunity for me, because I'm just finishing 6th form, and intend to go on to university to study business. Being able to, for a year, travel (and albeit work as well!) is something that is really appealing to me, because I can do it as a gap year placement.

I have a few questions... I said on the form that I can work from around July 2008, in the box to explain our notice period, and said why (because school finishes then)... do you think that's OK? And about doing it as a gap year placement, would that be an advantage or a disadvantage?

Also, I was wondering about the length of the contract... Do you think it's on purpose to make crew work below the annual limit of 900hrs (I think that's the limit from what I recall), because then they can make the temp crew work more hours each month with this contract?

I'm so excited about this... I sent the application off yesterday and now I'm just waiting... Has anyone else applied? Good luck to everyone.

19th Dec 2007, 20:34
Hi everyone, i finally got my long awaited call yesterday for a course 25 Feb, is anyone else on the same course??
My interview was 21 May.
Fingers crossed for everyone who is still waiting.

Merry Christmas x

19th Dec 2007, 21:06

balam and clapham are closer to Gatwick than Heathrow:bored: so you are looking at a good hr travel there and then back again. I wud suggest going on the transport for london website and you can do a journey planner and it will tell you your journey time and connections etc. I am gonna be looking for a place in Hounslow or there abouts as it is really close.:)


19th Dec 2007, 21:38
Great News!!!!

So they have called people from the 21st to start in Feb!!!!

So that means Im next, I was on the 22nd - 8.30!!!!!!

Fingers crossed, get me a towel ready, i maybe home and dry soon!!!:bored:

19th Dec 2007, 22:03
Wow, thats amazing! They are backlogging courses! :)
Although its kind of strange situation, at least you guys are getting your courses and hopefully all of you will get a place soon.

20th Dec 2007, 03:33

If you are invited to an interview, after mentioning that you can't start until July, then they would need to honour that if they offered you the job. If they don't have courses in July, you would probably find yourself in a holding pool.

The 900 hour rule is an interesting question. They way WW is set up, there is no real way to single out someone and work them hard so they run out of hours. The operating contract is the same for temporary and permanent crew. The 900 hour limit is more of a problem at LGW because they have less time off between flights AND they operate both long and short haul.

I've read on forums that they plan to work temps up to 900 hours so they won't be re-employable at the end of their contracts but I really can't see how they can do that in 10 months (factoring 1 month of leave). It is more about putting some slack in the operation so people on transfer lists can be moved around.

20th Dec 2007, 06:29
How many hours are we going to be contracted to work at LHR EF? 900?
And that does not include holidays. right?
And do we need to do more tests like blood, chest xray, eyes etc after returning the medical questionnaire? I know we will be given immunisations during the training. Mines are all up to date as I work in a hospital.

20th Dec 2007, 10:17
Thank you VS-LHRCSA, that makes sense to me.

20th Dec 2007, 11:20
Thanks for that, I might also look for somewhere closer th Heathrow as I don't want to be tired through training or run the risk of being late :)

20th Dec 2007, 13:44

I GOT THE CALL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):)

Im gonna be training for BA LHR EF Feb 25th 2008!! My interview was May 22nd 2007!!!

Im so happy, what an amazing christmas present!!!!

The rest of you swimmers, the calls are coming im sure!:)

20th Dec 2007, 13:56
Well done Spoon82! See,you even got an ealier course. Thats what we call a proper xmas gift! :) Hope the rest of you get one too.
See you there.

20th Dec 2007, 14:30
Hi Spoon...well happy for you!! that's amasing!
.. what's happening ?...The last will be the first?....
As London said this is a well worth waiting Xmas present.

Happy Xmas xxx

20th Dec 2007, 14:35
Its a BA Christmas cracker!! :):)
Anymore twist to come???
Kikko, keep the week beginning of 18th of Feb free!!:ok:

20th Dec 2007, 14:39
its getting ever closer-there can't be that many left in the pool!
Am hoping that phones gonna ring soon! Well done to all with course dates! :)

20th Dec 2007, 16:53
Hey all...

I called BA this morning, asking them if there was any news on my course date, as usual they couldnt tell me anything, just that I was on hold, 2 hours later the phone rings, and yes I was BA. Im not sure if me calling this morning had anything to do with it, but hey it worked...

Although Im very very happy with my course date (25 FEB), I really dont understand why some of us who had our interviews the week starting May 21st onwards have been offered courses starting before people who were on earlier interviews, Im not complaining, I was just under the impression that courses were given in order of interview date!!!! As we can see this is not always the case!!

Anybody else on the Feb 25th LHR EF course??? Get in touch!!!

Merry Xmas to all!!

20th Dec 2007, 17:54
I dont think it matters. Looks like they it was not planned in the first place and they just decided they want to add one more course but could not put it for the 10th of March as there is a WW course starting on that day. Consider yourself lucky and for me its fine Im starting a week later. Im sure others would not mind either. Well done! Come on BA, get all those EF swimmers the best xmas present ever! Bring on the 18th of Feb! :D

20th Dec 2007, 18:08
Im not sure the word luck has anything to do with it, we all have waited long enough for these course dates and we deserve them.....call it luck if you like!!!!

I do agree with you on one thing though, BA make everyone elses xmas who remain in the pool and give them the call.

Heres to all you swimmer, good luck!!!!!:ok:

20th Dec 2007, 19:02
Just an update on the 900 hour rule, apparently it DOES affect WW LHR crew. I have just heard of someone who is sitting at home on basic because of this. Must have had some awful rosters then. Don't forget, not every trip has 3 MBTs after it. Many have just the 2, so it could be possible to rack up the hours if this is not monitored.

20th Dec 2007, 19:28
Hey, well done spoon82 for getting the call!

I'm still here swimming, but there really can't be that many of us now ...

Surely we will get called soon ... I tell you what I will be well annoyed if they don't call me before the offer expires ... now that will be very unfair!!



20th Dec 2007, 19:30
I see. In my case anyway it wouldn't be a problem - the more travel the better, seeing as if I do get through to being offered a place, I will only have 11 months to see all the places I can...

I'm just worried though.. applications for the 11-month position cease December 31st. I've just read on here that there is an LHR WW course planned to start on March 10th (which I'm guessing is for the position they're recruiting now). My problem is exactly about the time I can start... I can only start from around June/July, and now I'm worrying that this might mean I can't accept the offer. I just hope they have courses for that time... And I hope that they are able to say when a course is going to take place with so many months in advance (I guess 4 or 5...). Anyway I'll worry about that later... Now I'm just waiting to know whether I was invited for interview or not!

Has anyone else applied for the same position?

20th Dec 2007, 20:15
Spoon82, you got me wrong matey. I know we have all been waiting for so long and we all deserve to get our courses sooner or later. What I meant by luck was as you had yr interview on the 22nd that is after us (17 and 18th of May) , you have been given a course date which is before ours.You were yourself wondering how. I would still be happy if people who had their interviews after me and you, eventually get a course say on the 18th of Feb and it would be their luck if that happens and just like all of us, we well deserve it whatever the date or order courses are given out.
There is someone on here who had his interview on the 23rd of May 2007 and he got his course for August 2007. What would you call that? It was simply his luck.

20th Dec 2007, 20:38
Hello everyone! Hope someone can help. My friend has just been accepted by BA and is thrilled - he's starting in February. Do BA still do medicals? Or is it like Virgin where you complete a medical questionnaire and return it to them? He has heard that you have to organise a medical with your own doctor but I'm pretty sure he is mistaken on that one. In fact, unless there is anything that needs clarifying, your own doctor isn't consulted. Am I right? Also, as Gatwick is both LH and SH, do you get a good mix of both, or is it just the luck of the draw? Thanks.

21st Dec 2007, 04:04
As far as I know, medicals are now questionaires. Any clarification is done with your GP.

At LGW, crew bid for trips based on seniority, so the mixture you get is really what you bid for. Because of the volume of crew needed for the 777, it is reasonable to expect to do a fair bit of long haul as main crew.

21st Dec 2007, 12:16
Yippee just had the call & start on feb 25 :)

21st Dec 2007, 14:03
Teacoffee well done to get this "last minute" call just before Xmas! xxx

21st Dec 2007, 14:21
Thank you I hope you are gonna be getting that call soon! :)

21st Dec 2007, 15:02
Kikko - When did you have your interview?



21st Dec 2007, 15:45
Hi Azzuri,

I had my interview on 25th afternoon session.:)

21st Dec 2007, 16:15

See you on the 25th!!!!!! Well done!!!!!!

21st Dec 2007, 16:35
Kikko, your turn will come very soon. Don't think there are that many left now in that pool. Lets hope you get the 25th or another new date.

21st Dec 2007, 16:43
Thanks London....I hope so too. I 'll will be sometime in the new year hopefully.:)

21st Dec 2007, 18:02
Oooo my interview was the afternoon of the 24th May, am hoping I get the call next week!!:)

21st Dec 2007, 18:14
Sounds like a good idea I am trying to find somewhere at the moment so fingers crossed!!

got all my uniform fitting sorted out it is all seeming more real now soooo excited :O ...

22nd Dec 2007, 09:37
Thread continues HERE (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=305578)