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5th Oct 2007, 15:51

Question for anybody thats got a clue!

A friend of mine applied to an airline and during the interview she was asked if she had applied to any other airlines ( they told her it wasnt a trick question) she got kinda nervous and said no although she had applied to other airlines. Does anybody know if they can actually check this? i mean can they or would they cal up other airlines and ask?


5th Oct 2007, 16:03
yea ba will phone every other airline and ask if xx has applied to them.

5th Oct 2007, 16:15
First of all..Why would they do that? and second are they even legally allowed to?

the letter
5th Oct 2007, 16:17
Good question!

I doubt they will call every single airline to ask them. The recruiters are probably very professional at this and would see straight aiway whether you are telling the truth!

5th Oct 2007, 16:19
Put i thought its illegal for them to call other airlines as its breach of privacy for airlines to give out that kinda info...plus why would they check?

the letter
5th Oct 2007, 16:29
I can't comment whether it's illegal but I doubt very much they will telephone each and every airline to check whether the applicants have also applied to them.

I don't think your friend has anything to worry about!

5th Oct 2007, 17:07
Thanks for ur help the Letter!

Lovethesky, im guessing ur comment was sarcastic or am i wrong?

5th Oct 2007, 17:38
yes indeed it was sarcastic!!! ba wouldnt bother to phone around other airlines.

5th Oct 2007, 17:39
Yes, InTheZone, lovethesky was being sarcastic.

No airline would have to time or resources to call other airlines. They also know it is a data protection requirement to keep applications strictly confidential. This would also apply if an airline was to call them.

Saying that, it is pretty easy to work out who is applying for what just by looking at these forums. The question is whether a recruiter would bother to look on here and if so, would that go against the actual applicant.

5th Oct 2007, 18:46
Had a phone call today to offer me a training course for LHR WW Temp on the 17th December. Is anyone else reading this on the course with me?

5th Oct 2007, 19:41
Thanks alot Lovethesky and VS-LHR for your help.I mean it just couse she was worried and all i told her they cant call other airlines as it wouldnt be legall for them to get that information anyways.


6th Oct 2007, 13:14
Hello All.

Does anyone know the name of the hotel closest to the training centre at Gatwick . On the map given it says hotel , would like to book in there as my accomodation has fallen through.:(

It looks really close to the training area ideal for me as I wont have a car

6th Oct 2007, 13:20
jurys inn, i think they offer a ba discount its abot £70 a night.

its about a 5 min walk to crainbank

the letter
6th Oct 2007, 17:38
Is basic salary provided while in training?

6th Oct 2007, 19:08
yea but its not very much abut £700 after tax

7th Oct 2007, 10:20
Hello guys

Congrats to the ones who have just finished their courses and good luck to the ones who are starting theirs.
Im one of the ones in the holding pool and i was trying to figure out roughly when will be offered a course. As i see from here the last course offered for temp WW is on the 17th December so that course will end towards the end of january. Does that mean we will be offered courses on February? What do you think? Any rough ideas?

Thanks and happy flying!

the letter
7th Oct 2007, 11:10
Will we temps be trained on all three aircraft types: B747, 767 and 777?

Flower Duet.
7th Oct 2007, 11:27
Yes it's all Long Haul Aircraft.

7th Oct 2007, 17:21
:ugh: Hi

I was wondering is there anyone who attended an interview on the 5th Oct for the 8.30 session it would be great to hear from you.

I am so anxious now I hate the waiting around for that all important email.:eek:

Hope to hear from one of you soon PM me

7th Oct 2007, 19:43
apparently they call you and apparently it happens 2 days later to tell you have gone through

or they dont tell you anything and you have to wait, like me :ugh::ugh::ugh:

haha how lame i went out in my garden to smoke one and look at the planes (yes I live under the path of 75% if not 100% of the outbound LHR traffic)

7th Oct 2007, 21:23
seeing them is nice... hearing them is less nice!

8th Oct 2007, 08:53
My suggestion is your ring up BA Recruitment and ask them if you could change to LHR WW temp. You have nothing to lose by asking them. In the worst case scenario you would still be in the hold pool for LHREF.

Give it a go and Good luck!!


8th Oct 2007, 16:00
Hi ya, I called them about 3 days ago to do the same but apparently we're too late now. We should have called by the closing date for applications which was weeks ago. There are people who did it but they rung at the beginning of the campaign unfortunately. So I guess it's the waiting game again... On the flip side, if we had gone for the temp WW, that would have been it, we wouldn't be allowed to go back to the holding pool for EF at the end of it. I hope the saying "good things come to those who wait" is true!!!!

8th Oct 2007, 16:20
yeah but...

how long are we gonna have to wait? apparently there are temp WW courses running til the end of january, so does that mean we will get a course by february? any ideas?


8th Oct 2007, 16:27
I got the dreaded email, I didn't go through :(

8th Oct 2007, 16:52
DMED, I am in the same position as you, in the hold pool for LHR EF. Its really frustrating isn't it? but no-one on here can answer your question, even those that like to think they have the answers! ba will contact us if and when they need us and until then it's a waiting game. we can second guess all we like but the truth is, no one knows (maybe not even ba at this point!) wish it weren't so but it is.

8th Oct 2007, 17:39
Have my training course with BA in Dec. Looking for somewhere comfortable near Cranebank Training Centre. Can anyone recommend anywhere?


9th Oct 2007, 13:41
Hi Sorry to change the subject I have just been accepted for WW LHR which I am very happy about but no training course date as yet............anybody got any ideas as to when the next one may be held?

9th Oct 2007, 16:25
I'm starting WW on 17th December. Anyone else starting then too? Will be relocating from Scotland for the training anyone know of any rooms going that I could rent?

9th Oct 2007, 16:52
Happy, a lot people waiting in the holding pool for Euro Fleet have been told that they should get course dates for April. In the meantime, they have around 280 WW temps to get through training by then. Most of the temps are to be transfered internally (from what I've read on here) and the order in which they are transfered will depend on operational issues. My guess is that external temps will be slotted in where there are vacancies, which could be courses from January through to April. What actually happens is another thing, though.

BA Boi
9th Oct 2007, 18:58
training for the WW temps will end by late january.

more than 220 of these positions are made up of the regional groundstaff who started training in late august. so most, if not all, of them will be online by the end of december.

so that means a couple of courses of external candidates running side by side from mid december to the end of jan.

9th Oct 2007, 21:32
Nice one. Like I said, it's just a guess. I wonder what's going to happen between January and April then. Perhaps a wave of recurrent training until they're ready for the EF holding pool to start? I know my recurrent was always spaced out by around 8 months, rather than 12. I didn't mind, though, I really enjoy SEP. I always seem to associate baked beans and scrambled eggs with the Cranebank canteen.

9th Oct 2007, 21:33
Hi, I received an email yesterday stating that I was successful at the interview for LHRWW and that no course dates were available at the present time so I would be kept on file as such. I just wondered if any of the other successful candidates received the same email and then was offered a date by phone a few days later, or that the people who were offered the job by phone, were offered a course date at the same time. I hope this makes sense. Many thanks in advance for your replies. Oh and just another question, roughly how many trainees are there on each of the WW courses.

Kind regards

10th Oct 2007, 14:26
Hi my fellow swimmers!!! Has anyone got any new rumours or anything at all for us? Any one who jumped ship and went on to do the temporary contract, when do you start your training? I kind of wish I did that now even though it's only temporary. Im really tired of the waiting game!!! I did the temporary WW last year and it was fantastic!! Anyone else who did the temporary last year who is in the holding pool for EF now?

10th Oct 2007, 15:46
I was speaking to a CSD yesterday, He is a trainer, He said that there will be More Eurofleet courses early next year, and at the Moment he is training some of the temporary 11 month courses made up of Displaced Groundstaff from the Regions and will be training the External recruits who will be on temporary 11 month contracts, He said 100% that any Temporary contract crew will be offered to go to Singlefleet Gatwick or their contracts will be terminated, including the Groundstaff who are on the temporary WW 11 month contract and no way will any of them stay at Heathrow after 11 Months. So missdoo I think you've made the right decision to stay in the Holdpool because at least once your waiting game is over you will be Permanent at Heathrow and won't have all that uncertanty after 11 Months. I'm sure the wait will be worth it in the end. Good luck and hope to fly with you soon.:ok:

10th Oct 2007, 17:14
With all do respect Rach-G, the CSD you are talking about is a trainer and doesn't work in Manpower Planning. Today on the live chat with STS, he said that the board hasn't even approved the Recruitment- and Manpower Plan for 2008 yet, so how would this CSD know what will happen to the WW Temps. It might be LGW, it might be LHR or it might be nothing. Nothing is definite in BA until it actually happens!

10th Oct 2007, 20:08
Rach-G, thank you for your post!!! It sures gives me some hope and a smile!! I'm well aware that nothing ever is certain with BA, I was there for 8 months and have experienced it first hand, but any glimpse of hope is very much appreciated and helps keep me afloat in that pool!!!!! Here's to meeting you online!!


10th Oct 2007, 21:50
Hi misdoo,

I'm also floating around in the pool at the moment. We are quite a few in this forum in the same fish tank .... sometimes fishing for rumours... to keep us afloat ahhhh.... well.

Happy Swimming...... I'm JAWS :}

Only kidding.


11th Oct 2007, 17:16
Keep swimming, keep swimming.....:sad:


12th Oct 2007, 09:28
Hi there,

I am in the same situation as you and am wondering the same! Which interview was you in?? I was on Fri at 12:30 - was just wondering if we'd met? :)

12th Oct 2007, 13:19
Unfortunately I too got the dreaded email from BA to say I didn't get through and the usual, "sorry to say you have been unsuccessful etc etc"!!

Such a bummer as I thought I'd done ok and been myself. Only thing I can put it down to is that I may not have said what they wanted to hear when answering the questions in the one to one interview.

Oh well Virgin and Emirates here I come!!

P.s it's quite annoying when they say they cannot give any feedback, would be helpful to know which areas I could improve in.

12th Oct 2007, 18:07
Well I got my email through on the 10th and I have been successful :Othank goodness the waiting was not that long apart from like alot of you I am in the dreaded hold pool!!:{

I am sure this question has been asked but how long have some of you been waitin any ideas on a time scale would be great!! :rolleyes:

12th Oct 2007, 21:46
When do the World Wide temps come online? I didn't realise we were getting another lot of temps...I find out more about my company on PPRuNe than I do by the company itself!!!! Will be nice to see some fresh, new faces at least. :)

12th Oct 2007, 22:11

I had my interview April 27th and received my acceptance email on May 4th which makes it just over 5 months and Im still waiting!!! However, I think yours will be different and faster. We're waiting for EF permanent contract courses whereas I would think they'd need the temps urgently. Good luck!! Swimming for prolonged periods is not fun!!!!!!

13th Oct 2007, 07:40
Thanks for that!! 5 months :bored: that is a long old time to be waiting!! This would be my first flying job, if I ever get a course date that is so I am rather nervous but excited at the same time!!

I know there is a lot of speculation on here as to wether LHRWW temps are going to be kept on after the 11months and that is another on of my worries how easy is it to apply for a position again with BA wether it shorthaul or longhaul the reason I ask is the trainers on my interview said it is purely an 11 month contract and we would have to apply again for any other postions after that!! :ugh::ugh:

the letter
13th Oct 2007, 09:51
Hopefully they will keep us on after the eleven months, whether short or long haul! Imagine the money they are spending on each and every candidate to train them! :p

13th Oct 2007, 12:16
Well, I did the temporary contract at LHR WW last year and at the end of it they offered us all permanent LGW. I didn't take it cause LGW was not a viable option for me so I left the company and went to another airline. When BA recruited again (which was only 3 months after I left) for permanent EF LHR this time, I applied again completely as an external canditate, the whole procedure from the beginning. Luckily I got the job again and I've now been in the holding pool for 5 months. Another girl from my initial temporary course however who also left and then reapplied, didn't get in the 2nd time around, I have absolutely no idea why!! It's like she was good enough the first time but 3 months later she wasn't!!!

The rumours say that you will be offered LGW at the end of your temporary contrary and I do think that you will. It's hard to keep the crew there and they always need more people. There is a slight chance that if they have already put enough temps in the courses, they may actually offer you LGW straight away. They are reknowned for getting their manpower numbers wrong, which is exactly what happened to us EF holding pool guys...

Good luck, either way I'm sure you'll be in training before us!!;)

the letter
13th Oct 2007, 14:40
Anything above the eleven months should be considered a bonus! I'm not excepting anything else to be honest and should they offer me LGW at the end of the contract, I would have to consider it as it is not my first priority. Hopefully they will be recruiting for LHR EF at the same time! :ok:

I have already been put on a training course that begins in around two months. Hope to see you around soon the Compass Centre :O

13th Oct 2007, 16:13
This isn't the first time the company have taken on temps and in the past they have been kept on (apart from non-performers). This is the first time I have seen the company STRESS that the contract is for 11 months and that is it.

In 2000 temps were taken on for EF. After 6 months, some were made permanent while some were extended for 3 months and then made permanent. Those that were made permanent after 6 months had languages or relevant qualifications. The rest HAD to be made permanent or released due to regulations regarding the amount of temporary contracts a crew member can do before being offered permanent contracts (a bit like UK charters).

If, in 11 months time, they have some vacancies in whatever fleet they need to put you in, it may well come down to performance.

My advice would be to put in 110% effort during the 11 months. Make sure your In-Flight Assessments are done. Hand them in yourself and make sure you photocopy them. Join the Union. Read up on the company (BA News, Cabin Crew News AND Investor Relations on ba.com). Know your job. Onboard, show initiative but don't be pushy or a know-it-all. If you want to make an impression, it needs to be a good one.

Above all, keep your nose clean. Behave yourself down-route and steer clear of those that don't. Hotel staff have been known to dob-in rude, nasty, drunk and loud crew. Make sure you pay off your crew-card on time. One major thing they will look for is sickness. Only go sick if you really, really have to. They will also look at lateness. Make sure you leave plenty of time to get to work. If you commute, check your loads beforehand and consider flying over the day before if need be.

Hopefully, they will keep you all on but it never hurts to be prepared in case they have to chose between temps. Good luck to you all.

I'm so excited!
13th Oct 2007, 20:44
Hello, i was wondeing if any one cud tell me what's involved on the first day of training. Do we have a test on everything given in the Insight taining pack? worried my memory will fail me on the 3letter codes!

thanks x

14th Oct 2007, 09:40
i started as a temp in 2006 and now at LGW! If I could give an advice I d say dont take the temp contract . You will not be getting a seniority for 11 months while others who join well after you will be ahead of you! Seniority is very important in BA. If all you want is 11 months with BA then enjoy it and leave! I chose to take LGW as I didnt have an other job to go to and (please forgive me for this ) but it seemed like H E L L after LHR WW! Very poor money, non existent terms and conditions, BA just does whatever they feel like!I am sure you ll be offered LGW SF after the expiry of your contract as crew leave every day and in need of more at all time but think twice before you commit! I wish I had left and reapplied...too late now of course! Before everyone starts kicking off about my opinion for LGW SF pls this reflects my personal opinion and not an opinion of the crew of LGW SF! My anger is reflected for BA 's attitude towards its employees! Good luck everyone and enjoy your time here at BA!

14th Oct 2007, 11:45
Im so excited ,
Dont worry about your first day no big suprises come through the door its mainly ice breakers and paper work on your first day !there so nice at cranebank and the trainers are all lovely so please dont worry and enjoy your six weeks of fun and hard work!!!!
your have no life for those six weeks but your make friends for life ;)

16th Oct 2007, 22:43
Hi, I was successful in becoming a LHRWW temp and start training on December 17th, just wanted to pop in and say hello. On the subject of the contract i'm just looking at it as an amazing 11 months full of experience both in life and work and as to what happens after that i'll wait until the time. Give me a buzz if you're on my course if I missed PM'ing you and see you in December:)

20th Oct 2007, 10:49
Hi! Anyone out there know about Loganair? Any info would be much appreciated. Ive been crew before with large airlines and enjoyed being part of a big crew so this job would be a little different I know! Any ideas of roster, salary etc? Thanks...Happy Flying!!!!!

23rd Oct 2007, 15:27
Hey all you exhausted swimmers!!!
Has anyone spoken to recruitment recently at all? It's all been very quiet for weeks and I was wondering what the latest news/rumours are. Maybe it's time to give them another ring to see what they say this time. If noone else has, I'll do it. :confused:

23rd Oct 2007, 17:03
Hi there, I found out I had been successful after having my interview for temp WWF on 8th Oct. I was wondering have you still not heard anything yet ??? I am still waiting and just wondered if this was normal !!!!????

23rd Oct 2007, 17:09
Do you mean that you had your "you got the job" email Oct 8th but you haven't been given a course date yet? Did the email say that you had to wait in the holding pool for a while until new courses become available? If so, be patient!!! I haven't heard anything and my interview was in April!!!!!!

Good luck

23rd Oct 2007, 18:25
I have been reading this thread for a long time now, just to keep up with airline information really, and I think it is disgusting that a lot of you have been put in a hold pool for such a long time. Especially when colleagues of mine have gone for an interview after you and are on training courses now or just about to start!!! I would be seriously questionning what is going on if I were you guys...because it's not professional or acceptable. However, I suspect they get away with it because so many people aspire to be CC for BA....:=

23rd Oct 2007, 19:19
Vodkaholic it is acceptable, it is done in the airline industry the whole world over not just BA. The airline industry is very different to any other. If you cant accept that things are different in this industry I would strongly reccomend you look elsewhere for employment.
The only other alternative for BA to do would be to say to the candidates "sorry no jobs, try again next time" surely the holding pool is a better alternative?

23rd Oct 2007, 19:41
:} Greetings from JAWS.... faithfull swimmer....

:ugh: NO NEWS YET :ugh:

I rang them (International call) up last month and was told that we would get a course before MAY. I just can't afford to keep on calling, so if you ring them please let me know what's going....


DAWN :confused:

23rd Oct 2007, 20:01
Hi Dawn!!!

I didn't realise you lived abroad!!! Where do you live?
I'll give them a ring tomorrow and see what I get. I suspect they'll probably more or less tell me where to go but I'll try anyway!!!

We'll be ever so fit after all this swimming for months:)

24th Oct 2007, 10:23
I had the email saying that I had been successful and was now in a holding pool. In the interview they basically said LHR WW was short staffed and we would be there as cover for the 11 months. I thought they would want us pretty much straight away. Reading the messages in this forum though, I wondered if anyone else who had their interview to say they had been successful but are now in the holding pool, have you had any further info??? I am in a position where I have to give a longer than normal notice period(3 months). The 6 weeks they talk about in the 'email' is not long enough so I have made the desision to hand in my notice now so that when I leave my current job (end of Jan 08) hopefully I will have heard something by then !!! I really dont want to miss this opportunity !!

24th Oct 2007, 10:31
Hi I also had my interview on the 8th and have been told that i was successful...........but no news on a course date as yet, from what has been posted on here it appears that it is only the Friday group who have not yet received course dates...............Fingers crossed that we hear something soon!!

25th Oct 2007, 10:40
Anyone heard from recruitment lately??? Its all gone very quiet.... :confused::confused::confused:

25th Oct 2007, 12:36
Vodkaholic it is acceptable, it is done in the airline industry the whole world over not just BA. The airline industry is very different to any other. If you cant accept that things are different in this industry I would strongly reccomend you look elsewhere for employment.
The only other alternative for BA to do would be to say to the candidates "sorry no jobs, try again next time" surely the holding pool is a better alternative?

you are of course right. a holding pool is a much better alternative than saying "no you didnt get the job" or "we dont currently have any jobs". if you read my post, this is not what i was disputing.

i think the process of interviewing people and giving them a training course straight away while there are still people in a holding pool is unnacceptable.

i have been working in this industry a long time. i know that holding pools CAN be part of the industry for certain airlines. but this is a time when it seems not to be working.

sorry if you misread my post. sometimes its difficult to make it clear what you want to say on forums. :)

25th Oct 2007, 12:42
Believe me you will be far better off in the long run if you are offered a perm contract with BA rather than temp contract. Mostly because your seniority will start from day one, this is soo important at BA. I just attended a classroom day at BA and we were told the temps would not be kept on because they would be acruing hours of flying. It is much more beneficial for BA to recruit brand new crew with zero hours than it is to take on crew that already have hours building up. This way they have no issues with hours for new crew for a good 12 months.
Hold on in there guys, it's worth the wait!

T ;)

25th Oct 2007, 14:45
Don't forget to include the time of training and annual leave. It's very difficult to crew 900 hours for a period of nine to ten months. And, whether it's more beneficial for BA to recruit new people. Doubtful. Take into consideration how much it costs BA to train one single person. There you go. Anything could happen at BA ("No, we won't recruit any more to LHR and all recruitment will be done through LGW", to mention one example) and I would be very surprised if they actually let go of the temps recruited after their contract.

25th Oct 2007, 15:08
I had my interview on the Monday 8th Oct in the morning? Has anyone else who had their interview on that day heard anything yet ??? I am tempted to give them a call but dont want to be too pushy!! :)

26th Oct 2007, 10:36
For all you swimmers in the EF holding pool saga, I rung recruitment today , they were very nice and polite as in they didnt "tell me where to go", but I got absolutely nothing from them. They said they have no idea what's going on, there are rumours of short haul courses in January for redeployed staff and maybe April for external canditates (cutting it VERY close). Apparently our job offer expires a year after our interview day and not the day of our acceptance email. THIS IS SO UNFAIR for me as mine was in APRIL!!!!!! Oh God!!!!!!:uhoh:

26th Oct 2007, 12:18
Please... take a deep breath..... and carry on swimming.... don't make assumptions because as they told you they are not sure....

It's not the first time People in the Hold pool get their course in the "12th month" and remember BA can decide to overlook this fact if they wish......

Please hold on to your fins.... and take a hold of yourself. Don't drown before you have a definite answer from BA.

Hang in there....
Devout swimmer

26th Oct 2007, 12:38
I am a trainer, dont confess to know-it-all but you may be glad to hear there is a rumour of a big campaign for LHR E/F in the new year.

With ex GB routes AGP and FAO coming to mainline LHR combined with the fact we are short of crew anyway (overtime galore at the moment) this looks likely.

I wish you luck and may even see you in the classrooms!

26th Oct 2007, 12:49
Hey speedmarque,
Don't suppose you know if any of these courses might be for LGW transfers do you? Was told at a F2F course last week that transfers would be available for LGW crew next year. Even if it's just a rumour would love to know if you have heard anything. Cheers!
T :ok:

26th Oct 2007, 13:41
Speedmarque and Dawn,

Thanks for the words of encouragement!!! That EF LHR campaign next year that you mentioned does give me a glimpse of hope, although I do know that nothing is ever certain... Keep swimming everyone and we might one day meet Speedmarque in class!!!!

26th Oct 2007, 14:16
Thanks for the glimmer of hope.....

Hanging by a thread.


26th Oct 2007, 16:14
To all those still swimming you might be glad/sad to see below but looks like LGW might be the next main recruitment drive.....

British Airways is to end its franchise agreements with both GB
Airways and Loganair.

>From March 2008 BA plans to start services on some of the routes

operated under the GB Airways franchise, while British Airways' code
will be placed on Loganair flights when that franchise ends on October
25, 2008.

Chief executive Willie Walsh said: "UK franchises have outlived their
purpose for British Airways. easyJet has made an offer to buy GB
Airways and this has enabled us to end the franchise agreement two
years early. We have an option to buy GB Airways but we rejected it.
We have a significant base at Gatwick and our focus will be on
maintaining and developing it as an integral part of our business.

"Regrettably the loss of ground handling activity for GB Airways at
Gatwick will mean a reduction in staff numbers. We want to achieve
these reductions using voluntary means and will be discussing this
will the trade unions."

There will be a transition period until March 29, 2008 during which GB
Airways will continue to operate as BA's franchise partner on their
existing network to destinations in Europe and North Africa.
British Airways is committed to ensuring a smooth transition for
passengers during this period. Customers will be able to rebook onto
easyJet or get a refund.

26th Oct 2007, 17:34
I'm not too sure about whether this will in fact mean further recruitment at LGW in the near future.

If BA are actually looking at serving additional cities such as FAO and AGP they would either need more aircraft or will reduce frequencies to other cities or even pull out of some altogether.

The fact the Mr Walsh has mentioned voluntary redundancies amongst their ground crew at LGW makes me think that no further aircraft will join the existing LGW fleet to replace the GB aircraft, which will mean no need to add to existing crew numbers. The overall capacity at LGW will remain as it is but will be spread over more destinations.

26th Oct 2007, 18:10
There's another category of swimmers... actually deep sea divers!!

People like me who had their July interviews cancelled....

Now on hold until June/July08...

Hope they'll remember us........

BA Boi
27th Oct 2007, 01:19
when the Dallas and Houston routes move up to the WorldWide Fleet at LHR in March '08 that will leave a (temporary (see below)) 'surplus' of a couple of hundred crew, at the most, at SF LGW.

however, with the announcement last month of new routes from LGW to Antalya etc, and increases in MCO services along with the new announcement of the ex-GB routes (that all, coincidentally, occour at around the same time as the DFW and IAH routes leave LGW) that the airline will be commencing, that will mean that ALOT/MOST/ALL of the 'surplus' crew left over from the removed DFW and IAH routes will be needed to crew these new services.

i, therefore, do not forsee the need for a 'huge' new recruitment drive - nor the rumoured 'mass' crew transfers up to LHR from LGW.
although i do believe that some crew will be released from LGW to LHR at some point next year.
i predict around the middle of the summer.

1st Nov 2007, 16:29
I've read on the other c. crew forum that internal applicants ( redeployed???) in the LHR EF hold pool have today received a call from BA offering them courses in January?

Does anybody know anything about that? Has anybody been offered a course date?......Pleeeease let us know something...!!!
We are now in November and I believe that if there is something in in the pot somebody here should know....

Thanks to all xoxoxoxo

2nd Nov 2007, 01:26
:eek: I can't believe it.... :eek:

They have not called me yet but I will certainly let you know when and if I get a call.

Fingers crossed for all Hold Poolers including external.

Hanging by a thread......


2nd Nov 2007, 10:05
Hey Dawn

Are you redeployed staff or external? Have you been called yet?


2nd Nov 2007, 11:53
I am BA re-deployed staff and no I have not been called yet.

Anxiously waiting for a call..... :eek:

4th Nov 2007, 15:56
Heard another rumour regarding those temps recruited (both external and internal) for LHR WW. They will be offered permanent positions at LHR EF upon completion of their contracts. Congrats to all of you!

4th Nov 2007, 16:21
yer right:-) nice one...they should try and you ll see where the grievances will be coming from!

4th Nov 2007, 18:43
simply - think you might be a tad out of focus on that one. It has been stressed to each and every single temp they will not be offered any position at the end of their contract. Although I sincerely hope something does come their way, it's really unkind of you to start this kind of rumour without first getting your facts straight.

BA Boi
4th Nov 2007, 20:40
i personally believe that the redeployed regional groundstaff will be offered permanent positions on LHR WW come the end of their 11 months.

it makes sense, and they really do deserve it.

we will be expanding our WW routes from LHR come early 2009 with the delivery of 4 new 777-200's, and thus will need these 'new recruits' - along with alot more existing crew from transfer lists - in order to man this expansion.

fu coffee
4th Nov 2007, 20:41
:)I have just read your last thread and I can assure you no such comment was stressed to me ! Aviation including BA are a changing and who knows what 12 months time will bring ! My advice to all temps on the WW temp contract, come with an open mind for the job in hand, work hard and prove you are the asset to the team that you have already been selected for. I realise lots of people are waiting patiently for courses and transfers however right place, right time who knows!!!!!

4th Nov 2007, 20:51
Does anyone know how many crew are waiting to transfer into WW LHR?

4th Nov 2007, 21:16
hundreds, probaly thousands

4th Nov 2007, 21:50
i read at the moment before a new list opens that there were 155 more people at the moment waiting to go to LHR WW from EF . this is of course for the current list which does not include LGW. When the new list opens and when new (perm) crew will be allowed to put their names on the lists then i am sure it will be well over 1500!

4th Nov 2007, 22:26

Unfortunately even if BA wanted to they cannot offer the temps LHR WW permanent as this would contravene the agreements between the TU and BA.
There can be no direct recruitment into LHR WW end of. Hence the temp contracts. Yes it would save the company money and yes it would make sense but this is BA we are talking about and neither sense nor logic will ever come into the equation.

To be quite honest I think they will be offered LHR SH and then be given the chance to transfer like everyone else. I doubt that they will be offered SFG as MG has said they will NEVER transfer temps to SFG as it has caused more problems than solutions.


5th Nov 2007, 11:24
I never said the temps will be offered permanent contracts at LHR WW as this would conflict the current agreement. But, LHR EF for definite as there is no agreement that mentions anything about this and LGW SF is not part of the NSP. Recruitment has been done straight into LHR EF as late as this year even that BA said they wouldn't recruit to LHR any more. See what happened...

And, they also stated last year when they recruited temporary crew for LHR WW that it was a six month contract. Most, if not each and every single one, of them were offered LGW SF.

As for getting my facts straight, I have my source. Perhaps she's wrong. Perhaps she's right. Only time will tell!

BA Boi
5th Nov 2007, 13:24

if you read my reply to you concerning these new WW LHR temporary crew a few weeks ago, you would have a better understanding of the situation regarding the REDEPLOYED REGIONAL GROUNDSTAFF (note: NOT, i repeat, NOT the newcommers to the company) and my point of view, as a result, on it.

i refer you back to my earlier posting on this thread: number 260 (page 13).

BA Boi
5th Nov 2007, 13:32
fu coffee,

as i made clear, i was stating a personal oppinion.

i refer you to the posting above for further information.

5th Nov 2007, 14:18
In the past there have been instances where redeployed staff have been given permanent positions at WW LHR. The closure of BFS base springs to mind.

When the GLA call centre was shut down, they were offered WW LGW with 2 free GLA-LGW return per month so they could commute.

This is unchartered water for BA. Now that WW LGW doesn't exist, anything can happen. From a moral point of view, the company does need to look after the re-deployed staff. WW LHR seems to be a logical choice as it will mean that re-deployed staff from outstations can commute and therefore reduce the disruption to their lives.

The company CAN bypass transfer lists in situations like this. It has been done before.

Flower Duet.
5th Nov 2007, 14:51
Hey guys ,

Would like to know how many weeks is the training at LHR for
Gatwick Fleet Crew? and is there anyone starting the 12th November ?

Got my Uniform fitting tomorrow, still trying to workout where the place is
as it does look miles away from airport. Thinks it's best to catch a taxi there.

Also once I'm online how much does the train cost from Victoria for a month including the Airline Discount ?

Many Thanks !!

Pax Agent
5th Nov 2007, 16:00
You go to LHR for the end of week 3 (wed-fri)....off sat/sun then at LHR back for the entire following week mon-fri.

Oh and ref the above discussion....LGWSF IS in the NSP! As of October 2006!

5th Nov 2007, 16:26
Simply - it is quit clear that you don't have your facts straight as SFG has joined the NSP in October 2006!

Flower Duet.
5th Nov 2007, 17:06
Thanks PAX AGENT for your reply, also on the BA website there is vacancies for Gatwick Fleet !!

Good Luck everyone ;)

5th Nov 2007, 17:49
Far out, so they are. Guess I was wrong about the recruitment freeze. Hopefully this means things will be moving along for those in the various holding pools.

5th Nov 2007, 18:53
Hi everyone

BA are recruiting for LGW Crew again


fu coffee
5th Nov 2007, 19:17
Hey BA Boi

My Post was referring to post 379 regarding "it was stressed" to all temps that nothing would be offered.

Love reading insiders views and galley fm.

Que Sera Sera:)

BA Boi
5th Nov 2007, 19:52
fu coffee,


were you scottish groundstaff?

6th Nov 2007, 13:13
Hi Everyone,

I'm really intersted in applying for BA LGW, just wondered if there are
any Gatwick crew that commute from Manchester?

Wasn't sure if commuting from Manchester was possible on the
Gatwick rosters!!!!

Any information would be appreciated,


6th Nov 2007, 14:47
My fellow swimmers, has anyone else been called with a course date yet? Dawn have you been called yet?

Do you think this new recruitment for LGW is making it worse for us to ever get courses as they'll be busy training them?

6th Nov 2007, 16:35
David, it is possible to commute from manchester, but you need to remember you dont get concessions until 6 months .

For eveyone else their is 12 - 15 new entrant courses for LGW so will be a matter of time. The recruitment drive for LGW is still ongoing.

6th Nov 2007, 19:24
EXCELLENT NEWS!!!! THE BALL HAS STARTED ROLLING FOR HOLD POOL !!!Finally I got my course date!!!! 21JAN08 :)

I'm really excited and i just hope that all of you still waiting get your call soon.

I will keep my fingers crossed..... In the meantime...



Flower Duet.
6th Nov 2007, 19:26
It's interesting to see that BA are looking for Gatwick Fleet crew as
GB Airways will be out the mix soon ? it's a good thing for the GB Airways crew who still want to be part of the BA Brand. ( Sorry just swolled my Insight Manuel).

Did my Uniform fitting today, was in a panic in the morning waiting for bus number 2 or 200 at North Terminal and watching the Number 10 come and go, So I caught a Taxi £10,50 and then on the way back to airport the Number 10 was on the same route and is £1.50 :ugh:...

Oh another Question they put your Uniform in a huge box, do they mind if you bring a suitcase with you to pick up your Uniform during the course?
really don't want to carry a huge box on the train !!

Sorry also do the hotels give Airline Discount around the training centre ?

Cheers ;)

Dawn when was your Interview? Have a few friends not on PPRUNE, who would love some info , thanks

6th Nov 2007, 19:41
I believe that BA are now calling the "Internal Hold Pool" and I am BA re-deployed staff. I presume they will start calling the "External Hold Pool" when they are through with "Internals", it would make sense.

I wish your friends the best of luck and hope they don't have to wait long for their call.


Flower Duet.
6th Nov 2007, 19:49
Cheers Hun for the Info, oops just sent my friend a text before your reply !!Oh well at least the ball is rolling and Congratulation's on getting a course date (BIG THUMB'S UP).


6th Nov 2007, 19:49
Flower Duet, it is no problem for you to take a suitcase to training with you. A lot of crew bring luggage when doing recurrent training, so it's not out of the ordinary.

I used to treat myself to a room at the Meridien in the north terminal (I believe it's called something else now, arora perhaps?) and i used to pay around £70. Not bad for a night. If you are after longer term accommodation during training, you can get a BnB for around £30. You will need to search the accommodation threads here and cabincrew.com


6th Nov 2007, 19:50
I'm so chuffed.... ;)

6th Nov 2007, 20:20
hey there

just started reading up on this forum and how i would've benefitted if i knew it existed beforehand!!

am starting my training on the 19th and i was wondering if anyone has good directions on how to get to the LGW training centre from s. terminal? i can't get any good maps and i dont want to get lost on my first day!!

also, does anyone know how long the walk roughly takes?

any help would be great!! thanks

6th Nov 2007, 21:32

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It must be AMAZING to finally get a course date, can't imagine the joy. Im VERY happy for you!!!!!!!

I'll just keep swimming. I know you'll be very busy once you start training but if you get a spare moment keep in touch!!! I'll be here drowning!!!

Congratulations again, you'll have an absolutely fantastic Christmas!!!!:D

7th Nov 2007, 09:55

I had not read your reply to me on page 13. I have now.

You make alot of assumptions, some might happen some not. As you I to hope for various things too happen but no matter how hard we want it or how hard we believe or how hard we fight for that belief it is not up to you and me.

We will have to agree to disagree on a few things but thats life.

Also I never stated that LHR EF works on seniority. It does work on a rotation very much like the leave groups. It is a little more complex than that but that is what it boils down to. You do not have to believe me get in contact with RB or AB and they will merely confirm what I had said.


I am speechless. LGW SF not in the NSP? You have a contact??? I will refrain from posting what I actually think but by your misguided attempt to educate those who clearly have the facts which you clearly do not or have escaped you one can only assume that you are not an employee of BA. If you are, well I'll leave it at that.

7th Nov 2007, 13:20

Was just wondering if any of the successful temps had received course dates yet?


the letter
7th Nov 2007, 14:51
I have! December 17:th!

7th Nov 2007, 15:55
Well done! Bet you can't wait to start :). When was your interview date? I had mine on the 5th October but no course date as of yet :ooh:. Hope it all goes well for you and perhaps our paths will cross at some point!


7th Nov 2007, 17:37
LGW SF is part of the NSP as of 1st Oct 2006, it was a condition of the new fleet being setup

7th Nov 2007, 20:02
Hey guys,

has any external applicant from the EF holding pool been given a course yet??????? I'm starting to get excited and worried.

7th Nov 2007, 21:47
We are all happy for you and this gives us breathless swimmers some hope.

Missdoo NO NEWS for us yet (even if you phone up, ypu get the same reply..."Don't worry you will be contacetd in due time when courses will be available...bla..bla..")
I am sure or at least I hope that as soon as they call the external we'll get the news ...lets hope for the best!!!!

8th Nov 2007, 06:11
No I am still waiting too!! Had my interview on the 08th October. Hope we hear something soon... this is killing me !!!!

8th Nov 2007, 07:03
Hello to everybody I've heard that BA Short Haul is now recruting people for the next Spring-Summer season?
have someone heard this as well?

What do you guys reccomand to a wannabe who's going to apply for his first airline job? someone told me is better to target small airlines 'coz the biggest generally prefer people who have alredy flight experience...

Suggestion Welcome and forgive me for any mistake, I'm a bit in a rush!

8th Nov 2007, 07:41
I myself have no previous experience but was successful with BA so I dont really think it makes a massive difference is my opinion. I know people who have had previous experience but still didnt make it so it really is all about you, your personality, willingness to learn and work as part of a team. Good luck to you !!!

8th Nov 2007, 08:47
Thanks !!!



Good luck to you too. :ok:

8th Nov 2007, 09:06
It is not much help or encouragement to you lovely people but BA will need to recruit an additional 5000 + CC for the introduction of the A380 aircraft. Plans are being drawn up with a view to commencing employment this time next year as it is a requirement to have at least half of this number operational by 2009. it is hoped that the surplus of CC can be offset by offering incentive style career breaks / more part time etc. The good news is even that is not that far away. Other plans will require a dedicated CC training establishment breaking away from Flight deck totally. The centre could of course be anywhere in the UK with the provision of an EU development grant.

8th Nov 2007, 11:02
:) I know me too its so frustrating that some have had courses and others haven't! Heres to hoping we hear something soon, have you spoken to recruitment since your interview? I wonder how many of us there are awaiting dates? Keep in touch fingers crossed we might get the same date.


8th Nov 2007, 13:28
I have called twice now as in the interview it seemed they were desparate for us to begin as they were so short staffed but they cannot tell me anything. Just have to wait suppose !! x

8th Nov 2007, 15:33
Hi Anna,

Yes I got that impression too and thought that we'd starting asap?! I'm wondering if its going to be after January now as some people have been given January course dates.


8th Nov 2007, 22:59
Hi Guys,
Congratulations to Dawn on getting your course date! I'm an external candidate waiting in the LHR EF Holding Pool (my interview took place in May 07). I have read with great interest over the last few months Dawn's, and other people's posts regarding recruitment at BA - and they're definately pretty hard to get in to aren't they!

Having not worked in the Aviation Industry before, I am amazed at how determined you people are. I'm looking forward to, hopefully, getting my chance to work with such a great airline. I'll continue to check for updates here, and post any update of my situation.

Kind regards, and good luck to you all.

9th Nov 2007, 00:42
Lets hope its our turn soon for the external candidates in the EF pool. Last 2 weeks have been for internal and reployed staff. May be next week for us?? ;)

9th Nov 2007, 11:21
Hi Londonphilou!!

I was wondering what happened to you, you were quiet for a while, now I know you've been away. Your post made me feel optimistic again!!! The fact they said to make sure to have phones on and check emails surely has to be a possitive sign!!! Then again, maybe Im reading too much into this... Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see!!!!!

Flower Duet.
9th Nov 2007, 13:27
Hi Guys ,

looking for the address for Hangar 6 ?
As I have booked into the ibis Hotel for two weeks and need to know
how long is the bus ride / walk ?

Kind Regards and thank you :ok:

9th Nov 2007, 13:52
Hi Everyone

Just a simple question I noticed that BA are recruiting for Cabin Crew for Gatwick.

The requirements are that you have to hold GCSE Maths. I thought this requirement had been dropped as it wasn't listed on the previous recruitment.

I have a degree and language skills just never passed the old O Level in Maths as they were.

Would really appreciate any information from someone who's in the company, as i would really like a career in the company and would ilke to do the job.


9th Nov 2007, 14:16
Put your education details in the application as honestly as you can. If you are invited to an interview, just bring your degree with you. You have been upfront with them, so if they've invited you to an interview then they can make the judgement on the day.

9th Nov 2007, 14:25
Hi Missdoo.
Yes I was on holidays for a month on a tropical island..until yesterday.
I rang BA on Tuesday pm and told them I am an external candidate waiting for an EF course and that I have heard that some people have been offered dates already and whether they have been trying to get hold of me. I did not have much access to the internet there plus sometimes not good mobile phone reception. The lady asked for my name etc and did some checks on the computer and then she told me that no one has got in touch with me and thats when she told me to leave my phone on all the time and also check my emails regularly...She did not emphasized that only internal and redeployed staff were being contacted. So in a way that was a bit of reassurance that we might be called soon. But then again we wont know until we really get THAT call. Lets hope we do very soon.

BA Boi
9th Nov 2007, 21:37

as i have stated before, you are incorrect about LHR EF trip bidding 'rotating success' - this applies only to annual leave, i do not need to phone any scheduling managers to clarify this.
anyway, BASSA would have never accepted the system in that guise in anycase.
that's simply all there is to it i'm afraid.

and with regards the WW LHR groundstaff temps, as you correctly say that it is my oppinion (which i have reiterated on several occassions), however i think that i shall be proven correct come the spring of 2008.

i now graciously bow out of this topic.


10th Nov 2007, 11:39
I notice BA are recruiting for LGW. Where will the crew be flying? Will it be short haul or a mixture of short and long haul?
I head that if you get in with BA you have to fly short haul for 2 years and then you can apply to be transferred to long haul? Is this true? If you fly long haul for another airline can you go straight to long haul with BA?

10th Nov 2007, 12:06
This has been covered many, many times over but for what it's worth:

The flying you do depends on the fleet you are recruited for. At the moment, the company is recruiting for LGW which is a mixture of short haul and long routes on the 737 and 777.

Long haul routes are:

Tampa, Orlando, Altanta, Kingston, Bermuda (shuttle to Port of Spain), Barbados and Antigua (shuttle to St.Lucia, Grenada and Tobago). Houston and Dallas will have moved up to LHR before the next batch of new entrants are trained.

Short haul trips will vary from day trips of 2-4 sectors to 3 day multi sector trips. Please correct me if I have this wrong.

You have to wait for two years before putting your name on a transfer list. After that, it could be a 3-5 year wait (5-7 years in total) before actually achieving the transfer, depending on your seniority.

With hundreds of people on transfer lists waiting to get to long haul at LHR, it is unlikely that they will recruit directly from outside, at least on a permanent basis. In the last two years, they have recruited temporary crew for long haul in 3 different campaigns. Most of these crew ended up at LGW. None of them remained at LHR on long haul.

It's important to note that BA will not recruit anyone directly into a particular fleet or rank just because a candidate has prior experience. There are very strict transfer and promotions protocols that are part of the terms and conditions agreed with the relevant unions.

the letter
10th Nov 2007, 13:58
But they could recruit for permanent basis to LHR EF again, couldn't they?

10th Nov 2007, 14:30
In principle, yes. Different parties would like to see a process of ensuring that all new entrants start at LGW only but until an agreement is formalised (as far as I know this hasn't happened but I am happy to be corrected) then the company can recruit for EF if it needs to.

Once the transfer agreements for LGW-LHR are in place then the company would have a hard time being able to recruit directly into EF. I wouldn't be surprised if they resorted to using EF temps again - in a similar way to how the WW temps have been utilised.

10th Nov 2007, 15:18
Ba Boi,

No matter how many times you say it, it will not make it true. Your counter argument has nothing to do with the bidding system but merely "BASSA wouldn't allow it" That unfortunately does not suffice. I am sure I don't have to tell you to back your statements up with facts not emotional convictions. Also If you think AB is a scheduling manager then this discussion is rather pointless. We will have to agree to disagree.

As for the WW Temps. You are right we will have to see but as you have mentioned BASSA. Do you really think BASSA will allow temps to be kept on on WW permanently??? Yes they might be offered a position else where in the company. Although that would contradict what every manager has said at all the various forums. As always BA will do what it can within the restrictions placed on it and yes they will try to get away with alot more.

I have had various discussion with STS, SS and MG wrt recruitment, future plans etc. etc. I know what I know because it came straight from the horses mouth.

If you can invalidate any of my arguments, please do try.

Ps. Please do not bow out on my behalf. Believe me Fiction proclaimed as fact always makes for interesting reading but as you correctly stated we will have to wait and see.

11th Nov 2007, 10:59
I was thinking of aplying for CC at LGW, I live in Colchester Essex,
how long would it take to get to LGW ? it says you have to be able to
get to LGW in 90mins.

11th Nov 2007, 11:14
That length of journey would be fine, anyway most of the interviewers have never heard of Essex. Get your application off today.

11th Nov 2007, 16:01
I'm appling... or have applied rather and I live in NCL, crew commute from all over the country and a few places in Europe, im sure Essex wont be a problem

11th Nov 2007, 16:10
If this is true why do the state that you need to live with-in 90min
of the airport ?

11th Nov 2007, 16:55
You need to be able to report to your base (in this case, LGW) within 90 minutes if you are on Home Standby. In theory, you are meant to be within 90 minutes from base but in practice they don't mind if you live further away so long as you can fulfill your standby obligations. They also specifiy 90 mins because of issues such as training and meetings where you are needed on base. People who do live away may complain about having to make a trip for, say a one day manual handling course, or a one-hour meeting. The company can come back with "you are meant to live local, it's not our fault if you live away".

Plenty of crew commute. For standbys, they just stay with friends, at BnBs or even drive to a Motorway services centre 90 mins away from LGW and sit around all day with their mobile.

11th Nov 2007, 17:19
Thanks for that, I live in Colchester I think it would take about 1hr 45mins
so what the hell I'll give it a go.:ok:

Just a quick question, how much can a newbee expect to take home and
how much do you get whilst trainning ?

11th Nov 2007, 17:35
Well basic is around the £10K mark, so that should leave around £650 after tax. That is what you would earn while training. The website says you will earn around £500 in flight pay, which from what I've heard is about right. It all depends on how you bid. I think most people would agree take home pay is around £1100 per month, maybe more. I'm certainly open to correction on this however. Go for it anyway, DTTP. I believe now is going to be a really exiting time to join the company.

12th Nov 2007, 12:58
hello to all my fellow 'swimmers' :}:}
i was just wondering if anyone in the holdpools (external candidates) have been contacted with regards to any new course training dates for 2008, LHR or LGWSF?? :confused::confused::confused:

lets hope we all get some good news soon!!

12th Nov 2007, 13:12
CC live all over the world many as far as Aussie. The 90 minute rule is to weed out those that they may not wish to employ. The rule can be got around anyway by stating that you intent to move nearer the relevant airport.

12th Nov 2007, 13:12
No such luck yet... No calls for the external ones yet.... Im afraid it may be April for us after all, which is cutting it SERIOUSLY fine!!!!!

12th Nov 2007, 13:19
It may have already been muted but there will be an increase in LGW CC to cover the 13 A319 that will move there from LHR towards the end of March. These will be required to be crewed by other CC other than the SF group, so must amount to at least 200+.

12th Nov 2007, 13:24
Im confused, do you mean that they'll hire 200 more cc into the SF to cover these aircraft or that they'll have a whole new cc fleet down there apart from SF??? :confused::confused:

13th Nov 2007, 10:50
Hi there, when I eventually begin working for BA as CC on WW from LHR I will still remain a living in France but commuting to LHR when required. Does anyone know or have any experience with the tax side of things as I am sure other are or have been in a similar situation. Technically speaking I will not be staying in th UK overnight except maybe occasionally. I am sure I will still need to pay tax in France but will I automatically be taxed by the PAYE scheme in the UK also?? Also when down route down how do those days fall in relation to tax???Thanks very much for any response!!!x

13th Nov 2007, 11:33
I believe you pay tax in UK as your base is UK. When your contract ends you will be able to claim all the taxyou paid back.

13th Nov 2007, 13:48
I didn't know where to put this one, but BA management have mentioned that they are particularly monitoring the recruitment drive for applicants from GB Airways.

So all you GB people spread the word as a manager hinted that there has been little interest from GB crew to date.

You never know....it may stand you in good stead if the management are talking about it......

Best of luck to all those who have applied, and even more so to those who are waiting for courses.

Just wanted to give you this heads up.


14th Nov 2007, 09:40
RESULT!!!! recruitment phoned me yesterday and my course starts february........hooray!!!!!! :}:}:}:} ....better not eat too many mince pies over xmas or else i wont fit into my beautiful new uniform...lol :\:\
Good luck to everyone else waiting for their course training dates ;);)

14th Nov 2007, 18:00
Is anyone starting training at LHR on the 17th of December??!!

14th Nov 2007, 22:30
blueskybird - what fleet u gonna be on?

15th Nov 2007, 16:23
I got THE CALL yesterday!!!!!! Im finally startng Jan 28th!!!!! Im SO happy and I hope you all get called soon!!!!!!! Im external candidate and my intrview was Apr 27th. Soooo happy!!!:)

15th Nov 2007, 16:25
hey...i have my interview soon for cabin crew...aghhh!! :uhoh: very excited and really would love to get in, can anyone please give me some tips? :O
thanks guys

Amy xXx

15th Nov 2007, 16:29
hey everybody...i have my interview soon for cabin crew and i just wondered if anyone could give me any tips please!:O

15th Nov 2007, 16:33
WOW that's excellent news.... I'm so happy for you.
Now let's keep our fingers crossed for the rest and hope there are enough courses for everyone.

All the best will see you at cranebank, remember I'm on the 21st JAN course.

From a friendly swimmer.

DAWN :) :ok:

15th Nov 2007, 17:31
Congrats MissDoo...Im sure you feel so relieved now!
Looks like they are filling up the places left from those dates and lets hope they put out new dates soon for the rest of us..

15th Nov 2007, 20:37
Hi Jess,
I also start on the 17th December, really excited, have my uniform fitting tomorrow! What interview date were you?
Send me a pm if you want to chat:)

16th Nov 2007, 09:51
Hi Guys,

Congratulations to Missdoo! And to anyone else who has recently been given a Training Date. You must be so happy!

I am an external LHR EF candidate waiting in hold pool - my interview was 17th May 07 so I think I might have to wait a bit yet - but hopefully not too long! I will be keeping my phone fully charged and loud just incase!

Well done to Missdoo, and good luck to everyone.
Kind regards,

16th Nov 2007, 10:49
BA Rejected me and now I've to wait a long whole year before try again :(

16th Nov 2007, 14:37

My interview was on the 3rd October (The 12:30 slot). When was yours?

How are you finding the INSIGHT learning......?! - Theres so much to remember!!!!!!

I have my uniform fitting next Wednesday- I cant wait!!!


16th Nov 2007, 15:28
Hey there Aussie Pilot,
Very sorry to hear about the outcome of your application - it is a shame as it seems like you really tried to research, prepare and get some tips. I suggest you try to find out the areas of weakness, and really work hard on that - and I'm sure you will make it next time.

Kind reagrds, and good luck to you.

16th Nov 2007, 18:07
Jess, I was at exactly the same interview:), sending you a PM,

16th Nov 2007, 18:42
Aussie_pilot, sorry to hear that. Have you thought about CSA with BA. They are recruiting right now and it give you something to do for the next year and a foot in the door.

17th Nov 2007, 14:53
Thanks everybody for cheering up, I think I'm gonna try with small airlines now (Thomascook, Thomson, First Choice, EasyJet and Ryanair) I've interviews and open days next month then next year maybe...

the letter
17th Nov 2007, 19:46
December 17:th is very soon! Only four weeks left!

18th Nov 2007, 14:35
Congratulations Missdoo!!!:D:D

I am soo happy for you and let's hope BA gives us more Christmas presents like this!:)


18th Nov 2007, 15:54
Thank you Kikko,

I hope Santa will bring joy and towels to all Holding Pool swimmers!!!!!!


19th Nov 2007, 08:11
Hi guys,has anyone who had there interviw on 09th Oct heard anything about training courses yet??

20th Nov 2007, 09:54
it's happening at last!!!! just had a phone call offering me a course date in feb!! 7 month wait but got there in the end!

20th Nov 2007, 10:19
Hi Anna,

I still haven't heard anything............have you spoken to recruitment at all? Congratulations to all those who have got courses your wait has been well worth it.....lets hope we hear something soon!:)

20th Nov 2007, 10:35
Hi Galanjal

well done!
When did you have your interview?

20th Nov 2007, 11:02
Congratualtions Galanjal!! Must be such a relief now!
I did expect them calling this week. I have not had a call yet. Lets hope later today or this week. When was yr interview? Mine was the 17th of May.

20th Nov 2007, 11:32
Congratulations :D:D:DGalanjal and well done!
It's amazing they are now calling for FEB courses!!...I had my assessment on 25th May and hope to receive "THE CALL" at some stage.
What date in Feb did they offer you (1 or more than 1)?

20th Nov 2007, 12:09
Excellent news and rest assured that those remaining on the list will be contacted very, very soon.

Apparently there is going to be more external recruitment to Eurofleet in the New Year so you'll be joined by more newbies quite quickly.

Well done everyone.

20th Nov 2007, 12:29
There are always rumours circulating re recruitment and courses etc..
Last few months some people have been saying there would not be anymore EF courses for external candidates! And look whats happening now! You just need to keep checking Ba website regularly at www.ba.com/careers for any new CC vacancies and register yrself too so that they keep you informed but don't rely on that only.
And well done you EF holding pool people for having kept your cool and be very patient and not listen to rumours or speculations and we could have made a regretable decision under those circumstances.

20th Nov 2007, 14:09
my interview was the 16th of May so I guess they are working through the list. expect you guys will hear soon! it has been such a long wait hasn't it? had almost given up hope

20th Nov 2007, 14:11
kikko it was just the one date they offered me, 4th of Feb.

20th Nov 2007, 15:08
Well done, the wait was worth it!!!

Good to see there are more courses in FEB...

All the best.


20th Nov 2007, 20:18
Helloib16uk (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=81330),

Apparently so - well at least that is what has been stated on our intranet.

Yes, it is true that rumours abound however, only if/when you join the airline will you fully appreciate how/why rumours start, get the insider's perspective and see how things really work first hand.

Good luck!

21st Nov 2007, 09:43
Anyone had any calls this morning??
Praying for that call :)

21st Nov 2007, 10:16

I'm still in hold pool for EF LHR, passed interview 17th May. Just saw that a few people are getting calls from BA so congrats to you all. Just wondering though, are these calls for LHR or LGW??

Many thanks and hope to see you in the air soon :)


21st Nov 2007, 10:19
HI there
Yes they are EF-hopefully not much longer to wait!!:)

21st Nov 2007, 10:21
hi teacoffee,

i assumed they were EF just wandering whether or not LHR or LGW, many thanks for the reply though.

21st Nov 2007, 13:22
WelcomeAboard, EF is only for LHR. At LGW the fleet is called SF. Yes they have been calling people who are in the EF holding pool. I guess there will be more date or dates in the coming weeks. I also had my interview on the 17th of May but in the afternoon. Were you also in the afternoon or morning? I think its just a matter of days now before the rest of us get that call we've been waiting for 6 months. Good luck to all.

21st Nov 2007, 13:30

Thanks for clearing that up, i new that LGW was mixed fleet but did not know that EF was a heathrow only term. I was in the morning, i remember it well, i had a fever and a terrible blocked nose, i was on more day nurse and paracetamol than it is probably safe to take!! But the drugs obviously helped since i passed. I assume they may be a chance that we will be on the same training course (if and when of course). Keep me posted if you get a call and i'll do the same.


21st Nov 2007, 14:33
Hi Phil,

Thanks. As I was in the afternoon, I probably did not even see you although when I 'checked in' there were some people from the morning group leaving. Can't remember the faces though.
Anyway, I am sure we will be on the same course and it will be great as we already have some sort of contact now.
The last thing you want on yr interview day is a bad cold. But you still made it through. I tripped and fell over on the day of my interview in my actual job as I was too occupied looking at the building in front of me! A little bruised but still got through the interview. :)

21st Nov 2007, 14:44

I did the interview on the 17th with Londonphilou and getting very nervous! I am currently living in Spain and working over here and I have changed my details on ba.com/careers and put my spanish number as well as the english. I am taking my 2 handsets everywhere just in case I miss BA´s call !! This is so stressful. When are we gonna get the expected call?

Good luck to all the swimmers!

21st Nov 2007, 14:51
Hi Dan,

Glad to hear from you. Its been a long time.
I think we should hear in the coming days or next week. I am pretty sure.
It has been quite stressful especially with rumours that we would not get a course or we are not entitled to be offered the job we applied for, you name it we have heard it! Happy for all of us who have resisted to all this pressure and stayed firm with our long wait.

21st Nov 2007, 14:58
when you say stayed firm with our choice of waiting....what choice did we have? I still think that BA could have been a bit better at keeping us informed, if it was not for forums like this we might have all gone mad and be working for Ryanair by now (no offence intended by the way, just hate the airline personnally)

Anyway Dan, even in Spain they will call don't worry.

21st Nov 2007, 15:10
Did we not get an email in July informing us that there would not be anymore EF course in the coming months and that if we did not want to wait, we could take LGW?? And with all the negative rumours circulating, I know some people were under pressure and instead of waiting for their EF course, they have taken LGW or the LHR WW Temp course. I agree BA could have kept us informed more regularly but they did say in their email that they would only be in touch with us if there is any new information. I was not too bothered with that and I only rang them once since that email. I just had faith that it would happen some time before next May. Was happy to wait till then.
Dan, don't worry too much. They will ring you in Spain and if in case they cant get through to you, they will leave you a message and also send you an email so that you can ring them back. I think they allow you some days to get back before filling your place with someone else.

21st Nov 2007, 16:47
yes indeed we did get an email, though it was never a choice for me. Shame if people took the other options out of fear of never getting in. Like you i stuck to LHR EF i thought we shall see, if it happens it happens. Though i must admit that i was starting to think that it wasn't going anywhere. Either way i'm pleased to see some movement in the hold pool even if it just shows that the list does exist!!

21st Nov 2007, 18:02
Hi all,

Is anyone in the EF hold pool at the morning interview on the 31st May?

I was and still swimming :(



21st Nov 2007, 18:42
Hi all, new swimmer here!!

Im in the holdpool for LHR EF, had my interview 22nd May 06 and im hoping for some good news soon!!!

One more swimmer in the pool!

21st Nov 2007, 18:44

IM also living in Spain and am desperate for that call, the waters getting cold now, i dont want to swim anymore.

21st Nov 2007, 21:28
Hello spoon82

Where in Spain are you? I am living in Madrid. We could talk and share our waiting hell if you want. Leave me a private message if you want.

Keep swimming!

21st Nov 2007, 23:31
Suddenly new swimmers are emerging.... welcome...!!

Hang in there ... by the look of things you might all be home dry sooner than expected.... :ok:

I still haven't uncrossed my fingers... they are starting to hurt now ... ouch! :ouch:


22nd Nov 2007, 06:46
Morning all

Fingers crossed for a call today!!;)

22nd Nov 2007, 09:08
Think i'm getting premature arthritis in my fingers! :ok:

22nd Nov 2007, 13:59

Just thought i'd say it finally happened, they called this afternoon, I'm on the 4th FEB course for EF LHR.

Good luck to everyone still waiting, and check your messages!!! :D

22nd Nov 2007, 14:26
Hello welcomeaboard!


Which shift did you have your interview in? morning or afternoon? I did the interview on that same day too and still no call !! :confused:

Thanks and congrats again!

22nd Nov 2007, 14:40
Well done, the wait for you is finally over!!!:)

When did you take your interview???

22nd Nov 2007, 16:27
Hi everyone,

I had my interview on 25th May and am also in the hold pool! Keeping my fingers crossed for a course date soon as I have also been offered a Service Co-ordinator role at Silverjet but decided to take my chances and wait for BA as they are definately my first choice.

Now that things are finally moving I am just hoping that there are courses after February 20th as I am on holiday until then and there is no way I can re-arrange it...

It would also be great to hear how everyone who has been on line for a couple of months are getting on, are your rosters/wages/SBY etc as expected?

Good luck to everyone and keep us posted!


22nd Nov 2007, 16:58


It HAD to happen and.....IT HAS HAPPENED!!!:ok:

VS2BA wise choice...I had my interview on the 25th as well...If you can't go before the 20th I 'll be happy to take your place if they haven't called me yet;)....
Hope there will enough courses in FEB to accomodate us all,in the mean time the wait continues so lets keep everithing crossed!

22nd Nov 2007, 16:59
Well done WelcomeAboard!
I had mine on the 17th of May too but in the afternoon together with Dmed and I suppose we are going to be called very soon now. I was not expecting a call today to be honest and I was thinking its going to be Monday or Tuesday for a new date. Lets hope it is so or even tomorrow. :)

22nd Nov 2007, 17:02
Lets hope it is tomorrow, if not... will it be next week ;-)?

Fingers crossed!

22nd Nov 2007, 17:13
VS2BA, I think there's a possibility they might offer you the 11th or 18th Feb if they are carrying on like that. After waiting for that long, are you going to say no? You might have to wait another few months for new dates to come out or even none. The decision is yours but if I was you I would cancel the holidays even though if it means you lose money. I would not want to go through that wait again and being put back in that very cold sea...

22nd Nov 2007, 17:37
Hi Londonphilou,

After reading the latest posts regarding course dates I am thinking the same but there is no way I can cancel the holiday unfortunately so if the 18th Feb is the last EFLHR course I will miss out :ugh:

Hopefully there will be enough vacancies to fill courses until the end of Feb/early March and I will be okay...it would be awful to miss out now after waiting all this time...fingers crossed!!

22nd Nov 2007, 18:06
Hello VS2BA

Why do you say: "If February 18th is the last course..."? "Has anybody mentioned that is gonna be the last course?" Well, if it is they still need to call people to fill the 11th and the 18th courses so thats good news for us swimmers...

Keep on swimming and hoping...!

22nd Nov 2007, 18:59
Dan, we don't know when is the last course. Its just we are talking about the possible dates as VS2BA has a holiday booked. We will get our course dates soon...Dont worry and we all will!

22nd Nov 2007, 19:39

I am hoping that there will be a few more courses after Feb 18th as if not I will be stuck in the hold pool forever...keeping optomistic though!

Nobody has mentioned anything about when the last course will be but I have a holiday booked so am keeping everything crossed that there are enough vacancies to fill courses until after I get back on Feb 20th!

Good luck everyone and keep us posted on dates and how you (not so) newbies are getting on so far!!!!

22nd Nov 2007, 21:13
Hello all.

Interview was on the 17th May morning session. I'm sure that the call will come to those waiting. They called me early afternoon, so don't think that early morning is your only chance.

23rd Nov 2007, 07:07
Hi WelcomeAboard,

Well done on getting the call!!

When Recruitment call does their number display on your mobile or does it appear as "Private Number"?



23rd Nov 2007, 09:08
Had my interview am on 24 may so hope & pray gonna be called soon :)

23rd Nov 2007, 10:11
Hi Everyone,

I've been offered a cabin crew assessment with BA LGW,
unfortunetely I am working on both dates offered and am
unable to swap my day off!!! I've emailed recruitment who
advised me to keep an eye on the website as new dates
will be released. Has anyone else been in the same situation?
I hope this doesnt effect my application!!!!

Any advise would be appreciated,


23rd Nov 2007, 10:52
Hi Davy Boy,
My advice to you is you need to log on may be a few times everyday and check out if there are new dates as when they finally come out, they might go very quickly before you even realise. If you are not getting any luck, you need to call them and not email. Good luck.

23rd Nov 2007, 11:32
Hi Londonphilou,

Thankyou very much for your advise, I will keep checking
the website!!!!!

Thanks Again

23rd Nov 2007, 12:54
Guys, I think its going to be next week now. Nothing so far unless a miracle in the coming hours. Lets start again on Monday...destination 11 Feb. :)

23rd Nov 2007, 13:21
May, June, July, August, September, Ocotber, November

I think we have all waited long enough now, im tired and cold, pass me a towel I wanna get out of this pool!!!

Heres to good news next week!!!!

23rd Nov 2007, 13:29
Pray for a miracle :)

23rd Nov 2007, 14:23
There wont be any need for a miracle! Its just a slow process and everyone's turn will come sooner or later. Another batch next week and so on...there will be enough towels for everyone...Once we are dry and done, there's no way back...

23rd Nov 2007, 14:44
has anyone seen what the questions in the reference (business) form are? because i would really like to know them. if anyone has them, please pm me!

23rd Nov 2007, 15:25
I need help with my reference info!!

Ive been living in Spain since 2000 and have lived in Valencia, Ibiza and now Barcelona, in these almost 8 years Ive gone from job to job, bar work, hotels, season jobs etc and to be honest when I filled in my application I filled in the reference information and to be honest its only about 50% correct.

I wrote a mail to BA asking if I could change the details and I was told I couldnt until I received my contract. Im just a little bit worried because 5 years going from job to job, city to city, Its almost impossible for me to find out contact details for my former employers and some of which I ended on bad terms with a doubt they would give me a refernce anyway.

What happens if I cant provide all refernce info for the past 5 years, with all contact details of my former employers!!! Will they really check every reference for the past 5 years???

Stress in the pool!!!!:{

23rd Nov 2007, 15:29
Hi teacoffee,

I too had my interview on 24th may, were you in the afternoon session?

23rd Nov 2007, 16:12
Spoon82, do as they tell you. Wait when your contract comes out. I guess provide them with at least one or two reliable referees. If no one is willing to give you reference, you might be in trouble there. Someone else might advise you better what to do. Good luck.

23rd Nov 2007, 16:50
Well... Its almost 6pm in the UK and no calls yet for the guys from May 17th afternoon session. I guess we will have to wait til next week then. And another long weekend ahead without news from BA :bored:

Good weekend to all swimmers!

23rd Nov 2007, 17:06
Hi Jenni
I was in the morning! :)

23rd Nov 2007, 21:39
Spoon82, BA are going to need all the information about where you have worked and what you were doing, pretty much to the day. There is no wriggle room as this info is overseen by the BAA and the CAA. Just answer as honestly as you can. You may have to make contact with previous employers to advise them to expect a letter from BA. You will also need to line up some gap referees incase BA need them.

23rd Nov 2007, 23:17
can somebody please help me with providing the questions to me which are included in the reference form which are sent out to your employer?

thanks :)

24th Nov 2007, 04:48
They basically ask the referee to confirm the dates that you have supplied. They then ask if there is anything about your conduct that would prevent you from holding an airside pass. That's pretty much it.

24th Nov 2007, 09:20
Spoon, don't worry too much about references, if getting past info from an employer is difficult then get a personal reference instead, someone who can confirm the dates and what you were doing, it does not have to be an employer. However, you can't use personsal references to cover the whole five years i'm afraid. Also the referees have to be different for each occasion (or something to that effect).

Good luck

24th Nov 2007, 09:49
In my case when I received the call from BARecruitment their number was displayed on my mobile, however don't rely on that completely as they could use a "Private Number" to call.

Good Luck !!


24th Nov 2007, 14:10
Hi Dawn,

What course are you on??

24th Nov 2007, 20:56
I'm on the 21st JAN course. I see that yours is on 4th FEB, so I imagine I'll see you at cranebank.

I'm really excited.... ;)

25th Nov 2007, 20:21
Hiya just wondered if anyone had an interview may 21 and is still waiting or had any news?
This waiting is so frustrating but i'm sure it will be worth it when we finally get the call.

25th Nov 2007, 20:45

I had my interview on the 22nd May, in the morning, which was a monday, I assume you had yours on the SUNDAY???? which was the 21st.

I didnt know they did interviews over weekend!!!

Im sure youll get the call very soon!!

25th Nov 2007, 20:50
OK I made a mistake, mine was on tuesday not monday!!

So you were on the monday interview then...

This swimming is sending me loopy!!!:\ Think Im gonna sink any minute!!!

25th Nov 2007, 21:33
Can be tomorrow the day...? will we receive the call tomorrow? Please whoever is called tomorrow place a post saying you have been called a.s.a.p. so the rest of the fellow swimmers can know people are being called...

Thanks a lot and keep crossing your fingers. It may not be too long til we are rescued

26th Nov 2007, 00:08
Guys, hope its going to be today. If so, anyone who had their interview from the 17th of May onwards could get a call. Dmed and I were in the afternoon of the 17th. Im on nightduty now and I don't think I will get any sleep later! My guess is it could happen some time in the afternoon or Tuesday. But I think its almost here..knock knock...:)

26th Nov 2007, 01:32
its 3.29 am (in spain) and I cant get any sleep thinking about you all know what, this weeks gonna be the week when we all get the call!!!!

I can feel it in my water jeje:}

remember fellow swimmers - when they call - post the news!!!


26th Nov 2007, 07:37
Yes please post the news. Have a good feeling this may be the week :)

26th Nov 2007, 11:09
Hi there, I phoned recruitment today and they were quite helpful. She said that the course for Dec were all full but there are more courses coming up in January and Feb n which is a more positive response than I've had before.Very excited !!X