View Full Version : Why should we go to Swanwick?

16th May 2007, 17:55
Given the fact that 'Prince' Harry has just been excused service in Iraq (despite the huge amount of tax payers money that has been wasted on his training) why should I and others accept being posted to Swanwick? Or does being rich and privileged exempt you from being a 'mobile grade'?

16th May 2007, 17:59
I think I'll claim similar privileges over the move to NPC. I wonder what my chances will be?

16th May 2007, 18:07
I think you answered your own question.

Lock n' Load
16th May 2007, 18:24
In HRH Harry's defence, it isn't his decision and he was probably raring to go. He's probably as p*ssed off not to be going as those who threatened are that he won't be their target. After all, back when his uncle was at war, the Argentines played more or less by the rules of "civilised" war and so did the UK forces. They would have been happy to have shot him down or sunk his ship, but they wore uniforms while attempting to do so.

For everyone else in a mobile grade, hey, I know it sucks big time when you have family settled and friends in one area and are forced to move. But if you can't take a joke.....

16th May 2007, 18:58
Hmm -

Stay at West Drayton (a piece of Manhattan as the property developers are trying to advertise it), or move to the south coast... near the sea, near the New Forest, good transport links into London village if you want them, cleaner air, no M25 (if you move).

I'm quite happy to be a mobile grade in this instance..... at least once we have moved we can virtually guarantee that we will not move again in our career (unless we want to).

Considering we are 'mobile grades' I think we get off lightly compared to others - particularly the military, seeing as that was brought up in the thread starter!

17th May 2007, 10:20
Hmm -

Stay at West Drayton (a piece of Manhattan as the property developers are trying to advertise it), or move to the south coast... near the sea, near the New Forest, good transport links into London village if you want them, cleaner air, no M25 (if you move).

If only it were that clear cut for everybody. Sure, if you're unlucky enough to live in or around West Drayton then Swanwick will seem like a dream place to live. Personally I've seen nothing there to beat the beautiful Chiltern countryside I live in now. I take your point about the M25 but have you seen the M27? For most of the day it's unbelieveably busy and for much of it, at a total standstill. That section of the South Coast is not even very nice compared to others to the East and West of it. To find anywhere REALLY nice to live you're looking at a longish journey each day to work, in fact no different to the current situation at West Drayton at all.

I don't know who chose this location all those years ago, or why but I know that I won't be thanking them for it. I'm dreading it.:{

17th May 2007, 12:26
NATS people can be a funny bunch.

scream, shout, stomp feet about something not in contract and not fair- can't say i blame you.

scream, shout, stomp feet about something in your contract - JUST GET ON WITH IT

17th May 2007, 12:44
"scream, shout, stomp feet about something in your contract - JUST GET ON WITH IT"

Hear, hear..

If you don't like it, go and get a static post job somewhere else..

17th May 2007, 13:12
There are plenty of beautiful villages and countryside around Hampshire - certainly just as pleasant as High Wycombe! I do wish people that are happy to take the money would stop bleeting about the inevitable moves. You could always leave NATS if you really want to stay where you are.

17th May 2007, 13:38
Some interesting replies and not all as hostile as I was first expecting. I think some of you have missed the point slightly. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't somebody court martialled a while back for refusing to go to Iraq?

To be fair I think I actually agree with the decision. If he did go it would be a fiasco, it would take half the existing British forces over there to look after him not to mention a victory for some of the more unsavoury elements in the country if something did happen.

However, I do think it calls into question the point about having royals in the armed forces in the first place. It's also a bit of an insult to the friends and families who have lost loved ones (and they didn't have a choice if they wanted to go or not). Would be interesting to hear what some of our military colleagues think.

I wonder if an ATCO would be happy having a 'Royal' colleague if they couldn't validate? (apart from 'Fergie' of course 'cos she's a bit hot!)

The bit about going to Swanwick was a bit tongue in cheek since I've alway accepted that I'm a mobile grade (doesn't mean I have to like it though!)

17th May 2007, 13:54
As above plus,
Nice smokers shack by the lake,
Restaurant with a view of the lake, not the security fence with the shops behind obscured by tacky red blinds.
Swanwick is full of totty unlike the desert that is HMP and as for CTC!!!!!
Climate controlled environment.
Shopping at West Quays, Winchester and Chichester.
Quick hop to the ferry for the booze cruise/holiday
SOTON airport up the road for that getaway to the sun without the hassle of LL or KK.
Lots of luverly pubs near Wickham, Botley etc.

17th May 2007, 15:34
"I take your point about the M25 but have you seen the M27? For most of the day it's unbelieveably busy and for much of it, at a total standstill."

In my experience, that statement is factually inaccurate. We've been here since August and I use the M27 between J9 and J5 on a very regular basis, at various times of the day. The eastbound exit at J9 after about 16:00 can be slow and the westbound stretch between Botley (J7) and the airport (J5) can be slow up until about 09:30. Outside these times it has been as wide open as any other motorway. Sure, if there is a prang then general rules apply.


Me Me Me Me
17th May 2007, 16:03
apart from 'Fergie' of course 'cos she's a bit hot!

Oh dear!! Here's hoping the move to the south coast avails you of a selection of better looking women than you're clearly used to!! :ok:

17th May 2007, 16:32
Restaurant with a view of the lake

Restaurant is stretching the use of the word a little bit! Watch out for the crazy multiple fruit crumbles? Plum and pineapple anyone?

17th May 2007, 17:30
I have to agree with .4, I've been down here for two years, and for anyone to compare the hour and a half of busy traffic on the M27 at each end of the working day with the hours of gridlock on the M25 is quite silly.

17th May 2007, 19:02
Gonzo, if you work at egll why do you live in hampshire?

17th May 2007, 19:22
Would you want to live in Hounslow?:E

17th May 2007, 21:04
Come 2 Swanwick. Not all the "ERICS" bite!! Yes we know about that 1!!

17th May 2007, 22:45
"Restaurant is stretching the use of the word a little bit! Watch out for the crazy multiple fruit crumbles? Plum and pineapple anyone?"

Nice to know we can look forward to the same standard of food then! Although I believe that the catering at CTC is very good. I wonder why!

18th May 2007, 07:49
As I have spent the last two years building your new ops room it would be a shame if you didn't turn up :bored:

18th May 2007, 08:04

1) Nice countryside.
2) Near the coast (I grew up in Devon).
3) Cheaper than nearer work.
4) Feels like I am away from work on my days off (I have variously lived near Slough, in Maidenhead and Reading, and never actually felt that I was away from work; as every few minutes there was a aeroplane overhead that I'd be talking to at work).
5) Near my brother who works at LACC.

18th May 2007, 08:46
I see, and now I know who you are if your brother works at Swanwick, who is a top lad too by the way:D

ATSA Grunt, you know what an ERIC is or who was called one?

18th May 2007, 08:56
Now you have me at a disadvantage Sir....:}

who is a top lad too by the way

'Too'?? That makes it a veiled compliment you know! :)

Smeg Meister
18th May 2007, 18:08

There are some stunning caravan parks on the coast. Have you considered living in a van and going home on days off? Works good for me. Bit damp in winter though but beggers cant be choosers !

Ho Hum...

Smeg Meister
18th May 2007, 20:24

I can give you the number of a cracking campsite that I use. Fantastic shower block. Just pm me for details.

18th May 2007, 21:42
Is this turning into a gay chat line?!?!?

See you in trap two of the Blue Oyster Campsite..... oeerrr misses??

Do me a favour. This is for ATCOs....not pikeys

Smeg Meister
18th May 2007, 21:58
Plenty of ATCO's out there with caravans!

Was just trying to cheer up cruisecontrol, and give him another option.

18th May 2007, 22:02
As they say in Snatch.....

"I f00kin' hate Pikey's......"

Jeez - for £85k pa buy a flat!

Smeg Meister
18th May 2007, 22:06
You could get more space in a big caravan than a 85k flat !
And you can tow it to Devon for your holidays. :) If you dont mind sharing the showers.

18th May 2007, 22:08
Caravaners ARE pikey's by default.

'Nuff said.... and stop cruising for some fresh meat! (You need X watch) :cool:

Smeg Meister
18th May 2007, 22:10
Have I hit a nerve? Seems to be a tender point (the homo bit, not caravaning)

Smeg Meister
19th May 2007, 06:27
In all serious cruisecontrol, check out Dibles Caravan Park


You get electric hook up for another £2 a day, which is a great price.

Ive got a swift charisma 590. She's a twin axle 25 footer.

pm for more details if you like.

19th May 2007, 14:17
You will go to Swanwick because

A) you are a mobile grade and you signed on the dotted line. Oh, and you are paid for it.

B) That's where your job will be, and you get paid for it.

C) You like your job....

D) No matter what you TC guys may think, you are NOT royalty or in the British armed forces!

Lon More
21st May 2007, 12:09
Some of you sound like people who've just bought houses near an airport complaining when they hear an aircraft take off.

How long has the move been on the cards? Before many of you joined, I'd bet.:p

21st May 2007, 12:18
The caravaners may be interested in the Caravan Club's new site under construction in the new forest. Should be a bit special as it's their most expensive yet:


May be meeting you there, once I've sailed through the selection process of course :ok:


Caravaners ARE pikey's by default.

A world of Range Rovers and caravans with more electric gadgets than the average house from my experience. Caravan sites vary as much in clientel as hotels.

Smeg Meister
21st May 2007, 20:44

A man after my own heart. Ive even got a sky dish on mine, and a dishwasher inside. Cant really call that pikey!

Red Dragon
22nd May 2007, 01:55
Assuming you caravaners have got yourselves sorted and are going to meat (sic) each other, can we bring this back on track?

Can someone tell me when this move to Swanwick takes place, and can they confirm that no new people are being taken in at TC for some time? How long, why is that exactly and would it include experienced controllers?


22nd May 2007, 16:26

The move of the NAS FDP system is supposed to be September followed by TC in November I believe, then site closure some time next year.

Of course all this depends on wether the airlines can be persuaded that moving NAS in the busiest month of the year is a good idea!

Not sure if TC are taking controllers (experienced or otherwise) at the moment but I guess it would make sense not to until things are settled at Swanwick.

Don't worry you can still come to West Drayton after it closes and buy yourself a 'luxury' apartment!

Lon More
24th May 2007, 07:54
Ive even got a sky dish on mine, and a dishwasher inside.
Sounds like the epitome of Pikeyness:rolleyes:

24th May 2007, 08:12
Putting in my 10 cents worth:

It amazes me that every unit that is relocated makes the the same complaints. Over the years we've heard LACC staff complaining at moving to Swanwick, then MACC staff complaining about going to nPC, and Spectrum House, West Drayton staff and Kemble staff complaining about going to CTC. You'd think that TC, as what should (!) be the last move, would accept that by now that it is inevitable.
You get the usual grumbles about the unions, the "some of us are putting together a legal challenge" rubbish that wastes time and money! :ugh:
It's happening, and its happened many times for the rest of NATS - get over it. Sometimes we have to make some sacrifices to keep our gold plated Ts & Cs. If you don't like it, find the door.

24th May 2007, 10:52
Hear, hear radarspod.. Far too much whinging at TC bout the move.. Mobile grade means MOBILE grade.. Doesn't mean Mobile grade (except if you have kids at exams, settled family, happy where you are, blah blah blah..)

24th May 2007, 11:45
Radarspod & begbie maybe in 10 years NATS will decide to up sticks to Milton Keynes and your wife and kids will refuse to move.

Blah, blah, blah.

24th May 2007, 12:37
Maybe Nats will decide that. I will probably still be on a mobile grade. NATS will probably pay for me (and my family) to move house again. And I won't bore the t*ts off of everyone by moaning about it..

24th May 2007, 13:06
But what if your wife has a career of her own that she's not to keen on jacking in?

Is the "little woman" just supposed to follow you around?

24th May 2007, 13:49
God this is getting tedious! But there is never going to be 100% satisfaction.

Mr Jones - you are in a moblie grade - something that was made patently clear when you joined, something that you and everyone else who stayed in the company were obviously happy with at the time and therefore decided to stick around and take the fairly decent pay.

The fact that you have not been moved around and have in fact been fairly static should be considered a bonus. You are now being asked to move. Yes - you have a valid point reference the career of a partner. You will just have to do what everybody else in every other walk of life has to do... weigh up the balances and then make a decision. If that means either you or your partner switching jobs, then that is what you will have to do.

People have been happy to take good pay and conditions for years, without having the hassle of moving every couple of years. Well now, just this one time, you are being made to move. Thats what the 'mobile' part of the contract you agreed to means.

If you do not like it, thats bad luck, put up or shut up! People in NATS have been cosseted for so long they should look and see what happens in the real world. We are getting a pretty good relocation package, a hell of a lot more than someone in the Forces gets, and we get paid a hell of a lot more than people with comparable or greater responsibilities in the Forces.

24th May 2007, 14:55
Anotherthing you make many assumptions that are incorrect.

The point I am making is the people who are "moaning" have valid points and should not be so flippantly dismissed.

All this - You know where the door is - Put up or shut up! etc etc etc. Is simply immature and unnecessary.

Me Me Me Me
24th May 2007, 14:56
But what if your wife has a career of her own that she's not to keen on jacking in?

Is the "little woman" just supposed to follow you around?

It's horrendously simple... If you don't accept the terms of the job, don't turn up and don't take the money.

Me Me Me Me
24th May 2007, 15:02
Anotherthing you make many assumptions that are incorrect.

The point I am making is the people who are "moaning" have valid points and should not be so flippantly dismissed.

All this - You know where the door is - Put up or shut up! etc etc etc. Is simply immature and unnecessary.

Whilst it's always unfortunate when careers and personal lives don't completely fit together, it's a fact of life. You are paid to do a job by the terms of a contract. The contract has no clauses in it to take account of your choice of partner or lifestyle - that's your responsibility, not your employers.

The 'you know where the door is' message is not immature. It should be unnecessary though, as the reality of a mobile contract should be apparent and such complaints about it being properly adhered to should be seen to be both unreasonable and fruitless.

24th May 2007, 16:21
I totally agree.

My better half had to give up a fairly well paid job because of the move to Swanwick back in 2002 and did she whinge once?

Not at all, now she is a lady of leisure of course.

Easy life.

Mobile means mobile so it's tough I'm afraid. Either commute or move, you decide.

24th May 2007, 16:27
Reading the comments here it's little wonder NATS management is finding it so easy to roll over Prospect and decimate the T&Cs.

But we all know where the door is don't we LOL.

24th May 2007, 16:33
Mr Jones

In the real world where I used to work (before I joined NATS), I was in a mobile grade i.e. the military.

In the course of my career, I moved to different postings on average, once every 14 months (I am being a little generous with the figures there as I am counting postings away from 'home' of 2 months or more).

I joined NATS, two of the many reasons being the better rates of pay (with no enforced unpaid secondary duties) and the fact that I would not have to move so much, despite it still being a mobile grade.

So now I am having to move to Swanwick from West Drayton.... chances are, unless I want to, or I f:mad::mad:k up horrendously at work, or the centre somehow collapses into a mine shaft overnight, I will never have to move job location again.

I do not think that the attitude I display of 'you know where the door is - put up or shut up' is immature. NATS staff have been lucky in that they have not had to move often in their careers, despite being in a mobile grade.

Yes, of course it will cause a bit of an upheaval, but you, Mr Jones, are not the only one that may have some issues that this move brings up, however, you knew what you signed up to, so now is the time to fulfill that part of the contract that is seldom excercised by the company.

The other option, for those who want to whinge so much, is that they can leave the company and try to find a job elsewhere that pays as well for the amount of hours we do - whether they be ATCO or Assistant.

The move is happening, if you have a whinge, see your management, but don't expect them to decide to keep West Drayton open because it inconveniences you.

24th May 2007, 16:37
Sorry, was typing my last rant whilst you posted your last comment Mr Jones...

Reading the comments here it's little wonder NATS management is finding it so easy to roll over Prospect and decimate the T&Cs.

But we all know where the door is don't we LOL.

So remind me again who is immature and unnecessary?

This move is not decimating any T and Cs, it is excercising part of a contract that you signed up to however many years ago and now, for once, have to fulfill.

I will gladly fight management for any proposed decimation in T&Cs, but a move of workplace, for a mobile grade, does not quite amount to that!

You agreed to a contract - you cannot pick and choose what parts of it you want to honour then expect the company to treat you with kid gloves!

24th May 2007, 16:52
i for one am welcoming the move down the road.

yes, my other half is making a huge sacrifice moving away from all her friends and family... not to mention the whole 'job' problem, but weve managed to sort something out.

personally getting away from the m25 and west drayton in general does more than appeal to me.

i can understand, and have a few colleagues here who are having problems with kids, wives, schools, jobs etc.... but id imagine in a year or two it will all have settled down and we will have something else to moan about.

we ARE a mobile grade, bite the bullet, come to terms that you will have to move and get on with it. its not going to please everyone, but it is going to happen. either commute or move. pretty simple really.......


24th May 2007, 16:56
anotherthing I did not say the move to Swanwick was decimating the T&Cs I said reading the comments here.....

24th May 2007, 20:09
Red Dragon,

in answer to part of your question, I believe trainees are being posted to LACC and being 'detached' to TC. I guess mileage is cheaper than moving. Whether there is a training delay at TC i don't know i'm afraid.


Lon More
25th May 2007, 00:23
I can't believe this is allowed to drag on here. It's 100% Nats, could it please be moved?

In the real world you don't get to pick and choose which parts of the contact you accept. What makes you lot so special?

Red Dragon
25th May 2007, 03:06

Thanks for the info.


Smeg Meister
25th May 2007, 09:41
Lon More (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=7695): Do you have to ask why we are so special?

25th May 2007, 09:48
What makes you lot so special?
They're very speshial, lots of freezers being installed for the ice cream, balloon inflators put around the building and windows left unwashed so they can be licked clean ;)


Turn It Off
25th May 2007, 10:37
I might change the tack of this thread slightly
Id take the payrise, the relocation package and an ops room with proper equipment in it, good support in ops. Anything to get away from the rubbish equipment we get at our Nats Airfield and APR unit.
I wonder if an ATCO would be happy having a 'Royal' colleague if they couldn't validate? (apart from 'Fergie' of course 'cos she's a bit hot!)
You make me sick!


25th May 2007, 20:46
I'd take the payrise, the relocation package
You and me both.....[Happy Smilie]

27th May 2007, 15:50
Not that it's any of my business but there are some very good state schools in southampton - it could at least be worth a look round them if you're considering commuting/leaving the family behind?


27th May 2007, 18:28
There are also some very good independent schools which are well within the reach of the average NATS ATCO2 salary. Some of them had posters up on the noticeboard at W Drayton when I was last there.

27th May 2007, 18:43
ATSA Grunt, you know what an ERIC is or who was called one?

Yep!! :)

28th May 2007, 10:53
I keep getting called eric at the end of phone calls to ltcc. I assume that my voice sounds like someone called eric that they know? who is eric? im not eric

i do SFD/HURN and DVR/LYD on C watch

28th May 2007, 11:34
Mate, ERIC stands for EnRoute Incompetent Cun@.

If you get called it again then do something about it or wait till nov and then do something about it!

Plus, come next year we'll be aligned with the lovely Z watch who favour the term ERIC so Nicky will have an interesting time on her hands

28th May 2007, 18:09
thats not very nice. I am going to start calling THEM erics. see how they like that!!

28th May 2007, 18:15
And how will that relate to TC? Try calling them Waynes

30th May 2007, 00:34
Ahh... TC!! Bless em... Guess they got more time on their hands than us..