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View Full Version : Intoxicated SAS Pilots?

6th Sep 2001, 21:41
Hi Folks!

Could anyone give me some info on what happened to those two drunk SAS pilots that landed i CPH a wilded ago. I think they were grounded, its kind of odd yhat I have not seen anything about this in the media!
What I know is that the purser reported them to flight ops from the out station, and at CPH company rep. and the police were waiting.


6th Sep 2001, 23:43
Uhoh.. don't go there dude..

Rumours and allegations of a negative or derogatory nature regarding SAS could lead to, or will cause you to be removed from pprune and its affiliate sites..

see the Scandi forum..

Ace MCcoy
7th Sep 2001, 01:04
LRdriver, way off young man. (As you often are)
Nobody has been banned for saying negative stuff about SAS. A person was banned, because he (somehow) fiddled with other peoples posts.
Wind your neck in.

KEWR, I´ve heard a story along those lines too, but have no idea as to what happened to the two.
To find out what species LRwannabe is, see his post in the Scandi forum. :rolleyes:

7th Sep 2001, 03:15
Hey KEWR. How do ya pronounce that? Is it like...kweeer? Queer?

Just askin'

7th Sep 2001, 03:27
McCoy, it always helps to have the correct facts.
You want to try again?

7th Sep 2001, 03:29
it's pronounced Newark...as in new jersey...also referred to as "sewerk" not exactly the garden spot of the usa...

Ignition Override
7th Sep 2001, 07:40
Ironbutt 57: Roger that: we left there this morning, on a beautiful day. Whenever thunderstorms are in the area (over land), the airlines's passengers might as well assume that most flights have major delays or could get canceled. Don't walk around downtown EWR at night! A policemen told a few of our crewmembers to ride in his squad car back to their hotel.

Outside of Newark, New Jersey has many attactive sections, i.e. along with other towns, Morristown is a really nice one, and the countryside appears to have some large sections of forest with undeveloped lakes etc, at least from flying vectors at 5,000'.

7th Sep 2001, 21:53
Er, I think maxalt was trying to get at something else and very nicely done it was too!

Ace MCcoy
8th Sep 2001, 17:44

Yes, it does help to have the facts. Suggest YOU try again. Let me make it easy for you; just go back and read Payscales very first post on that thread. Jeez!

9th Sep 2001, 15:03
Well to answer KEWR question about intoxicated SAS pilots a while ago. It's nothing that has been up in the media over here. Do you know what year this was?

I do recall the North West DC-10 crew that got caught flying intoxicated. Their laywer tried to defend them saying they were alcoholics and needed to the drunk to fly. Ofcause they should and were convicted.

Recently there was an british TV special on entoxicated british pilots. Maybe thats the one you remember? You see in the UK, you are not allowed to fly if you are physically impaired. Thats for the license, obviously the companies have theis more restrictive rules. I am sure that also these pilots were fired.

This brings me to my point. If there was such a case within the last 10 yeas, I am sure someone would remember, and these pilots would be fired.

Now, tax evasion, thats an other matter....but a tax criminal is only a very sane person in this country.. :D

Stein Meum
9th Sep 2001, 16:12
If this story is true,then it must have been a very well-kept secret,indeed,as there would obviously have been rumours going around at our crew-rooms.None have for a considerable amount of time.
Any info on time,flights,etc.?

Nick Figaretto
9th Sep 2001, 20:29
I know one story from TOS, where an anonymous passenger had reported the cockpit crew for drinking while they were flying OSL-TOS. They were arrested in the terminal and brought to the local police station with no explanation.

It turned out that one of the stewardesses had brought some cans of mineral water to the cockpit crew that looked very similar to the Mack Beer cans.

This is probably not the same story, but it certainly shows how touchy this issue is.


Nick Figaretto
9th Sep 2001, 20:39
This story is (would have been?) interesting, because here are at least a couple of issues that would rise a debate:

Firstly, of course: The "normal" drinking and flying issue.

Secondly: What kind of protection do we pilots have against such accusations?

Thirdly: Why the hell did the purser "allow" the intoxicated flight crew (if they were intoxicated) to fly the leg to CPH in the first place?

Nick. (Again :))

9th Sep 2001, 22:06
Indeed Nick, imagine being arrested every time we drink a glas of water. It could be vodka!! :rolleyes:

Temp Hi
9th Sep 2001, 22:07
Hi Nick
I have to agree with you - it is indeed a touchy issue. As far as I have understood we can now be drug and alcoholtested in AMS on a random basis without the security of being separated from the passengers or having union/legal advice. I for one wouldn`t like to be forced to blow in a balloon in front of my passengers - and them not knowing if the test was a random one or caused by a reasonable suspicion. On the other hand the passengers have a right to be transported by sober pilots - I would just prefere to have the tests carried out in connection with the annual medical renewal.
The rumour about 2 SAS pilots landing in CPH intoxicated has to be a rumour only (hopefully) - at least I have heard nothing about it outhere (and rumours like that would normally travel in excess of the speed of sound :cool: )


10th Sep 2001, 10:56
Not very likely... no SAS pilot has ever actually been spotted outside the hotel room…
;) ;)

[ 10 September 2001: Message edited by: Knold ]

10th Sep 2001, 12:34

What you`re saying is that they stay in the hotel room enjoying the gourmet left over crew-meals. But that`s only the danish SAS pilots ?!........I know, below the belt, sorry.


Why did you start a thread with this subject. Do you really think it`s of interest to other ppruners. I think not. Most of the response will be off target, like mine.

10th Sep 2001, 13:10
I have heard that the captain was rather old and near to his retierd age.He has been forced to go out of active duty and take pension.

10th Sep 2001, 14:22

Yes, it will most certainly be “Salmon surprise”...unless they're Norwegian, than they will have Mashed fish head with brunsaus. :D

Salmon Always Salmon :D

10th Sep 2001, 18:26
I have also heard that the flight supposed to have been between Stuttgart and Copenhagen.

Ace MCcoy
10th Sep 2001, 18:37
But the bl**dy salmon is Norwegian. Guess thats the Norwegian contribution to SAS.....no no, just a joke too :D :D

10th Sep 2001, 19:11
Well see, that's because Norwegians export the salmon since they seem to prefer mashed heads of coalfish along with saus that regular people would use with steak. :D

...but I suppose that this is all they can afford considering that a slice of pizza costs like an extra equipped BMW over there... ;)

No offence oil-gatherers

Stein Meum
12th Sep 2001, 12:00
So,it was from Stuttgart to Copenhagen!

Then it's got to be a 737-600.No wonder they appeared drunk!

The guys must still be reeling from the previous days flying! :D

Pigs do fly!