View Full Version : QANTAS UK - Wannabes & Recruitment

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20th Sep 2010, 02:09
Thanks for the update CharlieA380! I assume you are part of current CC in the UK? Any idea with regard to renewing or extending contracts once there? I have read back through the post on here and it would seem most people are very happy with the UK base...

20th Sep 2010, 04:05
I think you will find recruitment for the London base for locals has in fact already opened. If you look at the careers website on qantas.com.au it is on the front page and in the Friday Flyer (an internal newsletter) dated 17/9/10 it states that recruitment is now open for internal and external applicants.

20th Sep 2010, 05:30
I have a "panel interview" in Brisbane on Thursday for Qantas UK. Is this the same as a group recruitment day? I'm very nervous as the move to London is a huge deal! My Mum was born in England so I'm all good to go.

20th Sep 2010, 14:19
:ok:I flew over on the A380 the other day via singapore.. Had a chat to a lovely english flighty in the back galley.. she said that the hours have been quite poor, just coming off over 15days on stand by / A days, and when she is flying its only SIN trips for 24 to 36 hours.. this is a very different story then we were told in recruitment, with them saying all three SIN BKK and HKG trips and longer stays, and from what they were saying, they were pretty desperate for staff over here (UK) but with her being on A or S days 15 days straight.. confusing
Can anyone shed some light on this?? true slips and trip times??

20th Sep 2010, 15:49
Yes indeed, recruitment is open. Did you notice that preferential language skills are Chinese and Thai.... so the rumour that the A380's are going on the Hong Kongs and Bangkok's seems to be true?
We will be a A380 only base?:\

Most people are happy, however, for the last year or so we have been doing mostly Singapores and few Hong Kongs. so moral is a little low, but it seems we are getting our BKK back and if the A380's that are coming soon are going to operate the HKK and BKK's then were laughing.

21st Sep 2010, 02:55
Good news on the new planes CharlieA380, new faces and base growing!

Just wondering if anyone out there is joining me this Sat for recruitment day in Syd? Also, any idea if this is a panel interview or a standard recruitment day?

23rd Sep 2010, 14:06
For any Europeans reading this thread. The London office is NOT recruiting from the UK. The only recruitment for London Cabin Crew is being done out of OZ. ie. Austrailains who can legally work/stay in UK and be based out of London.
(internal communications were a bit vague)

23rd Sep 2010, 21:20
How about I am chinese can speak cantonese who lives in HK and have UK citizenship allow to apply the job? Thanks

25th Sep 2010, 23:09
After attending recruitment day here in Sydney, I can share or clear up some details that have been previously posted on here.

The position is permanent in the UK and not a contract; they therefore cannot transfer you here to Oz should you wish to come back and work as CC, you would need to apply; There is no relocation lump sum as far as I know, it was not mentioned in the info brochure; accomodation is not provided.

Still waiting on the confirmation email, agony!:bored:

29th Sep 2010, 15:32
I applied this week and after reading and joining this forum realised i have wasted my time wish they were clear about it so EU memebers dont apply ;( thanks for post guess i wont get a reply from them ...:confused:

1st Oct 2010, 00:27
Folks - just a minor suggestion - you might want to edit your posts so as not to completely reveal all of the interview techniques and exercises for the recruitment process.

There are a couple of reasons I say this - you are easily identifiable, we're not real keen on candidates sharing our recruitment processes, you weaken your chances as others come into the process better prepared than you and it's not appropriate for a process which is meant to be competitive.

Nothing wrong with commenting generally but I would leave the specifics out if it were me.

Just a thought from someone who knows the processes all too well!

1st Oct 2010, 23:15
Ozskipper...I'm worried now! :uhoh:

2nd Oct 2010, 09:51
Absolutely nothing to worry about Beatec!!! :)

I'm sure those who have applied will hear soon'ish.....

5th Oct 2010, 01:40
A huge Good Morning from Sunny Brisbane, Australia to all Cabin Crew Qantas Wannabes;

Question or rather some advice and reassurance required;

My Situation:-
Passed all the interview stages on the 30th August, 2010 (Brisbane)
Reference Checks Complete
Medical and Secuirty Clearance sent to Qantas about 2 weeks ago
Overseas Police Check in progress and sent to Qantas when completed

Havent heard anything more; -

Oz Skipper; - Whats my chances? Is this a good sign that i have progressed so far? Should you call and follow up if you havent heard anything..

Whats the next stage? Does anyone know when a Ground School starts in Sydney for LHR training? One started on the 25th September and then next is rumoured to be OCT/NOV? Can some confirm?

The waiting is the worst part. Anyone else in the same situation as me; would be great to hear from you.

Thanks in Advance

6th Oct 2010, 01:12
Hello everybody!

I'm new here and have a question I believe you will be able to help me with. To make a long story short, I need the person whom is in charge of hiring/apprenticeship at Qantas airlines.

I want to send a message to the HR, but can't find anyone to address it to.

Thanks for the help and time!

7th Oct 2010, 06:12
Truk - there are no guarantees but being asked to complete medicals / security checks are all positive signs. However, this in itself doesn't mean you have the job in the bag - you're just progressing along the recruitment process.

7th Oct 2010, 06:29
Thanks very much. Yeah; im not counting my chickens yet; but the wait is killing me. Thanks for the reply; Ozskipper.

I'll let you know if i hear anymore!

Anyone heard of when a ground school may be starting. Im praying for Novemeber? Anyone else in the same situation for Qantas CC London ! :confused:

7th Oct 2010, 21:07
I had my candidate event / recruitment day on 23rd Sep and they said that if we'd made it through to the medical stage we'd have an email within two weeks. It's been two weeks and I haven't heard anything from my referees. Does anyone know how long it actually took for them to send an email?

7th Oct 2010, 22:41

Took about 1 week for me to recieve the email after the candidate day that they were checking my references and then 1 week later i got the email to go for a medical and security clearance. I decided to wait 3 weeks for my medical 24.09 and Qantas have had it about 2 weeks. I also had to get an overseas police check..

Guess they are really busy at the moment. Did they tell you when a ground school would possibly start?


8th Oct 2010, 21:58
I spoke too soon, I just got this email:

This is a courtesy e-mail to advise that your application is currently progressing through our recruitment process for a Flight Attendant position with Qantas Cabin Crew (UK) Limited.

You referee's will be contacted shortly. After this process is completed we will contact you to advise of the next stages of our recruitment process.

Thank you for you interest in a career with the Qantas Group.

9th Oct 2010, 22:36
We had our interviews in Sydney on the 25th Sep, all 7 of us got email bright and early on the 27th just like liana's. They checked our references that same day too! So naturally we though 'wow this is going to be speedy'. It's been 2 weeks now and still no news...

Truk - Ground school is said to be late Nov...but that's a bit of hearsay I think. Some of the other candidates said that on the day, they may have asked the recruiter (but don't quote me).

Just a question - they mentioned on the day that we would be given 2 weeks to settle in once we get to London, do we get put up in company accommodation during this time? Or do we need to sort that out before we leave?

Hope we all have some positive news this week! :ok:

18th Oct 2010, 04:53
Thanks for the possible GS dates :) Late Novemeber would be perfect! I have a non refundable holiday booked from the 26th October to the 8th Novemember and was worried that Ground School may start at the same time.

Im thinking they wont tell me the final YES or NO; until you guys catch up with Medicals and Security Clearance.

From my understanding the 2 weeks after training is for you to either say goodbye to family and friends in OZ or you can move straight to the UK and set yourself up and find somewhere to live.

It was my understanding that no accomodation in the UK in provided by QANTAS - Gumtree would be the best bet.

Please keep me updated and i will do the same.

This QANTAS UK thread has gone really quiet; the silence is un-nerving me.

The other threads are putting us to shame! :ugh:

Anyone heard anymore from recruitment?


18th Oct 2010, 10:13
Yes...I got some news today, not good though!

One of the girls that was at recruitment day with phoned the recruites as we've been waiting for over 3 weeks now! The said that ground school that was suppose to start in October has been cancelled (they couldn't provide reason of course). They are apparently waiting for new ground school schedule and said to keep an eye on email. They will aim to send something through shortly :ugh:They said they could not promise all would take place this year, and we may now be scheduled to leave early next year! Arrhhhh...

Has anyone heard that delivery of 3 new A380's has been delayed? I recall hearing something...instead of 3 they are only getting 1 for now? :sad:

19th Oct 2010, 00:00
Hi Guys;

I just gave in and called recuritment, AGAIN. The confirmed what you were saying Beatac, Ground school for OCT has been cancelled and they are looking at the schedule for the next possible date. Could be next year!

Although this time they gave me different information in regards to what stage i was up to in the recuritement process; they are still waiting to recieve my secuirty clearnace stuff and medical forms; this can take up to a month. This is the longest process i have ever been through.

Her best advice 'keep checking your emails'

Well looks like i dont get to find out before my holidays.

Beatac. let me know when you get the medical email!

Good Luck Guys!

19th Oct 2010, 04:12
I was starting to think it was strange that I hadn't heard anything too. To be honest I would prefer to start next year though cos I have my best friends wedding in Dec that I was worried I'd have to miss. I guess I'll keep an eye out in my emails!

19th Oct 2010, 04:15
Hey Beatac....
Like you I am in the queue and yes that is the correct info re: possible ground school but no set answers or dates as yet. Patience is the key.
However I didn't receive a yes/no answer after the references were checked. Did you? Or any requests to do a medical or police check?

19th Oct 2010, 06:07

I didnt recieve a YES or NO after the reference checks either; an email turned up a week later asking me to go for a medical and security clearance. Since then i havent heard anything from them.

Im in the queue to - Im all done; just waiting for GS date!

Good Luck Ladies! - I like that people are talking on this thread for once.

19th Oct 2010, 08:53
Thanks Truk. Can I ask you if you are already flying? Just wondering if that's the reason you got an email for security clearance and medical and I didn't. Yes and good luck too....I am sure in the very near future we will hear something. If I find any new/relevant info, I'll be sure to post it here.

19th Oct 2010, 22:11
Coco - Our whole group from Sydney 25th Sep only got up to reference checks, after that we've heard nothing. So no, I haven't been asked to go for medicals and neither has anyone else. The girl that rang the recruiters said that they were doing the security clearence for us (that was the forms we had to hand back to them at the end of the day). I applied for the police clearence they asked for, and mine came in the mail within a week (so it doesn't take long). To tell you the truth, I don't understand why they won't even get us to do our medicals? It seems that everything has been placed on hold, which is a concern!

Luckily I have a blackberry...but I find myself staring at it all day, which is sending me a little mad I think! :eek:

19th Oct 2010, 22:31
Hey Beatac...
My hunch is we won't hear anything for a while. As for the medical it's a quick trip to the docs and then they fax off the paperwork to Qantas. By the time you finish ground school that would of all been taken care of so at this stage there's no real urgency for them to get you to do your medical. I heard on the grapevine that there IS another ground school going through...so fingers crossed.:)

20th Oct 2010, 10:18
If it helps - we don't usually send letters of offer for employment until your medical has been completed. If you have a security clearance still in progress it's very likely that the medical will not been sent out until after that has been completed and we've a ground training school scheduled.

I wouldn't be concerned that a training class has been cancelled - courses are cancelled and rescheduled all the time - it's a very dynamic environment so we have to shuffle things around to suit the business.

Just bide your time - you'll hear soon enough.

20th Oct 2010, 21:34
I spoke to recruiters yesterday...not great news I'm afraid :(. They said it is unlikely anything will happen this year, we may hear something at the biggining of next year but it may be as late as half way through next year. Well I guess this thread is about to go very quiet again...

21st Oct 2010, 00:01
Coco11 – No; I’m currently in learning and development for a finance company – no flying experience. My Interview was the 30th August in Brisbane; there was a bit of a stuff up on the day and we didn’t fill in the forms for security clearance; so this got sent with the medical request about a week after references were checked. I guess everyone’s process is different.

Oh No! That’s really bad news Beatac! L But on the other hand; at least I can try and save more money for the move. Mid Next Year – That couldn’t be possible; could it?

Yeah; as you said OzSkipper; things change quickly in the interview they were talking that they needed heaps of crew for the London base; something will happen when the need is there.

No WE can’t let this thread go quiet; we have to keep it going; it’s one of the only things that is keeping me from going mental after checking my emails and mobile 100 times a day.

According to my calculation J training would have to start on the 8th NOV to allow for the 7 weeks and to finish before Christmas, so as to not break up the learning experience.

I have a feeling that we will hear something very soon! Please let’s keep each other’s spirits up.:O

22nd Oct 2010, 14:23
Tell me Qantas UK wannabes, how does one go about applying for the right to work in the UK for this position if they are not in possession of a British passport and don't have family ties to the UK?

How do the true blood Aussies do it? Is it a matter of finding a visa sponsor before you even apply? That was what I have been told. But this sounds hard. And I am not sure where to begin - anyone have any website suggestions?

23rd Oct 2010, 02:11
Take a look at this page, that might steer you in the right direction.

UK Border Agency | Working in the UK (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/).

As per the QF website, it just says, you must have the legal right to live and work in the UK.

23rd Oct 2010, 21:29
Truk I so didn't mean to put a downer spin on things, I am just as hopeful as the rest of you and praying something happens soon! Just wanted to tell you all the latest info that I got. Everyone of the candidates from my day that rang recruitment has been told the same thing, things on hold and unlikely to resume this side of X'Mas. In saying that, things can change day to day (as is evidant) so it's best to keep positive and keep an eye on your inbox...something will appear in there soon enough! ;)

24th Oct 2010, 11:48
Thanks for that link exmax - I had a good look through and took to the points calculator with interest, but unfortunately I am ineligible, not because I don't have a university degree or enough funds to make a move to the UK possible, but because the cabin crew job I have right now only pays me a very meagre wage which generates no points at all on the Points Based System on the website :(

I guess it is out of the question for me *sob*

24th Oct 2010, 12:25
Just for a general FYI: Most Australian's would be ineligible for the QFCCUK position as you are accepting a full time UK position, so unless you have an EU or ancestry visa I'd wait around for Australian based positions.

24th Oct 2010, 12:48
Oh well, nice to know I'm not the only one.

I am always waiting on Australia based positions in any area of Qantas! Guess that's my niche!

27th Oct 2010, 01:01
Ozskipper- what's the process with medicals/police clearance forms if you went directly for the panel interview on the day?

Is there a request for them to be completed when and if you're a potential candidate for the role?

If you could shed some light on this that would be greatly appreciated.

3rd Nov 2010, 07:12
Coco - Not sure what you mean / asking....

Generally speaking, you'll be asked to complete medical and police clearance forms when you progress to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Bear in mind that progression to the next stage is also dependent on the recruitment timeline - if there's no movement planned then it may be a little while before you're asked to complete the clearances.

If you haven't heard anything in a little while - hang tight. No news isn't necessarily a bad thing.

4th Nov 2010, 07:09
Oz-skipper - My msg wasn't that clear I agree. However you seemed to have answered my question regardless so thank you. :ok:

11th Nov 2010, 00:13
Hi Qantas UK Wannabes;

I’ve been away for 3 weeks and haven’t heard anything from Qantas UK? Anybody with anymore inspiring news? I have completed the medical and security clearance and am just waiting to hear about the next step..

Coco - Beatac - How are you both? Should i ring recruitment?


11th Nov 2010, 01:19
Hi Truk...how are you?

No news. You've missed nothing. I don't think there's any point in calling. Once they've rescheduled the ground school they'll notify the successful candidates so the answer you'll get now will still be a vague one as they don't know either I dare say.

Hopefully it's in the new year! Fingers crossed for all of us.:)

11th Nov 2010, 23:42
Hi Coco!

Doing very well apart from the obvious. Had a great holiday and fell in love with Singapore. Very excited that its a destination that i might get to fly to.

I gave in and called them and they told me i am still at the medical and secuirty stage and that everything is on hold, but not really hold. Very Vague and Confusing.

Fingers Crossed for the New Year!

12th Nov 2010, 03:27
So, I was talking to a flying buddy of mine the other day and we were discussing getting the right to work in the UK, and she told me I should've been tallying up my points under the tier 5 youth mobility visa rather than tier one or general or whatever I was doing before.

Is this true PPRuNers? Would I need to apply for this visa before applying for Qantas UK so that I could tick on the Qantas application that yes I do have the right to work in the UK? Or not bother to get it until Qantas has definitely offered me a job?

13th Nov 2010, 21:15
Hi, I'm on the shortlist for the Auckland Long Haul base and I've also been told that all training is on hold. I wonder if it's just an end of year thing and they will start again in January.

14th Nov 2010, 23:18

I applied for the position in July this year and unfortunately missed out on the August interviews in Aust (funny enough I was in London at the time!). I ended up going to an interview in early September and have had my references checked...but nothing since then! Strangely we were sent the security forms before the interview day however at no time were we asked to hand them in...just our photos, resumes and copies of passports etc.

Its so frustrating, I wish they'd just send a general email to say what is going on and some sort of time frame? I'm too scared to book any holidays in case they announce a training date! In the meantime I'm just trying to stay positive!!! It's also good to hear a lot of other people in the same position, knowing you aren't the only one!

15th Nov 2010, 22:23
Hi Guys:

Tainslovestofly - Yeah i think it would be best to have the visa thing all sorted before you applied! Makes you more appealing! Perfect time to get its started while everything is on hold. The wont offer you a job without the visa. Its a bit expensive and you need to show savings of about $4000 AU for a Uk Visa.

Bert123 - I have a feeling that as soon as the A380's get sorted something will start again. Dont think that we will hear anything until the new year :( Everyone is at different stages. Good Luck and keep us updated if you hear anything.

Superlama87 - I hear you! Everything is on hold at the moment; Very Hard! im trying to decide if i should sign a new lease for another 6 months! They only give you about 2 weeks notice before ground school; They asked for my secuirty form at the same time as my medical and overseas police check! An update email would be very nice; i started this process on August 30th. Best of Luck!

Someone has to hear something soon! :)

16th Nov 2010, 08:26
Only reason I am wary is because surely you can't apply for the visa, successfully get it and then say to them 'oh thanks for granting me the right to work in the UK but can we hold onto it for six months?'. Because who knows when Qantas will call you, you know? What if you get the visa and then are holding onto it without using it for ages because Qantas UK aren't hiring? I wouldve thought that once you were granted the visa that you couldn't wait forever to use it. I thought I read somewhere that they could only postpone the start date by three months...

17th Nov 2010, 02:39
Hey guys....

Talk is that ground school is most likely to be scheduled for Feb next year.

17th Nov 2010, 03:42
It would be great if that goes for all bases

17th Nov 2010, 11:04
hi coco,
just wondering how you found out that info? i too have to renew my lease but might consider finding a short term lease if this is the case...

17th Nov 2010, 22:16
Morning Peeps;

How'd you find out that info Coco? Did you call ? ; the last i heard was recuritement telling me that 'GS is on hold; but not really on hold' - If that makes any sense; it didnt to me? :)

BERT123 - Its so hard not knowing when and if its coming? you cant really plan anything :(

Tainslovetofly - I know its rough but thats the way that it is; everyone at our WAD were told to start the process - You also have to pay for medicals and vaccinations and overseas police clearances and you still arent gauranteed a job!

Well Guys..Hope we hear something soon! Thanks for the updates.


18th Nov 2010, 01:24
Hey guys...yes I gave the recruitment line another call and they told me. Naturally it's not set in stone but that's what they are thinking will happen. So if that's the case expect to get notified early next year via email.

Hope that info helps.:)

29th Nov 2010, 04:10
Hi Qantas CC Wannabe's;

Anyone heard anything? All the other airlines are still recruiting; Qantas seems to be the only one stopped. Very obvious reasons :)

OzSKipper - Heard anything about when GS wil get back up and running! Do they ever run them over christmas?

4th Dec 2010, 11:53
it's all gone very quiet...the calm before the storm? I hope they will start the phone interviews soon!

13th Dec 2010, 00:27
With the year nearly over, Just wanting to ask you guys if you've heard anything! Have you called Qantas recuritement latley?

I spoke with HR last week and they said that we would be getting an email early this week; fingers crossed!

They are still taking applications for the QCCUK London Base; but they dont seem to be progressing people who have applied already; maybe another assessment day in Australia before picking up where they left off with us....

Hasnt been anyone chatting/updating on here for agers :)

22nd Dec 2010, 05:49
hi all just thought i would let you know that i got a email form qantas today informing me that recruitment has been put in holding and that my application would remain in the system for 12 months.

22nd Dec 2010, 11:46
OMG! I haven't got that email yet? Will check in the morning as they have my work address! I will be devastated! :) So nervous! :hmm::hmm:

24th Dec 2010, 00:29
Correct. I did too. On hold.

Hopefully things cease to be on hold in the new year, however I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket.

29th Dec 2010, 05:04
I got the email :( Shattered. The only positive is that it wasn't a NO. I have to do drug testing again though as only lasts for 90 days. Wonder how much more that will cost.

I just don't understand; they were saying in the interviews that they needed 64 crew before the end of the year. I noticed in the email that it said that all Qantas CC is on hold. Maybe (fingers crossed) QCCUK will start up again soon.

Been let me know if anyone hears anything.....Best of Luck and Happy New Year!

29th Dec 2010, 06:45
Be patient, Qantas had planned have eight A380 aircraft operating on the LHR and LAX routes by the end of this year. But since the fleet was grounded, there are now only 5 operational, and only 3 flying at any one time due to regular checks now required after a certain amount of flying hours. The planned increase in base size would have been decided before the A380 problems, so now they would be putting recruitment on hold until the A380 fleet is fully operational.

3rd Jan 2011, 11:37
Hi all! Happy New Year to all...hopefully we will get some good news soon to start 2011 off on!

I got both the emails that everybody is refering to, and everything you guys are advising is spot on. I have a question with regard to medicals; at our AD in Sydney in September we were not asked to proceed with medicals, we handed security forms in and resumes and that's it. I haven't started the process, I don't even know where to start?!

Also, can anyone confirm; if you have EU citizenship is that enough to work in UK??

Many thank guys:)

3rd Jan 2011, 19:48
If you have European citizenship you can live and work anywhere within the European Union. Well you need at least a passport or Identity card. Cheers

5th Jan 2011, 04:19
Hi Beatac; Happy New Year Everyone!!

They will email you when they want you to go for a medical; including a list of doctors that you can see. You must see a DAME for the Qantas Medical. You cover the cost yourself and this will include a fee for drug testing. You then need to have blood work to see if you have the antibodies for Hep A & B and Chicken Pocks and Rubella.

You then need to get vaccinations if you havent. This is the stage that i was up to before the on hold email. Already had all the vaccinations.

EU passport would allow you to live and work in the Uk; so you'll be right. I have an ancestory visa. 5 Years.

Thanks Flitegirl - Im trying to be patient but its been close to 6 months. Just taking it as a bonus if they call. Im not counting on it anymore.

Anyone else heard anything new?


8th Apr 2011, 02:30
Can someone email the Qantas recruitment number to me pls? I lost my phone which had the number and I'd like to give them a call and see if they are going to start things up again.


27th Dec 2011, 23:12
Can anyone tell me whether Qantas are recruiting LHR based crew now?

Submitted an application but no news..