View Full Version : QANTAS UK - Wannabes & Recruitment

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Tart With A Cart
21st Aug 2008, 19:15
Hi all,

Has anyone attended a "Welcome on board day" for Qantas UK lately and if so, how did it go?

After getting through the final stage of the interview process, I've now been waiting over 3 weeks for an outcome!

For anyone out there that knows, is that normal???

21st Aug 2008, 21:02
it's normally 2 weeks but for some reason is taking longer than usual i have several friends waiting so don't worry you are not the only one. Hopefully you'll hear something soon!

Tart With A Cart
22nd Aug 2008, 00:07
Thanks for that, It's nice to know I'm not the only one waiting for the phone to ring!

23rd Aug 2008, 10:09
Hey all,

I had an interview with QCCUK this time last year - and I can't wait to reapply! (although in the hold-pool for BA-LGW right now, might as well keep my options open!)

Does anyone know if QCCUK will be recruiting end of September? My 'probation' will be over on the 21st...
At least it gives me the time to organise my NI etc. :) (Something I didn't have last time, being an Aussie)

Tart With A Cart
23rd Aug 2008, 15:40
Hi all,

Was anyone else on this welcome day? If so, have you heard anything yet?

I managed to get through to the 1-2-1 interview and am waiting to hear if I've got it or not.

The suspense is KILLING me..........anyone got any info on it???


24th Aug 2008, 18:52
Doesn't help her much though little blue,

There's a thread running on D&G reporting points about QF cabin crew redundancies where the question might get a sensible answer.

25th Aug 2008, 19:46
UK crew get 35 days paid leave per year.

ID 90 on QF and a wide range of other airlines. Lots for that matter. You need to do 6 months service to get staff travel.

Cant help with your last question, sorry.


25th Aug 2008, 22:26
little blue

maybe your not the only one....

still doesn't help her much

26th Aug 2008, 02:41

Hello there! I applied for a Long Haul Flight Attendant position for Qantas UK (I live in Australia) and just received an email saying that they would be in contact with me in the following weeks regarding my resume. Can anyone please tell me what this means???? ahhhhh I'm scared:eek:

27th Aug 2008, 13:03
I think it means you will just have a short telephone interview and discuss your resume and if they like you they will invite you to a Welcome Aboard Day.

28th Aug 2008, 08:47

I got the email as well, but I don't have the 3 year visa.


30th Aug 2008, 04:12

Just one question that I have for a QF FA. DO any of the long haul or QCCA crew actually get to make it to London? Just curious with the UK base. As well who will operate the 380? QFUK, LH or QCCA or something different. Any replies would be appreciated.


30th Aug 2008, 05:54
QCCA presently make it to LHR on the QF 31/32
The A380 will be crewed by both QAL and QCCA.
As the availability of A380s increases(20 on order)the LHR base will also crew this aircraft.
The only QF Crew not flying the A380 will be the QAL crew who have chosen not to.
The A380 will fly MEL/LAX...SYD/LHR....SYD/LAX and perhaps at some point in the future SYD/JNB.
High volume routes are what this aircraft was designed for.

30th Aug 2008, 21:09
Thanks a lot for your reply. So with the 380 do QFUK have their hours reduced? They are recruiting quite a bit at the moment...

30th Aug 2008, 22:40
Hours for QFUK are not reduced due to the A380.

QFUK will eventually crew the A380. The crew are starting training for that in the next couple of months.

RaverFlaver :O

30th Aug 2008, 22:41
They are recruiting to replace those who are leaving.
Each A380 has a crew complement of 22 ....around 30% more than a jumbo.
The recruitment is also for the extra crew required for this aircraft.

30th Aug 2008, 23:05
There has also been speculation about the future of the Thai base.
Should this close extra crew in the LHR base would also be required

2nd Sep 2008, 22:17
Can someone tell me where/how I find the QANTAS - UK I threat?

Much obliged :-)

Tart With A Cart
3rd Sep 2008, 14:52
Hi all, has anyone who has been on any of the recent "Welcome Aboard Days" heard anything yet?

Also, is anyone out there who knows what may be causing the delay??

9th Sep 2008, 01:36
When they say they will be in touch shortly, it is that they will phone you(the girl that spoke to me was very friendly, was persistant too with the AUS-UK time zone diff) She basically just confirmed what I had written in my application and then asked me to attend a welcome aboard day at Heathrow. At that stage I was planning on being in Europe around the time of the recruitment day anyway, so I agreed , but as the time came I realised that I was far better off enjoying my holiday in Rome and not going to London for a potential let down so I cancelled.

15th Sep 2008, 20:00
Can somebody give me an idea how long it takes until they get in touch with you after your initial application? Applied two weeks ago, still no phone call or email...any ideas?

17th Sep 2008, 13:21
Just out of interest could anyone tell me how stable the rostering is?

I noticed in an earlier post that you can (like almost every airline!) get available days before trips - If it falls before a rostered trip do you then automatically lose that duty if ops need you elsewhere? If so what sort of warning do you get before a roster change?

Also is there any way of bidding for days off?

Thanks in advance!

20th Sep 2008, 18:04
Hi, so far I didn't get an answer on the 'Cabin Crew' threat, maybe somebody here can help me with my question?

I believe a few companies (e.g. Qantas Uk) give crew a whole month of stand by every year. I am interested how that works out for people especially commuters who live further than 90minutes from their base?
Do you just book yourself into a B&B for the whole month?
Within this month of Stand by, do you still get days off rostered, so that you can return home for a bit here and there?
When you get called for a trip, do you get automatically a certain amount of days off when you come back, or are you straight back on Stand by?
Can you try and swap onto flights so that you have less stand by time?
Are you allowed to take leave in your stand by month?

Thank you for any information regarding stand by month,

22nd Sep 2008, 14:42
It seems a bit that I'm the only one posting here but if anybody else is going to the assessment day on the 24th of October feel free to PM me :ok: I'll probably be staying at the hotel the night before. See you all there :)

23rd Sep 2008, 21:27
Hi All,

Could anyone tell me what to expect from the welcome aboard day??? got mine on the 8th oct... Not sure what to expect...

Thanks xx

24th Sep 2008, 11:52
Hi XL4ever,

I don't know much more than you but I think it's the usual airline process (which I gather from your nickname you have been through before):

Checking your paperwork
And then you might stay on for an Interview or you get sent home. Hopefully the first! :-)

And from my research it's the usual things to keep in mind:

Dress smarty.
Be yourself, and try to relax.
Know about the company.

Good luck :ok:

PS: And if you have more info and tips after the 8th I would appreciate a PM as I'm going on the 24th :}

24th Sep 2008, 21:17
Hi Dolley,

Cheers for that, i worked for XL for 4 years, Xl was my last interview so i need to brush up on a few things.

Will defo let you know how it goes and will try and remember everything they ask.

Laura x:)

29th Sep 2008, 13:57
I am going to a Qantas recruitment/interview day, could anyone give me some advice and help/tips on what to expect on the day.
Any help or information would be extremely useful, many thanks

30th Sep 2008, 04:01
Hi nightmare,
Are you going for a recruiment day in Australia and if so when?
I haven't been to one yet but what I have read is that there are group interviews and then after lunch they will call you back in for a one on one interview if you are successful. I think they will ask you certain questions about yourself and your current job and you also have to think of answers of what you would do situations. Sorry I can't be much help but good luck and let us know how you go. Look in the other Qantas section there might be some anwsers for you.:ok:

30th Sep 2008, 04:54
A recruitment day in Australia? or UK?

30th Sep 2008, 06:26
I got an email the other day from Qantas Aust saying that they didn't know when they'd be resuming recruitment, so I assume UK?

30th Sep 2008, 11:56
Thanks for the replies, its a UK recruitment day in London

30th Sep 2008, 13:04
The day starts with a group activity. Back in March it was building stuff with Lego to their specifications, deciding as a team what to build and what features to include and then making a presentation. Then there is an oral quiz on Qantas. If you don't do any research on Qantas, this is where it will become quite apparent to the group.

This is followed by a presentation while they decided who to cut. The announcement is made and those who stay are then asked to produce their documents. They are then given a short role play exercise followed by a 2-1 interview.

Not really much different to other airlines really. The usual rules about grooming and deportment apply, as well as interpersonal skills. It wouldn't hurt to brush up on your knowledge of Australia. DEFINITELY learn as much as you can about Qantas.

30th Sep 2008, 15:25
There is already a very long Qantas UK thread on here with lots of information as well.

nightmare: What date? I'm going on the 24th.

4th Oct 2008, 01:38
Hi there
I wounder if this may help , first is it the LON base your going for ?
Anyways i went for the recruitment day WAY BACK in mar 08 man talk about get the run around . First they email you and say hey click on this link and chose a date , then you bust your butt to get sorted and get there. I only thought about it and applied 7 daye before the email :mad:,
So i was very very excited i can tell you i had all but 1 doc with me on the day that was the police check DO IT NOW . So ok on the day please make sure you a wearing a suite and tie oh yeh polished black shoes
Sorry if your a female same same but no tie LOL !!!!
I STILL con not belive what some poeple wore on the day SHOCKER !!
Make sure you smile all day its painful yes but hey just do it, get saying more than hello to some one talk to people for 4-5 mins about the weather or the footy !!! NOT ABOUT yourself or how excited you are to be here blah blah blah. They thats the staff will watch you like a hawke really they will. Make sure you sit up at the table and keep yourself nice and remember were you are ie no gum !!! Really i sound like a narotic queen but really on the day you have to shine like no one else. Its a fun day paper work first thing , then into a room sit down with 8-5 others keep smiling, then we had a team building topic was here is what you need to save and hereis a list of people you can use and there disabiltys now go for it work it out. After lunch (they told us to go to the rowers club with our cell phones "YEH NOP **** ) they tex message all of us , my herat sank YIPPY I GOT through but it was like killing your brother and sister when otheres did not. Shaking in my boats and ten cigs latter i go back in to have a roll play in the hotel . I had to check some one is who was a total bitch and be nice to her !!! Easy NOT !!!!
Then back down stairs and wait with eth others by this time its like WOW thasts over !! Then the staff just expalined if you where great today we will call you in about 3 weeks !!!!!!! knock knock here it is OCT and all i have is about ten emails saying YOUR APPLICATIUON IS ON HOLD !!!
I so just want to fly its not funny then ill be unable to stop smiling.
Kido go for it just shince and generaly be nice to people not enought to make anyone sick just be nice !!!;)

4th Oct 2008, 10:56
Spell check?:rolleyes:

4th Oct 2008, 12:33
Brain check more like it

tuskegee airman
4th Oct 2008, 13:12
:ok: :ok: on the name stunning... I mean cunning stunt.:E

6th Oct 2008, 02:29
Hi all i just wanted to say sorry for my above message . I have just come back from O/S and had a little to much to drink. I should have not got on hear adn mostly not lefted a message like that . I hope you can for give me . I have been like so many others waiting for a Yes or No from QCCA. Its really depressing
So sorry again :ugh:

9th Oct 2008, 16:33
Qantas Uk limited is recruiting cabin crew . I applied , but I don't know anything about conditions and wages .
Could you help me ???
-What is the FDP Limit ???
-How many hours of flight per month ?
-How many days off after a Long Haul flight And how many days off per month ?
-What about the holidays ?
-Do they follow EU Jar Ops ? If not , what regulations do they follow ??
If any of you could attach the whole contract it would be great !!!

Mick Strigg
9th Oct 2008, 18:05
A question for all those that have been succesful at the Welcome Aboard Days:

How long after WAD do you find out if you've made it or not? I'm dying to find out!

9th Oct 2008, 19:50
I would recommend you to read the whole Qantas UK thread. All your questions (and more) should get answered in there :-)
That's what I did, and it's all very useful information :-)

Good luck!

9th Oct 2008, 20:50
thank you
I'll do it

10th Oct 2008, 07:00
Hi I can tell you only whay know and that is the pay is 16000 odd POUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus sector fares so i think from memeory it was 75 pound if you stayed over for more than 17 hrs .
PS DONT DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!! QCCA told me i had the job thyen the next breath told me i should apply for QCCUK or AKL base. I had not even applied as i was thinking of it then they told me NO SORRY we are no longer taking on new staff till maybe 1 year . Bunch of F**** arse*****
Do your safe a fav and apply for DJ syd base crew MUCH MUCH better they treat you like a human not some dog
QF suck what more can i say , really if they take over 7 months to say yes or no then hey ask yourself the question ????:mad::mad:

10th Oct 2008, 09:26

Is it just me or are your taking things a bit personal? And are maybe just a tiny bit bitter?

Do I get it right that you are from Australia and located in Australia?
Because Qantas UK is still hiring here in Europe. A lot actually. It can always happen that recruitment needs are met before it's your turn unfortunately. And in the current economic state we all take a gamble anyway.

Nobody likes being played around with for sure, however, get over it, find yourself a more mature and professional attitude and try again, either with qantas in 6 months or in the meantime with whoever else.

Good luck for the future!

PS: Your figures are incorrect as well, at least if you are European, applying to Qantas UK.

10th Oct 2008, 15:32
Hi Beba

The Qantas UK thread is quite lengthy so thought I'd try and summarise some of the points you asked details on.....

As a new Flight Attendant for Qantas, your starting basic is a couple of pounds short of £12,000p.a. The flight pay works out to be £50 per sector due to the length of the 3 routes they do - Hong Kong, Bangkok and Singapore. You receive you allowances downroute in currency which varies according to where you are but is between £80-£120 each trip (approx.)

Most trips are 4 days (Day 1 - Fly, Day 2 - Arrive Downroute in afternoon, Day 3 - Leave downroute at night, Day 4 - Arrive at base in the morning or early afternoon).

After a 4 day trip you will be rostered 3 days off. Howevr, crewing are very flexible and you can swap round your days off and all sorts and trip swap with other crew....they are a very flexible.

You can work a maximum of 240 hours per roster period which works out to be 240 hours every 8 weeks. That works out to be a max. of 8 trips - so one trip a week.

You are entitled to 35 days annual leave per year which is pro-rata when you start.

As it is still an Australian airline, they follow the regulations of CASA.

Hope this information helps! Please consider that contracts change on a regular basis so this information may change!

10th Oct 2008, 18:46
one thing ive always been wondering, about visas? is there a visa waiver for crew flying out to aus and the asia cities? probably a stupid question i know but just curious.

10th Oct 2008, 21:01
Hi Phil

This isn't my area of expertise (not that I actually have one!) but as I understand it, when flying into any of these countries as crew, our "Gen Dec" is used for Customs for entry into the country as this will have details of our flight no's and all the crew.

No visas are required as this is all part and parcel of the airlines agreement in flying into the countries.

Anyone who knows more, please feel free to explain better as I'm sure my knowledge is a little rusty!

Mega lo man
12th Oct 2008, 15:46
Ciao I m going on 24 oct to WAD , somebody else?

12th Oct 2008, 16:18
hey am goin 2 the WAD on the 22nd? anybody else? i cnt find my qualification certificates do i need them?

12th Oct 2008, 16:42
R89: I believe you do. I will take as much paperwork as I can really, but obviously I don't know how strict they actually are on the day. I won't bother getting things translated unless they specifically request it though.

Mega Lo Man: See you there :-) I replied to your pm.

14th Oct 2008, 12:20
Diving Diva

Very informative post, thanks

Just a little more info if you would, with the basic plus approx 4 flights a month what is the figure after tax you would come out with.

im thinking 800 basic 400 sector pay 320-400 allowances downroute

so about 1500 per month after tax.

or am i off the mark

Thanks again..

14th Oct 2008, 20:44
easyboy....yes that is about right.....maybe more around the 1400 mark i would say.....

hope that helps :O

15th Oct 2008, 11:02
Tell me why you would work for 16000 pounds . No really is that about the norm in europe ? I am based in syd australia . If you havent worked it out that i plus 8 other people who swapped numbers after our interview day in syd. Its a shock to me and all others that after waiting 7 months and being told by QF that our applications are still procesed only to be told hey pls apply for either LON or AKL . We were invited to reply in an email if we wished to recive information packs. The funny thing is QF mentioned in an email " If you apply for either position it will in no way affect your Oz application, how ever if you are granted a positon we then will cancel your Oz appliaction . Fair enough sure we all understand !! BUT no 1 applied as we talked about and thought unless we all share a 2-3 bedroom flat how are we going to afford to survive ? So not even 3 days latter most of us got the dear john letter . Thats why myself included are totaly stunded by QF's treatment to so many after so long. Is that better ???

15th Oct 2008, 11:19
With regards to your recent QCCA experiences we do value your input. I do empathize with you your current situation however it would be great if you could stop the continual negativity. We are here to find out information regarding the position and not to hear people's heartache.

15th Oct 2008, 17:05

Thanks very much for your reply, i suppose also how much of your allowance you spend downroute..lol

Do you also always get 4 flights a month so your wages are pretty much the same each month.

Thanks again

15th Oct 2008, 21:53

Once more, your figures are incorrect. If you will just read the rest of this thread you will see that current Qantas UK employees estimate their take home salary each month at £1400 which includes sector pay and allowances. Basic is not even close to £16.000 but more along £12.000 which is pretty normal for the job in the UK, and pretty good compared to some other European countries. You won't get rich working as crew but you won't live badly either. Compared to many unskilled jobs it's actually very good money over here.

Once more, good luck with your continuous job search, and my sympathies that Qantas didn't work out for you.

16th Oct 2008, 21:19

In answer to your question - Qantas work on an 8 week roster and in that time you are likely to get between 7 - 8 trips. However, Qantas are expectionally flexible in the UK and you can trip swap and phone up crewing every day to try and pick up extra trips. Obviously you are restricted with your 240 hours and they try to not work you over that as they will have to pay you overtime, but you can work as close to 240 as you can.

Normally they will work you around the 210-220hr mark so you can always try to sneak an extra trip in or do back-to-back trips.

Overall, Qantas are happy for you to work as much as you like and give you a lot of freedom to alter your roster to suit your needs e.g. swapping trips, rearranging your days off etc etc.

Hope this helps!!!

16th Oct 2008, 23:13
hi guys/girls., ive been accepted on a WAD on 6th nov, anyone going then too? i was woken up by a call with phone interview, and considering i was half asleep the lady on phone laughed and said i did very well. any hints and tips? hope to see u guys there


17th Oct 2008, 09:13
Depending on wether you get through the whole day they told us we would here in 3-5 weeks! xx

17th Oct 2008, 09:20
Hi everybody!
I've been invited to a WAD on Nov 4th... Anybody going?
I'll be flying up from Spain the day before, any idea about cheap hotels in the area?
In the confirmation mail they talk about a discount for current cabin crew at the Jurys Inn, does anybody know how much?

Thanks alot


17th Oct 2008, 09:46
Hi Mary,

The Jury's Inn is probably your best option. I looked long and hard for cheaper alternatives but fact is, it's probably as cheap as it gets especially if you would have to pay money for transport if you go a bit further away where it may be a bit cheaper.

If you buy over the online website you can book a room for £72. That's the cheapest. Even if you already work for another airline. Quite a chunk of money but I guess we'll all invest it in the hope that it'll pay off in the end....:)

Good luck!

18th Oct 2008, 14:29
Hey guys, i've through onto a Welcome Aboard day on November 6th... has anyone on this forum previously been on one of these and know what to expect?

I've already been asked and answered the standard interview questions (give an example of this, what would you if this happened etc) over the phone, so have no idea what to expect to be questioned on at the WA day.

This is the first time I have been for an interview for Cabin Crew, I've finally built up enough customer service experience to get this far lol... and am so nervous... I want this job so bad!!!

Thanks for any help to help me prepare!!!


19th Oct 2008, 14:43
Hi everybody,
I am writing to everybody that could help me...
I had my QF phone interview back in August.Went thru and was told that I would receive a confirmation email with the date and place of the interview.But since, nothing happaned !!! I did not receive anything.I tried to call the number I had but I was in Africa for my job and could not get thru (the phone connections are very bad down here).So I tried to send a couple of mails to the email adress I had, but did not get any answers!
I am kind of desperate and would like to understand what happened ...
Can anybody help me ??? I really want to have the opportunity to have this job...:uhoh:
Thanx everybody.

19th Oct 2008, 15:40
Hello. That sounds weird. The number I phoned is 08700927092 and the email address being [email protected] ([email protected]). Is that the same contacts you tried?

Good luck

19th Oct 2008, 17:17
Oh and I am going to the WAD on the 24th, This fri. Looking forward to be meeting those who are going on that day! :)

21st Oct 2008, 09:31
Hi Lisa,

Thank for your answer. I do have the same number and email.I tried both without succes.But I am going to France tonight so it will be easier for me to get them on the phone from there.

Thanx anyway and take care.Good luck for Friday...:ok:


21st Oct 2008, 11:14
Hey aqualuna I have my WAD on the 6th of November too,

Anyone else on the 6th?

i'm gonna be sick...

21st Oct 2008, 21:49
im on 6th nov too. quite looking forward to it. hope to see u all there.

23rd Oct 2008, 09:20
please could you tell me something about the phone conversation (questions done etc..) from qantas uk ? thank's a lot!!

x gemma x
26th Oct 2008, 19:32
Hello, i'm going to the WAD on 4th November, is anyone else? i'm very scared but excited too! I'll be staying at Jurys inn so if anyone would like to meet the night before for a chat let me know!!

26th Oct 2008, 20:02
Hi guys and girls,

I'm 20 and I'm currently at college doing my A Levels, I do 15 hours a week college time, that's basically 3 full days of college. I was cabin crew for easyJet before I returned to education - do you think it'd be possible for me to hold my place at college and work for Qantas as cabin crew at the same time? Would it be frowned upon if I spent my time down route studying etc. Are Qantas UK accomodating to students working for them or do I have a cat in hells chance of working them both successfully?

Your advice and feedback will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


26th Oct 2008, 21:27
I am going on the 4th of november too for the interview.
Have no idea what to expect.
I was with easyjet before and it was pretty straight forward at their WAD.
Anyway see you there.

26th Oct 2008, 21:31
Hey i am going on the same day as you.
Do you have any clue what to expect apart from the usual?
I heard there are questions about the company also!!!
Anyway drop me a line and if you do wanna meet beforehand it would be cool.
Take care,

26th Oct 2008, 21:32
hello people,

i completed my application for quantas about five weeks ago,and havent heard anyting about the outcome of my application,but have two e-mails asking me to ensure my application was complected,and to send them a email to state if i was still want to proceed with my application,i have ensured everything is completed which it is, and there are no tasks to be done,and gave them emails, has anyone got any idears?,anyone had the same thing happen,and cant find a uk contact number for them,can anyone help.
many thanks

27th Oct 2008, 18:13
Not far back in this thread you could find this information:

Hello. That sounds weird. The number I phoned is 08700927092 and the email address being [email protected] ([email protected]). Is that the same contacts you tried?

Good luck

Maybe this will help?
Best wishes for your application!

28th Oct 2008, 16:41
hi dolley,

many thanks for that,helped alot...had a telephone interview today,find out tommorrow,so fingers crossed.
only problem is I cant find my exam certificates,and they said this could affect my application,were see

again many thanks:ok:


29th Oct 2008, 09:37
Just one thing it is Qantas and not Quantas -

29th Oct 2008, 10:52
god thats shocking get a bit type happy sometimes lol:ugh:, just spoke to them and i have got a interview on the 18th,does anybody have any infomation about what happens at these days,it would be most helpful,many thanks

30th Oct 2008, 01:12
hi there. does any of you guys have experience operating as cabin crew?
i have.
Are you native english speakers? I am concerned about the english requirements... do you reckon the level of english they need is very high or not at all?

for the ones who go on the 4th november. i might be able to meet with you should you wish so.

30th Oct 2008, 10:03
I'm an italian flight attendant. Could you give me some informations or more details about the phone questions or the second interview in London done by qantas uk team?

Thank you very much indeed

30th Oct 2008, 14:07
hi bruno,

I have never worked as cabin crew before, i was a holiday rep for 5 years, i think from some of the applications that i read you have to be fluent in speaking and written but each airline has there own requirment,
good luck:ok:

31st Oct 2008, 00:26
Guys, we should be kissing BeachBum's butt- he's given us quite a bit of info and regardless of the typos, it would have taken quite some time to write! (Especially coz of the drinks) hehehe all the best mate :cool:

31st Oct 2008, 10:56
scobbydoodoo, I would agree with you....if it wouldn't be the wrong information for the thread. beachbum has been to an assessment day in Sydney, not in London, as he states quite clearly in his headline.

2nd Nov 2008, 07:59
Hi gemma.
I'm also going on the 4th and I will saty at the jurys inn too. I think i will get there abot 21h the night before, if you want to meet up.

9th Nov 2008, 11:59
hello guys,

could you write to me some of the questions qantas team used to do during the conversations in the second phase in london. I've already had the telephone call. thank's

10th Nov 2008, 12:56
Hi Susie
I have an interview as well on the 18th Nov, so ill see you there!!

10th Nov 2008, 22:04
Hi everyone,
went to Qantas welcome aboard day on the 6th November,
got through the whole process, did anyone else get an e-mail
that evening saying there would be a delay in an answer?

10th Nov 2008, 23:40
Hi Swearah,

Yep, had the same email. And most people that went on the same day did as well. Supposedly it's more meant for people who have been waiting 4 weeks or longer but it was sent to everybody.

10th Nov 2008, 23:41
I had my interveiw on the 21st of October. They sent me an email last week telling me about the delay. I should hear this week. However you must allow the three weeks they told us. Hope this helps

12th Nov 2008, 20:01
I noted that QF where conducting a number of Emergency Procedure class's at BA Training Centre. They have 100 odd Cabin Crew Ab-initio in training + they have some CSM & A380 Training this week at BA flight training.

I would guess your QF delay is due to this.
Good Luck !
Azzah ...
Remember Recruitment does not end until you pass the training!

12th Nov 2008, 22:03
Hey Guys,

quick question, for long haul cabin crew based in Heathrow would it be possible to commute (from Dublin) or not as iv heard mixed answers to this!!

Cheers and best of luck to those doing interviews and waiting on news!!

12th Nov 2008, 23:08
Hi everyone, I have been invited for a WAD on 21st Nov! Just wanted any tips!? Im worried because I am going to be on holiday until the 20th and i literally have a few hours from when I return to manchester and I literally have to go home, get changed and go back to the airport so I can fly to heathrow! :\

13th Nov 2008, 13:59
I tried to call qantas with the phone number I received days ago , anybody was in the office. I leaved a message to advised them about my interest to have a phone conversation with them but 1 week later no answer or call I have got yet. Whyyyyy????

14th Nov 2008, 17:38
jimmy712:To be honist if you think you can do all that and arrive on Time and fresh for the assesment, then it will be ok. :\ However if you have any doubt ring them and see what they say?? I am on my WAD on the 10 Dec so good luck.:ok:

16th Nov 2008, 15:25
hi, im from the philippines. can i apply for cabin crew position with Qantas UK? I don't have EU passport/visa.

won't they process it for you once you get the job?

Isn't it like middle east airlines? They process everything for you once they hire you.

Where do they conduct interviews?


18th Nov 2008, 23:22
Qantas is an Australian airline. If you go on the Qantas web site, your questions will be answered, and you can always call them. Interviews are held at Heathrow.
Good Luck

21st Nov 2008, 10:32
I've been reading some of your messages (well to be truthful, almost all of them :8)
I'll be going to my WAD on the 11th of December. I'm trying to get as much information about Qantas and Australia as I can, but I’m so nervous... I know we just have to be ourselves, but since English is not my mother tongue I'm a bit concerned. Are there any Qantas Portuguese Crew Members around that can give me some pointers on housing at LHR and so on?

Thanks in advance!

22nd Nov 2008, 11:04
It is with regret that we have to inform you that your Welcome Aboard recruitment day has been cancelled. Due to the current economic conditions, Qantas has taken the decision to freeze all recruitment until further notice. Has anyone else had this Email,:{ I was a little worried this might happen :\
I am only guessing but i think the recruitment drive will start again in February09, or january 09 Im realy hoping keeping fingers & toes crossed. :ok:

23rd Nov 2008, 09:47
Anyone know about Qantas cancelling all WAD's in the near future. Believe that everything is now cancelled due to the current economic climate and that they will re evaluate there recruitment plans next year.

23rd Nov 2008, 14:45
I Had the same Email from Qantas Yesyerday saying that all recuitment has been cancelled. Due to the current economic conditions, Qantas has taken the decision to freeze all recruitment until further notice. http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/boohoo.gif
Qantas hope that they will be able to resume there recruitment programme early in 2009. so Im on the back wall and grounded till thenhttp://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/wibble.gif.

23rd Nov 2008, 17:01
I'm also keeping my fingers crossed! I had already bought a ticket to go to London for my WAD... So I'll go there anyway, but as a tourist :) We have to look at the bright side of life :)
Hoping everything will resume on January ou February (it would be a good birthday present :))

Good luck for everyone !

23rd Dec 2008, 13:06
Has any of you that were on the Wad's the first week of Nov heard an outcome yet? Was there on the 5th and nothing yet. Phoned them the 2 week of Dec and was told we would hear the following week... still nothing.

26th Dec 2008, 16:27
QCCUK is offering Leave Without Pay and Part Time opportunities for bid periods right through to July 2009. Due to operational changes there must now be an excess of crew in LHR. It is therefore unlikely that there will be any recruitment activity for most of 2009 aside from the crew transferring from Australia.

1st Jan 2009, 19:43
I've noticed that Qantas UK has a height restriction for male cabin crew: 183 cm. But the thing is that I've met at least 3 male cabin crew, currently employed by Qantas UK, taller than 183 cm.

Exactly how strict are they (Qantas UK) with the height-issue?

And a Happy New Year to everyone! :)

1st Jan 2009, 19:59
Very strict. At the beginning of the recruitment day they will take your height. If you don't match their height requirement, you're out. Simple as that.

1st Jan 2009, 20:56
if you're only one or two centimeters over 183cm, you could make it through if you don't stand up straight when they measure you......it's been done before!

I Just Want To Fly
2nd Jan 2009, 04:49
I am 187cm. I made it to final interview qith QCCUK. It is pretty hard not to stand up straight. The thing kind of wobbles, and someone is usually looking at you from the side. Infact I think they made me stand up so straight that I was taller than I normally would be when walking around the cabin! I questioned them on the height thing later, and they said it is because of the B744 UD Galley! I have been flying on B744 for a few years, and never had any problems!

Go for it! Be positive, but not disapointed if they send you away! Lots of other airlines in the UK!

2nd Jan 2009, 10:58
I find this very unfair. After applying to Qantas myself and being rejected because my height is 184 cms (one cm above the maximum) only to find that other people have been successful who are passed the limit!!

One rule for one and all that. I too have worked on 747's on the UD galley and had no problems.

2nd Jan 2009, 11:07
It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

BA flies B747 and their height requirements are between 157.5 cms and 186 cms whilst QF's are 163 cms and 183 cms.

2nd Jan 2009, 12:38
Its 183cm... the end.

2nd Jan 2009, 20:30
Health and safety requirements are different between Australia and the UK. Australian authorities believe prolonged stooping will cause long term damage to the spine. As far as I'm aware, the 183cm rule goes beyond Qantas, it's an Australian government requirement.

4th Jan 2009, 18:25
I have seen an advert at "cabincrew.com" in which you can read they are asking for c.v.´s again. Will this mean they are getting back to recruiting?. I Had my WAD on the 9th of december and it was cancelled. If any of you get an email with any new info on more WADs please let us know thanks to all!!!

4th Jan 2009, 18:45

I am sorry to say that I very much doubt that they will start recruiting again as they are reducing staffing hours at the London base.

Sorry to disappoint but I think that ad was probably already scheduled before they had the freeze. By all means phone up and enquire though, you never know! Fingers crossed and best of luck!


4th Jan 2009, 22:44
As with all airlines, Galley FM is buzzing with ideas and speculations but nothing is really known.

Qantas are still expecting delivery of the A380 later this month and crew are still be scheduled to train for the new aircraft so thats still obviously still going ahead.

The biggest rumour I believe is that they were going to introduce a new route but with the turn in the economy have pulled out for the time being so don't need to increase the base size as much as first thought - but they already have!! Again, its all speculation!

I know all airlines are currently reporting lighter bookings for the first few months of 2009 so maybe Qantas are using this as an opportunity to save a few pounds/aussie dollars where they can.....can't blame them! With this in mind, there is also talk of them re-starting the recruitment process in late Spring-early Summer so that would fit.

Sorry I can't be of much help but all airlines keep these things to themselves!

Divingdiva x

5th Jan 2009, 06:50
Thanks for the info and time taken on answering divingdiva :). Just cant wait for things to start moving again. Best wishes for 2009 to all!!! ;)

5th Jan 2009, 17:33
As of today (05.01.09), Qantas UK are recruiting LHR based crew once more.

5th Jan 2009, 17:45
They are not recruiting. They are accepting expressions of interest. There will be no new training schools whilst they are offering current staff part time and leave without pay for the next 3 bid periods (Jan - Jul)

6th Jan 2009, 12:47
just received 23 minutes ago an email from QFA saying the resume theire recruitment and there will be more WAD´s from the begining of march :D
horrayyy good news to every body who already had a date booked !!! and good luck to all applicants ;)

6th Jan 2009, 18:05
You are put on a hold list indefinitely.

6th Jan 2009, 19:52
Its obvious that nothing is for certain in this life except for the fact that we will die one day.... but they have given me, and i guess i´m not the only one, four dates in march to choose from. why should they do this if there´s no real interest in recruiting?

6th Jan 2009, 20:48
Ha ha yes, the only certainty in life is that we're going to die. Don't worry funyans, there's always someone to dampen the spirit. Yes, you may be put on a wait list, but it's still one step closer. Glass half full and all that..

7th Jan 2009, 18:18
I was given the choice of 4dates in march for my WAD just this morning.

9th Jan 2009, 16:19
Anyone going there on March 5th?

12th Jan 2009, 21:43
I've been invited to WAD on 6th March. Who else is going?!
Good luck with yours aerotrish

12th Jan 2009, 23:43
ok so some of you guys have got WAD's... Are these invites re-scheduled from those that were canx in Dec08?


Did you apply just recently or did you apply previously, recieve an email stating recruitment was frozen, and then contacted again regarding telephone interview/WAD invite?

Or, did you apply in the last 2 weeks and been taken through the recruitment process?

Just curious as I have been waiting QF contact for a while...

Thanks, GS

13th Jan 2009, 11:13
I applied a couple of weeks ago online & qantas recruitment rang me yesterday with WAD date (after phone interview. )

13th Jan 2009, 14:49
thanks Blondie

Mick Strigg
14th Jan 2009, 18:51
Well done to Web and her successful course mates that have passed all their exams and are now qualified Qantas Cabin Crew.

Have a great first flight.


18th Jan 2009, 12:09
Hey all!

For what its worth, I stand at 0.5cm below the minimum, 162.5 cm and drove all the way from the midlands to LHR for the assesment day.

I was back on the motorway within an hour! Half cm too short :{!?!? OK I understand the need for height limits but for an experienced short/long haul crew member it was really embarassing. It ate away at me for months to the point where I had to pick up the phone and speak to someone about the situation. The recruiter I spoke to could not have been more understanding.
Basically as the AC are registered down under, its their rules that I was up against. So maybe the taller guys have the same problem? Youre maybe up against the same obstacle?
And also, I know of Q crew who are my height working there already!! Needless to say the guy who measured me on the day was over 6 foot himself.

18th Jan 2009, 12:48
Hi All,

No expert in this arena, however I would question the assumption that this is related to an "Australian" wide issue. I have recently been employed by V Australia (no previous flying experience) and I easily stand 190cms........

Certainly aware of the Qantas restrictions but wonder if perhaps they are purely a "Qantas thing"....

18th Jan 2009, 18:49
Just going by what I was told. I work for another airline in Australia and we have the same height restriction. They told me it was a CASA thing. Maybe V-Australia have been able to negotiate. Don't forget, the 777 does not have an upper deck. The upper deck has been mentioned as the root of the restriction.

18th Jan 2009, 19:55
I also have been turned down by QCCUK due to height... Its not nice I know (even If you are already crew) but they have rules and I guess thats the end of it.
I've also heard its because of this upper deck restriction not sure whether to believe that or not???? :confused:

Shame tho as they might miss out on good crew!!

20th Jan 2009, 15:10
i was wondering if anyone would know this....... If u have already applied for qantas (as in wen they last recruted) do you know how long you have to wait until u can reapply? cos i applied when they last recruted which was about september time just wonder how long i had left till i could apply again.
thankyou xxxx :ok:

20th Jan 2009, 18:32
If you're talking about Qantas UK, then it's 12 months from when you applied, or your WAD if your were interviewed.

20th Jan 2009, 19:41
:ok: Thanks Door one right.

21st Jan 2009, 10:56
I was turned down this week by Qantas for my height - good thing I found out on the phone interview. I'm 186cm and they like 183 or less. I asked why they have the upper restriction. They said "Australian CAA dictate crew must not be taller than 183cm".

21st Jan 2009, 12:23
can anyone give me a contact number for qantas?

21st Jan 2009, 14:05
Virgin Blue doesn't seem to have a height restriction.

Under their "must have" requirements for the job it mentions nothing about height restrictions....

Maybe it's is just a Qantas thing and not a CASA requirment. :confused:

21st Jan 2009, 15:57
You are right Raver

National Jet and Skywest have no height restriction. Tiger Airways have a minimum 158cm and no upper limit. Therefore I doubt it's a CASA rule. Unless it's a CASA requirement for Qantas' AOC - I find that unlikely though.

I would say Qantas is strict with it's limits because of its own OH&S policy.

You don't want to be banging your head on the overhead monitors on those CLASSIC 737-400s now, do you Raver!

22nd Jan 2009, 08:56
Hello everyone!

Could someone possibly tell me a little as to what the Qantas UK is after? :bored:

I'm based in Melbourne and I recently applied for a position but got a rejection email a few days ago advising that I did not meet their requirements.... what are these requirements? Using the word "requirement", makes it sounds as if I was missing a basic requirement for them to even consider me?

I can't help but wonder why and I'm completely puzzled, not even a phone call.. As to their prelimenary requirements, I can confirm that I meet all of these and in brief, I have plenty of customer service experience, have travelled a lot, speak a european language and hold dual citizenship, Australian and EU.

On my application, I put "hold EU passport" though I live in Australia. Do you think this might have given them the impression I have no right in Australia??

Would appreciate some thoughts... :)


22nd Jan 2009, 11:13

Just double check you meet the requiremnts as taken from the QF website.
If you do, then I would suggest you reply and ask them to specify which requirement they believe you do not meet.

Role requirements

Committed to service excellence.
Considerable recent experience in a face-to-face customer service role.
Excellent interpersonal skills and the maturity to deal with a range of customer needs.
Excellent standard of personal presentation with a willingness to wear company uniform to required standards.
Height 163-183cm without shoes.
Age: minimum 18 years.
The legal right to live and work in the UK.
A valid passport with unrestricted access to all Qantas destinations.
Satisfactory criminal record check (to be eligible to hold a permanent restricted zone security pass).
High standard of spoken and written English.
Minimum GCSE level grade C in Maths and English or equivalent.
The ability to perform the following tasks:
- Lift a 28kg (55lb) aircraft window exit.
- Deal with emergencies in a smoke filled training simulator.
- Swim and assist people in the water. Swim 50 metres fully clothed,
then tread water for three (3) minutes.
- Descend an aircraft escape slide approximately nine (9) metres above
the ground.
- Fight fires wearing a full face mask.
- Control people in panic situations.
- Move passengers with disabilities in evacuations

Good luck,

Raverflaver :)

22nd Jan 2009, 17:22
I´ve got my WAD day on the 4th of march, is any of you guys going that same day?

24th Jan 2009, 09:25
thanx for the info, sorry will actually sound like a renard now but wats WAD mean??? xxxxx

24th Jan 2009, 11:56
It stands for Welcome Aboard Day - your assessment day :)

Mick Strigg
26th Jan 2009, 19:25
Well done Web and the rest of her course on the award of her Wings today

28th Jan 2009, 16:20
Does anyone know what the WAD's consist of?

Is it a group discussion and role play still following with 2-1 or had it changed?

29th Jan 2009, 06:00
I do apologize if this has come up previously, but if you hold only an Australian passport can you apply for the London Heathrow base? Thank you..

29th Jan 2009, 08:46
Generally no, unless you already work for Qantas Airways Ltd or you have the right to hold a visa that would allow you to live in the UK for an extended period. eg, a working holiday visa would not qualify you.

29th Jan 2009, 09:09
Thanks Raverflaver.

I can confirm that I have all the initial role requirements. Only thing I can think is that I put on the application that I have Euro passport so perhaps they thought I don't have an Australian one...or the right to be in Australia, who knows! Have tried putting my application in again with "other" for that question. I'm not quite sure who I could actually contact, where I'd receive a response from...



29th Jan 2009, 11:26
what questions are asked in telephone interview?

Is it just the normal customer service questions?

3rd Feb 2009, 10:24
anyone have there WAD on 20th march? anyne know best place to stay night before?

12th Feb 2009, 13:47
Hi Qantus cabin crew!
Can anyone already working for qantas please tell me how many nights you get in HONG KONG, SINGAPORE and BANKOK?
Please could anyone also let me know how much is an average basic monthly pay recieved? Or the annual salary on the contract?
Do you think it's possible to commute to the South West of England between trips at first, before I am able to re-locate? (how many days off do u usually get between trips?!)
Thanks! :ok:

12th Feb 2009, 15:34
Hi everyone :)

I applied on-line yesterday afternoon but after reading this its unclear to me if i need an Ozzy passport in order to qualify? I have an EU passport and the right to live and work in the UK. I understood that was all that was required?

Edit: Just to ask (dont mean to sound thick) but what does 'WAD' stand for?

12th Feb 2009, 16:27
Hi Sheena
No, an EU passport is exactly what you need for the Heathrow base.... so you're on your way. Goodluck.

and takeoff
You get 1 night in BKK, 2 nights in HKG and anywhere from 1 to 4 nights in SIN depending on the trip pattern. Rosters tend to have between 6 - 8 trips in an 8 week cycle and you tend to get 2 - 4 days off between trips.... sometimes even 5. Rarely just 1. Lots of crew live in the South West. You may find you don't need to re-locate at all.

basic is between 1000 and 1300 pounds after tax and deductions depending on how many sectors you fly

13th Feb 2009, 08:49
Anyone receive 1 of these?

It is with regret that we have to inform you that your Welcome Aboard recruitment day has been postponed. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Qantas has had to take the decision to postpone this event.
We hope to have a new date for the event to take place in the near future and as soon as we do we will contact you with the new dates and to ascertain your availability.

Please can we ask you to refrain from telephoning the recruitment team while we try to establish new dates and continue to monitor your email for further information.


13th Feb 2009, 09:09
Thanks Flitegirl :) What are my chances of even getting a telephone call for an interview? I would do anything to get this job... Should i sit and wait for them to get back to me about my application or should i put in a call to them?

13th Feb 2009, 09:42
hi sheena
just sit tight and wait. They will call you when they are ready.

13th Feb 2009, 10:11
Urrgh Highflyr :ugh:

The whole aviation industry seems to be up in the air at the moment :{

13th Feb 2009, 10:18
Yeah it's unbelievable. Interviews with 2 airlines cancelled and I'm in a holding pool for another (with hundreds ahead of me). I guess the airlines expected the industry to have picked up by now with heavier loads and more flights. Oh well...:{

13th Feb 2009, 11:59

Checked my inbox and haven't recieved this email. When was your WAD mine's 17th March...I really hope it doesn't get cancelled!

13th Feb 2009, 12:18
WAD was Friday 6th March which is the first week of interviews. Not sure yet if it's just me, the whole group or the whole week. Eeeek!

14th Feb 2009, 16:05
Hi flitegirl,

Thanks for your reply, it was a great help!:ok:

15th Feb 2009, 11:09
I received the email too and my date was 3rd March.

16th Feb 2009, 19:27
Hi, Cld recruitment this morning ( 3:00 AM my time ) as I was given a few
days to research relocating to London from Canada, as I wanted to see if I could sustain a decent life with the amount of money they offer. Since we are responsible for the financial commitment to attend a WAD, I just had to make sure. Well,this mornings conversation seemed disappointing. I was to call to let them know my decision, and I had decided to go to the WAD. They originally gave the March 18, 19 & 20th but also stated I could come in April if March was too soon. I decided April and thought this morning she would offer a date. She did not and I was told to call back the end of March as they did not have the April dates yet, end of conversation. I guess my expectations were shot down and now I have to wait 4 more weeks. Just wanted to pass along my experience to date, now I am just bewildered LOL!:ugh:

17th Feb 2009, 05:10
Thanks. I've still not received anything in my inbox so i'm a little bit confused. Fingers crossed for all of us eh?

17th Feb 2009, 06:03
The aviation is about to experience a huge downturn if it hasnt already.
Schedules will be cut,aircraft parked and Leave Without Pay offered to those already employed.
Recruitment will be on hold for awhile...you will need to be patient.
It is going to be at least a year before things begin to improve.

17th Feb 2009, 17:08
Yep i was to attend a W.A.D. on the 4th of march and got that same e-mail....
It´s the second time i´ve ben turned down. First in december now also for the date in march :suspect: ... Guess i´ll have to try finding at least a ground job in the mean time but even those are starting to be hard to catch....
I wish the best of lucks for all of us... :(

18th Feb 2009, 22:44
Are Qantas actively recruiting for crew or is this for another holdpool? I've just applied for UK base and my application has been submitted. But somewhere along the lines it said something like "Thankyou for your application of interest" which got me a little worried. Does anybody have start dates for courses or anything?. I'm about to finish my BA 11 month Temp contract and have no idea what to do next!

19th Feb 2009, 01:02
Hi there, I've just been invited to a Qantaslink recruitment day in BNE next wkend. Apparently the height restrictions for FA's are 163 - 183cm, I'm only 161cm... does anyone have any stories or know if Qantaslink are super strict on height?? Do they actually measure you on the day??

thanks, sitruce.

24th Feb 2009, 12:55
i have an interview on 20th march im now unsure whether to book overnight accom or not as it was a friend of mine from qantas that told me to check the status of the interview and whether it was still going ahead as she heard some had been cancelled. i dont know what to do now, i have emailed them but also tried to call and only a recorded message on the answer phone so guess i will have to wait for my email of cancellation. if not i assume its going ahead as planned.

25th Feb 2009, 02:13
I am in the same predicament - my interview's booked for March 17th and i am unsure to go ahead and book accommodation. I traveling from overseas so i need to book in advance.

I am constantly checking my email every day but nothing! Let me know if you manage to get hold of them. Hopefully we'll have some news soon - either way!


25th Feb 2009, 03:35
I certainly would not leave a job or plan building a career at Qantas UK.

Now 'cheaper' contracts have been introduced for Australian based crew its actually cheaper to have crew all based out of Australia than have a base in the UK.

As Qantas always wants to 'save a dollar' I doubt the base will be around too much longer.

Still if you haven't flown before Qantas UK will give you some fantastic experience for your resume.

25th Feb 2009, 20:21
Hello, just wanted to let you know that on my phone interview the very first
thing I had to confirm with the recruiter was that I was at least 163 cm, she would not of continued with the interview if I was not. I was calling from Canada had to measure myself and convert, I then called her back. I just made it 163.117. So you should double check before you proceed further. If it doesnt work and your really wanting this career, try Emirates the prefer females smaller but you have to be able to reach on your tippy toes 212cm, slender, great teeth, young and beautiful. Good Luck..

Follow your dreams and your journey will be extraordinary!!

Happy flying Snowbird1:)

26th Feb 2009, 08:44
I applied yesterday and received an immediate email advising that all recruitment is on hold.


26th Feb 2009, 13:43
Just wanted to ad my experience for those thinking of traveling overseas for the UK base. If they give you a number of dates that interviews are being held on PICK ONE because these are confirmed dates that should be going ahead.

If you are traveling from overseas do not expect any acknowledgment for your dedication. QF UK DO NOT CARE how far you have come or spent. In my experience it is not worth spending the money on getting to a QF UK interview. The money they offer is not worth the hassle.

If you are overseas and wanting to fly abroad head to the Middle East. You can interview in most countries and don't have to travel. If you get the job they will fly you to the Middle East to start your job and provide accommodation. A much better deal then OF UK.

27th Feb 2009, 20:00
Somewhereat1l -

Where are you getting your information from in regards to Qantas UK not being round for much longer? Its a very strong statement to be making without backing it up?!

Qantas is actually during quite well at present when you take the current economic climate. When third party financial advisors are stating that Qantas is still a financially viable option for investors etc - this doesn't indicate closer of the UK base. With the introduction of the A380 for the LHR-SIN route and a further Airbus due to join the base shortly.....these aren't signs for closure.

I'd be grateful for any information you may have to contradict this as I like to keep informed in whats going on and would hate to have the wrong impression!!!

For all those who are awaiting interviews - I know how it feels!!! I've been made reduntant from 2 airlines now (I'm cursed for sure!) but stick with it and keep trying. When depression hits people due to the "recession" they book holidays!!!!!!!!!!


28th Feb 2009, 20:18
Don't worry DivingDiva and others... Somewhereat1l is making sweeping unfounded comments that have been debated many times before. Qantas Cabin Crew UK Ltd is a big cost saver for the Group.

Much of this has been said before......

- Only 1 of 4 inbound crew need to be overnighted - think of the cost saving (hotel, allowances)

- QCCUK crew are on comparable salary and conditions as their QCCA counterparts

- Having a crew base provides great flexibility when it comes to scheduling

- Qantas has invested in the A380 training facility..... hundreds of crew have completed or are scheduled to complete A380 training this year.

- Qantas will fly the A380 into LHR 5 days per week from June.

4th Mar 2009, 13:29
well my interview for the 20th march has been cancelled too so not looking good. just received an email the same as everyone elses good job i didnt book my hotel room.

4th Mar 2009, 13:31
Hi All,

I have just received an email to say the WAD's scheduled for the 17th-21st March at LHR have been postponed :( Has anyone else received a similar email? If i hear anything else i shall post it on here!

Fingers crossed for the future! :) x

4th Mar 2009, 22:23
Just like someone else posted, 11,980 British pounds is not enough to live on in London. Even the 2nd year at 14,000 British pounds is not enough to live on in London, they were right about this and heading to the middle east is at least more money and accommodation paid for. Good Luck to you all.:D

5th Mar 2009, 16:28

You are 100% right that the amount of money your stating is not enough to live on in London... and probably anywhere to be honest! But this is the basic salary, as with any of the premium airlines flying out the UK, they offer a basic salary and add on Flight/Sector pay which varies from airline to airline as some pay by the hour, by the destination or by the total no. of hours. You also receive "allowances" either into your salary or in currency downroute. This is for your food and necessities while your away however, the calculate it on the no. of meals at hotel prices of food so always more than you need if you eat in local restaurants or go to the supermarket!

So yes, technically, the basic isn't enough, but when you start flying - you should be taking home an awful lot more!!!

I'm sorry you decided not to pursue Qantas, I hope you will or have found the right airline for you, whether thats in the Middle East, Canada, or here in the UK.

All the Best
DivingDiva x

5th Mar 2009, 18:17
Back in the 90's when I was at BA, my allowances and overtime rates on long haul, wound up being a bit more than my basic salary. hence, my take home pay out of LHR back then was around 3,000 pounds.... I am sure Qantas UK is less, but you would still be taking home much more than your basic. Airlines cannot advertise the supplementals such as allowances, in the salary package because they are variables. For the first couple of years, just plan on sharing a place; it is always rough the first three years at any airline. Eventually you would be able to afford more I imagine.

5th Mar 2009, 19:45
Hi, I really would like to pursue this, I'm just uncertain due to all the negativity you here from the media about how expensive London is to live in, believe me Vancouver isnt much better! More than anything I would love to have this opportunity as I was born in Norwich and I felt this was a good chance to search out my roots once again, as well as I have wanted to fly for a long time. I am scheduled to call recruiting the end of March. I will follow up and go from there. You are right they did state the personal grooming allowance and the $ per leg of a trip. I know that is not the exact wording to use but I hope you understand what I mean. Thanks for your feedback its greatly appreciated.


5th Mar 2009, 19:49
We share something in common as it sounds like we are in the same place. I have been trying WJ and even with a few in house references I dont think they are hiring FA's at this time. I envy you at YVR. Well, persistence pays off at some point..how was BA and living in London. It would be an extraordinary chapter in your biography, what a journey.

7th Mar 2009, 09:50
just FYI..... this memo was from the FAAA International Division and has also been posted in the Qantas crew thread.

5th March 2009
Attention all Long Haul Flight Attendants


Airline Industry Update
Last week I attended a briefing with the CEO Alan Joyce regarding the general position of Qantas in terms of the Aviation Industry. The Good news is that Qantas is one of only a handful of airlines that remain profitable in the current environment.
The decisions taken around business segmentation over the last few years have placed Qantas in a stronger position to withstand the global financial maelstrom than most of our competitors.
Japan Airlines and Cathay Pacific are likely to post up to 2 billion dollar losses and British Airways have indicated losses of nearly 270 million pounds in the last quarter. These figures are in many ways incomprehensible. Yet Qantas remains competitive on the Domestic Market and the decisions made around the Long Haul Cabin Crew EBA 8 continue to position us well compared to other Cabin Crew groups.
Nonetheless we are in a constant discussion with Management to work through the challenges of softening demand for premium travel in particular, that is affecting all airlines worldwide.
In the last few days I have written a few newsletters with some levity but with underlying messages of how serious the situation is for all of us in terms of our desire to maintain job security.

747 Four Class Configured Aircraft
In the last 24 hours, system wide figures for advance bookings have been analysed and the decisions have been made to implement changes that will take cost out of the operation.
We have been in very detailed discussions with management over the last 24 hours and a decision was made by management to reduce the crew complement on the 4 class 747 by one.
Your OH&S representatives and FAAA procedures representatives have been working with the Service Development team to produce revised procedures and contingency briefings for crew and Onboard Managers.
The Service Development team following our discussions are also looking at initiatives around flexibilities in the service offering and potential changes that whilst still retaining the flavour of a premium airline, recognise the challenges of reduced crew.
There would be nobody including Cabin Crew Management more disappointed than myself about the need for this. But desperate times require appropriate measures and the overriding concern of the FAAA is the job security of our members.
Whilst this will be implemented from the beginning of the next roster, we are hopeful that when times improve we will be in a position to look a replacing the crewmember.
We do not expect this to be something achieved for quite some time, as I do not believe that we have yet seen the worst of the economic crisis.

Roster Publication Delay
As a result of an increasing surplus of crew, planned recruitment in London, Auckland and QCCA for June, has been put on hold indefinitely. Further some 50 crew, will have had LSL placed on their Lines after bids had closed. The Impact on rosters would have been devastating for those crew.
Following discussion with the FAAA arrangements have been put in place for these crew to bid around the assignment, and also re-enter their specific bids.
We thank the Company for doing this as it is a decent decision given it only affecting a small number of crew. As a result all rosters will not be published until mid next week.
Like everyone else, I like to get my roster as soon as possible, however by putting yourself in the position of the unfortunate 50 crew that have been subjected to a last minute leave burn, I hope that you will forgive us for delaying the roster build to allow them to have some roster control.
We are exploring a range of other options with the Company to increase flexibility, and build in further job security for our members. I ask for your patience and understanding as we explore and implement this and other necessary changes.
Crew can be totally reassured that your job security is our paramount concern and we are well placed given the flexibilities of the last EBA and our continuing meaningful dialogue with the Company to maintain it, as we move through very challenging times.
Written and authorised by Steven Reed – President International Division

15th Jul 2009, 17:16
Hello All,

Does anybody know if QF is recruiting again?

16th Jul 2009, 04:50
I have heard that QF london Base is recruiting.. is this true? And i live in Australia.. would i have to fly to london for interviews or do they recruit over here? And also what is the money like? I have heard it's not very good...
Thanks :)

cereal killer
31st Jul 2009, 11:36

I am thinking of applying to Qantas UK who is recruiting again, but I would like to know what is the average take home every month.
I would have to relocate and wants to know if the expense of that would be worth it in the end.
Thanks very much in advance

31st Jul 2009, 15:52
Same here would be great to know the average take home, and how many flights do you average a month? Thanks in advance:ok:

8th Aug 2009, 05:25
Hey guys,

I will try and clear up some of the queries potential new crew have on pay and hours with QCCUK.

I am currently in my third year with the company and this financial year I earned 25,900 pounds including sector pay and allowances. Not bad for working an average of 210 hours per roster period (8weeks).

With the introduction of the A380 in January our trips range from 4,5,6 or 7 days.
You will average 6-7 trips per roster period and are able to change your roster quite easily to suit you.

I know there are alot of whingers on this site, but to be honest with you the job is great and it pays ok.

Good Luck

12th Aug 2009, 09:21
Hi Cooper, according to their web site Qantas are currently recruiting for UK. I have applied and am eagerly sitting here biting my nails! I live in Sydney and have the ability to work in Europe as I also have a EU passport, do you think they are keen on taking Ozzies on?? Just trying to work out what my chances are! Also, do they provide accomodation for staff that relocate and if so what are the conditions like?? Many thanks for any info you can provide!:)

13th Aug 2009, 22:04
I went to an Welcome Aboard Day a year or so ago.

There were a few of Aussies being assessed, only one made it to the afternoon session. None of the recruiters were Australian and I don't think it's very high on their priorities.

They will not provide accommodation to anyone relocating. Only ME airlines do that.

As for the height restriction, I believe it is an Australian OH&S thing to do with the Upper Deck on the 744.

15th Aug 2009, 12:07

Does anyone know one needs to live near LHR for the London base, or if its possible to live somewhere else and just fly to LHR whenever one has to work?


21st Aug 2009, 22:46

no being Australian will not increase your chances of getting the job with Qantas in the UK base. You will just need to impress them on the day.

31st Aug 2009, 02:42
Hi Cooper,

is Qantas uk hiring also for another position than cabin crew, eg. customer service?

Thanks for answer

7th Sep 2009, 21:39
Working in dubai for Ek thinking of working for Qantas based in london.
Any thoughts on the matter would be nice ie accom pay routes etc

7th Sep 2009, 23:20
Plenty of posts around here if you care to dig but not sure if they will be recruiting for good while. You'll need to be able to live and work in the UK permanently. Routes are LHR to SIN/BKK/HKG. Like most non-ME airlines, you will need to find your own accommodation at home base. Reasonable pay from what I understand.

8th Sep 2009, 11:29
Live in dubai flying for ek for 3.5 years would love too work for qantas based in england and finnally get back too aus

8th Sep 2009, 11:52
As far as I know, LHR crew don't usually end up in Oz. The flight is handed over to an Oz based crew in SIN/BKK/HKG. If you're really keen to get home, you may need to wait until QF recruit again for QCCA.

Other than that, JQ just had a recruitment drive for DRW. That will probably come up again. Strategic are also recruiting for DRW and PER.

20th Sep 2009, 14:22
Hi all Im an aussie living in dubai working for Ek thinking of moving too uk too work for qantas.
just want some thoughts on the matter ie pay work housing the usual.

20th Sep 2009, 15:36
Don't you need to have the right to live and work in the EU, as in.. an EU passport?

20th Sep 2009, 15:39
Most aussies have a uk (EU) passport love :hmm:

20th Sep 2009, 16:47
Fingers crossed there is no spelling test as part of the interview process.....:ok:

20th Sep 2009, 22:50
pay work housing

Dont make me laugh.

Most aussies have a uk (EU) passport


20th Sep 2009, 22:53
No, very few do these days since they changed the Grandparent rule.

21st Sep 2009, 00:02
Most aussies have a uk (EU) passport love http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/yeees.gif

Pfftttt... wrong (I'm Australian).

23rd Sep 2009, 12:32
I do know that at the moment all Qantas wannabes are in a holding pool.

My friend worked for them for 3 years and absolutely loved it, she left for the BA 11 month contract cause she got bored of the repetitive destinations eg SIN, HKG and BKK. She regrets making that move now, as she is hoping to go back but there isnt any positions.

I know they used to have really good fun!! downroute.

Also another thing Qantas UK is a company in its own right and takes EU crew on not Aussie passport holders, I have dual UK and Oz passports, but to apply for Qantas in Oz will have to go through an interview completely different from the Uk company.

Hope that helps - I do know that they are giving part time positions internally.

25th Sep 2009, 08:36
Qantas offer two year transfers to the U.K base, and they organise working visas to enable that and also for your partner. They pay moving costs too. However, I think all transfers are on hold at the moment. I would assume that if you are Australian, you would need to work first for Qantas in Australia before transferring.

There is currently a mini job swap happening between Oz and the U.K for a period of two months, but all crew were current, not new employees.

Condition wise, I believe the base salary is around 15 000 pounds. Allowances on top would probably be approx 10 000 pounds.

As mentioned they are two different companies, but alot of Oz crew have taken the opportunity to transfer for two years.

Hope this helps.

Cava Queen
7th Oct 2009, 09:25
Hi guys,

Just wondered if anyone could shed some light on what's happening with Qantas's recruitment? I applied back in May and have heard nothing. I have friends who have also heard nothing and applied as early as January this year.

We all have previous flying experience and there is no reason why we wouldn't meet the criteria. Is anyone else in a similar position? Just seems odd that they can advertise 'job opportunities' on their website and then not get back to you for almost a year.

Does anyone have any inside info on when they might start interviewing?


12th Oct 2009, 02:39
I don't think much will happen until 2010.
It is not unusual to get no reply from Qantas when recruitment has slowed down, but your application will remain on file until things pick up again.
When that happens it will be the opposite and you will have to drop whatever you are doing to accept a position with minimal notice.

9th Jan 2010, 05:31
Seems like QCCUK is offering QAL crew the chance to transfer to LHR base again, with updated base pays. Any idea when (if) QCCA crew will be offered the opportunity?

9th Jan 2010, 19:39
Yes, the message from HR on the CIS log in screen says that preference will be given to QAL crew and then later they will seek applications from QCCA crew. Going by the last couple of intakes from QAL, I can't imagine there would be a great interest again this year, so I would predict the offer will go to QCCA soon.
Good luck!

My personal prediction (having flown out of the LHR base) is that this will become the norm for the LHR base (offering the positions to QCCA annually) as a way of keeping the base staffed to a reasonable level with Australian crew who are experienced on the A380

2nd Feb 2010, 22:35
Would anyone be able to indicate what are the current slip times for LHR-based crew in SIN and HKG?

4th Feb 2010, 21:19
HKG - arrive breakfast time on day one, day two is a stage day, day three depart early morning.

SIN - really depends on whether you are on the A380 or 747 and what day of the week you are departing. Can be anywhere from around 28 hours to a few days.

Between the stars
24th Jul 2010, 11:16

I recently applied for Qantas UK Base. I just wanted to find other applicants so we can get through it together...

Thank you:O

26th Jul 2010, 15:20
hi between the stars,
i also applied to quantas uk last week, so no news yet on my end im afraid. x

26th Jul 2010, 15:22
Hey TInkx, Are you based in UK or Australia? Currently they are only recruting Aussies in Australia who are willing to relocate to UK.

26th Jul 2010, 22:15
I wonder how Immigration UK honestly feels about this. There is enough unemployment in the UK as it is but yet Qantas UK is going all the way to Australia to fill positions a local British National could fill. Although they will be recruiting applicants with the right of abode in the UK, I still don't agree with it. The whole point of a foreign airline being allowed to operate a base in the UK is that it should provide a certain percentage of employment opportunities for local people. Otherwise, Qantas should be forced to close the base, crew from Australia and lose the money savings that the LHR base is supposedly providing them.

27th Jul 2010, 05:55
I wonder how Immigration UK honestly feels about this. There is enough unemployment in the UK as it is but yet Qantas UK is going all the way to Australia to fill positions a local British National could fill.

I don't think there is an issue. After all, they are only recruiting those with a UK passport or the right of abode - so essentially they are recruting BRITISH NATIONALS... allbeit, from another country.

They obviosuly think they can get a higher calibre of candidate in Australia - plus they would like those that have both a UK and Aussie background to fly from a base rather than just a "British" background.

Nothing wrong with that.

Between the stars
27th Jul 2010, 08:42
I don't think it is lost cause yet... I just spoke to somebody else who is in the same situation as you... I waited a few weeks until I received an email from them.

But what I don't understand is why am I invited to an interview next week and I still don't what time and where ?

27th Jul 2010, 08:49
I still haven't received the information about the interview either? I was thinking I should email them tomorrow or should I wait?

28th Jul 2010, 01:18
Half of the UK lives illegally in Australia anyway, i'm sure they're not too concerned :p

29th Jul 2010, 06:15
I bit the bullet and applied. I just started as a casual for Jetstar but would love something full time, and my boyfriend said he'd support me if I wanted to move to London. I have a few questions I hope someone can help with:

Do they hold the interviews in Aus? Do they pay for you to relocate?


29th Jul 2010, 06:24
Yes they will hold interviews in Australia.

Like any external cabin crew employment with the Qantas group, they do not pay for your relocation if you do not live in the city already.

However, if you can gain employment with Qantas in Australia (either A380 or domestic) and then subsequently apply internally for a fixed term contract in LHR base, Qantas will pay you a lump sum into your British bank account to assist in your relocation.

Qantas is currently accepting applications for Domestic crew in SYD, MEL, PER and ADL and i think they are also accepting applications for A380. By gaining employment this way, you can then apply for a fixed term transfer to LHR with the benefit of the financial support for the transfer, plus, a job to return to when you have had enough of London.

29th Jul 2010, 09:24
Thanks flitegirl ... do you know if they would at least give you a free flight over there to commence employment? Or a sign on bonus or something?

29th Jul 2010, 10:19
I'm confused, so the UK based cabin crew, have to be Australian??

29th Jul 2010, 10:25
Hi all, i have an interview with Qantas UK recruitment this weekend in melbourne, can anyone who attended last week in Sydney, or has attended a previous Qantas interview shed any light as to what happens throughout the day!>

Good luck to anyone else attending

29th Jul 2010, 11:58
Yes! me too, I have dual nationality and applied to Qanatas although I'm based in London. They said they were reviewing me application and would contact me shortly. Was that the reply that you had also.

Be interesting to see if they do offer me an interview in London despite what everyone else says. Never say never...

29th Jul 2010, 12:59
Well I'm from the UK, was hoping I'd be considered, would love to work for Qantas on the A380, it'd be just amazing...I got an email saying they'd review my application and be in contact shortly!

29th Jul 2010, 13:08
Qantas UK: you need to have British or EU passport. (If you have dual nationality it's fantastic of course!)

Transfers from Australia on demend.

29th Jul 2010, 13:52
Assesment days coming up
Melbourne (this weekend)
Brisbane next week
Sydney week after.

No UK interviews will be taking place in this round of recrutiment.

29th Jul 2010, 16:04
Oh, well that sucks for me :{ but good luck to everyone who applied in OZ, lucky people!

30th Jul 2010, 01:15
Actually ilana in this case I think they would fly you over to the UK on duty travel, because I would expect training would be done in Sydney - Therefore you would have already commenced employment with Qantas and because you are "away" from your base (ie LHR) they would fly you to London after completing your training course. It is possible that for the same reason, you would be paid a daily cash allowance and accommodated during training in accordance with the QCCUK (ltd) work agreement. Please ask about this stuff during the interview process.

I expect that there are a number of reasons why they are holding recruitment sessions in Australia for LHR base, including:
- lack of suitable applicants in the UK
- the desire to increase Australian representation in the base ( I once operated a flight out of LHR and I was the only Australian on a crew of 16)
- lack of resources to hold recruitment in LHR (ie all crew are on line flying)
- lack of resources to hold training schools in the LHR training centre.

31st Jul 2010, 00:26
I am also attending the 5 August panel day (Brisbane).

Have you received info on where it is actually being held? I haven't heard anything and I'm not sure if I've been left of a list somewhere, or whether QF are doing their ususal 'leave it to the last minute' job!

Anyone have a clue? I haven't received the email asking for the police clearance and security papers yet either!

31st Jul 2010, 03:09
Hey Guys

I received an invitation to attend the recruitment day and registered but have not received the email with the details, does anyone know where it is? and what you have to bring, -- [email protected] is my email cheers if you can help its tomorrow, and Im a little nervous about not getting email

31st Jul 2010, 11:16

You don't agree with Qantas hiring Australian's for positions based in the UK.

However in the "Freelance Work in South Africa" thread you make the following comment: "I have thought of moving to SA, but just assumed that it would be impossible to get work there." and further state "we North Americans", implying you're not South African.

So it's ok for you to seek employment in another country but not for anyone else?

Have I read your posts wrong or are they as they appear?

Sorry for the thread drift.

Good luck to all applying. I'm sure recruitment will move quickly. Especially given the new BA contracts and employment that is taking place. A lot of opportunities for everyone.

2nd Aug 2010, 13:50
Hey everyone!

I was wondering if anyone can help me. Last week I received an invitation to attend a panel interview on the 5th of August... and I have just received an email advising me to begin applying for a National Police Certificate, and several other forms such as a Qantas Security Assessment Starter Pack for New Starters.

I am a little confused. I have not yet been for the interview so I am curious as to why I need to pay and apply for all these documents prior to the interview.

Can somebody shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance

2nd Aug 2010, 23:29
I only applied for this last week and haven't received an invitation to the interview this week ... could it be because I applied too late and they haven't had a chance to review my application yet?

7th Aug 2010, 04:33
Raverflaver, I immigrated to Canada, and then applied for an airline job here. In refererence to the comment about South Africa, I would do the same (immigrate to South Africa, become a permanent resident and then apply as I did in Canada). South African Airways is not coming to the UK and recruiting for jobs that current South African residents can do, and the same should apply for Qantas. You do not ask for special dispensation by the UK government to open a base in the UK, then cirmumvent it by finding people on ancestry visas in other Commonwealth countries to fill the position native Britons can do. The UK is suffering from high unemployment. Australia is not. I think the recruitment should be local. It would be one thing if Qantas was hiring in the UK and these people were coming to the UK for the interview, as they did in the past. In this instance, they are not even interviewing locals but going to OZ and hiring from there. It is a clever way of getting around hiring local British people basically and still maintaining a base that technically employs at least half of the permanent postions by British citizens which is the requirement. United Airlines and Air New Zealand follow the rules (atleast half crew are permenant residents with the other overseas crews on temporary visas), why should Qantas get away with it?

I think Australians would feel the same if Virgin, for example, was going out of its way to find people with the right of abode in Australia to fill SYD based jobs, going overseas and recruiting them, rather than employing local Australians, tricking Immigration Australia into thinking they are creating jobs in Australia, but yet in fact are going out of the country to find people with work permission and bringing them in. This is essentially what Qantas is doing, and in a time where people in Britian are sensative to their jobs being lost, if this were truly brought to light to the public, I doubt the public would be supportive of it.

If Qantas wants to fill these postions with Australians, then they need to crew these flights from Australia, and not in London. They basically want crew that are Australian culturally, and at the same time reap the rewards of $100 million a year in hotel savings by having a base in London. Well, you can't eat your cake and have it too. If you want a British base, then you employ British or European permanent residents, period. If they happen to be from Australia originally, wonderful. At the very least, the recruitment should be done in London and interviews should take place in London.

7th Aug 2010, 10:06
"I think Australians would feel the same if Virgin, for example, was going out of its way to find people with the right of abode in Australia to fill SYD based jobs, going overseas and recruiting them, rather than employing local Australians"

Maybe so, because Virgin is an Aussie company.

But if BA had a base over here and chose to staff it with British flight attendants, to accurately portray the company brand, we couldn't really disagree, could we?

At any rate, the QF UK base began as a cost-saving exercise, and the Aussie based recruitment is also more economical given the dedicated recruitment/training teams/facilities in Australia that aren't available in the UK. Utilising all of these methods of cost saving keep ticket prices down and planes full, which is the aim of the game, right?

18th Aug 2010, 02:43
Hi all you wonderful CC and Wannabe CC!

I'm hoping some of you could help me to get an idea of rosters and flexibility when operating LHR sectors.

My situation is that my partner will be moving back to HKG in Apr 2011, I'm wondering how one would go about working their roster to maximise their time in HKG (or if it would even be possible or recommended)?

I have a UK passport and have lived in London previously and love the UK so it wouldn't be a hard move!

Many thanks! :)

25th Aug 2010, 02:48
I got invited to BNE RD on 30th August but I'm working... plus I don't know whether I'd be ready to move to UK anyway...

25th Aug 2010, 11:39
Hi ilana182 I thought qantas had already done all their interviews for Qantas UK already this month in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. When did you get the invite to Brisbane interview and is it for Qantas UK.

Can anyone shead some light on whether Qantas are doing more interviews in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane over the next few weeks for Qantas UK base....very confused.

25th Aug 2010, 21:16
I got the email yesterday (25th August) and then a text message last night telling me to check my emails. According to the email they are doing interviews in BNE, SYD & MEL again next week. I thought I had missed out.

31st Aug 2010, 04:30
Qantas Cabin Crew (UK) are advertising again (Monday August 30, 2010) in Sydney papers for Flight Attendant positions in London Base.

31st Aug 2010, 20:06
Boingg85, Virgin Blue is Australian, but Virgin UK, the parent company is not. I think you need to do your research. Sir Richard Branson did not start his empire in OZ, and the crews who fly out of London are UK or EU permanent residents. You missed the point of my argument, but once in the UK you will soon see what things are like at present. Go out into London and tell the locals you were recruited from there and brought in to take the job, albeit you have the papers. As many are unemployed, you will find out how happy they are about people coming in from overseas to do jobs they could otherwise do. Anyhow, I am done commenting on this. I still say Immigration needs to shut this recruitment down.

16th Sep 2010, 00:40
Hi All!

Just letting you know that I got an email this morning inviting me to Syd recruitment day 25th Sep :D! Followed by a prompt text msg...

Anyone that has already gone through the recruitment day process, could you please post your experiance of the day and process (don't yell at me if that has already been done, i'll look back!)

Cheers and good luck to all!

16th Sep 2010, 06:55
One more Q...

After reading back through this forum I gather that contracts offered are for 2 or 3 years. I am hoping to get this position and remain in Europe long term, does anyone know what the chances of that happening are? Or do you have to come back once the contract is up.

19th Sep 2010, 20:50
It seems that not enough Aussies have applied / successfully passed the first stage of the selection process, for the positions in London so QF are looking at recruiting from the general EU public!!
3 more A380's are arriving soon and QF have just promoted a bunch of Cabin crew to Managers in preparation.
Nothing is official yet so as soon as I get the notice, i'll post it here.
Safe landings!:D