View Full Version : Landing distance calculation for turboprop?

3rd Dec 2006, 14:51
I was doing a couple of exams today and came across the question of landing distance for a turboprop when the runway is contaminated.

Basic rule is that only 70% should be used for landing distance calculations when rwy is contaminated.

The runway is 2200 m long, I used 2200 x 0,7 = 1540, but the correct answer was 1339... why?

3rd Dec 2006, 15:36
Hi there,

You also need to reduce the distance by 15% due to contamination.

Good luck with the exams.

3rd Dec 2006, 15:40
Hi there,
You also need to reduce the distance by 15% due to contamination.
Good luck with the exams.

ah, I knew that, why didn't I think of it =(

Many thanx for your help =)