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23rd Apr 2007, 23:20
I would be surprised to see MON/ZB back at LBA, I don't think anyone can compete with Jet 2 Yorkshire's own Airline.

BMI are doing MYT'S Summer IT'S starting this summer, It may possibly continue?


24th Apr 2007, 07:38
Hi all. Are the new stands operational yet?


24th Apr 2007, 19:07
There was a BA Connect a/c parked there the other day (diversion due to tech problem).

25th Apr 2007, 21:17
according to a guy on key forum publishing BMI are starting LBA-New York route.

PTH needs tarmac
25th Apr 2007, 22:49

I have heard that BA Connect aircraft have been appearing on some of the Flybe Southampton-LBA flights, most often on the middle service. Would that fit the time of your sighting?


26th Apr 2007, 09:54
Having checked out the conversation on the Key forum website I think we can discount the NY flight as a rumour wished up by over-excited spotters.

26th Apr 2007, 10:03

Our little eaves-dropper on the Key Publishing site missed a crucial part of the conversation he was naughtily privvy to, clearly. It's DEFINATELY not BMI that's planning the NY flight.

26th Apr 2007, 10:50
All will be revealed shortly along with the other surprising news!

26th Apr 2007, 11:03
This is a rumour website so gossip is to be actively encouraged.

However: does this rumour have a source? If so - pray tell. If not - then its wiser not to peddle it.

682ft AMSL
26th Apr 2007, 11:03
One hypothesis is of course that it would good PR for the new owners to have some postive news to announce alongside the formal announcement that the sale has been completed.
The deafening silence from Bridgepoint, the local councils and the local media since Bridgepoint were confirmed as the first choice bidder 3 weeks ago, does perhaps play into this. Then again, it probably takes at least 3 weeks to completed the legalities and would anyone be foolish to say anything on the record until this had all happened.

26th Apr 2007, 11:36
I think you probably hit the nail on the head there 682'. For the new owners to have a good start, they need some good news to announce.

26th Apr 2007, 13:24
As stated above, the reason for the deafening silence re: ownership of LBA is because it is still being sorted out. Until it is announced, Bridgepoint is not the owner!

26th Apr 2007, 13:28
PTH - thanks that might be the one (I'm not very good at recognising Dash-thingies, Boeings and Airbuses are more my bag :8 )

3rd May 2007, 09:45
I see LBA is showing 60 departures today. Is this the most we have seen?
I remember thinking 15 was impressive in the early days when we had a couple of Britannia flights on the same day.
What has always neen evident at LBA is the fact that the airport has always been strong on scheduled flights and weak on charters.
Leeds for a number of years I seem to remember having had more scheduled flights than Luton.

3rd May 2007, 12:18
Its official at last. LBA has new owners, Bridgepoint Capital aquired LBA today May 3rd 2007.

Bridgepoint acquires Leeds Bradford International Airport
Leeds Bradford International Airport (LBIA) has been sold to European private equity firm Bridgepoint in a transaction totalling £145.5 million following a decision by five West Yorkshire councils to sell 100% of the share capital in the airport.

Commenting on the successful acquisition of the airport, Sir Graham Hall, who will now become chairman of LBIA, said: “Work can now begin on taking our airport up a league in every sense. LBIA is a key asset for our region and we want to build on its recent success and consolidate its role as the dominant international airport serving Yorkshire and Humberside.”

Adrian Williams, a director at Bridgepoint added: “We have a clear vision for the future success of LBIA – a future which will deliver benefits for everyone who uses it. Our aim is that the new LBIA will be one of which the staff and the region will be justifiably proud.”

Under the Bridgepoint strategic plan for the airport, a £70 million capital expenditure plan will be implemented to provide additional terminal capacity to accommodate anticipated growing passenger volumes and to meet more immediate infrastructure requirements. Specifically, the plan is built around:

investment in, and development of, the existing airside and landside infrastructure to enhance capacity
development of the route network to increase number of destinations, frequency and to double passenger capacity to seven million by the year 2015
further development of the LBIA's commercial revenues in areas such as retail and food & drink.
Bridgepoint has invested in the airport sector in the past. In 1997, it became the largest private investor in Birmingham International Airport (BIA) as part of a financing programme to fund the ongoing development of the airport. It sold its stake in December 2001 and during this five year period international connections at BIA grew by 70%, traffic grew by 40% (reversing leakage to neighbouring airports) and capital expenditure reached almost £200 million.

Leeds and Bradford councils each owned 40% of the airport with the remainder split equally between Kirklees, Wakefield and Calderdale. Although the councils will have no financial stake in LBIA, they retain a ‘special share' to protect the name of the airport and to ensure its continued operation as an international airport.

The airport was formally advertised for sale in November 2006 in a process run by Ernst & Young, with legal advice prepared by DLA Piper. Bridgepoint was named preferred bidder on 4 April 2007.

Debt for the transaction was provided by Royal Bank of Scotland. Advisers to Bridgepoint in the transactions included: Rothschild (corporate finance), Addleshaw Goddard (legal), Ernst & Young Private Equity (transaction support and tax structuring), Airport Strategy & Marketing, Concession Planning International, Drivers Jonas, TPS Consult (commercial due diligence), ERM (environmental), Marsh (insurance).

3rd May 2007, 15:05
I wonder what £70 million pounds would pay for?

Runway extension?

Parallel taxiways?

the one thing that keeps coming up is more retail. Why do they think that when people what to travel they want to shop first?

I am glad that they are trying to have a bigger growth in pax numbers than the masterplan 7 million as instead of the 5 million in the masterplan.

Big T

3rd May 2007, 15:47
I am glad someone else brought up the subject of continuous reference to retail. This seems to be the main point from the outset. Maybe Bridgepoint won the deal because they allowed the idiot councils to keep the airport name.There ain`t going to be a runway extension for the proposed spending.
I was shot down in flames for being negative in previous postings about what this mob are going to do. I still think the 70m is over 10 years.In which case don`t expect too much. They are not even proposing the badly needed new terminal, but yet another extension.

14 loop
3rd May 2007, 16:19
The economics of airports has changed - in the old days you made money from charging the airlines per head carried. The locos changed all that....now the airline supplies the passengers and the airport makes its money out of the ancillaries.

The current set-up cannot earn enough in ancillaries to grow the business. £70 million will help terminal development which will include capacity enhancement and must include better retail.

Better terminal capacity and earning potential might allow the new airport company some more flexibility on route development which the Council ownership couldn't provide.

But don't flame retail, all the big airport companies do it....its the way of the business.

Yes Cat II on 14 and some tinkering with the runway would be beneficial but there's no point blowing pots of cash on things that although grandiose do nothing to get more pax / routes.

3rd May 2007, 17:07
Wondering how this route is going since it started on 23/04? Lille - an odd destination??

682ft AMSL
3rd May 2007, 20:54
At a price of c.£145m, there needs to be a significant change in the business to get an adequate return over a 5-8 year horizon. The £145m looks like it is commercial lending, meaning interest payments of c.£7m per annum and the £70m capital expenditure will need to be financed too. Crudely, you need the airport to be valued at £300m by the end of the 5 / 8 year investment horizon. It will not fetch 30 times earnings given the current price is based on potential earnings and at a more realistic 15-20 times earnings, the airport will have to be making £15m - £20m profit p/a compared to £5m at the moment. That’s 3 or 4 x current profitability, so doubling passenger numbers and increasing average profit per passenger by 50%-100% is about what’s required. Unsurprisingly therefore the new Chairman, Sir Graham Hall, was on the TV moments after the deal was struck saying the 3 priorities were;

1) More routes and destinations (to double the passenger numbers)
2) More terminal space (obvious)
3) More retail (to drive up the average profitability per customer)


On the earlier news bulletin and on the local radio this evening, he also mentioned that road and public transport links were a key priority. On both occasions he was already putting pressure on the former owners to use some of their sales proceeds to fund transport improvements and we have to assume he's been lobbying hard on this during the sale process. He was planning to make an imminent visit to his old pals at Yorkshire Forward to tap them up for trasnsport funding also.

In this context, major runway extensions, parallel taxiways, brand new terminals are not part of the plan because they are not necessary and are too expensive to deliver any sort of adequate return on investment. CATII on 14, a starter strip are less expensive and might make enough of a difference to some operators who are being persuaded to base or ramp up operations.

Of greater interest in the short term is really the question of how they intend to double passenger numbers. There’s no doubt there's some further upside from Jet2 if the holidays side of the business takes off and a few of their city destinations from MAN might make an appearance. Unlikely they’ll push another 3m through the door though and equally unlikely that private equity investors of 25 years experience merrily stump up £215m of investment without having a high degree of confidence that the business can grow. I would be amazed if a key part of the offer process wasn’t some fairly detailed discussions with airlines about route development opportunities and the probability of them coming off. I rather thought Coasting’s “surprising news” was going to provide some of the answers, but unless we have wildly different views on what constitutes a surprise, I haven't seen anything.

3rd May 2007, 21:16
I've just had a gentle perusal through the airport masterplan 2005-2016.

Runway Extension:
"The White Paper states that a runway extension of some 300 metres may be desirable in the future. However, the airport has no plans or operational requirement for a runway extension at the present time. The situation therefore will be reconsidered in future reviews of the Masterplan for the period of time AFTER 2016."

So why should the new owners be prioritising runway extensions ahead of much of the other content of the masterplan if the previous owners (the local authorities) didn't sanction it?

I think the extension fans need a cold shower.

Parallel Taxiway:

682AMSL - I may have to differ on this one slightly:

"A parallel taxiway would be needed around 2010" (on 32). If the analysis behind this is accurate (with current capx at 20 movements per hour) then this must surely be essential.

Incidentally a 14 parallel taxiway is also in the long grass.

Now that is more pressing - thats three years away - that I presume must be in the Bridgepoint investment plan (assuming the bids were evaluated against something like the Masterplan).

3rd May 2007, 23:08
I just hope they 'market' - 'sell' the airport better than LBIA did.:D

I remember when EZY approached LBIA with an offer, But LBIA would not negotiate, they went to LPL instead!!:hmm:

The name will also change, As the Airport will have nothing to do with Leeds or Bradford anymore.

There's alot to do??:(

4th May 2007, 00:58
I'm not so sure that is correct.

The name will contractually remain Leeds Bradford International Airport

As for the other point based on information from several independent sources during 2004 (excuse my simplistic view):

within one week:

I think Anderson got the last laugh in that one.

4th May 2007, 04:02
I don`t think a full runway extension is required at this stage but LBA needs to be able to handle direct flights to Canada,Florida and the Indian continent etc.for example.Also it needs Cat3 landings for 757/767 sized aircraft.
In the future, there will be more direct flights to long haul destinations from regional airports.The Boeing 787 will be the catalyst for this.
These projects take a lot of planning so I think they must be part of the initial strategy.

4th May 2007, 09:25
682ft: Congratulations on an objective, realistic posting. :D

The priorities have to be pax flow through the terminal as it is a nightmare at present. CSZ needs radically redesigning.

Retail is vital; it's the one area in which pax are voluntarily contributing to the airport's revenue and is not to be sneered at.

Runway extensions and parallel taxiways are 'sexy' for the spotters but manageable at present, so they are a lower priority than getting the terminal sorted.

Access to the airport is dependent on getting a clear route to the M62 and M1, and therefore at least in part to improving the Leeds Ring Road (which is horrendous). Unless you live in Otley or Harrogate, access to LBIA is 'not good' and MAN or Donnie will be more attractive.

8th May 2007, 11:34
The new stands are finally open for use. Last night we had a (tech) KLM F70 on 24 and a Jet2 737 on 21. I'm afraid I can't help thinking this job has been done on the cheap though. For a start, there are no green taxiway centreline lights at all (they stop around N3), only edge blue lights. Also, the apron floodlights scarcely illuminate the portion of concrete between the end of the greens and the edge of the apron. Finally, there are no stand signposts, just numbers painted on the concrete, which aren't all that easy to see in poor light/rain/poor visibility. Mind you stands 12-18 have never had signposts either and they've been around for years. If the airport is serious about using these new stands regularly I fear improvements may be necessary although I accept at the moment they will be mainly used for "overspill" purposes. Wonder if Bridgepoint will do owt about them ?
BTW, I have heard quite recently that the terminal building may be a listed structure on account of its curved frontage. Could anyone in the know confirm or deny this ? It could explain why the b****r hasn't yet been pulled down and replaced with something more suitable for an expanding airport.

8th May 2007, 12:58
(BTW, I have heard quite recently that the terminal building may be a listed structure..........)

Where is the original building?

9th May 2007, 17:10
The original building is incorporated in the existing structure but you can only really tell from landside exterior. It's pretty much from the site of the info desk to O'Briens on the ground floor. Most of the building on either side has been added on over the last twenty three years or so. Another source tells me it was built the wrong way round as well. It should have been concave facing airside and convex landside apparently. Beats me why it was built like that in the first place. A straight-sided building would have been more practical and easier to extend. Still, forty years on it's probably too late to do anything about it, especially if it has some sort of protected status.

Manston Airport
9th May 2007, 20:50
Hi all,

Just wondering was there a VC-10 in LBA last night?


9th May 2007, 22:56
I think so, there was something old and noisy anyway!

10th May 2007, 10:10

I'm trying to find out about the possible listed status of the terminal. Watch this space...

10th May 2007, 10:58
I have some photos somewhere, will try to find them.
I flew from LBA in the 1960`s .
In the airside of the building was a huge mural (think thats how you spell it)
It was produced I think by a Yorkshire artist.It was some kind of moulding reflecting Yorkshire life and full length of the building.
The terminal was was designed to handle about 6 Viscounts per hour.
The highlight was the daily AER LINGUS 737 to Dublin.
I always thought it was curved to fit in with the road layout at the time.
The MD at the time I think was Mr Sellars. He used to speak about Back triple ones instead of BAC 1-11`s.

14 loop
10th May 2007, 17:53
The mural of which you speak (well at least the one that I used to see in the early eighties) was located on the first floor landside cafe. It remained for many years a feature of the terminal whilst other areas were redeveloped. It was only lost when the development which delivered Burger King, Yates's and that new roof was constructed.

I believe that many aspects of the existing terminal remain fit for purpose and with some imaginative extensions the original building will be part of the terminal that handles 6.something million???? in the future.

Will be interesting to see how long it is before things start happening.

11th May 2007, 14:00
The Yorkshire Mural was created by Philippa Threlfall whom I believe was a local artist. I'm surprised it wasn't preserved in some shape or form, considering it was was one of the last parts of the sixties terminal. On a personal level I was glad to see the back of it as I always thought it was pretty hideous. Sorry if you're reading this Philippa, just my opinion.

Geoffrey Percy Sellars was the Airport Director (Commandant) at that time.

Maybe some parts of the terminal are still fit for purpose but for how long ? It would break my heart to lose the control tower, casting its unblinking gaze over the aprons as it has for the last forty or so years and virtually unchanged in all that time. But the terminal is well past its sell-by date and should be put out of its misery as soon as something new is ready. Or at least rent it out for period-architecture office space, a bit like the Elmdon building at Birmingham.

11th May 2007, 20:14
I saw a 757 (Tommyfly??) execute an unusual approach to 14 at about 1420today. It overflew Otley town centre (instead of well to the west) then intercepted the glide slope about three miles out (over the Chevin). This just seemed an unusual approach for a 75 (I've not seen that particular profile before from Otley).
No doubt someone will tell me this happens everyday....:oh:

13th May 2007, 16:18
The mural was indeed the work of Phillipa Threlfall. I still have a copy of the Airport Handbook c 1976. It is described as follows:-

... A major work depicting a number of West Riding scenes and activities. Ordinary folk are seen going about their daily occupations and recreations. The mural has a rugged but companionable informality which makes for instant appeal to both the high brows and low brows alike. Glazed ceramics, unglazed teracotta and a variety of indigenous stones, all embedded in cement, are the media from which the aartist moulds her pictures

The stones were collected in the County by children in local schools (I remember this bit as I was at Rawdon Primary School at the time). The handbook also contains a B&W picture. It's a poor quality print, but I'll see if I can scan and post it.

The handbook also contains many pictures of contemporary a/c, mostly from the camera of Colin Addison.

Edit for spelling/format

16th May 2007, 10:01
Winter 07 JET2 TO LPA, LCA, JFK, SSH

16th May 2007, 10:06
I hear that JFK is going from Doncaster, can anyone confirm this.

16th May 2007, 14:36
JET2 - Having looked at the Jet2 website, there is no mention of any of these routes:bored:. I'm not disputing them, but where's you're info from??:confused:

682ft AMSL
16th May 2007, 16:50
Well further to Coasting’s intriguing little note there is still a very clear absence of any “surprising news”, so who knows, maybe Jet2 have a surprise or two up their sleeve.

To be honest, I’ve been following developments at LBA since I picked up a copy of ‘Wings North’ from Air Supply some time in the late 80s and my interest was sparked in the commercial side of the airport and aviation business. If, since then, I were to try and list every rumour I’d heard of new routes that were coming to LBA, I’d run out of time and space. Almost always, they have never happened. By contrast, almost everything of interest that has happened has been kept quiet until launch. I don’t recall the local grapevine predicting the arrival of Jet2 for example back in 2002. All of which is a rambling way of saying, if it’s rumoured – ignore it because it’s probably made up, but enjoy the periods when nothing seems to be going on, because they probably are!!

Opened myself up to be spectacularly proved wrong, and let’s hope so. But unlike the days of scanning the press waiting for PIA to officially announce LBA-ISB or Continental to unveil LBA-EWR or the countless others, I won’t be holding my breath.


16th May 2007, 20:59
As 682 says this is probably another wishful thinking rumor. Why would Jet2 do a JFK from DSA? It's more likley they'd use EWR as the destination anyway. They have no presence at DSA at the moment, far more likley they would use MAN if they dont think it's viable ex LBA.

20th May 2007, 15:32
Hi JET2,

I think you are cabin crew? Are these routes a wishlist or are you in the know? I have family planning a trip to New York and would love to give them early warning of the availability of a LBIA departure.

Leeds Approach.

682ft AMSL
21st May 2007, 15:04
Interesting article in the FT today - the LBA elements of which are extracted below.
Also, see the NCL thread for a story suggesting that Bridgepoint have been trying to "tap up" the MD of Newcastle to take on the Leeds job.

Bridgepoint's £146m purchase of Leeds-Bradford Airport this month should spark development of air services in one of the UK's most underserved markets.

The private equity group's investment, at a price that reflects high interest in infrastructure assets, has taken Yorkshire's biggest airport away from its previous local authority owners. Leeds-Bradford had failed to fly in council hands, attracting just 2.8m users last year. Growth had been faster in recent years, with more routes operated by low-cost carriers including Jet2, a locally-based airline. Even so, Bridgepoint is confident of having acquired an asset with plenty of potential.

Manchester will remain by far the north of England's biggest airport and receives passengers from across the region. However, there is a clear desire among Yorkshire businesses for better local air links that should facilitate commerce and ferment economic growth. Sir Graham Hall, chairman of the Bridgepoint-led consortium, says 9m flights a year are made by Yorkshire's population of almost 6m. However, more than half of those flights start outside the region. "People are clogging up the M62 to Manchester," Sir Graham says. "Doubling passenger numbers does not seem so unreasonable if we can get our act together."

Leeds-Bradford is pitted against several other airports in Yorkshire and the north-east, all relatively small but looking to expand under commercially-minded owners. They include Robin Hood airport, 50 miles away near Doncaster, which opened in 2005 at a former RAF base. Owned by Peel, part of the property and investment empire headed by John Whittaker, it has already pushed passenger numbers to about 1m annually. Sir Graham says both airports can continue to expand and David Ryall, Robin Hood's managing director, is relaxed about Bridgepoint's plans for £70m of investment in airport services and retailing. Mr Ryall says many passengers will still prefer his airport if it is easier for them to get to. "We do not see their investment plans as having commercial consequences for what we are doing here. Their location hasn't changed. It is business as normal. We are not changing our strategy," Mr Ryall says. The airports offer a comparable range of flights although Leeds does offer services to London, a route where there is fierce competition with rail and road.

Regional growth is being increasingly driven by international business and Sir Graham says his company will look to improve links with business destinations in Europe, Asia and the US. Penny Hemming, regional director for the CBI, says: "There is a huge international airport on the other side of the Pennines and we are not going to have something like that here. But business will very much look forward to the expansion that Bridgepoint has in mind. They would like to see more services to regular business destinations." Tom Riordan, chief executive of Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency, says priorities for new routes will include Frankfurt, for the financial services sector, and the Indian subcontinent. There will be as much clamour locally to make it easier to get to the airport. Having realised some £50m from the sale, Leeds council will now come under pressure to give some back in the form of better transport links.

682ft AMSL
25th May 2007, 17:29
Airport Director to Stand Down
25 May 2007

Ed Anderson, the Managing Director of Leeds Bradford International Airport has announced his intention to stand down. He has, however, agreed to stay on until a successor is appointed. Ed Anderson was appointed in 1997.

Ed said, “I have been the MD of the Airport for 10 years during which time passenger throughput has trebled from 1 million to 3 million passengers per year. There has been considerable investment in the terminal and other facilities, and the North’s premier low cost airline Jet2 has become firmly established with its head office at Leeds Bradford Airport.

“It is well known that, over the past four years, I have taken on non executive roles and have recently been appointed Chairman of the Yorkshire Building Society, in addition to being a non executive director of Kelda Group plc. I now intend to spend more time pursuing those, and other, interests.

“I am immensely proud of what has been achieved at the Airport by its staff over the past 10 years. Bridgepoint, the new owner, has very exciting plans for the coming years which I fully support and which will be to the significant benefit of the regional economy.”

The recently appointed Chairman of Leeds Bradford International Airport, Sir Graham Hall, said, “I have enormous admiration for everything Ed has achieved at the Airport. I fully understand his reasons for wishing to make a change at this point in his career, and I am pleased that he will stay on until a successor is appointed. The Board will now appoint headhunters and it is anticipated that a new Managing Director will be appointed in the course of the next few months.”


So, Parkin or Skipp??

25th May 2007, 22:19
Well i know I may not be able to speak for all past and present employees but I'm sure we all hope the new man or woman who will take the baton passed by Ed may well have it in them to do a 5 day week to justify their >£120K or so salary they get.

Hopefully Bridgepoint want someone who will put the hours in for us and not the rest of west yorkshire at the same time.

The potential has been there for years and you can't help but think what might have been if we'd have had a man in charge there 5 days a week not swanning off, and I'm sure it was just bad timing that he was in Barbados when Bridgepoint were announced leaving PW to communicate what we feared would be the outcome to all the staff.

I'm sure a big sticking point for a lot of people is still the poor transport links to the airport.
It's all very nice to see buses to Harrogate, York, Leeds and Bradford
but how is the typical family of 4-set for their annual 2 weeks in Benidorm etc going to get on the airport buses unless they live bang on the bus route?
What I've read recently, regarding the number of people "clogging the M62 up everyday going to M*nch*st*r2" looks very promising. In this green era hopefully our new spin doctors can argue the case that more people flying direct from LBA will reduce emissions with a lot of the traffic braving the motorway to get away.
Play the tree huggers at their own game and give "projected stats" about all the passengers who would normally make a 90 mile round trip even just dropping friends and family off at the wrong, sorry, the other side of the pennines. That way we may get a road to and from Leeds and Bradford or at the very least-the ring road that can avoid the 5 months out of 12 that there is roadworks on Harrogate road.

25th May 2007, 22:33
only three things wrong with LBA - where it is, where it is and where it is....

25th May 2007, 22:44
Very true about the typical family of 4 but there is not only the local area to consider and the Bus routes, there are many people who drive a considerable distance to get to LBA. I have two different friends who regularly use LBA for flights to Spain. One drives from Chester Le Street and the Other from Manchester area.

I think if the foresight and committment were there to improve the infrastructure and hinterland of LBA, then there would be some huge growth at the airport. However in this day and age of taking 25 years to get a runway extension at BHX (and still another 5 years I bet yet) due to all the 'Nimby's, I cannot see that happening......just too much red tape to build new roads and Tony & Gordon won't spend the dosh. SO, that means much more of what we have I am afraid!:uhoh:

Northern Hero
30th May 2007, 17:53
Any thoughts on the Ryanair announcement tomorrow at LBA ?
I understand a similar event will take place at SNN. SNN-LBA ? LBA base ? (I don't think Jet 2 would be amused !)

30th May 2007, 23:34
I dont think Ryanair from Leeds to Shannon will bother Jet2 in the slightest. Jet 2 Fly to mainland Europe and to Summer destinations.
If anyone would be bothered if this is annouced it woud be Aer Arran.

Big T

Northern Hero
31st May 2007, 08:41
I'm sure they might get a bit upset if it is to be a base for Ryanair, Big T ;)

682ft AMSL
31st May 2007, 08:52
All depends on the routes surely. Pisa, Gerona, Katowice would be regarded by Jet2 with considerablely more interest than say Hahn, Wroclaw or some of the other baltic / Eastern European places.

Could be all academic anyway - apparantly there is the sum total of zero evidence of any press conference taking place this morning at LBA.


Northern Hero
31st May 2007, 11:50
682, not meaning to be pedantic but it's this afternoon.

To quote the email, (names, phone numbers & email addresses taken out)

''Tomorrow Thursday May 31, Ryanair, Europe's largest low fares airline, is holding a special News Conference at LBIA to announce exciting new developments at the airport. Ryanair's Deputy Sales & Marketing Manager UK will be at LBIA with full details of the developments.

DATE Thursday May 31
TIME 1400
PLACE Boardroom''


31st May 2007, 11:54
This was in Birmingham Post today maybe BHX-LBA is on the cards?

EU to clip Ryanair's wingsMay 31 2007
The European Commission, in a highly unusual move, is expected to reject Ryanair's proposed purchase of rival Irish airline Aer Lingus, sources familiar with the situation said yesterday.

The prohibition of Ryanair's unsolicited offer, originally valued at 1.48 billion euros (£1 billion), will be only the 20th in more than 3,000 cases reviewed by the European Union's executive arm since 1990, and the first since 2004.

The move comes as today Ryanair is expected to announce the start of a new domestic route from Birmingham International Airport - where it virtually abandoned services in favour of East Midlands Airport some years ago in a row over charges.

Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary has said he would challenge the Commission in court if the deal was turned down. The decision runs to more than 300 pages in an effort to deal with issues that may end up in legal wrangling.

Commission competition spokesman Jonathan Todd declined to comment on the investigation until a final decision is taken.

31st May 2007, 12:17
Well, 3x weekly Shannon from LBA has been announced from November, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Does anyone think the press conference listed above could be announcing a bit more?

682ft AMSL
31st May 2007, 16:40
It seems not. I'm sure if the local media trooped up to LBA with appetites whetted about "exciting developments", there may have been a sense of anti-climax round about 14:05.

For me the most interesting thing about this is the message it sends about Ryanair and their relationship with the airport. General consensus for some time has been that the management were unwilling to meet the commercial terms demanded by Ryanair, despite interest from the airline in expanding services from LBA. 4 weeks to the day since ownership transferred to a company who are reliant on growth in passenger volume to make their investment work and hey presto.

31st May 2007, 17:10
Absolutely agree 682.
I reckon the new owners have spoken to Ryanair and asked why they are not so interested in LBA. New broom kicks in.
I remember in the early days of Ryanair at LBA, the airline was talking about many possible new routes. But,I do remember EA was saying that they could not decide whether to go for high volume or high profits and quoted Liverpool as an example of an airport making the wrong decision.
Obviously the management opted for high profits and low numbers. I think time has shown that this was a mistake because you quickly reach your limit.High passenger figures seem to attract more and more airlines mainline included.Ryanair expect 310,000 pax from their 2 routes.

31st May 2007, 18:16
Delicate balancing act for New LBA....do you prejudice your home-grown loco by supping with the proverbial devil? It's probably no coincidence that Jet2 don't fly to DUB or SNN whilst Ryanair don't fly anywhere else from LBA (yet). If LBA undermined Jet2 and Ryanair replaced them, I don't think LBA would be left with much profit as they would get screwed to the floor by O'Leary. I hope they provide a long spoon in the LBA boardroom!

31st May 2007, 18:20
I really can't see why Jet2 and Ryanair couldn't operate together at LBA, the same that way that Ryanair and easyJet do at LTN, LPL, BRS etc. I really hope with the new owners in place, that FR expand at LBA!

31st May 2007, 19:27
For sure Jet2 would never have selected LBA if Ryanair had really been invited to exploit their full potential.So, I must admit in this case, every cloud has a silver lining.

2nd Jun 2007, 14:42
Anybody know the reason for all the delays and deparures if any today

the manx flt was 90mins late as a example this am mixture of all airlines not just J2

2nd Jun 2007, 16:25
Fog I think.

14 loop
2nd Jun 2007, 17:04
Yes....it was fog, a south easterly wind and on a METAR that I saw gave RVRs of 200m.

The bmi from Dalaman diverted to Teeside whilst the Flybe from SOU went to Doncaster. Fog lifted in time for the rest.

3rd Jun 2007, 20:29
rvr s 1500m full length but vertical vis was terrible- that's why KLM hung around for about an hour before landing- Only in lovely LEEDS!

3rd Jun 2007, 20:46
No not only in lovely LEEDS, Cork was very bad on Saturday a freind was coming back on Ryanair and the fog meant most ac ended up in Shannon or Kerry. He ended up with a Eur150 taxi fare to Shannon to catch a flight 11 hours late to LPL. His destination from Cork was Stanstead! Another Ryanair customer that won't be flying Ryanair again. Aparently after cancelling the 0805 Sat flight when he finally got to the desk the earliest available flight ORK/LSS was Tuesday. Most passengers were faced with a trip to Dublin at their expense to get home. Lets not be too pleased Ryanair are expanding at LBA they do have previous for this kind of thing.

3rd Jun 2007, 21:02
Hi Hooded,
What I was getting at was how unusual the fog / low cloud can be at Leeds. I know it can be similar at Cork. Ryanair may or may not expand at LBIA but one thing is almost sure they are going to expand. People, especially in Yorkshire want low fares and if they don't go to Leeds they will go elsewhere (passengers and airline). Every airline messes you about from time to time but I think it would be advantageous to having Ryanair offer flights similar to those announced at Bristol.



Going loco
3rd Jun 2007, 21:34
Just catching up on this thread. So, which one was the surprising annoucement that was predicted in advance? Ed leaving or Ryanair growing????


PS - I guess KLM are still restriced to CAT1 at LBA if they can't get in with 1500m RVR. Will this sort of thing make Sir Graham spend a bit of the £70m on sorting out CAT2/3 ops once and for all

14 loop
4th Jun 2007, 08:11
Once upon a time KLM were happily shooting 32 in their Fokkers at Cat II (TDZ RVR 350m). bmi got themselves, if memory serves, from Cat I to Cat II on their Fokkers and ended up requiring a TDZ RVR of 300m.

Then something changed at KLM and they've been Cat I (550m) ever since.

In the meantime bmi changed eqpt on the LHR (mainly A319) - downgraded to Cat I, however have persisted with trials and the suchlike and have now attained Cat IIIa (200m) and its been used in anger. The bmi A320s (on the IT contract for Mytravel plc) remain Cat I at LBA though from what I can work out - suspect all those punters and all those bags aboard on landing make it a different kettle of fish vs a light A319.

Any news of J2 sorting the 757 out for Cat III at LBA? If not we might loose alot of 757s this winter!

4th Jun 2007, 17:03
In the meantime bmi changed eqpt on the LHR (mainly A319) - downgraded to Cat I, however have persisted with trials and the suchlike and have now attained Cat IIIa (200m) and its been used in anger.It's Cat 3B and that's been used "in anger" too! (Only for A319 - others CAT1)

14 loop
4th Jun 2007, 17:51
It's Cat 3B and that's been used "in anger" too! (Only for A319 - others CAT1)

Thanks for correcting me - what does that mean with regards to the touchdown RVR requirement for bmi's A319 at LBA?

4th Jun 2007, 17:52
zero feet decision height and a minimum RVR of 75m

682ft AMSL
4th Jun 2007, 18:50
Wonder what the tailwind restriction is for the 3B approahes given the reasonably common 5-8 kts south easterly that accompanies the low cloud. Pity the A320s are still CAT1. Its ironic given the p poor state of LBAs charter offering that of the based operators it does/has attracted, most that I can recall have been restricted to CAT1 (BY A320, 738), Skyservice A320 etc.
re the surprising news - I've made mention of this a couple of times and the original poster has said nothing so take it with a pinch of salt. As I said before, LBA developments almost never get tipped off in advance (RYR to Shannon being the latest). The quieter the rumour mill the better.

6th Jun 2007, 18:59
Hi all, was not to sure were to post this one. While travelling home from work I noticed today one Harrier , Minus nose cone and wings and fin. these are all in the field to be reattached park within house/farmers Field on the
A644 Queensbury Bradford WYorks opposite Raggalds est.. Wondered if anybody within the LB area knew the story , no frame number on fusealarge (only 128 on air intake)

hopefully post foto once complete if nobody beats me of course

14 loop
12th Jun 2007, 17:53

Chambery builds from late December at once weekly to a peak of 5 flights per week for most of Feb / all of March. [Increase in frequency]

Geneva daily with a second flight on Saturdays. [Same]

Salzburg, generally 3 times per week with 4 flights over New Year week. [Same]

More interesting, are some of the proposed timings - for instance on Saturdays the Salzburg launches from LBA at 05.20, (06.10 and 06.40 on weekdays and Sundays respectively).

Likewise Geneva is an early bird on a Saturdays (05.45)....and a bit later on weekdays (07.30).

Good to see some of LBAs Jet2 based aircraft being stretched a bit more!

13th Jun 2007, 06:08

Harrier in Bradford Farm

A Mr Chris Wilson is reportedly restoring a Sea Harrier at Raggalds Farm Bradford in commemoration of the Falklands war/ 25th Anniversary.

Just wondering if this is the Harrier FRS1 /FA2 in question?

http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0511794/M/ Ignore this and see post below.

15th Jun 2007, 05:16
Jet2Leeds wrote

HARRIER JUMP JET, Queensbury Bradford WYorks
Hi all, was not to sure were to post this one. While travelling home from work I noticed today one Harrier , Minus nose cone and wings and fin. these are all in the field to be reattached park within house/farmers Field on the
A644 Queensbury Bradford WYorks opposite Raggalds est.. Wondered if anybody within the LB area knew the story , no frame number on fusealarge (only 128 on air intake)

Apologies J2L if youve already seen the article in the Yorkshie Post. But I hope this answers the above query?

Piece of Falklands history saved for posterity

Former RAF engineer Chris Wilson with the Royal Navy Sea Harrier fighter plane he is rebuilding.

By Fiona Evans

A former RAF engineer has rebuilt a fighter plane which flew in the Falklands War from hundreds of pieces in his neighbour's field.

The Royal Navy Sea Harrier FRS Mk Two arrived in Yorkshire on the back of a 40ft low loader.

But now Chris Wilson, of Raggalds Farm, Queensbury, in Bradford, is putting the finishing touches to his labour of love in a field.

From the aircraft's serial number, XZ459, Mr Wilson found it first flew in 1980 and undertook 53 combat missions in the Falklands War, including an attack on Port Stanley airfield.

The 29-year-old businessman spent eight years in the RAF and now runs Jet Art, a company which makes aviation-themed collectables.

He said: "It was a huge project for anyone to take on but I picked the aircraft because of its history and I wanted to preserve a piece of aviation history.

"It is one of only a handful of surviving Falklands jets because a lot of them crashed."

The aircraft was based at RAF St Athan in Wales. It last flew in 2001 before being put in storage and used for spares. It was later auctioned off.
Last Updated: 11 June 2007

Also heres a link to a photo of the old girl from a few years back.


17th Jun 2007, 07:02
Good use of initiative: he can now commute to LBA a lot faster than going by road. He'll easily be able to put it down in the new Long Stay car park as well, which will save him landing fees. :ok:

20th Jun 2007, 14:37
This route does not appear in the CAA prov stats for May 07 but is bookable on the BMI website. How well's it doing?

20th Jun 2007, 14:44
Doesn't look like LBA figures have been uploaded yet, Lille should appear once it has been done.

Continued on: http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?p=3331051#post3331051