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1st Feb 2007, 08:00
I disagree with you Ixnat.
Actually 4HP did this forum a great service with regards to Capt America. It was completely ethical what 4HP did and I happen to believe it was gutsy.
I have to question why someone would post supporting viewpoints under 2 different names. That is more likely to be unethical and is at the very least deceptive.

Ixnat if you were around during BM's absurd postings, then you would have to agree that it was a necessity to expose it. Posting under pseudonyms to a forum does not give someone the right to deceive people.

These forums are useful tools for individuals making life changing decisions. I don't always agree with the negatives or the positives on this forum either. When an individual feels it is advantageous to utilize 2 different names, then I imagine that person feels the need to support himself because he realizes his viewpoints might not otherwise be taken seriously.

The whole Capt America episode was one of the most amusing times on this forum. Yes it was a little disturbing to realize someone could sink to that level, but I for one am glad that he was exposed. In all likelihood this precluded him from further deceptions.

As far as it happening to be 'positive' posts is probably an indication of exactly what is wrong with EK. And I say this as a relatively happy guy here. There are issues here at EK that threaten to bring down this airline and this is the only means by which people can express their concerns. Postings made under separate ID's (positive or negative posters included) invalidate what otherwise might have been an honest point of view, and I for one hope 4HP keeps up the good work.

1st Feb 2007, 08:20

Well done, I wholeheartedly agree.


1st Feb 2007, 08:32
Thanks for a civil discourse and not flamming. I am not saying what your Capt. America, aka, Tartan Guy, aka whomever was correct in what he did. I think you understand that. These forums , as well as political forums, forums on cooking, whatever, IMHO, are places where people can go and spout off in any form or manner. When a moderator "outs' someone, then the whole purpose of annoymous posts go out the window. These forums become null and void for opposing opinions. How do we know that "Fart Master" and "Farty Flaps" aren't the same guy. 4hole hasn't outed them or indicated that they might be the same guy.

I am not saying what Tarten Guy did was right or wrong. I have some problems with it too, to comment in the third person on ones self. But again, in my opinion a moderator's position is to keep the discourse civil and on track, not to identify in any form or fashion who a poster might be or not be. If your CEO decides he has the time, energy and inclination to add his comments to your forums, then so be it. Now that would be interesting.

Good civil discourse, as you have done, mensa, is the whole reason for forums. But "fear" of identification will shut down the discourse (id by the moderator). Don't you want to hear what the kool-aid drinkers have to say. If one only hear one side of the story, one might just be wrong.

Ok, I have broken my own rule by not staying lurking. But just my humble opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.........

2nd Feb 2007, 10:53
Nice one INXAT. :yuk:

2nd Feb 2007, 11:00
"Your perception is astute - let me make a small announcement that you have alluded to - Crinklstein & bigusdicus are the same guy - remind you of someone else we haven't heard from recently? Nope it's not the tartanguy (unless he's using a new IP address) but he's displaying the same ethos."


Mr. 4HP I think you need to check your facts as they are a little pear-shaped. Way off the mark there sir!


Please stop this off-the-topic attempt at trying to resolve this issue in your favor. The IP address for both of your user-names is identical - that is sufficient evidence to me that you are attempting to mislead the members by using different user-names in an effort to support a point-of-view. Considering the unusual stance that both of your user-names had adopted, I made an announcement to the members that it was obvious to me that you had assumed a dual personality in an effort to propagate an opinion - something that one of the other members had already suspected. I did not identify you, as some of your bleeding-heart proponents have intimated, I merely indicated that two user-names were posting from the same address. If you have an explanation as to the coincidental IP address's please feel free to email or PM such evidence to either myself or to [email protected] In the event that you are (somehow) able to explain this coincidental IP address for two user names, both with the same opinions, I would be more than happy to apologize in full and put this whole sorry affair to rest. 4HP

2nd Feb 2007, 12:38
Right, let me put this thing to rest now - I've done some research & I do believe that Crinklstein may be able to share an identical IP address with bigusdicus whilst not being the same person. I thus unreservedly apologize for any intimation that I made in insinuating that they were definitely one & the same person, thereby bringing disrepute and suspicion on their points-of-view.

I will continue, in the interim, to moderate in a manner which (I hope) ensures fair views are ensured and that people who seek to misuse this forum are prevented from misleading the members.

On reflection I have obviously, in this event, misused my facility as a moderator. I'll crawl back into my hole and ponder why I got myself into such a position in the first place.

I'd be delighted to relinquish my position as moderator & go back to the line - if there's someone out there who wants the job, drop me a line & I'll be happy to make the recommendation to the towers that be.

To Crinklstein & bigusdicus - I'm sorry, I'm not sure, but I think I screwed up.


Now can we get back to the topic please?

2nd Feb 2007, 13:47

Please do not change a thing.

I admire the way you subtly exposed "Captain America" Brian and his bull**** schizophrenic double personality and truly appreciated your continued vigilance in weeding out these pathetic EK "management" types who figure they can artificially influence this forum (as they know it is THE most read forum when it comes to info about Emirates) in an attempt to discredit the continued discontent being experienced by THE MAJORITY of the Emirates pilot community.

Whether these two "personalities" are one and the same is irrelevant (if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck; it's a duck). He/she/they are just too much over the top to be believable; your instincts are correct. :D

2nd Feb 2007, 14:45
Hey guys,
It's simple really!
Same PC (or IP Address) must mean hubby and wife..................
Elementary my dear Watson! Pass the gin old chap
:D :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

White Sausage
2nd Feb 2007, 15:05
4HP, you are doing a great job! Donīt give it up! Everybody is making sometimes some mistakes, but even then... I like your style!

Keep it up, dude!:D

OK, enough sleezy words...letīs get back to the topic, shall we?:ok:

2nd Feb 2007, 16:01

Thank you for clearing up the confusion sir. Takes a good man to admit when he's 'left the paved surface'.

I think you do a great job - so hang in there! I agree - back to the topic!


2nd Feb 2007, 19:16
4HP, keep up the good work, you are doing fine.

Ahad Adump
3rd Feb 2007, 03:56

Please keep on doing your outstanding work.
You did a stirling job in exposing Bowl Movement, with his e-mail address.

Now with this tree-hugger Crinkle-cut episode.
I'll give you a 3 for handling and 5's for the rest. That is an overall 5.

I have to justify a 5 now: BECAUSE THERE IS NO 6!

Good man, well done again.

3rd Feb 2007, 13:26
Dune, Ahad Adump, et al,

For your sakes, I hope that 4hole does not change his stripes and ends up being a "management stooge". He just might decide to "out" you guys to his superiors. Probably won't happen, but if he has the ethics to do it on one side, why not the other. And if you think it is such a wonderous idea to in some way identify a poster, then perhaps you guys should post your real names or maybe your employee numbers.

Hey, if you guys can figure out who someone is, have at it. But I still have a problem with the moderator doing it. And that goes the same if he decided to identify you guys. Are you ready to be "outed"?

Ahad Adump
3rd Feb 2007, 14:53

Use the forum for what it was intended, you know, tow the line - like in the service.
I use IP hiding software for many reasons, not only Prune.
If I am exposed, what have I done? Slag the company off - that's all.
No sensitive info revealed or persons named.
What will they do, fire me? Hardly!

If I am fired, the media will have a field day.

The man who posted the ASR of the JNB case was hunted down and brought into the office. Now he deserved that!!

4th Feb 2007, 14:45

Thank you for taking the time to explain your rationale. I can see where it would be easy to arrive at such a deduction based on the information you had.
You did not have to explain yourself to everyone but you did.:D I certainly appreciate it and hope to buy you a pint (or 12) at some point and time.

I stand by my statement that I only post as Bigus and I also stand by my original post that I and my family are happy here. If that is blowing smoke or taking the company P.O.V. then so be it.

Blue skies to all.

5th Feb 2007, 19:20
Good on ya. It IS hard to moderate when most postings are done with emotion first and then logic. Now you have done it, made me go back to lurking only.

Check 'Six'
5th Feb 2007, 21:16
4HP dont even think about pulling the pin!

These EK management wannabees must not get you down! We will continue to fire rockets up their you know what?

Stay cool and Check Six!!:cool:

8th Feb 2007, 03:53
HARDLY a LURKER IXNAT with 46 posts!!:=