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6th Feb 2006, 11:24
Just wondering if someone can spread some light on this little puppy!
My CRMI is under the impression that I dont need to do a CRM refresher or course all he needs to do with me is ask me some CRM questions on a line check and that will do.
I however dont think that is quite right can some one out there answer this question, hope I dont sound rude but can it be answered by a CRMI whom can give me a 100% correct answer

Kind regards

You can PM me if you wish

The Hasher

Kak Klaxon
6th Feb 2006, 12:42
JAR-OPS 1.965(e)


AMC-OPS 1.945(A)(9) AND TGL5

"the full CRM course will be completed in the pilots first year of employment"

10th Feb 2006, 20:24
Is this for recurrent training?

Look up CAP737 (www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP737.pdf) Chapter 4 page 3 for the elements you need to cover.

From page 4

CRM training usually takes place in groups and is often assisted by a trained facilitator who is equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills and techniques to foster the learning process.

If it's a UK operator then your CRM programme has to be CAA approved.

PM me if you have specific q's.

Non-PC Plod
20th Feb 2006, 12:03
You are looking at two different areas here.

1. The requirement for an annual CRM refresher (ground school, which needs to be conducted by a CRMI(ground).

2. Your line check, which should include a CRM assessment, completed by a Line training captain, who should also be a CRMI(Line).

Its all in the CAP 737, and the CRMI (of whichever variety) should be aware of it.

CRM Monkey
25th Feb 2006, 10:47
You need to cover the full syllabus when you arrive/start with the company. You then need annual training, completing the full syllabus over a 3 year period.

Syllabus as directed by CAP 737.

Ps This covers ground training, your line check is something completely different

20th Mar 2006, 02:13
Personally I think CRM should be reapeted .It is not kind of matter you could only refresh on a line check. I think CRM needs to face more people with different views of behaviour, maybe changing roles between cpt and F/O and also cabin crew , if it is a joint one to give you a 360 degree view of the different aspects of a matter discussed, in order to not forget how much is important to understand all the different reaction of everyone to a specific situation, learn from that, discuss together and even accept how other peolpe see your point of you: both if you are a leader or a part of the crew.
It is a process of continuos learning and confrontation to avoid leading to a misunderstanding , or worse non-communication
