View Full Version : Ufo

24th Jan 2006, 11:04
In the late 90's ( I don't have the exact date) I was passing through the Belgrade FIR at night. I overheard a transmission from a Speedbird aircraft, which was describing to ATC a bright triangular object which was seen to be following an American aircraft, (Delta I believe.) The object was under observation for over 5 minutes and was also reported by other aircraft. I have always expected to hear more of this event, but nothing was reported officially. If any of the pilots involved read PPrune forums, perhaps they would like to tell us more?

25th Jan 2006, 01:14
I can't imagine it would be too good for one's career to report a UFO...

26th Jan 2006, 10:15
The Aetherius Society would probably be interested in your observations...

Shaggy Sheep Driver
26th Jan 2006, 10:28
There was a similarly reported UFO by a 1-11 descending over the hills into Manchester around that time. They reported an airmiss with a triangular-shaped flying object. Nothing seen on radar.

Scuttlebut at the time reckoned it was the USAF messing about with stealth aircraft, though this was, I understand, strongly refuted by them. And the RAF said they knew nowt, either.


Regular Cappuccino
29th Jan 2006, 16:08
[quote=Shaggy Sheep Driver
Scuttlebut at the time reckoned it was the USAF messing about with stealth aircraft, though this was, I understand, strongly refuted by them. And the RAF said they knew nowt, either.


No surprises there, then......:cool:

While career considerations may well affect the number of 'incidents' reported, there does nevertheless seem to be a steady trickle of reports (around1-3 annually) in the monthly MOR Summaries (usually listed in the ATC category, though the reporters seem to be mainly aircrew - I don't recall seeing any from controllers, despite some having witnessed such phenomena to my certain knowledge).

Those which do get reported seem to have been as a result of the perceived proximity of the 'object' (which is how they are usually described) and are thus reported as Airproxes, which suggests that there are still more which go unreported because they weren't as close.

What the 'objects' are however, is quite another matter.......:confused:


John Farley
29th Jan 2006, 18:12
I must say I don't see why any professional aviator should have the slightest reservation about reporting a UFO. It is (after all) just that a flying object that he or she could not identify. Now what on earth is wrong with that?

I saw two during my time. Reported both. One was explaned the other was not. So what? Both had ATC implications as after a while one looked as if it suffered a mid air explosion and the other was in a restricted area.

Regular Cappuccino
29th Jan 2006, 23:25
It is (after all) just that a flying object that he or she could not identify. Now what on earth is wrong with that?

Nothing at all, but there seems to be a (perhaps cultural?) tendency in the UK to treat the subject with some derision, hence the apparent reluctance to 'stick ones head above the parapet' unless there are clear safety implications (as there would appear to have been in your case, and in the majority of those listed in the MOR summaries).

30th Jan 2006, 06:13
Bear in mind it can be extremely difficult to assess the range of an unusual object from you.
I recently saw a greenish object travelling north east to the north west of my control tower; to me it looked about 10000 ft up and maybe 5 miles away, but on reporting it to the 'space debris' man at the British Astronomical Society, he told me that triangulation with other reports indicated it was actually over the north atlantic over 200 miles away and about 150 miles up!

30th Jan 2006, 06:26
i saw a documentary on discovery about something similiar, it's called the aurora or something like that but i don't know what it would be doing in belgrade

30th Jan 2006, 06:36
Be aware: USAF and some NATO countries deploy many stealth UAVs worldwide. :oh:

Regular Cappuccino
30th Jan 2006, 16:05
Be aware: USAF and some NATO countries deploy many stealth UAVs worldwide. :oh:

Are they stupid enough to fly them in Class A Airspace without pre-arrangment and without transponders though, which is where many of the sightings seem to occur?

31st Jan 2006, 06:41
Most logically, UAVs operate at +500' altitude levels, just in case of accidental airways infringements. Its military transponders are "stealth" and preclude interaction with civilian TCAS mode. Selective radar tracking by military controllers. :ooh:

Regular Cappuccino
31st Jan 2006, 20:28
UAVs operate at +500' altitude levels, just in case of accidental airways infringements.

Sorry, I'm not quite clear - do you mean below the Transition Altitude (whatever that may be in different areas) and at 'half levels' eg. 4500ft alt, 7500ft alt etc., or did you mean 'above FL500' (where they're most unlikely to be spotted, I would have thought.):confused:

31st Jan 2006, 20:56
In the late 70s RAF Group Air Staff Orders had a proforma for reporting UFO sightings. The problem was that the spiel that went with it informed the writer that he would have to report for INTERROGATION !!!!!!
No mention of debrief, chat over coffee etc !!!!
Form eventually disappeared from the book.

Late 70s, night, over France, new co-pilot. He spent ages looking at a stationary coloured light high 12. Lots of chat from him about possible UFO. Nav and I, knowing it was a planet, went along with winding him up. Nav suggested he should report it as a UFO. Before we could say or do anything he hit the transmit switch and did just that - bu**er.

1st Feb 2006, 07:59
Cappuccino: ...any cruising altitude or flight level plus or minus five hundred feet. :p

1st Feb 2006, 20:38
Shaggy S D, from what I remember that incident into MAN was a 737. I was one of the engineers on duty that evening and had to debrief the crew and sign off the tech log.
Never seen anyone so white as that Captain before or since. They saw something that scared the bejeezuz out of them. It may have been a stealth type craft or something more enigmatic, who knows? But what ever it was they couldn't explain it. Scared the willies out of me and that was just listening to them!!:uhoh: :ok:

1st Feb 2006, 23:38
Turin and SSD
From what I can recall, it was a Black triangular object, very close to the a/c.
"Some" other reports are of "Triangular Lights".
We have the scenario
A. Unknown a/c without any lights or transponder.
B. Unknown a/c with lights and no transponder
C. Unknown a/c [to Civvie ATC] as B
D. Unknown a/c to both Civ and Mil as to either A or B
E. Unknown whatever.....l
I have seen [unknown] "lights in the sky"......as have a great percentage of Pilots/ATCers. that the What/Who/From Where,
I dunno....Does any one?

Regular Cappuccino
2nd Feb 2006, 18:53
I have seen [unknown] "lights in the sky"......as have a great percentage of Pilots/ATCers. that the What/Who/From Where,
I dunno....Does any one?

I suspect that they will (may?) turn out to have a variety of different explanations.
The small bright lights close to the surface (such as the one that shot past one of our inbounds some time back) might well turn out to be natural phenomena, which have as yet not been investigated or recognised as such (not related to, but in the same vein as St Elmo's Fire and Ball Lightning).
Some other types of sighting may well be stealth technology of one sort or another.
Lights are always a bit difficult, and my stock response to 'UFO Enquiries' is that unless there is very compelling evidence to the contrary, lights in the sky within 20 miles or so of airports are aeroplanes, albeit seen in unusual or unfamiliar configurations (such as the lights bursting through a halo of previously unseen cloud on short final etc.).
When all these have been dismissed however, there do still seem to be a small number of sightings by reputable, professional witnesses (including pilots and ATCOs) which are not readily explainable by the above.
I Include in this, sightings in CAS by ATCOs, which can not be correlated with any known traffic, and which are not visible on either PSR or SSR.
Maybe the answer really is out there somewhere.....!:E

2nd Feb 2006, 19:21
A lot of witnesses also argue that it wasn't an aeroplane 'because they couldn't hear the engines', but aircraft today are so quiet, and neighbours and/or road traffic so noisy, that it doesn't take a lot to mask engine noise.

3rd Feb 2006, 04:06
A lot of witnesses also argue that it wasn't an aeroplane 'because they couldn't hear the engines', but aircraft today are so quiet, and neighbours and/or road traffic so noisy, that it doesn't take a lot to mask engine noise.

Is this the sort of 'craft' we are talking about:

Ion engines????
or tightly wound Rubber-band engines?