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20th Sep 2010, 22:44
The DAA are still in talks with Air India about a European hub.

The Hindu : Business News : Dublin Airport woos AI to make it its European hub (http://www.thehindu.com/business/article720045.ece)

21st Sep 2010, 05:16
The DAA are still in talks with Air India about a European hub.

The Hindu : Business News : Dublin Airport woos AI to make it its European hub (http://www.thehindu.com/business/article720045.ece)

Aint gunna happen, they have decided on a non-stop strategy so unless they plan to duplicate all their TATL routes for the sake of DUB, I think its time to finally put this to bed. How long have we been rumouring this now? 4 months? maybe longer than that?

21st Sep 2010, 06:07
That's what I thought, having read about the additions of n/s flights to the US, BUT presumably the DAA is aware of this and yet is still lobbying, so one can only assume that there is some window of opportunity there.

21st Sep 2010, 09:14
I see all we missed Kingfisher!! That one slipped under the radar!!!

21st Sep 2010, 15:35
Dispatch - give the caustic negativity a break, and just once, give the guys in the DAA the benefit of the doubt on Air India.

Nobody expected the battle to get an indian carrier to transit through Dublin to be an easy battle, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Remember that many years ago a similar entrepreneurial approach to Aeroflot brought SU to Ireland for many years, and a little bit of Ireland to Moscow for the past twenty years or so.

I see from another thread that the DAA operate the duty free in the just opened Delhi airport terminal 3, so somebody in the DAA is doing something right in India, and a track record of working successfully with the Indians is established.

21st Sep 2010, 21:35
If the DAA brought in 100 airlines and €500 per passenger I would think that Dublin Dispatch would have something negitive to say about it. The constant hammering he gives the DAA leads me to believe he is an FR troll! :=

22nd Sep 2010, 12:32
Oh so wrong just hate waste and i see that as part off the deal for transit passengers, the DAA will PAY the airline 6 euros per pax that they bring thru the airport, that on top of the massive discounts on fees, does i fell justify my attempts on here to ensure that the DAA are held accountable for what appears so far to be having little results. Maybe airlines just dont want to use ireland no matter waht way you sex up the deal.

I do not work for any airline in Dublin, what I do have is a vested interest in ensuring that my job is secure at Dublin Airport with a future rather than some half ass airlines that stays for a few months and fecks off after getting a there palms crossed with a few coins as a bribe too use Dublin.

Yes i have no respect at all for the DAA as looking from the inside out I can see what a waste of money it is.

22nd Sep 2010, 13:50
DAA are really desperate to get Air India into T2.

Dublin Airport Authority has offered Air India a range of enticements to set up a hub at Dublin Airport including a promise of a three-day free entry visa to Ireland for passengers transiting via Dublin to the USDAA offers visa enticements to win Air India European hub - report - Business & Finance (http://www.businessandfinance.ie/cat_news_detail.jsp?itemID=2814)

22nd Sep 2010, 15:57
So what exactly is going on with AI?
Are DUB chasing something that cant be chased? AI have said they dont want another EU hub opting for non-stop India-USA.
Its only the DAA making noise, as AI havnt said they are looking, and what about BHX/CPH? Surely they wont be just sitting on their laurels and just handing AI to DUB on a plate?
Im very confused by the matter.

Also, as many have said before, DUB's runway isnt exactly the longest in Europe, so would AI happily limit loads/cargo just to save its passengers a few minutes?

Im still not convinced by pre-clearance. In my opinion, it will only benefit if an airline wants to serve an airport with no customs from an international point, and I just dont see that happening anyway.
As more people/airlines start to use pre clearance, its wil get busier, taking more time to get through and then taking away the benefit. If the queue is too long, you may as well just clear in the US, and sometimes it doesnt even take that long. I arrived on the VS3 a few weeks ago, and was out within 15-20 minutes, which in my opinion isnt long at all. The EI arrived just as I was going through the customs desk so it wouldnt have taken the guys off that flight long either.
Even with clearance, it could take 15-20 minutes to wait for your bags.

22nd Sep 2010, 16:07
Even with clearance, it could take 15-20 minutes to wait for your bags.

You could be waiting that amount of time in a lot of European airports to get your bags.

If AI could be saving €14 million a year they must still be considering a hub. After all airlines don't want to be throwing money away.

Skipness One Echo
22nd Sep 2010, 16:14
Given that Air India comes in the best tradition of "Indian business practices", if they did get into T2 would the roof not fall in, the airbridges collapse and the Executive Lounge be declared unfit for human habitation?

This would be followed by a news conference with a spokesman telling the world that everything was fine. That of course would never happen in the real world.......would it?

After all airlines don't want to be throwing money away.

Hmm you should look closely at Air India?!? This is something of a past-time where they throw money at friends, relatives and shiny new toys before unveiling the magical airliners.net dartboard of route planning.
Sophisticated and competent they are not!

22nd Sep 2010, 16:15
But that $14million saving was based on their FRA hub system, Id bet they are saving a shed load more by operating non stop.

1 stop: Airport Fees at Indian end, Fees at DUB and then fees at USA end. Also higher fuel costs as you have 2 climb outs and 2 decents
0 stop: Fees at Indian end, fees at USA end and lower fuel costs as the intermidiate decend/climb has been eliminated.

22nd Sep 2010, 20:10
rather than some half ass airlines that stays for a few months and fecks off after getting a there palms crossed with a few coins as a bribe too use Dublin

So you'd be opposed to the DAA granting any further concessions to Ryanair then?

23rd Sep 2010, 08:52
Just for info, it is sometimes cheaper to land and refuel then endure the higher fuel burn of carrying the extra 60 tonnes of fuel to Chicago.Figure it out.

Skipness One Echo
23rd Sep 2010, 09:52
Just for info, it is sometimes cheaper to land and refuel then endure the higher fuel burn of carrying the extra 60 tonnes of fuel to Chicago.Figure it out.

Fare paying passengers don't like fuel stops hence the push for ULH flying. Still if "cheaper" is what you're after...

27th Sep 2010, 20:36
To add my tuppence worth to the whole DAA / Air India lark, I think Declan Collier and co. would be better off focusing their attention on Kingfisher rather than Air India as they are more ripe for the type of package on offer.

Think about it - all long haul flights which Kingfisher serve (London being the furthest away) use Airbus A330's which are obviously suitable for Dublin and the airline are planning to expand their network to, among others, North America. They are awaiting delivery of new aircraft to do this and most of those on order are A330's also so it makes sense that Dublin could be their scissors hub.

They don't strike me as a cargo carrying airline so take-off weight should not be a problem for Dublin's runway. After all, I flew non-stop from DUB to Cape Town with LTU a few years ago and there were no issues...and that was a 12 hour flight. The likes of Delhi and Bangalore would only be about 10 hours.

Most importantly, there are a Skytrax rated 5 star airline. I flew with them internally from Bangalore to Mumbai and they were excellent. So you can imagine what their international flights are like. I think they would be a great coup for the DAA, especially with all the trade Ireland is now doing with India.

And were there not rumblings that a few Indian and Chinese airlines were interested in serving Dublin once Terminal 2 opened? Hopefully Kingfisher were one of these.

So maybe there's some life still in this story after all!

27th Sep 2010, 21:03
The issue with the LTU flights was it just carried pax and bags no cargo, in order to make that kinda route work, cargo would need to be carried to increase revenues, Yes the LTU A330 would have made it from Dublin but i wud guess would be airbourne close to St Margarets to get enough steam built up to take off.

The LTU flights were fanfastic to deal with and did prove that a long haul market all be it seasonal does exist, but least we forget the A2B airlines before that, that couldnt make it with a 767 and had to stop in PMI?

I think that the DAA may just surprise us all and pull a rabbit so to speak out of the hat, maybe even steal the BA LCY-SNN-JFK gig from SNN as it has just been far far too rumour free on here and other outlets and the various smoking areas around the airport where so much meathy gossip passes from company to company!!!!

28th Sep 2010, 08:30
Think about it - all long haul flights which Kingfisher serve (London being the furthest away) use Airbus A330's which are obviously suitable for Dublin and the airline are planning to expand their network to, among others, North America. They are awaiting delivery of new aircraft to do this and most of those on order are A330's also so it makes sense that Dublin could be their scissors hub.

I suppose dreaming big is fine as we all need ambition, but why not start on a smalle scale, and then when its proven it works, use it to attract more carriers, because at the moment, DUB has NO airline actually operating a scheduled XXX-DUB-USA route.

For example, Biman Bangladesh is looking to restart its DAC-MAN-JFK routing. Im sure this route, even if it is just 2 weekly would have been perfect for that pre clearance thingy and a chance for DUB to show how exactly it is done, even though I still dont see the huge attraction of it? But in its ambition to secure an Indian hub, maybe the DAA missed this one. Yes BG may have no intention of serving DUB, but surely the DAA could have at least contacted them about it?

Secondly, If A330's with Kingfisher are in the running, then personally, I think BHX will offer much more. One of the largest Indian communities outside the Indian subcontinent, Cargo oppertunities, small airport for quick turn-around and less competition on the North American routes so more chance to fill up the cabins in both directions.
DUB may have a fair few pax travelling to India, especially on EY, but maybe this is the vast bulk of them? I mean, why no EK or QR yet to suppliment EY? Why no other indian carriers saying 'If AI dont want DUB, we will'?
Im sorry, but I just dont see why would someone like Kingfisher turn down the above at BHX just to save its pax a few minutes at ORD/EWR/JFK etc?

28th Sep 2010, 18:42
1. With BG's really poor on-time performance, there will be huge issues with CBP provision. There is very little trade between Ireland and Bangladesh also, whilst Manchester has a significant expat population.

2. How do you know that the DAA have not spoken to Biman?

28th Sep 2010, 19:31
With BG's really poor on-time performance, there will be huge issues with CBP provision

And Air Indias performance is near perfect is it? ATQ-BHX-YYZ was know not to turn up until the next day in some instances! Didnt stop the DAA persuing them though!
Also, when you are trying to make pre clearance pay, is it worth turning away any chances that could come your way?

How do you know that the DAA have not spoken to Biman?

Judging by the Air India statements comming from the DAA, Im sure they would have said something RE biman if they were on the hunt also.

There is very little trade between Ireland and Bangladesh also, whilst Manchester has a significant expat population.

Yes MAN has the larger population, but it only has up to 90 seats allocated anyway. Therefore theres no pressure for DUB to fill up the plane, and also as seen as so many think there are so many pax going to India, could be another (cheap) way to get there for DUB pax?

29th Sep 2010, 18:10
It will all come down too how much it is going to be worth an airline to call into DUB and how much they can get in bribes I mean grants to put pax thru the CBP etc.

As time is ticking on one would think that airline would want to start announcing plans for post opening so that they can at least start selling seats/cargo space etc etc even if it is only a few seats or one or two pallet positions on an airacraft.

I am surprised the the DAA have not at least indicated that additional carriers may be at least thinking about DUB as an option?

Skipness One Echo
30th Sep 2010, 08:56
The issue is that most "good" carriers don't want the hassle and expense of a stop en-route, most passengers want to get there in one hop. Hence the only people you'll get are carriers who don't have the equipment to do it in one go or those using Skippy's Patented Airliners.net Magic Dartboard of Route Planning.

Neither would be exepcted to last long. BA use Shannon for the A318 because they have no choice. Most carriers have a choice to use appropriate equipment and fly direct. With the greatest respect, Ireland is quite seasonal with regard to the US routes as capacity rightly collapses in the winter. This added cost coupled with the need to pay landing and handling charges at three airports instead of two is less than ideal.

Also what would be the point of US-DUB-xxx given there is no advantage on the way back? It would little more than a fuel stop which is fine, but hardly worth the hoohaa that's being spun here.

30th Sep 2010, 09:05
I agree 100%, it will be a plane spotters paradise for a few months with all the wacky and crazy colour schemes and airliners in, then when the economic realities hit, its good bye dublin and hello majove desert parking!!!!

30th Sep 2010, 09:25
The issue is that most "good" carriers don't want the hassle and expense of a stop en-route, most passengers want to get there in one hop. Hence the only people you'll get are carriers who don't have the equipment to do it in one go

I actually agree with you here. Thats what I was trying to put across regarding the DAA going after indian carriers who can do it non stop, whereas BG require the stop en-route so could have been ripe for DUB. Like I said, 2 weekly may not seem a lot, but when you have just opened a brand new terminal and raving about the pre clearance facility, you need all the airlines you can to make it work.

Its the same with PIA. they are required by US border clearance to stop their LHE-JFK route at MAN for additional security checks. Now, I know again they are happy with MAN (and may get shot down by MAN supporters for this), but why dont the DAA go after them.
Its only a 3 weekly 1-way service, but isnt that sort of flight exactly perfect for pre clearance?
With thos 2 carriers, you already have 7 weekly flights, 7 sources of revenue and all that business for pre-clearance?

30th Sep 2010, 09:47
I think at this stage the DAA would be talking with any one with an airplane that wants to cross the atlantic to north america and vica versa regardless of how outlandish at this stage it appears.

So far on here i think we have mentioned:








Not exactly a full list that would inspire, although I doubt any are really serious, I still believe that someone who has managed to get a second hand 767-200 or some such aircarft on good leasing terms will try, but only time will tell, but on current airlines T2 CBP will be in effect closed by mid afternoon most days of the week, hardly a good use after all the talk of its benefits to customers.

Sober Lark
30th Sep 2010, 21:38
I think T2 is a beautifully planned and designed modern facility and as a gateway one we can be proud of. I'll dismiss your negativity dispatch and banish you to spend the rest of your travelling life with the great unwashed in T1. :-)

1st Oct 2010, 07:38
Not exactly a full list that would inspire

Not exactly a full list that would come true either.

Virgin- No way they would come to DUB for a border clearance stop. It wouldnt make any viable commercial sense at all

BA- I think the LCY-USA services will continue to use SNN even when DUB opens. SNN is a smaller quieter airport, so the BA is a quick in-out. DUB could have delays as is busier both on the tarmac and through security.

CY- they dont have plans to serve the USA and dont even serve DUB on a scheduled basis, so little chance of that happening

BT- maybe? They seem to be a carrier on an expansion iniciative, and they could have long haul plans up their sleeve. Would imagine they go direct though as even their B757's are capable of doing it non-stop.

PK/BG- These 2 could have been perfect candidates for DUB, but like I mentioned earlier, they are happily entrenched at MAN no so I fear the DAA have missed the boat now.

1st Oct 2010, 09:35
Are there restrictions at pre-clearance stations in terms of the nationalities who can avail of the service?

1st Oct 2010, 12:21
Not as far as i know and i believe that as an incentive to AI, two day transit visas had been mentioned

1st Oct 2010, 14:15
that makes sense.thanks

1st Oct 2010, 15:16
At least something about Dublin Airport does!

1st Oct 2010, 21:57
Older folk may remember that PK used to transit through SNN

2nd Oct 2010, 12:06
So they did!! Forgot bout that

3rd Oct 2010, 12:41
BT will resume flights to Vilnius next summer. They will operate 4 weekly.

Just a spotter
3rd Oct 2010, 19:47
Have EI stopped using Area 14 (the converted basement) for check-in? I dropped some people off for an LHR flight during the week and check-in was in the same area as all other EI flights.

If they have ceased using it, when did they stop?


3rd Oct 2010, 20:50
I think Air Transat are the only airline using area 14 now.

Sober Lark
4th Oct 2010, 14:06
It was supposed to be an underground DART station wasn't it?

Just a spotter
4th Oct 2010, 15:39
Thanks Chaps.


Yes, you're correct, the basement of the T1 extension was intended to be the underground terminus for the train (DART or Metro) link to the airport. The station is now planned to be elsewhere in the 'campus'.


4th Oct 2010, 20:53
I think me may be waiting quite a while for that metro station!! Airport is severly lacking rail connection though!

5th Oct 2010, 10:09
I was under the impression that Area 14 was to have been for an internal airport train that would connect to various sites around the airport complex. It would seem a bit small for a full metro section.

God knows what's going to happen with the proposed metro now.

The current proposal is in huge danger of being shut down as it's just a link from Dublin Airport to the city centre and doesn't link to the national rail network like you get in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Brussels etc.

6th Oct 2010, 19:52
With all the recent talks that the Taoiseach has had with the Communist Party of China officials about trade links with their country:

Cowen convinced of Irish potential - Republic of Ireland, Local & National - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk (http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/republic-of-ireland/cowen-convinced-of-irish-potential-14967486.html?r=RSS)

Do you think Cowen and co. will try and resurrect the proposed Dublin-Beijing route that they had previously been pushing for?

When you see Air China now serve London and Paris with new A330's (replacing the B747's previously on the route) and Hainan Airlines serving Beijing from Brussels, Berlin-Tegel and Budapest with B767's (whose runways aren't much longer than Dublin's), you wonder could the DAA make it work.

I remember Declan Collier saying that they were really trying to push this one, especially as he remarked that Los Angeles was even further away when Aer Lingus flew there so it was possible. And there were mummerings of some Chinese carriers interested in serving Dublin once T2 opened.

Anyone heard any rumours down around Collinstown way about this one?

6th Oct 2010, 21:22
I whole heartedly feel that instead of funding routes such as Derry - Dublin which has what 9 passengers a day? This subsidy money could go towards eastern routes. The likes of Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul etc. Yes it may incur heavy costs at first, but give business an opportunity to grow between Ireland and the likes of China, and I'm sure you'd find after 4-5 years that these routes would finally fund themselves. Some will say why should they fund unprofitable routes, but would they truly be unprofitable, this business that occur as a result could probably easily provide the tax and then some needed to pay for the routes. We're an English speaking country in Europe (The worlds largest economy) and have no awkward history with China, we must take advantage of it. Maybe further reasons to introduce Chinese as a compulsory subject in schools!

6th Oct 2010, 22:52
I agree with these suggestions. The problem is that overseas carriers are running scared due to the constant negative publicity about Ireland in the International Media.

7th Oct 2010, 04:39
Even if we cannot now attract a passenger carrier, a cargo route should certainly be a priority, particularly into one of the major Asian hubs, be it PEK, PVG, HKG or ICN.

I can't see us having a direct passenger link for many years; as it is, EY links quite a few Asian destinations, including NRT, PEK and NGO. As it adds more, which it will, more connection options for pax and freight will be possible.

Anyone heard more news about EY offering an all-cargo route to DUB? I heard this was on the cards some time ago.

7th Oct 2010, 06:40
The EY route to China is the long way to get there. Quickest connection is 16 hours, three hours longer than via Paris.

7th Oct 2010, 06:53
Indeed, EY doesn't make much sense for NRT either; taking them is definitely the scenic route.

7th Oct 2010, 07:24
I've just done NRT-DUB return with EY. Definitely a scenic route but in my case was significanly cheaper than the other options. Friends have also flown NRT-LHR with EY. Flying out of Japan during the summer can be very expensive so there is some business to be had at the right price.

8th Oct 2010, 09:29
Looking better for Aer Arran , the DAA will be relieved if that keeps going

8th Oct 2010, 12:03
Anyone watch the prime time report on T2 last night?
RT Player: Catch up with your favourite TV programmes online (http://www.rte.ie/player/#v=1082155)

Not sure if you can watch outside ireland. Thought Dempsey and Collier came out the worse from it but maybe thats me

9th Oct 2010, 11:37
According to RTE News the new T2 is opening in less than 6 weeks.

RTÉ News: Final run-through at Dublin Airport's T2 (http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/1009/dublinairport.html)

9th Oct 2010, 11:49
I'm will be flying to Dublin this coming Wednesday with Aer Lingus and will be departing EIDW later in the evening with Ryanair. I just wondered if anyone could tell me which terminal it is that Ryanair uses. I have never been to Dublin Airport before.

Many thanks.

9th Oct 2010, 12:02
Ryanair use T1 and all FR flights depart from Pier D.

When T2 opens Aer Lingus, EY and US carriers will move.

9th Oct 2010, 12:07
Thank you for such a fast reply 'Jamie2k9'.

15th Oct 2010, 12:36
All must be well with T2 and Dublin airport as no news on here!!!

15th Oct 2010, 16:49
Some better news on the traffic front at Dublin

Almost 1.8 million passengers travelled through Dublin Airport in September, a 1% decline on the same period last year, and the airport’s best monthly performance in percentage terms since October 2008.

Passenger volumes to and from continental Europe fell by 1% with just under 960,000 passengers travelling on these routes last month. UK traffic also recorded a 1% decrease with just over 595,000 passengers travelling in September.

Transatlantic traffic to North America increased by 1% during September with almost 150,000 passengers travelling on this route sector.

Passenger numbers on domestic routes declined by 33% with just over 32,000 passengers taking domestic flights last month.

Other international passenger traffic, principally flights to the Middle East, increased by 28% to just over 25,000 during September.

Almost 14.3 million passengers have travelled through Dublin Airport so far this year, an 11% decline over the same period last year.

However, stripping out the impact of ash cloud disruption, and other one-off factors, the underlying decline in passenger numbers for the first nine months of the year was 8%.

The three months to the end of September was the strongest quarter since the summer of 2008, with passenger numbers declining by 3% during the period.

15th Oct 2010, 16:53
Well that all seems good but a little bit bad as well, the domestic figures are shocking and will not do the PSO any good.

I hope we see some kind of up swing over the winter period!!!

16th Oct 2010, 13:08
Germanwings Summer timetable now available and doesn't include Dublin. So far anyway. Has this been dropped?

Flights now bookable and will operate on TUE, FRI and SUN.

18th Oct 2010, 13:51
Now I hear EL-AL of all carriers has been mentioned for DUB. Defo the market from DUB to the Red Sea resorts as SSH has got v v popular from Dub, and the Jesus Brigade no doubt would want to do there thing as well not to mention all the inbound Arkia tourists.

My god i think it mite just happen!!!!!!!

18th Oct 2010, 23:05
Interesting post DublinDispatch - how reliable is your source? I took a squiz on the 'Net and could see nothing. Would be an interesting one if it happened though I'd question why it would as we already have Arkia doing the TLV route seasonally along with (apparently) Israer and Jet2 and even then, they're only once-weekly.

I flew that route 2 years ago though and the yields were high so maybe they could increase the frequency a bit. Would be interesting to see what connections they'd offer too.

Hear about any more potential routes on the grapevine??

18th Oct 2010, 23:13
Israer didn't fly from DUB this summer and Jet2 are only operating 7 chartered flights during Sep and Oct.

18th Oct 2010, 23:45
Fair point Jamie but my point is that the demand may not be there for an all-year round or increased frequency service that could be on offer from El Al so would question why they are coming....not that I would turn them down or anything!!! :-)

19th Oct 2010, 02:31
It may be this pre clearance carrot again, but maybe Arkia is being replaced by ELAL or maybe its a spilt destination with elswere but I would think that the potential for a couple of times a week would be rather strong.

The horses mouth would be the source btw.

19th Oct 2010, 08:13
or maybe its a spilt destination with elswere

EL AL have also been interested in MAN since Jet2 has shown them what the market is like and the fact Jet2 keep increasing MAN.


20th Oct 2010, 10:24
Does anyone know if Etihad are looking or will be looking for Irish crew in the coming months based in Dublin?? 2 people I know said they read it somewhere but I can find nothing abt it on the internet.

Please reply if you know anything:) cheers :rolleyes:

20th Oct 2010, 11:21
Etihad here for long haul - The Irish Times - Fri, Oct 15, 2010 (http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/finance/2010/1015/1224281151714.html)

21st Oct 2010, 15:19
November 19 official opening
November 23 Aer Lingus London flights only & Etihad flights
November 30 All other Aer Lingus short hall flights.
December 7 Aer Lingus transatlantic, Delta, Continental
Airlines and US Airways flights.*

* Subject to final agreement with US state agencies

Dublin Airport's other US carrier, American Airlines, will begin operating from T2 when it resumes its Irish services next spring.

It looks like Air Canada and Air Transit will remain in T1.

Phased Opening for Dublin Airport?s Terminal 2 (http://www.dublinairport.com/at-airport/latest-news/211010.html)

21st Oct 2010, 15:36
Bet the DAA well pissed its nots also announcing new carriers to use the revamped c-pier.

21st Oct 2010, 19:53
At least it can say that traffic has stabilised if the September trend continues. Cork and Shannon continue in freefall it seems.

Sober Lark
21st Oct 2010, 21:10
Star BMI stay T1? Star US & CO T2?

22nd Oct 2010, 09:07
None of the other star carriers ie LH etc are moving to the revamped c-pier. I thimk BMI are staying put because of the lounge they have at the moment. I could be wrong but thats the story from rumour HQ

I am told that no SHP staff have been trained for it! is that the case?

Sober Lark
22nd Oct 2010, 12:44
Surely there is more than one lounge in T2?

We had discussions here about new entrants which was nice to ponder yet when you consider how fragmented existing ones seem to have become one has to ask themselves is there any hope. Star Alliance attraction is that they adapt airports so that they house all their member airlines in one terminal, under one roof. What's gone wrong? Is there any one there with long or short term vision and planning that will actually benefit DUB?

22nd Oct 2010, 16:07
I would guess the truth is more the cost ofusing T2

22nd Oct 2010, 16:54
DUB seems to be getting a saturdays only LH service to MUC 2/3/11-30/10/11, on an A320.

I wonder what a 1 weekly flight is going to achieve?

22nd Oct 2010, 18:21
Probably more german tour groups than anything and sure thay go mad for the shannon waterways.

22nd Oct 2010, 21:51
Over 220.000 passengers to use Dublin airport between today and Monday. Compared to over 250,000 passengers in October 2009.

It's a sharp drop on 2009

30th Oct 2010, 21:08
Live test flights next week in T2. Oh im just aquiver with anticipation!!

1st Nov 2010, 23:24
I must be talking to myself in here!!!

1st Nov 2010, 23:58
Cant wait to see it up and running full from December, despite the huge critism by MOL :rolleyes:

2nd Nov 2010, 01:53
Cant wait to see it up and running full from December
I don't think you'll be seeing it "full" anytime soon or even in the next 10 years ;)

2nd Nov 2010, 05:23
A project such as T2 should properly be designed to last for 30 years or more. If it were full "anytime soon" or even in the next 10 years, then it would be a failure and the designers and planners would rightly be condemned for their lack of foresight. I think we should be pleased to see it operating at less than design capacity for some time. It is easy to forget that T1 has been operating above its design capacity for most of the past 15 years and even the current reduced traffic is still greater than that which it was intended to accommodate. Short term thinking and a lack of foresight have been the bane of public policy in Ireland for years. The original plans for the M50 were condemned as unnecessarily extravagant and its capacity was reduced accordingly. As soon as it opened it was "full". This did not make it a success.

2nd Nov 2010, 10:23
I hope it is never full!!! That wud be sign of yet again bad planning!! Well used now that wud do me but even that in the longrun may take a very very long time to happen.

2nd Nov 2010, 16:24
I ment to say up and running fully e.g. all systems go :O , for god sake every1 noes that it wont be full for years to come :mad:

2nd Nov 2010, 18:18
Sorry, I knew exactly what you meant and my comment was not directed at you but to those who criticise everything and who are already winding themselves up to condemn T2 as soon as it opens. We don't have to look too far so see some examples of this perpetual knocking syndrome.

2nd Nov 2010, 18:26
No we dont MOL for example, I will only be too glad to be working the b-pier etc now that EI moving or to put it another way, the butter has a lot more bread to be spread over now so should ease things up a lot Ground ATC mind you have a lot more work as they cant see the far side off the D pier or the E-pier but its all nice an new and look forward to seeing what other carriers comes to join us happy workers in Dublin

2nd Nov 2010, 21:57
Is EI going to use the airbridges in Pier E now, or is it still going to be a case of walking down the stairs and across the apron?

2nd Nov 2010, 22:11
Well they appear to all be getting painted EI Green!! E and B pier

Sober Lark
2nd Nov 2010, 22:18
Competing terminals? What about a budget alliance of say Southwest (transatlantic) with a Ryanair DUB hub into Europe from T1?

2nd Nov 2010, 22:35
Blue Air flights to Bucharest Baneasa now bookable for summer 2011. Operate S, M, W & F

S, M, F - dep DUB at 01:30 and arrive DUB at 00:45
W - depart DUB at 10:00 and arrive DUB at 09:15

3rd Nov 2010, 12:12
well thats one confirmed, Estonian wont be back according to website

3rd Nov 2010, 15:10
Estonian wont be back according to website

Not a huge loss as FR will operate Tallinn 3 weekly. Estonian only operated it 2 weekly and with a smaller a/c than FR.

10th Nov 2010, 14:39
More than 1.7 million passengers travelled through Dublin Airport in October (http://www.dublinairport.com/at-airport/latest-news/101110.html)

More than 1.7 million passengers travelled through Dublin Airport in October, a 1% increase on the same period last year and the first monthly increase in passenger numbers in more than two years.

Passenger volumes to and from continental Europe increased by 4% with almost 880,000 passengers travelling on these routes last month. UK traffic declined by 1% with just over 638,000 passengers travelling between Dublin and British airports during October.

Transatlantic traffic increased by almost 4% with almost 134,000 travelling to and from North America during the period. Passenger numbers on domestic routes fell by 37% in October with just over 32,000 people taking domestic flights last month.

Other international passenger traffic, which is principally flights to the Middle East, increased by almost 26% to almost 27,000 in October.

Just over 16 million passengers used Dublin in the 10 months to the end of October, a 10% decline on the previous year. However, stripping out the impact of ash cloud disruption, and other one-off factors, the underlying decline in passenger numbers for the first 10 months of the year was 7%.

10th Nov 2010, 15:48
Good news hopefully the figures keep going in the right direction.

10th Nov 2010, 16:43
Unfortunately I doubt it, for some time; the economy seems to be going south in a big way this evening; there is a strong likelihood that the IMF may have to step in within the next few weeks (or even days) and the likely effects of the cuts already proposed is that domestic demand will be very hard hit.

10th Nov 2010, 17:06
BLK - daily
CWF - 2 daily except 1 on SAT
EDI - 2 daily except 1 on SAT (Not including EI A320 daily service)
GLA - 4 daily except 2 on SAT

thebig C
11th Nov 2010, 12:02
True, about the only reason Estonian survived on the route for so long is because Tallinn is about the only City in the 10 accession States that Ryanair didn't serve. I wonder did the authorities finally budge on fees?!;)

11th Nov 2010, 13:21
Seems FR will reinstate Prague and Budapest in March.

11th Nov 2010, 16:01
Seems FR will reinstate Prague and Budapest in March.

Budapest has being taken off the booking system yesterday. It was due to operate 4 weekly from next March but it now looks like that it will only be Prague.

12th Nov 2010, 13:11
Does anyone know if one were to travel CWL-DUB-JFK if the facilities allow US Border & Customs clearance before boarding the JFK bound flight, therefore easing transit at JFK? If so, what is the procedure...?


12th Nov 2010, 13:25
Best place is to check the DAA (dublin airport authority) website

12th Nov 2010, 17:38
Does anyone know if one were to travel CWL-DUB-JFK if the facilities allow US Border & Customs clearance before boarding the JFK bound flight, therefore easing transit at JFK? If so, what is the procedure...?


I dont no the current situation but from December 7th 2010 (T2 opens) that all connecting passengers will follow the existing signs for ''Transfers'' you will arrive at a security screening area which you must clear before following the signs for ''T2 Transfers'' then you will pass threw the partially existing Pier D and arriving in T2 where you will be met by two signs <- ''Check-In'', -> ''Transfers''. Follow the signs for Transfers and you will arrive at Security with the following signange, <- ''All flights within Continental Europe'', -> ''US Border Customs & Pre-clearance'' Follow the signs for US customs and you will then be screened as detailed on the daa.ie site. After that you just proceed to your gate and arrive hassile free as a domestic passenger in the US.


Proceed threw baggage re-claim, and follow signs for ''Transfers''. You will arrive in the security area and will be met by two signs, <- ''All flights within Continental Europe'', -> ''US Border Customs & Pre-clearance''. Follow the signs for US customs and you will then be screened as mentioned above thus arriving as a domestic passenger in the US.

12th Nov 2010, 18:31
KAVS you are more or less correct in everything except:

then you will pass threw the partially existing Pier D and arriving in T2

It's the partially existing Pier C not D.

After that you just proceed to your gate and arrive hassile free as a domestic passenger in the US.

Unfortunately full CBP facilities will not be up and running until the new year. They want to bring it in step by step to deal with any teething problems that may arise with any new facility. They will start with what they have already which is Immigration but not Customs so flights will not be arriving as domestic flights until sometime in early 2011.


yes you can clear immigration and eventually customs even if you are transiting in DUB from another city. However, the flight from Cardiff connects with EI109 to JFK and there are no CBP immigration facilities provided for EI109 at the moment.

12th Nov 2010, 18:33
Sorry i always get Pier C, and Pier D confused :O, oh i no but i was meaning transatlantic traffic from T2 begins 7 December. I think its 17 January when CBP will be running Fully.

15th Nov 2010, 12:30
new ad for terminal 2.better not tell shane ross how much it cost!YouTube - DAA Terminal 2 Advertisement (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdjLBXlieI0)

15th Nov 2010, 14:54
I hope it works and get some new business

15th Nov 2010, 15:17
It baffles me why they are showing this ad on prime time Irish TV. If people have to fly from Dublin, and use terminal 2 a TV advert is not going to increase or change those volumes. Irish people know T2 is there..

I can understand the ad being used elsewhere but on Irish TV it seems a ridiculous waste of money

15th Nov 2010, 15:36
The same branding excercise took place when the Cork terminal opened in 2006. The money would be better spent on marketing support for new routes. Maybe it's a PR excercise to counter the Taj mahal adverts paid for by Ryanair which portray T2 as a massive waste of money.

15th Nov 2010, 16:58
I agree Ryan, if they did the ads and also able to say oh look at all the new routes than yeah kool show the add but as it stands we all kinda know its there just waiting for action!

17th Nov 2010, 20:44
I have to laugh.

The DAA is now saying that the US Customs Authorities are not going to move to Terminal Two until next year. Presumably this means that all the US Airlines will hold off on their terminal move until then. Apparently Aer Lingus isn't going to transfer all its operations over until January either.

I guess that means that when T2 opens next week the only airline using it for the first while will be Etihad?

18th Nov 2010, 03:04
Aer Lingus will move in next week, London routes are said to be first followed by the rest of the short haul network. The first flight out of the terminal is Etihad on Tuesday and will be followed by Aer Lingus shortly after.

18th Nov 2010, 07:24
Aer Lingus plans trial at new terminal - The Irish Times - Thu, Nov 18, 2010 (http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2010/1118/1224283622422.html)

Aer Lingus will begin operating some trial flights from Terminal 2 tomorrow, but it stressed that passengers must still check in at the existing Terminal 1 building. Passengers on flights which arrive into Terminal 2 will also be escorted to the Terminal l building for exit. People collecting passengers have also been asked to collect them as normal from the existing building.

Sober Lark
18th Nov 2010, 08:46
Just heard the IMF guys flight will be the first to use T2 today.

Skipness One Echo
18th Nov 2010, 09:25
Just heard the IMF guys flight will be the first to use T2 today.

Well they are paying for it!
What? Too soon?


18th Nov 2010, 12:26
Looks like Rome will be the first T2 arrival in about 45 minutes time.

A new web site went live this morning. Looks shiny:
Home (http://www.dublinairport.com/)

19th Nov 2010, 10:17
Yfrog Photo : yfrog.com/7eo0ijj - Shared by fionndavenport (http://yfrog.com/7eo0ijj)

O'Leary tunrs up to Terminal 2 opening in a hearse, dressed in a funeral suit with a wreath signalling the death of Irish tourism.

Sober Lark
19th Nov 2010, 13:30
Re post 886 - Strange joke. In my view carrying a wreath of poppies to make such a point is a bit irreverent to the symbolism of remembrance.

Colgratulations to those at T2. It's a great facility and most welcome.

19th Nov 2010, 14:23
According to rte website it was ei-205 from manchester that was first to arrive.
o'leary's stunt reminded me of an ira funeral.a bit silly really.
good luck to t2 and all who travel through it.

19th Nov 2010, 14:32
For the moment departing Aer Lingus passengers will continue to checkin in T1. Anyone know where EI passengers arriving in T2 will collect their baggage ?

19th Nov 2010, 21:49
Iceland Express to start a weekly flight between Dublin - Reykjavik from June 14.

19th Nov 2010, 22:51
Ah lads talk about a week i will never forget. From the worst crisis facing the nation since the civil war, to 7 tragic murders which included 4 children, to the opening of T2, the farce which is known as Ryanair at T2 today, and if that wasnt a bad enough - a new route to Iceland is announced great at is the timeing could never have been worse, the IMF might aswell ring RHM in London and tell them that the queens visit isint really wanted next year for all the right reasons. All that takin into account i look forward to using T2 and having greater value for money on Aer Lingus flights from Dublin.

20th Nov 2010, 02:51
Get use to eating bread and water, the country is well and truly sunk. Im just delighted that some intelligent people from Europe and the US will have a much greater say in how our country is run rather than the current shower - the whole lot of them as well, FF, FG, LB you name it who are only where they are cause their fathers and grandfathers occupied these seats. Give me some intelligent german any day. Its the only thing that can save us, we cant manage ourselves. Im afraid its back to the Quenn with the begging bowl - oh how we criticise and have such a selective memory about history when it suits us. HM will be writing a nice big cheque for us with only 5% interest. We really should applaud her.

Sober Lark
20th Nov 2010, 07:12
A chap that conveys messages by painting aircraft is a poet and there are a growing band of O'Leary connoisseurs out there who can appreciate symbolism on different levels. If we look at O'Leary photos as an art form then on reflection and second reaction, the one vkid posted shows us his frustration at T2 but on another level conveys a message that reflects the overall mood and the subdued atmosphere of both an individual and a nation at this time. The mood, the emotions associated with the Irish flag, the symbolism of the funeral and the O'Leary element which reminds me of the WB Yeats 'Romantic Ireland is dead and gone' poem but also reminds me of the 'greasy till', the greed that got us all into this mess. Yes T2 could be called the 'Greasy Till', we can only imagine who is in the coffin, we can only remember how we had it so good and how mismanagement left us where we are, especially when those in successful business with realistic, achievable vision for the future asked for things to be done differently but weren't listened to. The poet has always been frustrated by bad leadership, bureaucratic wasteful departments, speed of progress and lets hope when the IMF etc are finished with us he can continue to keep the company here.

Charlie Roy
20th Nov 2010, 15:21
Iceland Express to start a weekly flight between Dublin - Reykjavik from June 14.

Flights are on Tuesdays.
Connections to Newark and Boston are also possible.

20th Nov 2010, 17:33
I've just had a look at those. Looks like going to New York (EWR) is about €50 more expensive in each direction than the direct flight with Continental...

22nd Nov 2010, 10:31
At least its something but odd that BFS would get a double weekly service and DUB only weekly, but at least the DUB is direct. I wonder if they can use the new PBT services for pax going to the USA?

At least its a new service and more to come i hope.

22nd Nov 2010, 12:19
No, AFAIK CBP can only be used by flights who's first port of call is the USA.

PPRuNe Pop
22nd Nov 2010, 16:08
Those of you who want to turn PPRuNe threads into a political football are in for a shock. It is something we do not allow so find yourself a site that allows your verbals on the Irish politican scene. It is NOT going to happen here.

The thread is closed so it can sink in.

AA&R mods.