View Full Version : sls 2000, scat 1, mls

2nd Oct 2004, 23:22
The satellite landing system called sls 2000... shortly to be used by, say Alliance into Norfolk (NLK), in use anywhere else?? This installation is dragging on and on and looks like never getting finished. Manufacturers website (Honeywell Pelorus) does not seem to be as up-to-date as it might be. Pitch in if anyone wishes on other systems such as MLS. Norfolk is non-controlled by the way, operates an MBZ and the Alliance aircraft is an F100 from Brisbane operating under domestic rules, I think and would (without scat 1 capability) in sea-mist conditions turn back at 90nm rather than press on. Reason for questions? Purely for comparison with St Helena planned airport conditions and the kit they'd need to buy to keep the Campaign Against Aviation happy.