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16th Dec 2003, 22:56
The speech Stonecipher won't give

What Boeing CEO Harry Stonecipher won't say today:

* First off, thanks to everyone here in Washington state for playing our game, ``Give us money or we'll fire everyone.''

Phil Condit was scheduled to make this announcement, but he couldn't be here today. Well, he could have been here. In fact, not being here is costing him about $2 million that will now go to me. But that's another story.

With this announcement, we're turning the page on Boeing's recent history of impropriety and indecision. We're hoping that Phil's absence will send the message that everything bad that happened over the past few years is Phil's fault. He's to blame for everything -- poor investor relations, mismanagement, ethical lapses, employee dissatisfaction -- all of it. But he's gone now, and Boeing is good again.

(Pause for applause.)

So anyway, Phil Condit's not here, and it's his own fault.

Our new image is clean-cut and fresh-scrubbed. Would somebody bring out Alan Mulally? Now let's have a great, big smile. That's the face of the new Boeing. We used to look like Homer Simpson. Now we look like that guy who married Trista.

And we finally have some good news, which we are announcing on the eve of a historic day.

On Dec. 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright launched the first powered airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Last year, Boeing marked the 99th anniversary of flight by canceling plans to build the Sonic Cruiser, the passenger jet that would have flown near the speed of sound, cutting about an hour off a flight from Seattle to New York.

We're marking the 100th anniversary of flight by announcing something even more exciting, a plane that will be slower and cheaper to operate. This design was inspired by twin dynamics in the changing world of flight: Airlines would rather save the money, and passengers have given up on saving time.

And we're going to build the plane of tomorrow right here in Everett.

We never really intended to go anywhere else, but you didn't know that. Our image has declined to the point that auctioning ourselves to the highest bidder seemed like a credible business strategy, even if it turned out to be Arkansas.

But that happened under Phil's watch. The important thing is, we've come through some difficult times, and we're going to build the best plane in the world, the 7E7 Dreamliner, right here in Everett.

Did I say ``build''? I meant ``assemble.'' We're going to have the wings and most of the rest of it built overseas, which is why we're so grateful you're giving us a new port facility. That will help us import parts for the all-important final assembly, which will employ up to 1,200 of the 36,000 workers we laid off, unless we transfer workers internally.

So thanks to everyone who helped make this possible. Thanks to our lawyers and lobbyists and MBAs. Thanks to all the states that bid up Washington state. Thanks to all the local taxpayers who helped make this day possible, and on this day, thanks especially to Wilbur and Orville Wright. A century ago, the Wright brothers started it all, completely at their own expense and with help from no one.

At Boeing, we're proud to carry on that tradition. :E :E :E :ouch:

16th Dec 2003, 23:55
Why not support the local community and buy Airbus. Manufactured and assembled totally within europe!!

Lu Zuckerman
17th Dec 2003, 02:12
To: Waldo

Why not support the local community and buy Airbus. Manufactured and assembled totally within europe!!

The folks at Bombardier Canada might take exception to the above statement.

:E :E