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View Full Version : pilots victimised !

8th Dec 2003, 13:29
Just a few questions. Would appreciate info. on the following.

1. Have you ever been victimised by your superiors, management people or local aviation authorities ? How did you handle it ?

2. Following an incident which the crews handle well. If the crew are victimised :by putting off the flights, letting the crew license get expired, preventing the crew from maintaining PPC and Recurrency not to mention deliberately causing the crew great mental stress, in the pretext of conducting investigation (which is supposed to last 5 days but is still going on for 60 days and never seem to be coming to an end) by management and some corrupt officials of local aviation authority, is there anyway the crew could ask for help from internatioinal aviation body ? like pilots associations or may be ICAO ? have any one experienced such thing and how did you handle ?

3. I am talking about a country whose aviation safety record is very bad due to corruption and other irregularities.

thanks for your answers !



10th Dec 2003, 11:32
Even after 79 views there is not a single reply. It surprises me. Does this mean no one has been victimized ?

Captain Stable
10th Dec 2003, 16:06
No, himalaya, it doesn't.

However, the way in which you put the question rather inhibits answering. It sounds as if your question is rhetorical.

It could also mean that people have been victimised and don't want to talk about it.

I know of one case in which a company flight safety officer was considered by the higher-ups as being too "proactive" in his approach, and wanting changes made to the systems, to rostering, to SOPs. His proposals would, undoubtedly, have led to improved safety. However, the company decided to try to shut him up, and all of a sudden, it was decided that his performance on his last Base Check had not been good enough, and he was recommended for further training at short notice. This training, strangely enough, was scheduled for a time when the company was due to be OSAPped by the CAA, so there would be inspectors around the offices.

There are numerous other cases that I have heard of. How each individual handles it is up to him/her - after all, all individuals are different, they are dealing with different situations in different countries, in different regulatory climates. There is no single solution.