View Full Version : Too druged to fly

29th Nov 2000, 07:14
I went to the doc yesterday morning because of some pain in my right shoulder. He determined that I somehow temporarily had thrown my shoulder out of the socket while swimming laps and now the muscles are sore. He prescribed Celebrex and physical therapy. Surprisingly he said that I should have no problems flying with this NEW drug. That keyed me in to research a little online. The FAA aeromedical dept. says that you have to wait 48 hrs to determine if the side effects hinder you from flying. So, I did and rightfully so. The insomnia, back pain, dizziness, blurred vision, ear and throat pain, difficulty swalling foods, loss of taste, increase in heart rate, constipation, and forgetfulness were obvious enough for me to call crew scheduling and take the day off.

29th Nov 2000, 10:28
The effects are obvious on PPrune thread titles as well... good call though.