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ATNotts 5th Jan 2021 07:54

About 9 months late; but hey, better late than never.........if they: a.) actually materialise; and b.) are comprehensive and enforced.

inOban 5th Jan 2021 13:38

Apart from the SA variant, we're currently more of a threat to other countries than they are to us because of our homegrown highly transmissible version.

The good news is that a peer-reviewed study among NHS staff in Newcastle has shown that those who were infected in the first wave do not catch it again. Those who report the symptoms don't actually have Covid19.
And a survey among those without symptoms didn't find that any of these 'first wave' staff were carrying the virus at all. People have good immunity for at least 6 months.

Pistonprop 5th Jan 2021 17:19

Re the inOban post: I mentioned earlier (it was deleted for reasons unknown) that I know for a fact that a young couple in my road (nurse and careworker) were ill and tested positive in March and were again ill and tested positive in December. I therefore concluded that this means that there could be a need for two vaccinations per annum, at least in the beginning. This is relevant to this thread if airline passengers will be required to provide proof of vaccination. It might well be that any such proof/certificate will expire after 6 months.

The96er 5th Jan 2021 17:53

They may also have caught another similar virus and recorded a false positive. I believe that world wide, the number of people who have been confirmed to have been re-infected is so low as to be considered nil and such cases are most likely to be errors in testing.

Pistonprop 5th Jan 2021 18:42

I don't know. What I do know, from their own account, was that the symptoms were the same. Also, contrary to the norm, she was worst off than he was.

ara01jbb 5th Jan 2021 20:04

Anglophone news site “The Local” reports how Swedish police held a small number of documented British residents of Sweden on arrival at GOT on Sunday evening. Evidence of their NHS-issued negative PCR test results was not accepted.

Meanwhile, all the Swedish passengers were allowed to disembark and leave the airport without verification, presumably because only British people can catch COVID in Britain. :}

Source: https://www.thelocal.se/20210104/bri...ry-into-sweden

Dannyboy39 5th Jan 2021 20:17

This certainly isn’t exclusive to Sweden, but the slightly jingoistic way border controls related to Covid are being handled is becoming quite pathetic. Either you let people in totally or not at all.

Dannyboy39 5th Jan 2021 20:19


Homegrown maybe, but not proven. The U.K. being castigated for having the some of the most extensive testing and genomic infrastructure in the world.

davidjohnson6 5th Jan 2021 23:39

Leisure air travel to/from the UK seems likely to be very quiet until the end of February. However, from the dark day of late March 2020, leisure air travel resumed by early July - not the same as 2019, but still to a meaningful level

I know that 2021 has a number of differences compared to 2020 - more transmissible variants, vaccines exist, PCR test likely needed to enter the UK soon, end of automatic entry to the EU for Brits, etc etc

When do we think leisure air travel to/from the UK will resume to something approximating what existed between July 2020 and October 2020 ?
In time for Easter at the start of April ? Maybe May ? Or June ? Even later ?

LTNman 6th Jan 2021 05:01

Leisure travel helps spread Covid, which is something many don’t or won’t accept and then try to justify. As children can’t be vaccinated the risk doesn’t go away and there are enough under 18’s to stop herd immunity when added to the numbers of people who will refuse to take a vaccine. The big mistake will be opening up leisure too early. At some point governments are going to have to make a judgment about how many daily deaths are acceptable.

I wonder whether the gentleman on this thread who said maybe 5 weeks ago that he was going to South Africa for a long holiday no matter what got there? Now we have the South African variant, which is worse than the Kent version. Was it brought into the U.K. by a returning holidaymaker who thought his holiday was more important than suppressing Covid and has gifted us a new strain?

Mr A Tis 6th Jan 2021 07:52

...and of course there is still no pre or post testing at our borders & any quarantine is not enforced in any significant way.
Try doing that in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong etc - all these countries have controlled borders effectively. In terms of testing & enforced quarantine. The result being all these countries have low infections, low death rates AND populations are leading a near normal life.
Given this Government has banged on non stop about controlling our borders for the last 4 years- it is one major failure that they have failed to do. We are paying for this now by a collapsed economy & one of the highest death & infection rates in the world.

Yeehaw22 6th Jan 2021 15:10

I really think this thread has run its course with very little actual news regarding the impact on travel. It just keeps going round in circles over what people think is being done wrong and who's fault it is. And everytime somebody dares say anything away from the government rhetoric it just gets moderated.

Time to lock this thread until such time we can maybe have a thread 'the recovery of air travel post covid'

All just imo obviously.

helipixman 7th Jan 2021 18:57


I totally agree we are spreading the virus by allowing it into our country through poor checks at our borders, but if people like the chap you mention going to South African do not seem to care then unless we shut our borders completely we will never stop it coming in ? There are many more people like him who will just do what they want, I have seen posts elsewhere from many of them.

To be brutal, stop all flights into the UK unless they are cargo or air ambulance, I do not give a damn about business people having to travel, the economy has a way of bouncing back, every life lost is gone forever, just think it could be a member of your family next all because of someone who found it essential to travelled abroad.

The96er 7th Jan 2021 19:04

If the virus is so completely endemic in the U.K, then what effect will stopping people from abroad coming in have ?

helipixman 7th Jan 2021 19:07

Well lets just let people in from South Africa then, how many other strains in other countries are there we do not know about ?

Remind me how it got here in the first place, Oh yes it came from abroad !

Yeehaw22 7th Jan 2021 19:33

Helipixman I really think you

A) need to understand what endemic means. The time to completely close the borders has long long since passed. We are far more of a risk to other countries than they are to us at present.

B) need to remember on what forum you're on. This is a forum that used to be for actual pilots and those employed in this industry. Your comments about banning every form of air travel are misplaced and will not be appreciated by those who rely on what's left of this industry.

SWBKCB 7th Jan 2021 19:44



helipixman 7th Jan 2021 19:54


I know what forum I am on and do'nt need you to tell me, I am a pilot. If you are such a wonderful expert then go away and advise the UK go vernment I am sure they will want to listen to you. I did not say every form of air travel, cargo must continue with the proper checks. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Do you honestly think I mean shut down the airspace forever, maybe a short term passenger air travel lockdown might help. Yes I do know what endemic means and I also know what Pandemic is, or are we the only country in the world with the problem. Thats what you seem to think. For gods sake we shut down all forms of air travel for a bloody Volcano so it can be done, surely you can see the benefit of a short term air travel lockdown. It is very sad for other pilots who cannot work, but think about the other trades also affected by lockdowns. I think I am done with this forum everyone is entitled to their opinion, but too many poised to shoot them down. If you think you have all the answers please feel free to run the travel industry.

Yeehaw22 7th Jan 2021 20:07

So explain to us then what benefits on a complete air travel shut down would achieve right now?

Yes back at the start of this when it first began rather than letting millions in unchecked, untested and untracked yes it would have been massively beneficial I agree 100%. Now? I'm not so sure. But that was then and we can't make it right by implementing such heavy handed measures 10 months late.

I don't claim to have all the answers or remotely think I know it all. However just like you I have an opinion, yet you seem to want to shoot me down just like you are complaining about.

Vokes55 8th Jan 2021 05:41

Whilst I 100% agree, the best option is to let these clowns fill their time going round in circles and ignore the thread.

In fact, ignoring the media entirely right now has been beneficial to my own sanity. It’s going to be entirely bad news for the next 4-6 weeks, and chances are nothing in this time will change that actually affects us, so switching off completely offers a different perspective on life. How you see your time is no longer influenced by external factors and/or other people.

Not having to listen to the opinions of the uneducated who are unable to comprehend that somebody else has a different opinion is certainly a benefit, although that has been a reason to switch off for years in this new “liberal” world.

As much as we’d like this to be a forum for “Professional pilots” only, that ship has long since sailed. Give these people a platform to feel self-righteous, just don’t waste your time and energy feeding them. It won’t change anything, unfortunately.

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