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Banzai Eagle 1st Aug 2007 18:26

tech problem, with Silverjet money behind them?. One would suspect with their second 767 grounded for 8 weeks the money flow may not be as good as one would hope ??

aidoair 1st Aug 2007 21:25

Just a note its actually the first aircraft of Silverjet that is having the unexpected maintenance. The second one (ex Thomsonfly) is covering the flights for this aircraft hence the second daily flight to New York being cancelled.

sunnygirl 3rd Aug 2007 16:06

As for SilverJet just wanting the aoc, i think thats rubbish, why take an airline in debt and having a 'Bad name' aloing side a new all business carrier?

The reason they did that was because SJ had been in talks with FJ for a while and if FJ would have gone bust (which they would have done) then SJ would not have been able to start up.
Look back at the quotes at the beginning when they were bragging that they started sooner than planned and the ammount of money they had saved by using FJ 767.

fje1 4th Aug 2007 20:04

TechProblem - As for making cash, Fje1 is the person to talk to.

Thanks for that TechProblem :D haven't been on here much over the past few months.

still can't say much as no decision has been made about Flyjet.

-All I can say is EA Newcastle & EB- Manchester will leave the fleet over the next few months, the first EA leaving October/November time.

- Flyjet Does not have any winter program what so ever and if we do fly over the winter will most probably only be Ad-hoc coverage.

-Flyjet has made a profit over the summer but after consideration with what we would lose this winter there is not enough profit for expansion.

-Both EA & EB will have there cabins improved to a much higher standard over the next week or so.

- Flyjet is still actively looking for replacement aircrafts.

- A decision is imminent, and will be release shortly.

SCANDIC 5th Aug 2007 19:48

Flyjet Aircraft
Hi everyone does anybody know what aircraft Flyjet are looking for.:)

spencer-owen 6th Aug 2007 07:55

Flyjet Aircraft
Hi Scandic, I am sure they wil be looking for the 757 type planes again.......do you have any up your sleeve to give them.....

SCANDIC 6th Aug 2007 09:58

Hi Spencer Owen, i wish that i did have some to give them, maybe they could get something like 767-300's. Iwould love to know how much money they have made over the summer season. I read on here that they were rufurbishing the aircraft over the next week or so but i don't see much point in that if their going to get rid of them. I can't wait to hear the outcome of all of this.:)

transwede 6th Aug 2007 12:20

Can't see the viability of the current FJE fleet being modernised in the cabin if they are only going to be operating the charter programme for 2.5 months more, unless there is a clause in their lease contract which dictates the condition they must be returned in?

It is a shame to see an airline suffering like Flyjet, when the go smoothly everything seems to be fine and indeed research on various internet sites leads to the conclusion that their onboard service is of a very high standard, with many positive and praising comments. However, the likelihood of seeing them continue is very doubtful, with no firm flying programme arranged how can they make money during the difficult winter months and next summers contracts are already in the process of being agreed?!

I like seeing them at NCL and they provide local people with jobs and are an extra contract for Servisair!

I did hear a rumour that some new start up was interested in getting assistance from FJE?

SCANDIC 6th Aug 2007 13:52

That could be a very good thing if another airline were to get assistance from Flyjet. We just have to keep our fingers and toes crossed the there will be a good outcome.:)

SCANDIC 7th Aug 2007 16:39

Has anyone heard anything on the future of Flyjet.

Powerjet1 8th Aug 2007 06:25

A release today, to the stock exchange, also showing on Silverjet's website, confirms that no additional aircraft will be acquired for flyjet, and that there will be a cessation of all flyjet charters from 31 October 07.

gatwicknose 8th Aug 2007 08:28

Congrats to Mr Evans for his handling of the situation...the way in which the faintest rumour of flyjet continuing was perpetuated was artful to say the least..it was pretty obvious that silver was the only jet they cared about!!

befree 8th Aug 2007 08:47

future of silverjet
It seems that silverjet has ripped off everyone. It should have been expanding quickly and adding routes. It took another £22 million from investors at the peak of its share price and then failed to deliver any growth. It is reported that its first annual accounts would be out at the start of june. They still have not been publsihed. It is only running 1 return flight to newark as its original plane has structral problems. I suspect Silverjet is burning cash very fast to build trade so that it could run luton - Newark twice per day.
It may be two airlines taken out by 1 set of managers within a year. They will be getting well paid for doing so.

TOPFLIGHT 8th Aug 2007 10:22

So any clues what happens to the Flyjet crews from 31st of Oct ? Do they get a transfer to Silverjet or made redundant ?

fje1 8th Aug 2007 11:27

Sorry guys can't say anything but sorry. There crap. all can do better without Flyjet..

Brian Fantana 8th Aug 2007 11:41

I'm guessing the flightdeck crew will keep their jobs with Silverjet but be Luton based and the cabin crew surplus to requirements as Silverjet have been running their own cabin crew recruitment at Luton.
A real shame for those loyal FJE employees, it could have and should have been good like the first 2 years when it started. Week Cyprus trips - say no more!!

CentreFix25 8th Aug 2007 17:54

You'd like to think the more intelligent members of staff have been searching for new jobs before now, there are yet undiscovered tribes in the Brazilian rain forest who saw this coming.

sunnygirl 8th Aug 2007 19:16

Well at least they have given more notice than they did to LGW crew.
SJ shares are still falling, a lot of people will be very worried now with the money they could possibly lose.

I do feel sorry for the SJ crew and the investors but as to the managment they are getting what they deserve - what goes around comes around- maybe we may see LH PE, and MB in the line to sign on :):):)

Is this the end???????

spantheman 8th Aug 2007 19:24

I was on the very first FJE Course in MAN and went on to set up the NCL Base.I have to say that first summer was the most fun I've ever had flying.It's so sad that it never reached it's potential in the niche charter market.,Fantastic flightdeck and cabin crew , c**p aircraft!
Good luck to the crew finding new jobs,and it was a pleasure flying with you all.:D

SCANDIC 8th Aug 2007 19:58

Hi everyone i really hope that it isn't the end of the line for Flyjet, its a shame that no one else could come in straighten flyjet out, it could be a massive charter airline it just needs a bit of effort putting in.:sad:

transwede 10th Aug 2007 03:18

Good luck to all FJE staff. A shame to see this happen to an airline, especially with such smart and retro looking crews!

Hope Silverjet don't regret ending it for Flyjet, especially if they are making a profit in the charter market, which is no easy task.

All the best :O

spencer-owen 10th Aug 2007 08:23

First of all TRANSWEDE many thanks for your kind words at a time of great loss for all of the Flyjet crews, and thanks for all the other kind words that others have mentioned on here about the Flyjet crews.

It is such a shock when you get the dreaded letter saying that you wont have a job after 1st October at NCL or 4th October MAN.......

A particular song springs to mind over the whole subjet and it goes something like this " and so the end is near, its time to face the final curtain"

Maybe another LOCO airline or any other airline will offer the Flyjet crew work in the near future.....who knows.....we live in hope..............

SCANDIC 10th Aug 2007 08:55

I think its terrible how they have just let a decent charter airline go down the pan. I hope that Silverjet get what they deserve.

fje1 10th Aug 2007 16:38

It is a great shame that Flyjet will leave the charter network.
But for all Flyjet crews keep in mind Flyjet did end up with a bad reputation esp in Newcastle with the undeserved news press. Flyjet did make profit for 2007 but not enough to survive the loss of the winter 2007/2008 or fund expansion of newer aircraft. ( :mad: so i've been told )

It has been a great pleasure to work at Flyjet especially with the crews and I will now also be leaving Flyjet and have no intention of staying at Silverjet.
All I can say is all Flyjet crew will most probably be kept on file in case someone with enough money comes along to set up another airline with a different name. WINK WINK..
Watch this space. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adelez 11th Aug 2007 08:42

shame! same hapened to me when working for a spanish charter company few years back - never nice situation to be in.
good luck those of you at flyjet - sounds positive still tho fje1?!

TechProblem 11th Aug 2007 08:56

Oh well, im sad to say i was wrong, SilverJet are s**t's.
Losing money over the winter was out of there hands and they weould have know how much cash they would make over the summer.

So to say its is becasue of the bad winter program sounds a bit silly.
Flyjet have had the best summer since ive dealt with them and if SliverJet had carried through the winter (although that have been subject to excel?) Im sure they have made money again.

Maybe it is because they could not find another charatar company to sell there seats, or the a/c had been sold along time ago and the writing was already on the wall.

Anyway been great to work with all the FlyJet Crews out of Man, good luck to you all. :ok:

transwede 11th Aug 2007 10:18

I take it from FJE1's post that there is something possibly in the pipeline? Any chance it could once again involve NCL?

crewboi1 11th Aug 2007 12:31

Chief executive Lawrence Hunt said the fall was overdone as chartered airlines was not its main business. "There is an overreaction. We acquired Flyjet to get licences and it had a Boeing 767 lease on advantageous lease rates, saving us $1m (£500,000) a year. It also had a full crew of pilots and enabled us to accelerate our launch and cut down on start-up costs."



SCANDIC 11th Aug 2007 21:08

Whats this i hear about something else in the pipeline. Does anybody know where the 2 757s will be going after their Flyjet lease.:ooh:

flyinghigh81 11th Aug 2007 21:12

Flyjet had some great crew over the time and i hope everyone in ncl and man is out getting good jobs lined up. Its a shame its come to this but after what happened to those of us at LGW Im not surprised. Think we all knew all along Silverjet were only after the 767 and aoc.
Good luck to everyone

Pin Head 12th Aug 2007 09:04

So where have all the pilots gone too?

Brian Fantana 12th Aug 2007 09:13

Scandic - 757 going to fedex to be refitted as cargo planes.
Pinhead - Pilots kept on by Silverjet but down at a LTN basing. Guess there will be a few not wanting to do that and will jumpship and go elsewhere.

steve platt 12th Aug 2007 16:21

Good luck to all you flyjet crew out there. Hope you all find new jobs easily. I will miss you travelling on my buses. all the best.

Ballymoss 12th Aug 2007 22:08

Congrats to Mr Evans for his handling of the situation
Nice to see someone who can see right through PE's grade A BS.:mad::mad:
The anonimity of this forum (for fear of retribution or post removal) prevents
one from saying what I would dearly love to publicly!! Let's hope airlines and
Mr E are not allowed to mix again.........EVER:ooh:
The Moss:ok:

gatwicknose 13th Aug 2007 10:40

Say it as I see it.... Pure and simple aquisition of FJE for the AOC.... theres quite a bit nepotism going on ay SJE with jobs for the boys being handed out in quite a few areas... I also hear that there is a very large law suit heading SJEs way from Flyfirstclass who paid deposits and bought equipment heading well over a million USD.... only to be circumvented when FJE were bought.... personally very sad to see FJE go...although at times working with them was totally crazy...it was like the airline biz used to be, when it was hands on and fun.... good luck to all those ex FJE guys and gals.....u deserved a lot better....

Mr Angry from Purley 13th Aug 2007 17:49

"Boeing 767 lease on advantageous lease rates, saving us $1m (£500,000) a year"
But how much is it costing sitting on a Hanger in Dublin for the next 5 weeks!

SCANDIC 13th Aug 2007 20:35

I really think that Flyjet should of kept going they should of sourced some bigger aircraft with a longer range. I bet that there are plenty of 767- 300's out there. They gave up to easily on what could of been a fantastic success with the right amount of aircraft, its very sad to hear that they are officailly ceasing operations. Something similar happened with the charter airline Air Scandic.:{

gatwicknose 14th Aug 2007 08:11

There is a shortage of cheap to lease B767 aircraft right now..look at silverjet/maxjet/UKIA...all of them have really had to scrape the bottom of the deepest barrels to find even these flying donkeys....

theotherone 14th Aug 2007 13:57

so sorry for all the crew, but i have been telling you all this was going to happen for a year now. good luck guys!

SCANDIC 14th Aug 2007 16:31

Yeah thats true about there being a shortage of 767's. Has anyone heard the rumour the jet2 might be getting a couple of 767's they reckon that they will be coming excel airways does anyone know anymore about this and will b757-200 lsad ever get painted up cos i prefer it in the white colour scheme. Also are the Mytravel 767's definantely going this winter it would be a shame to see them disappear from the fleet.

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