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carbis22 13th Sep 2008 12:18

bridge builder

Something’s rotten, and I don’t think we’ll know the full story or a long while.
I agree with bridge builder on this one,

am truly sorry for all that have been affected by this sudden situation???
It stinks to high heaven, and agree that media should go do some serious investigating!!

Kiteflier 13th Sep 2008 12:35

Don't be so sure. Several years back I and a couple of guys were hired to ferry a 737 back from the states to Europe. The company that had leased it had failed to keep up the payments and as such the owner sub chartered the aircraft, which was subsequently impounded and the great legal battle commenced. We arrived on a public holiday and removed the aircraft whilst all the lawyers were having a day off.

BladePilot 13th Sep 2008 13:00

All Hail the XL staff
Any SkyNews reporters following this thread? How on earth you guys win the News Channel of the Year each year I’ll never figure out. Is it by any chance presented by the your own inhouse SkyNews Magazine?

The news in fifteen minutes every fifteen minutes which Muppet came up with that award winning one? (actually thinking about it, good finacncial move! you can loop the tape and everyone can pop off down the pub for a cider and a scampi n chips in a basket!):D

The general population is probably tired of the stranded pax stories and their blaming of their predicament on the good folks at XL.com. is our industry not in meltdown because of the collapsing global economy? Do these affected pax not work for businesses that are also struggling to survive this frightening slip into the black hole of recession? Do they not understand that their employer could also suddenly fold in these days of global uncertainty? How many ordinary folks can honestly claim they saw this tsunami of economic grief on the Horizon?
XL and others before have failed because of circumstances outwith their control, an unprecedented rise in the price of ‘black gold’ and failure of our worlds, quote “financial engines” and not because their business models were intrinsically deficient (previous posts about business acumen noted). Unfortunately XL will probably not be the last to go under.

The pax stories are played out now. Does the world really need another account of mayhem at check-in or the sudden absence of company reps. What have the pax lost? A holiday? The trip of a lifetime? Money? A missed opportunity? All traumatic in their own way but the feelings of panic, helplessness, loss, anger, are temporary will pass and many will recover both emotionally and financially.

Their loss pales into insignificance when compared to the loss suffered by the staff of XL. Last week they all had jobs today they don’t!
It would appear from stories in the media that with the failure of XL the staff have all mysteriously disappeared, no mention of them!
NEWSFLASH…. They are still around and they are suffering….big time. The stress they are suffering must be unfathomable.
So let’s spare a thought for those contemporaries who are now facing their worst nightmare. The feelings of shock, bewilderment, helplessness, panic, anger and loss will be with them for a very long time and unfortunately the ripples of damage caused by this company failure will touch every part of their lives. What more do they stand to lose? Their home? Their marriage or relationship? The next few months will prove to be ‘the trip of a lifetime’ for many airline staff who have lost their livelihood. A trip which most will want to forget.

Goodluck to you all you XL’d in what you did.

Look East!

Dolley 13th Sep 2008 13:05

Only cabin crew myself but:

Makes me wonder who's next.....and if it makes me wonder that it means people out there will be thinking it as well....and will try to book with an airline that will get them to their destination.....and back....surely that will speed-up the process for some airlines that are only holding on by a threat.... I don't like being the 'glass-is-half empty' person but I have a horrible feeling we've only seen the beginning....and winter is coming.

Cakov 13th Sep 2008 13:39

Don't remember MOL / Ryanair slagging XL off just a few years ago when they leased Excel aircraft and crews to fly routes for them out of Stansted during the winter season.

Strange, that.

kissmyjetpipe 13th Sep 2008 13:40

I have a question, if XL france and Germany are still operating does that mean the Finnair winter contract is still going ahead, also whats happening to the New 330's that were coming and I may be wrong but I dont think the french or germans have ant Ri/TRE employed so whos going to train them, and if Wyatt is looking for pilots will we be getting a little call, after all we do have JAA Licences and funny old thing were current so cheap to tain and employe and we know the operation, well thats saved a few quid.

starbuck123 13th Sep 2008 13:45

What happens to the aircraft?
With all these firms going, which is truley ashame, what happens to all the aircraft? The forums here are saying they are being blocked in?? whats that for? surley you cant just bust your way in to a secure location start up the engines and go! Is it not costing the airports money keeping this aircraft on the ground? It it going to get to a point where there is no room to keep them? where will they go? So many questions here im sorry but im sure the planes could be put to use!

doubleu-anker 13th Sep 2008 14:03

Hi Guys

Not quiet the end of the world, although it may seem so at the moment for some of you. Your greatest asset is your health, not some blastard job. When you are down, you certainly know who your friends are and some of you will be finding this out already.

This is where sports at school are so very important. Sports teach you to take hard knocks, which life is full of, pick yourself up and carry on.

No one's job is safe and I don't care if you are a VS or a BA. The whole financial thing is like a house of cards, so it could go down hill very fast and at anytime.

Been made redundant more than once and it has taught me to save for a "rainy day", not too put all my eggs on one basket. When you can, try and branch out into other things and maybe try and start a business or similar.

Just my 2 pense worth.

40612 13th Sep 2008 14:08


Good post.

Best of luck from another ex XL'er

Leezyjet 13th Sep 2008 15:11

Only cabin crew myself but:

Makes me wonder who's next
Well at least now you can try an make a few quid out of guessing :-

Next Airline To Go Bust?. Betting from Paddy Power


G-STAW 13th Sep 2008 15:26

personally i think blocking aircraft in is absolutley idiotic, some one at MAN plc is on a power trip. They didnt seem to hesitate with SkyEurope 737-700, inpunded straight away...

i think its very childish....


captplaystation 13th Sep 2008 15:41

Given the BAA's performance in the hands of Ferrovial perhaps RYR should use it's STN fleet to "block in" the airport ,as there is reasonable cause to question their financial viability to provide their contracted services. This game could be played both ways.

lsh 13th Sep 2008 15:42

"BladePilot"; Very well said!
I was disgusted to see people on the BBC News who were "absolutely gutted" to be "stuck" at MAN (home) and not be able to go on their hols, when there are 1700 XL staff with REAL problems who got hardly a mention!

Unfortunately I have been there; Sitting your 3 kids round the table and explaining why everything is about to change, big-time, is a humbling experience.

Best of luck to you all, it DOES work out in the end!

flying sparks 13th Sep 2008 15:54

Leaving LGW
One XL 738 left late last night/early morning another 738 not in XL colours could be going soon,still two 767s and Three 738 still blocked in by snow clearing equipment.

dalmation67 13th Sep 2008 16:02

I would like to thank Bladepilot for his thread regarding news coverage of the 'poor PAX' who have been left stranded following the demise of XLLG UK, and actually thinking of the staff.
Being a former employee of what I regarded to be a truly dynamic company, I am truly sorry for these poor people, however no-one in the media has spared a thought for the 1700 loyal Employees who are now unemployed following a bolt out of the blue, that their company has gone bust after being given false hope by 'Top Management', and I use the word 'top' very loosely, that all was well and refinancing negotiations were going 'positively' with no set timescale to meet!!!!:mad:
We are all now left picking up the pieces of our lives and frantically wondering how or where money is going to come from so that mortgages will be paid etc:eek:

As for Mr Wyatt being devastated about the loss of his company perhaps if, as rumour has it, he hadn't pushed his luck with the financiers and accepted their terms. Maybe XL would still have been operating and their fabulous on time stats achieved for the Summer 2008 been ongoing!!
Once a barrow boy always a barrow boy.........with illusions of grandeur!:=

I wish all former colleagues within XL, especially within the airline every luck in the world in finding employment quickly and pat yourselves on the back for being part of what was, until Friday 12th Sept'08, a very successful and dynamic airline:D:D:D
My thoughts also go to staff of other airlines who have also had to go through this, Zoom, Silverjet etc

wilky 13th Sep 2008 16:03

Can I ask why they block aircraft in, that seems like madness, hardly going to make a mad dash for it and floor it down the runway. I'm just curious thats all. Truly gutted to see the way the industry is going and really feel for the crews and staff.

John Boeman 13th Sep 2008 16:12

Excellent post BladePilot. You've said it all.
Very best wishes for the future to all ex-XL staff and crew.

BladePilot 13th Sep 2008 16:24

All to do with legal 'stake' claiming. You''l find that in addition to 'blocking in' an aircraft an officer of the airport concerned will also place a legal notice on or in the aircraft and in some cases they 'seal' the doors with a 'breakable' seal normally just a plasticised strip with a legal statement of intent on it.

And yes it has actually happened in the past where 'SAS' type missions have been pulled off by flightdeck crews and engineers to 'free' an aircraft from such circumstances. Not so easy these days though.

mary_hinge 13th Sep 2008 16:25

As bad as it is now, what will be the knock-on over the next few weeks. 1700 hundred job losses as a direct result fom XL, what about the in-direct and induced staffing levels.
Maintenance, Parts, Fuel, Ramp Services now required on 20 odd fewer aircraft.
9 further UK airlines are on the "red list" right now, 29 through out Europe.:uhoh:

daz211 13th Sep 2008 16:25

things are so bad that
Some XL staff are sell there uniform on e-bay.AIR HOSTESS UNIFORM - XL AIRWAYS on eBay, also, Women's Shoes, Clothes, Shoes Accessories (end time 19-Sep-08 22:55:47 BST)

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