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onion 16th Aug 2005 21:49

MME this winter
This winter may not seem as good in terms of passenger numbers as it might appear on the surface. The reason I say this is although the airport will have an extra 3 ryanair flights a week (untill the end of jan and then they actually lose 4 flights a week) and the new Bristol service the airport is actually losing 1 flight a day from the bmi group. This is the 4th LHR rotation a day that is usually done in the winter. Come Feb that will make a reduction of 11 rotaions by a 130-189 seater aircraft a week.

Also does anyone know when and where bmibaby's 3 extra 737 will be based or have the current winter timetables taken them into account?
Why does the airport reckon bmibaby will be doing Jersey 3 times a week, yet bmibaby say they are only doing it once a week?
Are there any IT flights this winter as there are none on the DTV website?

Anything else happening?

GrahamK 16th Aug 2005 22:29

With regards to the3 new WW a/c, I thought I read that one of them was going to MME, one to EMA and one to CWL?

terrywilcox 19th Aug 2005 16:32

durham tees etc
I am from DSA,(doncaster finningley),owned by Peel. We have recently formed a group call "friends of doncaster sheffield airport" or FODSA. There is a similar groupr at Liverpool called FOLA. both have web sites. Can anyone local to your airport tell me if you have a similar group. We were formed froim the group who campaigned for many years for the airport,but are quit4e independent of the owners.

Jamesair 19th Aug 2005 19:35

There is a group called Air North which has a great monthly magazine for enthusiasts and covers NCL, MME and Carlisle. Also has a good website. www.airnorth.demon.co.uk

mmeman 19th Aug 2005 22:32

Hi Onion,

IT flights this winter I believe is one flight to Tenerife on a Friday and one flight to Alicante on a Tuesday, nothing else from the last brochures I saw, which is pretty poor really. Don't think Lyon was in the Thomson ski brochure neither. I maybe wrong, so someone maybe could confirm. Still lack of IT flights should keep the bmibaby flights busy! (and the NCL IT flights busy too!) From the brochures for next summer, I don't think there are actually any increase in flights, just Thomson changing 1 or 2 destinations, no flight to Gran Canaria next summer. (maybe Kos is new but still not on Thomson website)

Fingers crossed for a 2nd bmibaby aircraft, and re instatement of flights to Prague and increase of flights to Alicante, Palma and Malaga which are doing very well if you look at the CAA pax figues website.

anybody know how the Gatwick flights are selling. all flights appear to be £1.99, which may suggest that they are not selling that well!

CentreFix25 20th Aug 2005 07:19

MME will have its own Wings Bar soon - http://www.wingsbar.co.uk/

airhumberside 20th Aug 2005 17:30

Ive seen Lyon in a Thomson Ski brochure (preview edition) for next winter

mmeteesside 22nd Aug 2005 13:56

The ski flight is running this winter, don't know who it'll be yet though.....my brother is going on it with school (just like I did last winter)

Good news about the wings bar, we've been in at Newcastle, nice views! Lets hope the DTV one will be as good as, if not better than, the Newcastle one!

The Bristol flight is a nice addition....you can trust Eastern to make a good job of it too.

I heard that the airport have started knocking down the old air force buildings on the south side of the airport to make way for the new business centre/cargo/maintenance! About time something got done, at last!


INKJET 22nd Aug 2005 15:58

Have baby confirmed a second unit yet? i heard they wouldn't run it with only one unit past start of Winter time table?



alterego 22nd Aug 2005 20:29

Current plan for Baby's 3 new A/C is (as told by a management pilot to me): one more at CWL, one more at NEMA and one more at Teeside.

This is not (as I understand it) cast in stone but has been the case for sometime and not changed. The A/C are due in the Autumn but will not be scheduled in to service as Baby have had delays getting the arriving A/C onto line

mmeman 23rd Aug 2005 17:03

98342 passengers at MME in July, nearly breaking the 100,000 passengers a month barrier! Does anyone know if they have had 100,000 passengers a month before???

Looking at Thomsons Ski and Crystal ski website, it isn't them going to Lyon this winter, is it another tour operator? No flight to Geneva either with bmibaby, unless we do get another aircraft for winter?:confused:

does anyone know where the wings bar is going to be?

NCLRULES 5th Sep 2005 11:45


mmeteesside 5th Sep 2005 16:59

At last!! past the 100k mark a month!

Well done DurhamTeesValley, 105000 pax in August


AndyHUY 5th Sep 2005 18:27

I hope i see the day when we see this number of pax at HUY in a month!

Great news for MME!

CentreFix25 5th Sep 2005 20:36

Never mind the pax numbers, just looking forward to the bar opening!

onion 8th Sep 2005 21:25

All this talk of a great August is all well and good but can some one please tell me why Ryanair is cutting the Rome to 3 flights a week when it carried almost 10,000 in August. Ok it's the hieght of the summer but you have to compare this to their other route to dublin, that hs never carried that number in a month with the same number of flights and often struggles to to reach the 7000 mark. Also the Newquay seems to have picked up and is out performing even the Malaga, Cork, Alicante and the Palma.

skyman771 9th Sep 2005 13:41

Newquay seems to have picked up and is out performing even the Malaga, Cork, Alicante and the Palma.
Is this not another way of stating that the Malaga, Cork, Alicante and Palma are underperforming?
If indeed this were the case then it may go someway to explain RYR's actions on reducing frequency on the Rome flight.
Personally, I would have thought that the decision to reduce must have been given considerable deliberation as I feel that when any route reduces to less than daily, or at least 6 x weekly, then it creates it's own problems as regards marketing placing additional pressure on loads.

GrahamK 9th Sep 2005 13:53

I wonder what the fees that Ryanair are getting at MME. Perhaps they have recently risen, and FR have reduced frequency in protest?

onion 9th Sep 2005 14:54

Skyman Malaga,Palma and Alicante are not underperforming at all you could argue that the Cork is. My point was that Newquay is doing very well.
Also Ryanair have nothing to do with these routes, these are operated by bmibaby.
GrahamK if fees are the reasoning behind the cutback, which I doubt they are, wouldn't it of been more sensible to cut back the route that has less people travelling on it?
When you consider that the Rome is only one flight a day yet is only 1200 behind the Heathrow and Amsterdam which both have three it seem strange.
Maybe they did this before the route began to pick up but Ryanair are fairly good at spotting oportunties when they come and I think cutting back to three is missing one.
It would be interesting to see Newcastle's Rome figures for August to see if these are completley new travellers or people who use to use the Newcastle service. Might give an idea to how many people from the MME catchment area use NCL because MME doesn't have the route.

GrahamK 9th Sep 2005 14:57

onion, the DUB figures are probably less because they use the 737-200 to DUB and the -800 to CIA? A difference of 60 seats each flight

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