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HZ123 10th Dec 2004 15:44

Well said S N ; I can only hope that the many contributors that have commented on this thread do not work for EU as the remarks are so negative. Such attitude is usually found at LHR. Lets hope that EU jet survive and deserve too taking on a new airport and routes.

king cotton 11th Dec 2004 21:50

In vino veritas

I can only hope that the many contributors that have commented on this thread do not work for EU .
And ..........!!!!

What if they are ?!?
are going to deny them the right to voice their opinion!!!

Yes, they're a wee bunch of very good lass & lads highly motivated who deserve respect .

Pax Vobiscum !

nclairportfan 11th Dec 2004 21:58

I too wish eujet every success. Other small airlines have survived the LCC boom such as flybe, air south west and air wales.

Let's hope they manage to survive in this very competitive environment.

airhumberside 12th Dec 2004 08:53

EU Jet haven't had the easiest of launches. They launched at the end of summer, after the peak season, that is income would have been helpful this summer. It also wont help that PlaneStation don't have much cash

I wouldn't really compare them to Flybe, Air Southwest or Air Wales as they operate more domestically, though Flybe are expanding more and mre into Europe

Good luck EU Jet

surely not 12th Dec 2004 12:39

Hey King Cotton, can you King read????? If you can find the part of my post which suggests that EuJet employees shouldn't post on here then please quote it!!

I was merely pointing out that some posters seemed to get enjoyment from an airline struggling to survive. No problem in people posting about the difficulties of an airline or airport, but perhaps the almost gleeful tone in some threads could be avoided.

PBD 1 12th Dec 2004 17:57

Well what can I say?......... I know without any shadow of a doubt that at EUjet both past and present I have been fortunate enough to work with some of the most hard working and dedicated people I have Known. Its true its not perfect by any stretch of the imagination however there is not one person who has left the company who i dont intend staying in touch with, there is not one person who I dont look forward to working with. The only people that dont use my first name are ATC (Im sure they would if they could.) Reporting for duty is where people meet their friends... period. Please remember EUjet has been operating well before 1st September this year...First commercial flight 1st June 03 I think. The routes that were not working were chopped common sence to me but bad news for booked pax. I hear a rumour that santa is coming early for EUjet this year possibly this Wednesday!! Slim, stay in touch, regards to Shaft and Slide-rule. :)

surely not 12th Dec 2004 18:01

PBD 1, I hope your Christmas present lasts a long time and brings all of you great happiness.

It doesn't need batteries does it? :D

Pornking 13th Dec 2004 07:56

Just read in a dutch newspaper that EU-jet is in financial trouble and that the airport would like to buy the rest of the shares which will cost them around 30.000.000. They are looking for investors but it's gonna be tough.

Jes 13th Dec 2004 08:05

Please stop producing smut, and have a look at a thread before posting.

Cyrano 13th Dec 2004 09:13

CAA stats
The CAA posts "provisional" statistics (i.e. latest months' statistics, not yet fully verified) in a separate part of their site (look under "Airport Provisional Statistics" on the ERG page). The October international passenger numbers are here. This doesn't give capacity, just pax numbers.

FLYING-FODDER 14th Dec 2004 16:41

Apologies for the 'shouting' was tired and didn't realise caps was on. I do wish eu-jet all the best as most airlines deserve to do well. However one does wonder what posessed them to launch at the time of year they did.

Mike16 14th Dec 2004 16:59


I was on the FAO on sunday, and the eujet came in, and we counted only 10 people getting of, onto the coach!
When the coach came back with the new passengers they only had 13.......
This is a bit bad.

Copenhagen 14th Dec 2004 17:05

13 passengers to on a stage length as long as Faro is really very poor... I thought that it was these leisure routes that were performing well.

What ever possessed an unknown airline to commence operations from an unknown airport at the end of the peak season is beyond me.

Perhaps its time for EuJet to re-think their sales techniques and hub airport of choice.

VIKING9 15th Dec 2004 07:31

.......and get back in to charter work instead. Ah ha, winter = ski charters :ok:

Nakata77 15th Dec 2004 10:17


I really agree with you. You took the words right out of my own mouth.

They must be bleeding big time, any ideas how much they have lost since operations began?

whoseurpaddy 15th Dec 2004 12:10

Well, well, well....

It's great to see that my Friends above have taken the aggregate of all loads to date on the Faro route (and all the sun routes), done a careful mathematical and statistical analysis and deduced the state of the loads ;-)

Come on guys: you really will have to do better than that! You used one flight!! Yup, aint the best load in the world for sure, but there has been far better! I bet the same source at FAO would not be so quick or happy to tell you when he sees the coaches go full (and there have been some pretty full coaches apparently!)

Do you really think Sleazyjet and Ryanair etc go out with completely full flights every day? Equally, there would seem to be a line of thinking on here that suggests every airline makes massive profits from day one. Anyone who has actually worked in this business should know that is very much not the case. Dont believe the hype emanating from certain low cost quarters that "all our new routes have been succesful from day one"... they may have shown promise from day one, but all of them making money straight off? Puhleeze....... FR for example are still using the massive profits made from they're original Ireland-UK routes to subsidize much of the new European Network until it has established itself, whether Ryanair like to admit or not. Or perhaps we could mention the fact that Sleazy has often made a loss during the winter programme?

Give these guys a chance! No, they are not getting 100% loads on everything straight off (although there have been a few individual flights), but dont write them off just yet! And for gods sake, please drop the tones of joy so evident when someone posts what they perceive as bad news on here.. (and i'm not accusing the two posters above as being responsible for this)

Remember that EUjet is staffed with people who like all of us have to feed themselves.. dont delight in the fact that you feel they may lose their jobs!

Rant over...!:)

airhumberside 15th Dec 2004 16:18

According to ch-aviation EU Jet will give up Manston - Jersey and start Manston-Cologne in March

Mike16 15th Dec 2004 17:43


Well i do Fao quite often well once a week or probably once a fortnight, and to be honest i have never seen a Eujet plane there, i asked our flight deck who they were etc, we were amazed at how many passengers had got of and got on.
Like anyone would, we fly faro daily and our loads are very healthy in comparison.
That particular day our loads were 132/128+2 , i don't think that is bad, to be honest this is a quiet time for us as we had a busy season on fao this year, by the way we use 737-300.
I am not calling them, like i say, i had never heard of them till Sunday just gone!
Well i am on Fao on sunday coming and i will watch carefully them carefully, all one by one :D

foamer 17th Dec 2004 04:36

Yesterday an announcement was made to the Stock Exchange confirming that, subject to shareholder approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held in January, a total of £30 million of new capital has been raised.

The new funds will be used to support both the Airport and the Airline until such time as they come into profit

Merry xmas and a happy new year to EUJet.

VIKING9 17th Dec 2004 08:21

Just out of interest, how can EUjet manage to raise "another" £30m and yet an airline like NOW couldn't ? Different business plans I know, fixed pricing does work so it wasn't that which stopped them getting finance.....:ugh:

Copenhagen 17th Dec 2004 08:38

This is Planestations second emergency funds application in less than twelve months. Their share price has fallen from 41p on December 1st to 12p on December 16th.

With shareholders abandoning the company faster than new entrants (witnessed by the drop in share price) I wonder what that the chances of getting the funding are.

Their Bankers have also announced that they will withdraw their overdraft facility if this share offering is not successful.

The future of EuJet will be known by January 13th it seems.

serko 17th Dec 2004 09:02

£25million of the new funds are definite as long as existing shareholders agree to the placing. Which is 99.9999% certain to happen as the company will be declared insolvent if the placing does not happen.

Nakata77 17th Dec 2004 09:15

this is for whoseurpaddy

I like ur style but u seem to lack an understanding of the differences between LCC and traditional carriers.

If LCC are leaving with even the odd flight at 25% loads, there is something wrong. The worst loads should hover around 45-55%. Even then they are bleeding badly. With a F100, this is only exaserbated.

Traditional carriers, yes they build up loads over time, very often loads are low, and profit in the first couple of years in unlikely.

The point of LCC's is quick returns, if a route isnt profitable within 6 months or at least contributing it will never grow to profit.

EUJet is a LCC but has a passenger flow of a traditonal carrier. This isn't sustainable. However if its true £30m is being oumped into them they will last a little longer, but how unreasonable! There is so much poverty in the world, and the only reason people want EUJet to survive is not based on economics, its based on ego and wanting to see planes at Manston.

Sorry if im a little harsh

Copenhagen 17th Dec 2004 11:23

Serko - Investors have already lost millions on their planestation investments - why would they want to pour good money after bad?

If I was a shareholder, I wouldnt be putting more money into a company that is basically insolvent. Their bankers dont even see a future.

At this stage the company is probably worth more for its assets rather than as a going concern.

The_Bean_Counter 17th Dec 2004 13:04

I would have to agree with Copenhagen. Any bean counter would tell you not to invest, let it collapse and hope to pick up a payment from the insolvency process. Good money after bad is the phrase.

serko 17th Dec 2004 13:51

expansion of routes for eujet

new routes Cologne Budapest, Alicante, Seville, Valencia, Newcastle and Belfast

FireFoxDown 31st Dec 2004 15:43

And out of Shannon new routes include Ibiza and Palma de Mallorca.

The_Bean_Counter 5th Jan 2005 11:49

November Load Factors from the CAA

Overall 37% up 3% from Octobers 34%

Amsterdam 38%
Barcelona 35%
Dublin 41%
Edinburgh 39%
Faro 38%
Gerona 28%
Glasgow 35%
Jersey 13%
Madrid 37%
Malaga 45%
Manchester 33%
Murcia 47%
Nice 29%
Prague 41%
Shannon 51%

Nakata77 5th Jan 2005 12:33

we know eujet is doomed.... just look at the loads. wouldnt it be better to have given the money to the disaster appeal and allow eujet to fizzle out

Copenhagen 5th Jan 2005 13:49

Those load factors are simply terrible. I wonder how many of those bookings were on a 2 for 1 rate?

Even my High Yield airline has far higher loads than that.
Have Planestation actually got the money from the shareholders yet. The closing date is January 13th. I have a funny feeling the money wont materialise.

Jes 6th Jan 2005 11:44

I've just had a look at some Ryanair load factors: calculated by me


Prestwick-Niederrhein 33% very new route
Stansted-Niederrhein 59% running for a year or so

Both with lots of cheap offers etc

It takes time to build routes

Stampe 6th Jan 2005 16:29

Well I live locally to Manston and hear nothing but good of EU jet and Manston.I fly for a UK charter carrier and several colleagues are now using EU jet for positioning round the UK with very positive results.A brave venture definitely thinking outside the conventional box.I wish them well and hope they have a good summer period having cut their teeth in the winter period.Pity they are not on the Uk register but thats the only thing that concerns me about them.Lets hope they are a success in spite of all the negativity that is banded about on this site.

Runway 31 6th Jan 2005 17:35

Hi Jes,

While I agree with the jist of your post, I think your calculation regarding Prestwick-Niederrhein are wrong.

The CAA gives the number of pasengers as 3567 which as the services started 8/11, I make this to be 41%.

befree 6th Jan 2005 18:54

3% rise
it is still very early days.
The Planestation £30m is underwitten so is likely to happen.
It must be a 50-50 gamble.
If they can gain another 3% each month then they will pull it off.
Its a feedback system so higher loads will build confidance and so higher loads. on the other hand if they are still empty at the end of May then they are toast.

I think we should give them a chance by not righting them off yet.
It been a bad time to start but that can bread strength. The losers will be the early shareholders. They will be paying for people to fly for the next year or so.

Good luck

VIKING9 6th Jan 2005 19:02

Maybe they should keep a F100 up their sleeve for ad-hoc charters, bring in extra revenue.......

Sharjah Night Shift 6th Jan 2005 20:26

Unlike some of the negative posters on this site who will not consider flying anything other than Big Airways from Heathrow at their companies expense or on staff travel I would like to see EUjet survive.

I live in SE London and Manston is further from my home than any of the three BAA airports. However as public transport is a complete non starter for getting to the airport for an early flight Manston gives me the fastest front door to check in time and the cheapest parking. Hopefuly a few more people will wake up to the fact that there is an alternative to the BAA shopping centers with remote and expensive car parks.

Jes 6th Jan 2005 20:27

Runway 31

You're correct.

PBD 1 6th Jan 2005 23:03

Well what can I say?........exept a very big thank you to some of the guys providing positive posts recently about eujet and its ops out of KIA. Certainly on some of the flights over the Christmas period the loads could NOT have been any better, regardless of what the passengers were paying for their tickets many of the holiday period flights were well, well above average. Nakata77 "wouldn`t it have been better to have given money to the disaster appeal and allow eujet to fizzle out". Im not quite sure if I would have been capable of discusing the survival of over 150,000 humans or the survival eujet in the same breath, let alone the same sentence..... .....but ive managed it! In addition posts in the past have included statements along the lines of " unreliable, tired old F100s" I can only assume that this is a dig at KLM engineering the pilots or the aircraft type? Thankfully in accordance with sops the MEL and others I writes in the big thick book! Problems aside.. give us a chance. Nice people here, we get free parking 2 mins from the A/C crew food and drinks too!

Nakata77 7th Jan 2005 12:40

nicely put... well u convinced me then... definately worth £42m


matching 7th Jan 2005 13:14

At last some positive comments;

Reading the usual postings one would conclude that there is no appreciation for people who stick their neck out, spend their own money and employ people like me.
It easy to knock other peoples efforts but I wonder what the majority of the complainers have done in their lives at generating jobs for pilots or anyone else?

It would seam to me that some people would take delight in a EUjet failure, for my part I am thankful that there is people who are prepared to try new things.

We will succeed!

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