African Aviation Regional issues that affect the numerous pilots who work in this area of the world.

Tachi subject?

Old 23rd Jul 2005, 02:30
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Tachi subject?

Recently, Tachi wrote in about the Viscounts shot down during the Zimbabwe "Liberation Struggle". I wasn't old enough to fully understandfully the effect of these violent acts when they happened, but after doing some reading on the matter, I shudder at the thought that he can still believe that these were "acts of war" as opposed to todays popularised "acts of terrorism". What justification is there in shooting survivors of an aircrash, caused by any means, let alone those who survive a crash caused by intentionally shooting an aircraft out of the sky with a SAM?

Proceeding chronologically... yes, Air Zimbabwe still has a fantastic safety record, but does B767-200ER really believe that flying for Spongebob is the best option for his career to follow right now? Surely, looking at his profile, being educated elsewhere would have opened his eyes to the fact that other airlines might be slightly more beneficial? ( Just ask Emily, she might have some guidance? )

Finally, Engineer first asked how we could "stop one (African) child dying every 3 seconds"... I don't even pretend to have an answer, as I don't believe there is a single answer. But I do believe (unless my education was seriously one-sided) that Africa as a whole, was seriously behind the drag curve when the first "white men" arrived. Two industrial revolutions, ships, guns, canons, the steam engine... vs.... no wheel, no written dialect, only the "who-can-kill-more-oppostion-than-the-other-wins" philosophy is recognised.... Is it any surprise that those who are in power now in Africa will do ANYTHING to stay there, regardless of who dies around them? So my solution is... ensure that Africa's political instruction follows that of the Western world. Two terms and you're out.... NO QUESTIONS! At least then the process of a whole new government creating a whole new corruption ring will have limited time in which to become entrenched...... and maybe then we won't ever have to witness the trashing of people's houses under the disguise of "creating a better future" whilst obliterating those who annoy us now.

In short, get rid of the dictators... once and for all.... if the country has oil or diamonds or gold... or beautiful unspoilt land.

Sorry to go political, just had to throw my 2-cents in. I still think that UM should go ahead and get the B737-800's, their -200's are looking seriously long in the tooth now. Not sure on the new Chinese variants... haven't had a ride in one of hem yet.

Any comments? Anyone, anywhere, if you have any views on how we should fix Zimbabwe, or Africa as a whole, let us know!

I just threw the first snow-ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Bartholomew; 23rd Jul 2005 at 03:32.
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Old 23rd Jul 2005, 05:11
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No Snowballs in Africa unless you hike way up Kili.......

Anyway "In short, get rid of the dictators... once and for all.... if the country has oil or diamonds or gold... or beautiful unspoilt land"

Strange comment as most know that they will be replaced with the same crowd. One talent that s noted daily in conversation is that if "they" cant steal it they can break it.
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Old 23rd Jul 2005, 07:23
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Thumbs down

If Tachi thinks it's acceptable to shoot down civilian aircraft and massacre the survivors, as an "act of war" , then he has no place being a pilot - someone entrusted with the safe keeping of human lives.

Prehaps he thinks the attempt to shoot down the Israeli charter flight out of Kenya is acceptable, or the bombing of the Air India 747 was justified.

Looking at his profile I'm sure he wouldn't be too hard to identify. Black Zimbabwean flying a 767 lives in Wallsend. Could someone in the UK pass on a copy of his post to his chief pilot and Special Branch. These days you can't be too careful, he's definately not the sort of person who should have access airside, let alone be flying.
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Old 23rd Jul 2005, 09:30
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Metro Man has a point. It takes little this day and age to set off the scare amongst those folks in the "Secuirty?" side of Commercial Aviation to get one under their scrutiny as a possible threat.
All one has to do today to ruin anothers career is to cry Wolf. Be careful what you say now as Big Brother is watching.......
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Old 23rd Jul 2005, 11:59
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This is what Tachi wrote:

Rest of the world please note , Air Zimbabwe Aviators, past , present and future are proud of the excellent safety record Air Zim has..... . As for the two viscounts, that was act of war, Not terrorist as rhodie would like to call it. Air Zimbabwe was, is , and will be great. As for the likes of Rhodie ..they will always have a negative view of anything to do with Zimbabwe . So I Say..God have mercy. Viva Zimbabwe.
God have mercy on you Tachi - and you pray to him that I never meet you.

The words of John Edmond's song say more than I can:

You ain't no hero
When you kill achild and you cannot cry
You ain't no hero
When you shoot a liner from the sky
You ain't no hero
When you're preaching fear and hate
And you shy away from battles
With the soldiers of our state.

And you left your land of sunshine
You say against your will
Then they washed your mind with evil
And they taught you how to kill
Ah! but they forgot to tell you
'Bout the ever watching eye
of the maker of the Universe
And his kingdom in the sky.

And you come back to your birthland
With your so called cause
And you killed the meek and helpless
And the servants of the Lord
Then you crawled off in the darkness
To the devils hiding place
Now you serve no creed or country
Let alone the human race.
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Old 23rd Jul 2005, 13:39
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Forgive me that my knowledge of African History isn’t 100% - but this “act of war” wasn’t it a sort of terrorist war fought because some people in the country didn’t like those in charge ?

Isn’t it strange that after getting rid of the “colonists” and being "liberated" they ended up with what they got now.

Personally I think anyone who can defend the actions taken during the so called liberation struggle should be forced to live in that country after the “liberation”.

As to “sorting Africa out” it ain’t going to happen until it’s realised that having a “local” skin colour isn’t an automatic qualification for running a country.
No matter how bad “the old days” were supposed to be NOT ONE “liberated” country has become safer / better run or less corrupt post “liberation”.

One of my Zulu acquaintances (a quite well educated guy) explained the criteria by which he chose who to vote for – simple really - he would vote for the Zulu candidate – the policy’s / party unimportant – only important thing was that he was a Zulu – politics (at least in SA) are simply the new tribal wars.
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Old 24th Jul 2005, 15:40
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As to “sorting Africa out” it ain’t going to happen until...
It's already happening. I don't know why we seem to worry about it. AIDS is doing it. World Cup 2010 in SA...lets wait and see. With AIDS infection rates already running in the 30's, 40's and 50 percentage points in some countries in need for us mortals to try and sort it out.
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Old 25th Jul 2005, 06:09
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'Bout the ever watching eye
of the maker of the Universe
And his kingdom in the sky.
Don't worry Tachi wouldn't know Him and probably never will.

Sad as it may be.

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Old 25th Jul 2005, 07:49
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Monday Morning Rant

Morning all

Cup of coffee at the ready, I switch on my PC, check my email and then head for Pprune....before Pprune loads I check out the news stories - SAA strike and then two rows down "SA may bail out Zim - Mbeki"

I click the above mentioned link and my blood pressure is suddenly through the roof. Can you believe it SA are actually considering lending this blood-thirtsy guttersnipe money now that the IMF want nothing more to do with Zimbabwe.

Let's get this right the United Nations, an organisation which the ANC brown nose to perfection, has condemned Mugabe in no uncertain terms, and yet Mbeki still wants to help Mugabe out.

I remember when I first arrived in SA 10 years ago I drove from the Southern Suburbs in Cape Town to Stellenbosch along the coast road. From the road at Strandfontein you could see the sprawling mass of the Khayelitsha township in the distance probably some 5-10kms away. Now that same sprawling mass of shacks has reached the road. Few of these people have jobs, few of these people are capable of work other than the most menial tasks, and yet why are they in Cape Town. Simply because the ANC wants their votes. Now if I were these people and I knew that my government were even considering spending over a billion dollars THATS US $, I would be very p!ssed off to say the least.

What has happened in Zimbabwe is either genocide or the other buzz word of the 90's "ethnic cleansing". Appeasement never works and is morally repugnant. Any one who appeases evil is in my view just as evil as the person themselves - especially when as a country like SA you're quite safe from military attack.

I realise that all my invective is about as useful as pointing my d!ck into a strong south-easter and opening my bladder but I needed the catharsis.

Rant over.
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