PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - PPL Intsructing for Fun - ie unpaid
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Old 12th Sep 2003, 22:50
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Obs cop
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Sleeve wing,

What's the problem with part timers?

I am seeking to become a part time FI. Much as I would love to be full time, the pay would not cover my current finances, so in my passion for flying I have set part time flying instruction as the next best goal I can hope to achieve.

Does this mean that I will be looked upon with distain by fellow flyers and instructors? I would sincerely hope not, particularly as I wish to instruct to pass on my love of flying, not merely to achieve hours for my own purposes.


I feel sorry for those individuals who cannot attain a class one medical, and therefore cannot accept payment, but again, instruct out of a love of aviation. I am not an avid supporter of those who instruct for free, but I do feel for those who have no choice but to offer their services for free. It is all too easy to pour scorn on an individual, but the siutuation is in the hands of the CAA. In the same way that doctors are to be classed as on duty even if having a nap but between calls on hospital premises, the only way instructors will see considerable changes to the pay scales is for the CAA to revise when instructors are classed as working. Ie. Instructors should be classed as working for every hour they are at their place of work, not just time airbourne and as such should recieve remuneration for their duties in line with a minimum hourly rate. Unfortunately, people love flying so much that there will always be someone willing to undercut an opponent and anyone who sticks to their principles is likely to lose out rather than get more pay. There is nothing new in this, it's how businnesses work and without overhauling the system, the employees will always be on the losing side.

IMHO.............awaits incoming.

Obs cop
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