PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Ryanair Money Programme 04/06
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Old 8th Jun 2003, 19:08
  #45 (permalink)  
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Your commments smack of a complacency not welcome in this industry. Do you think BA's licences, standards and MMEL have protected BA from fatal accidents? Will they protect RyanAir?

It will be much more difficult for RyanAir (or any other airline) to maintain a perfect safety record when they have 250 aircraft rather than 25 or 70.

Besides, other U.K. and Ireland airlines have better safety records in that they have been operating longer with no fatal accidents. It's just that most have the humility to accept that a "perfect" safety record is only one cock-up away from being imperfect and have more sense than to brag about it.

Yes, RyanAir are doing well, but so far the full service schedule airlines are only just responding to the competition from the low-cost ones. It is far too early to tell whether RyanAir will expand to 250 aircraft or whether they will succumb to the increased competition from the full-service airlines. Remember, the full-service and particularly the long-haul airlines have premium services which they can use to subsidise their short-haul stuuf, but the low-cost airlines have no such fall-back.

One thing is for certain, RyanAir won't survive if they swagger around thinking the're Cock o'the Walk or God's Gift to Aviation. Reality has a nasty way of intervening in such hubris.