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Thread: Blues At Brize
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Old 2nd Feb 2003, 02:15
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Unhappy Its a Morale Thing

My Mum used to tell me that if you looked after the pennies the pounds would take care of them selves, and to a great extent she was right. Now a similar thing could be said of morale, keep the troops happy with the little things and they will forgive, and work around, the big problems. We have all worked with the biggies for many years; kit that needs replacing, unreliable kit, kit that is years behind schedule, more time away with faster turn over times, the list goes on. But, we have continued to do our best and carry on regardless because for the most part we are happy, and we are happy if we can keep in touch with home, can have a beer or two, have got a comfortable place to sleep, can banter our mates in other Sqns and branches and LITTLE things like that. No one expects miricles and most understand the big problems.

So this is why the blues thing at Brize appears to be so unpopular. It is another one of those LITTLE things that has been changed, a backward step, and for no apparent reason, that just annoys people. Now I am not at Brize so I don't know if there has been any reasons givern for the change. At my base all aircrew wear flying suits most days. Everyone knows which Sqn an individual is on and all are V proud to wear the badges. We are slowly loosing our ability to be proud of our Sqns and our branches as the wearing of Sqn coulors is banned and we are loosing our identity. We should be proud of, and encourage Sqn, wing, branch connections, not become a bland service with no distinctions at all. Our uniform is already so bland, the AA and the RAC do much better. We could learn a great deal from the US Forces when it comes to celebrating branches, Sqns etc.

Aircrew should be proud to be aircrew and not have to hide it. The same can be said of the Regement, Engineers, Suppliers ATC, everyone. We need to concentrate on the LITTLE cheap things that create positive attitude and increase morale and that help make up for the big expensive things that take years to change or improve. There should be far more for senior officers to worry about than the wearing of flying suits or Sqn bow ties with No5s. As long as everyone wears smart, clean uniform and they do their job thats all that should matter.

Be proud of your branch (be it air our ground), be proud of your Sqn and be proud of the RAF. We need to get the spirit back in this vocation.


Still can't spell even after a first time pass at ISS
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