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Old 11th Nov 2011, 16:32
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Ask specific questions and I am sure you will get specific answers

The original poster asked a very specific question. That question was:

What makes QFs pilots uniquely entitled to job security in an economy where no other worker has that?
Was it answered?

Several QF pilots pretended to answer it, but did not.

It was answered, correctly, twelve posts later, by a non QF pilot (the poster Ixixly). His answer was "nothing".

muffman (another non QF pilot) gave the next closest thing to an answer via his quaint assertion that the unions were merely "asking" for job security! The reality is that they are going way beyond merely asking.

How about these "answers" from actual QF pilots:

From Tuner 2:
Your entire post demonstrates you do not actually understand ...

From DutchRoll:
You don't really understand the particular pilot claim, do you?

A few other QF pilots said that the "job security" was really about QF flights being flown by QF pilots, but this is not what the "job security" stuff is actually about, and they know it. They push this line because it has some (limited) appeal to the Australian public.

What the "job security" claims are really about:

Getting Qantas to pay all pilots the same rates as the mainline pilots. If Qantas were bound to this condition, then there would be no need to utilise cheaper "off shore" pilots to fly their aircraft. Hence, the derived "job security".

Can Qantas afford to do this? Of course not. As a business, Qantas is a basketcase. They made a profit of $500 million recently, and the unions think this is a lot of money, but in reality the profit margin was razor thin (about 1.6%).

A number of posters seem to think they are better off because they are in a union. To those posters I urge you to realise that your union will, more often than not, put you out of a job.

Unions have their place (given the right circumstances), but give them enough time and they will destroy the jobs of their members. We may be about to be reminded of that in this case.

I too have a question for you. Please actually answer it.

Do you seriously believe your job security will be enhanced if your demands are met?
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