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Old 14th Aug 2002, 11:07
  #17 (permalink)  

Check Attitude
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Hi, I think you are all missing the point, CASA does not really give a rat's a*#se about general aviation.

The letters "C- Civil, A-Aviation, S- Safety, A-Authority" are very misleading.

Let's start with "C" Civil. If it's Civil, why is it so top heavy with ex Military vs ex General Aviation employees. Don't forget that ex military equates to Public Servant who has spent a life in receipt of a government cheque, with no idea where the salary really came from. Do you think that at any time commercial reality has been part of the mind-set? So you've laid out $1.6 million for a Caravan, don't even think about the interest on the loan repayments while the van sits idle as the government man procrastinates and obstructs at every opportunity,his salary somehow just keeps coming in while yours can't till someone actually does something.

Ok."A" for aviation, yep, they probably know that is the industry they're dealing with, but they don't really have any idea about the industry except the industry flies aeroplanes.

"S" Safety, first, this is a holy word, to be trotted out any time you expect them to get on with the job. Really, what safety activity occurs and where does it occur? There are NO safety programs targeted and presented for the actual working pilot population. CASA can target remote areas for surveillance to a degree that is unrealistic, yet they refuse to budget any safety related seminars to those same areas, rather they just want to play with the aeroclubs in the capital cities.

"A" Authority, yep, they have plenty of that to flaunt and intimidate with, but none to get on with what they need to be doing.

So where's all this leading? Well. how about the people involved with your simple request to add another type to your AOC were exposed to what they do to their customers.
Let's digress and look at the decision to buy a really good second hand car, maybe a Ford XR8 or something a bit out of the ordinary and upmarket.
Ok, so they go to the car yard, do a deal, go and get finance and buy the car. OK, no problem so far, next,depending on the State they're in, they go to the Government Dept that will reregister the car for them.
If they do their homework first, they will establish that they need to have a roadworthiness certificate, a 3rd party insurance certificate and a few other reasonable sort of requirements. Next step is to appear in person at the motor registry, present the documents at the counter, pay the cashier, get a certificate of registration and happy motoring awaits them.

HANG ON A BIT! Let's say CASA was doing the job that day. OK, we'll take those documents and we can't guarantee that we can look at them for 90 days. "You mean I can't drive my new car for 90 days? Yepp, that's right! and by the way, our fee is $xxx, and you've got to pay now!
So we tow it home and wait 90 days, meanwhile there is a little matter of three months repayments being met while the car sits in your backyard. 6 months later, they've had a look and dont like your insurance company or some other little thing etc etc. Do you really think that the minister knows how we are treated?
Not really, you see this is really just about an industrial issue, fair play, efficiency, social conscience etc do not enter into the equation.

NOW TELL ME WHY CASA's Service centre can't work like a motor registry, why can't you just walk in with all the required documentation, meet all requirements, pay your money and walk out.

Is there something we're mssing here? I don't really think so.

Last edited by Woomera; 14th Aug 2002 at 14:10.
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