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Thread: Brits and CTC
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Old 13th Jul 2002, 12:19
  #57 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Fact: contracts of employment had been signed and sent back to BY.
Fact: People had resigned from their previous jobs.
Fact: Bases had been allocated.

Now with the CTCs (I stress again this isn't personal, there nothing those guys can do about it) jumping the queue, I find it quite disturbing.
Tailscrape, I understand you come from a cut throat industry so perhaps this is the norm and perhaps the airline industry should get used to it but this a first for BY. In my book I have been undercut which isn't right because if it becomes standard practice, the likelyhood that you, me and others will find ourselves in the receiving end again and again will become a certitude.
In my opinion, we, pilots are responsible for the industry we are in. We are the ones who create this state of affair so everytime we let the standards go a little, it's our career we are just helping to be made more difficult.
I am lucky enough to have found a job just after September and I know what the word patience means but if you want to talk aviation career with its ups and downs, relocation, dodgy airlines, good ones, redundancy, jobs found in 24hours and god knows what else...then you have found your man. Down the pub and I'll tell you all about it....

Good luck to all involved (all of us me think)