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Old 23rd Dec 2009, 08:09
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Fanny Phelan
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Andy RR, agree with much in your response, however I believe that you may be off the mark regarding low wage engineering in this instance.

ozgaggie, what do you exactly expect our PM to do about this?? this is no hostile take over, ther is no statement at the moment regarding the whole box and dice going off shore, what is the point of your post?? Mr Rudd failed to make good the consequences of Mr Howard's shortsightedness from the last century?

GA is a small player in the manufacturing business, they employ about 100 staff (or did, not sure at the moment due GFC ) they try hard and have excellect product base (despite all the pro-cessna, airvan knockers on this forum) they have excellent product support, especially compared to cessna, and are looking toward placing an upgraded turbine twin back into production. all well and good but hardly compares to some of the larger manufacturers, of various goods, who just shut the shop, sack everyone then say that they can get it made cheaper in china. this is not the case here according to the media statements so far. let's hope it stays that way.

this GA8 project started with a leg up from the labour gov't of the early 90's with an industry R&D grant that GA had to match with money of its own that it made from building its cropdusters. GA is a private campany owned by a few private share holders that can do what they think is in the best interest of their own company. Senoir pollies of alomost every ilk has visited the company over the years,and thsi only resulted in promises from Big Kim, who got flogged, and the removal of Industry R&D by the Coalition. One of the co-founders of the company said that the illustrious DS himself ( not a pollie, but a very good mate of John Howard's) told him that he was wasting his time trying to compete with the americans because they had the game sewn up. This was from the Buy Australian champion himself.

I hardly think they will take your advice at this stage seeing you have never put one cent into the company.

Mahindra and Mahindra have bought all sorts of (mainly manufacturing) comapnies where they see a good product with great potential, but a company without the financial legs to get the essential R&D done, and the subsequent marketing and promotion on a global basis. GA is a mum and dad company that has well out grown the mum and dad, and son and daughter, and daughter in law etc..etc...method of management and needs something such as this to let it reach its full potential.

Those that I know there are of mixed feelings for many reasons but all agree that this SHOULD mark the beginning of a big step, and positive, forward for the company. I hope for their sake it does, and the mum and dad (and the kiddies) have to allow some of the non family talent to help manage the company in a way that is positive and productive. Again we will see. the Turbine developement has been mooted for years and much initial work was done in the late 90's/early 00's, but has been crushingly slow due to the sheer scale of the costs associated with it and the determined attitude to go it alone by senior management. The support that comes with a major company like M&M (ha ha m&m) should at least get this much needed project rolling.

This is an interesting development in the Australian aerospace industry, and methinks we have not seen that last of major foreign investment in this field. While we all keep shopping at discount houses and let our indigenous companys starve while we rush off to buy new cessnas we have no right to start stoning whomever we have the hates on at the moment. take your redneck blinkers off and look for the real answers, not just the politically convenient ones.

Many of those in CASA (Central Office that is ) are highly motivated to see GA do well, but making a company successful is not their mandate. impartial attitude to safety (supposedly) is. There are also within CASA who would not lift a finger or do one extra minute of effort to save GA if it was going under, this has been stated by some who say that they are under no economic imperative, GA will just have to keep the dollars churning while they take their full amount of time scrutininizing every aspect of the certification and manufacturing process in its turn while they look after the airlines. There were also some malicious types who did not wish GA well, though they seem to have left the building. all except one jumped up little jerk who believes that he is the world oracle about certification and Fxxxxt Txxt Exxxxxxxxxg. he has almost broken the company all by himself. the smug little weasel. I am not surprised that he has no friends, inside or out of the Authority, many will know of whom i speak.

Enough for now, can't wait to see the next Media release from GA ro MA or what ever they will be called now.

Off to work time
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