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Old 15th Dec 2009, 10:49
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I'm going to cut and paste his cut and paste - am I going to jail too? Against BASSA rules - maybe. Illegal? Hardly

As expected there have been some distortions of the facts that are being featured in the media regarding the dispute. It seems BA tactics are to provide the Press with some grossly misleading facts and figures, which they know will be fed to all media outlets and misquoted throughout the coming weeks. We refer to the grossly over-stated average earnings in particular. We will shortly publish the correct figures.

Because of this misleading info, some of you will have to field some awkward questions from friends, associates and passengers over the next few days. When on board or on duty we advise saying “it’s best I don’t comment” but "out of uniform" here are a few facts for you to consider and use when replying.

Remember it is still within BA’s power to stop this strike and restart talks now. All they have to do is to agree to revoke the imposition and replace (or pledge to replace) the crew that have been taken off. BASSA will find the £40m that this imposition generated. The ball is in Willie Walsh’s court although, sadly we have already noted he has rejected this offer. Quite simply the strike goes on because of him.

The “12 days” decision was not taken lightly, but it would have been unfair to have held a series of 3 day strikes because that would have exposed the small percentage of crews taking action the first time around. BA are “suspend happy” at the moment and early reprisals could have had an impact on resolve, so it was important all members will be asked to take part. We are all in this together, not just crew working over a 3 day period.

The Xmas decision was also given serious, serious thought. Although this action will cause real heartache amongst the public we have to consider our future employment and terms and conditions as a priority. Ruined Christmases will eventually be forgotten, certainly by next Christmas, but your terms and conditions are something you will have with you for the rest of your working life. BA must be made to see sense and it was reluctantly felt only "audacious" action would have any effect.

Lots of crew are talking “anonymously” to the press. Some clearly are not genuine crew members, but most are. Remind the media who talk to you that your job is on the line should your identity be revealed. That shows just what sort of company we work for and malevolent atmosphere BA have created. A frightened, bullied workforce.

BA have confirmed that five crew have been suspended on gross misconduct charges for making PA apologies to passengers for slow service - again this shows BA in its true colours. Some of these people are senior, well-respected CSDs who have given the company 30 years of loyalty. The media need to understand just how ruthless BA are under Willie Walsh. Remember this is a man who said you get nowhere with negotiating.

There has been some questions asking why strike when there is a legal judgement pending in February. This legal decision is fine, but we are taking a moral stand here, legal or not, imposition is morally wrong. Breaking of agreements is morally wrong. This is an industrial issue and it is important it is countered industrially, as well as through the Courts.

Questions have also been asked about LGW colleagues already working to inferior terms and conditions. The reason for this situation is well known (especially at LGW) and has historic origins emanating in merging with other airlines. Whatever the rights or wrongs of the LGW agreement they were negotiated by the Unions and agreed with by the membership. Just because one group of people struggle to make ends meet and work their socks off doesn’t mean that is the future for all crew.

Walsh is literally trying to turn the national airline of this country into Ryanair. Not only do we think the crew regard this as a step too far, but we are pretty sure most passengers do too.

If you are contacted by BA in any shape or form regarding this strike - decline to discuss it. You have no obligation to give any assurances or information as to your intentions. Politely say you have no comment.

We know the last 24 hours have been emotionally tough and come as a bit of a jolt to some. But remember we were backed into this corner by BA turning their back on both the negotiations and our offered savings, and then imposing changes to your terms and conditions. That simply left us with no choice to take the path we have all chosen by an incredible ballot result.

At this stressful time, it’s worth repeating an old clich� - “it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees”.
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