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Old 8th Nov 2009, 17:53
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Well well well, looks like I got famous!

Seriously, sticks and stones and all that. I'm fully aware that not everyone would agree with me, especially the hard-liners. I didn't expect it. Although I will take it as a complement that I'm "eloquent". Not bad for a LGW cc is it?

I'm not nor have I ever been anti crew. I'm anti stupidity and ignorance. I'm also not keen on blatant lies and mis-information as well as not representing members of a union properly. I'll explain (again):

Nobody was asked whether they were willing to accept a pay cut (as proposed by Bassa).

The injunction failure has been hailed as a success by Bassa.

Bassa refused to negotiate in regards to several things, disruption agreement and set monthly allowance instead of variable allowances are two that springs to mind instantly.

Anyone who questions Bassa's actions are shot down in flames. One might as well call them infidels. In case any of the hard-liners haven't realised this yet, we live in a democracy.

Here's the official from Bassa regarding the ballot:

For immediate issue: Saturday 7th November,
The ballot of BA’s 14,000 cabin crew will open on Monday 16th November, Unite the union has announced. Unite says that BA’s continued
failure to consult properly on 2000 notified redundancies and the company’s determination to impose fundamental changes to working practices, work organisation and terms and conditions of
employment leave it no other option but to ballot the cabin crew workforce.
The union says that the company’s imposed
reduction to crew numbers is unfair and unworkable leaving fewer people doing more work but for less money - and that this will hit the service to passengers. Given the safety critical role that cabin crew have onboard, Unite fears that fewer crew will only lead to a worsening service to loyal BA customers paying premium prices as they are forced to prioritise essential tasks.
Unite has called the ballot in response to the company’s determination to force through a package of measures including contractual changes without agreement of the cabin crew and their union. BA's changes will be imposed from November 16th, the day the ballot opens, on all existing cabin crew, reducing crew numbers on all flights by between one and three and forcing through new working schedules. BA cabin crew have repeatedly told the management that, while they accept cost savings need to be made given current circumstances, these must be by agreement and not undermine frontline services. Earlier this year, the cabin crew offered to take a pay cut as part of comprehensive proposal aimed at retaining in-flight staffing levels and thus ensuring that customers would not lose out. The company dismissed these proposals out of hand, although Unite believes the proposals would have delivered the company tens of millions of pounds in savings year on year. The ballot will close on Monday, 14th December, 2009.
My bolds. The first relates to that LGW has been operating like this for years, so it's not unworkable. The second relates to taking off between 1-3 crew off flights by all existing crew. Ehm, hello, it's not possible to take another crew member off LGW flights. This, to me, emphasises the lack of care for LGW crew. The last bold is pretty self-explanatory, although I'll repeat that the membership were never asked. Well, apart from a couple of hundred hands.

I also see that NewFleet isn't part of the ballot. Smart move. It might be even smarter to advice (asap) the crew who think another ballot will come after this one. They believe that when the crewing issues have been balloted, and a few months down the line there will be another ballot for NewFleet (or against, should I say). This won't be possible, I'm afraid. One cannot ballot/strike about potential future income. This information should be put out to members. Actually, it must be told, and now.

I know some people will find it amusing to say nasty things about me, but go right ahead. I'm not easily offended, I've got thick skin and don't forget, I'm eloquent . Funnily enough, a couple of days ago, I had a fantastic conversation with a wonderful customer who asked me if I was a rep and when I said no, she said that I should be. Interesting, no?

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