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Old 11th May 2002, 15:00
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Yep, I've heard some of these rumours but they are just that. Without wishing to add fuel to the fire I'll relay what I've heard with the caveat that this may not be accurate either (I was once told that someone had been sacked and then met the person concerned on my next tour which just goes to prove it's all to be taken with a large pinch of salt).

The Rosy Picture. Things have pretty much turned out the way I was promised they would. I heard from one new pilot that the pay scale changed between her/his interview and induction course. Given that s/he had a quit a perfectly good job s/he was none too pleased at the fait accompli. Can't say if this is all part of a deliberate deception as happyjack is suggesting.

Private Health Care. Sore point with me as I shelled out a barrowload of money last year and have had nothing but 'fending off' letters from the insurers so far.

Savings/Pension Plan. Although at first employees and the Company were contributing to a fund the fund itself did not exist. This was because everyone thought the scheme could be run the same way as that in the US. Unfortunately you cannot earn interest in the US if you do not pay tax there. The monies were therefore paid into a non-interest earning account pending the setting up of a more correct (ie 'legal') fund which took about a year. Once this was done all contributions from both employees and Netjets were transferred. It was shown that had the money been invested for the year we would have earned virtually nothing as the stock market was pants. Despite this Netjets contributed an extra 5%, roughly what would have been earned over the year in the money market. Which was nice.

SOP's. I have occasionally flown with another crewmember who has (say) overlooked or omitted a call in the heat of the moment (although I never have, you understand) but nothing too serious. I have certainly never seen anyone deliberately flout the SOP's or insist on their own version. Others may be set in their ways but most make the effort to change. I believe this can, and does, happen in other companies. I have not heard of anything more serious.

Don't know about half a fleets Captains being fired.

Director of European Operations left (or was left) but rumours as to why vary. I believe I know the correct one but it's not my place to repeat it. There's always more to it than meets the eye.

The Chief Plot was not sacked but stepped down for personal reasons and is returning to line flying.

It is true that we, the crew, have to vet most aspects at the sharp end (catering, handling agents etc) but that seems logical. Who else is there? Owners (passengers/clients) state their preferences in terms of catering etc and the company is expected to meet them. If we don't, what is the point in asking what people want in the first place?

'Trial by sim'. I've heard rumours of people failing in the sim but as I've said before I've also heard of the company giving second and third chances.

The de-icing incident. Version I got was that the handling agent didn't heat the fluid in time and then found they had no-one capable of driving the truck and operating the equipment so not the Captain's fault. Don't know about the deduction of pay.

'...wrong sort of bread'? Don't know.

Pay scales. Were supposed to have been sorted out by now but Rumour Control forecasting another tweak. Watch this space.

Defects. See my previous answer on this one. I've never been asked to do this or seen it happen.

Illegal Maintenance. Not that I've seen and anyway that's impossible since I had to leave my Leatherman at home.

Duty hours. Mine are all fine. Best thing to do is keep an eye on them and ensure you don't run out. Can't comment on anyone else's.

Communication. Everyone is busy. Of various e-mails, phone calls etc I've had one or two not returned so I reminded the person concerned and got my answers. Squeaky wheel gets the oil and all that. Happens everywhere.

Paranoia? It's true, everyone is out to get me.

That's my version of things so far. If it changes I'll be sure to let you all know.