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Old 4th May 2009, 19:44
  #38 (permalink)  
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Gentlemen back street business or not Leo has made many pilots wealthy over the years I can honestly say BALPA and IALPA have not made many wealthy at all. Ask any Virgin Express Ireland pilot how usefull IFALPA were when they were in trouble there! I think you'll find the words tits and nun used in the same sentance.

Sure Leo is a hard nosed business man and its high time proffesional pilots learn't a little from what Leo says as he is all to well aware of what happens in the harsh world of economics!

You have to admire a man that is able to use one simple sentance to purchase a few million pounds worth of free TV advertising. He did this by just saying "I think we may charge people to use the toilets" and hey presto loads of free prime time TV advertising FOC.

The man is a genius in my opinion a hard arsed bastered, but a genius all the same. Next time you walk into the crew just ignore all the bull**** that the unions are whipping up grab your paper work and go get that jet into the air because thats where it will make money that will in turn be used form your salary.

Unions have a place I agree but when it comes down to hard money I have yet to see a union that has made a real impact! I don't think goood old Arthur Sk lost as much as his miners did in pure financial terms. There is not a union man alive smart enough to outwit Leo he is far to fleet of foot for even the best of them.

I have to say that I have no particular liking for Leo but I do admire his ability to make money and admire how he almost on his own has built Ryanair in to a money making machine. That said I do my best not to have to travel on his airline as I do feel comfortable with how close to the bone things are cut and out of desperation the quality of pilots that have been employed does leave a lot to be desired! There again its difficult to retain the quality when yopu grow so fast!
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