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Old 1st May 2009, 22:38
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Leo, likewise a pleasure.

That was a certainly interesting tale. I am sure your children must love bed time as you do the voices so well!
However, I must get to the point that your tale has no real point. The only thing I really got from it that was actually of any real value, is that
Ryanair got on with the job of making money and taking tens of millions of passengers profitably around Europe
So what you are saying is that Ryanair is profitable. Seems strange then that the pilots, (both contract and employed), are being made to take a pay cut, while I am sure the share holders will be patting themselves on the back, and making sure MOL gets extra special "beds and blowjobs", (a master-class in press conferencing I must admit).
With regards to
he has in recent days, personally contacted the head of the Large Cases Division of the Irish Revenue Commissioners, and dropped all the contract pilots who work for Mandrake of Mullingar, up to their nostrils in shyte
why would these pilots be in trouble? If they are truly not employed by BRK or RYR as both companies claim, then Ryanair, DD, and the pilots have nothing to fear wouldn't you say? Each pilot is employed individually, so hardly a reason for "Large Case Division" to get involved. The only problem would be if those pilots are not classed as self employed or of their own Ltd company. This causes BIG BIG problems for RYR and BRK. The only time the pilots would be in trouble is if they are not doing their tax properly, and if you ask me, I would say "more fool them". The rules are the rules. The law is the law. There are 2 things certain in life, Tax and Death. If you are not paying Tax......

So, we are back to my original point. You have told us things of the past. You have told us things of the present. Mr Evil Sorcerer, Sir, please do tell us things of the future. What is in store for all of the pilots that should be so grateful to be working for Ryanair. Do tell us why, if the company is making money, pilots are forced to take Unpaid leave, and not be granted the agreed pay deal.

I think that you will find that it is not all about the money. The pilots wanted to be treaded like the asset they are. Respected for the job they do, and not treaded like children.

I get the feeling that should MOL ever be on an aircraft that has a major emergency, no matter what happens, the cabin crew and pilots who were their handling the situation would not even get a thank you. It would be looked upon as 'part of the job', and therefore requires no recognition. Any crew member will tell you, that in the event of a major emergency, you know you have earned every penny of your salary up until then. The fact you saved 1-195 lives is worth more then those 6 peoples entire lifetime's income put together. That is the issue.
The fact that management are more interested in bonus's and bottom lines then the people that strive everyday to make sure the aircraft leaves 97% 'shall we call that on time.......???' just so management figures are up to scratch, and the company league tables look good against all the other airlines.

MOL, don't forget, if every letter of THAT book was followed, and pilots turned up in the crewroom 45 mins before off blocks, and had to deal with only 3 printers working in the WHOLE of the STN crewroom, those planes would NEVER leave on time. Be glad you have people that are willing to put in that extra bit here and there, that they are technically not getting paid for because soon, they will start a go slow, a work to rule, and only taking min block fuel, you watch late departure and arrival times rocket, people not requesting or accepting en-route short cuts, diversions due fuel because there is a 5 min delay at the destination,. Your share holder profits will fall through the floor. And for what, because you don't want to show a little respect and grace to your employees. It will cost more in the long run than a little Dignity and Respect. It isn't to late to change the outcome that is getting closer and closer.
Bullies often win the battle, right up until the victims bigger and stronger brother turns up. Keep pushing the pilots, and they WILL unite. Maybe not under BALPA, but they will pull together and hurt you more then you can hurt them.

And one final thing if I can. There is a 'T' in the name. It is there for a reason.

WhiTstle Blower

Last edited by Whitstle_Blower; 1st May 2009 at 22:48.
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