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Old 21st Dec 2008, 17:46
  #354 (permalink)  
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I've been watching this thread for some time now...
I am not a pilot, but a PU with FR, so please allow my 2 cents to be thrown on the table.

I understand why FR's T&C's of employment upset some of you; but it seems that most of you are OK with it. Why?
Well the way i see it, some of you are grateful having a job within the airline and getting loads of money for doing it (well more than your average Jimmy Common anyway)

It's a steady job, steady roster, you go to work, fly new and shiny airplanes, get to work with nice crew and be pleased when you pick up your sector cheque and more pleased when your basic reaches your bank account.

Now, if you don't like that, then why don't you just LEAVE?

You are accusing FR of "taking advantage" of you and/or that they treat you like a "slave" and "bully" you. Well news flash my dear, you ARE a slave! You are an employee, not the EMPLOYER. As long as your bills being paid depend on when FR's paying your wages, you ought to sit down, shut up and type the pin code.

I am really fed up with the moaning going around. Folks, no union out there will ever back you up. And for FR to accept&recognize an union... Come on, what would you do if you'd own an airline?
When's the last time you had a reality check and smelt the coffee while at it?
Well i have one everyday and i am grateful i still HAVE a job to go to and i get paid a lot of money for flying up to maybe 20hrs a week.

The pilots i work with every day, 5 days a week are all very happy, content and feel settled in the job. Yes you get to hear them moaning about money, mortgages, bills and so on. But i have never heard a pilot saying "Oh, RYR are so sh!t".

Wake up, smell the coffee, pinch yourself and realize you are lucky.
Stop being so bloody selfish and listen to auntie ATS, don't get so greedy, your time will come...

As for Mr. Grim... I do not know if you are working for FR but if you do, one can tell you absolute hate them. Well then, just leave son, find a better airline to work for. And i am not very sure about your... competence shall we say. You tell me what respectable pilot uses words/phrases such as "big dog", "brotha'", "blah blah blah" on an Internet forum discussing about T&Cs at FR. Opinions are valued, chavvy behavior is not.

Having said that, i shall crawl back under the stone (blanket) i came from.

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