PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - RAA and IFR sharing Class G
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Old 8th Oct 2008, 22:15
  #41 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
I'm with the Leafblower on this one: if they're dangerous and you have their call sign, report them. The rules are there to keep everyone safe, and people ignore them at their peril, unfortunately also at others' peril.

As for the dodgy RAA "ATO" who hands out BFR's for nothing, anyone who can identify this wker, and for that matter anyone else with a similar modus operandi, please name and shame them here, or send me a PM and we'll see what we can do about it. I think I would start with a friendly letter to RAA to investigate themselves, if there was no outcome, on to CASA

On the point of extending RAA privileges, I would think that CASA will make sure (if anything, to cover their own backside, they seem to be good at that) that licensing and training of such pilots is up to scratch.

Unfortunately methinks it will take an accident to bring about change to cowboy practices like the ones many people here have witnessed.

The stories of wayward RAA fibreglass bombers getting in the way of IFR traffic made me think (and sweat ): does anyone know of any incidents/accidents that ended up on public record? Would be interesting to go through stuff, there may be learning points in such reports..