PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Have you ever known both pilots fallen asleep at the controls?
Old 22nd Mar 2001, 06:59
  #24 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Right. Hello its me again. Just a couple of points to make before I get a brew on and get back to the TV.

1) I think it is quite amusing that a thread titled 'Have you ever known both pilots to fall asleep at the controls' has turned into a full on journo debate. Hehe.

2) AffirmBrest - I fully appreciate that you have been around for a while and most likely know exactly what you are talking about. However, just like you can smell a journalist, I'm beginning to pick up the scent of a bit of an old boy network going on here. "BAW22 IS a real wannabe" - Don't you think its taking this whole thing a bit far when we start scrutinising other peoples details and decide they aren't genuine and don't deserve a normal answer? One of my first posts here was a question about engine failures. I got a great response and went away happy. Lets just keep it that way and (without sounding like I'm a preacher) treat everyone as equals. Please don't think I'm having a go, as I realise you made good in your last post

3)Cosmo - G'evening buddy. I agree with what you're saying...just picked it out as an example
But (are you all bored yet??) I find it a bit sad when we have to include disclaimers in our post like "I'm not a journo" and in particular "this reply is not intended to defensive nor critical etc etc". I realise you're probably joking but this leads me nicely onto my final point. I don't have any authority to say it at all and please don't hate me but I hope this'll be the end of it:

*** ENOUGH paranoia about journalists.
Enough arguing over whether someone was
insulted or whether they have the right
to have a seemingly legit question
answered in a mature way. I really feel
people take this site too seriously. It
IS important, but hey, focus on your
flying rather than typing or arguing
skills! ***

I rest my case. Have fun.
