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Old 9th May 2008, 08:39
  #153 (permalink)  
Just a job
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Question What the f....

Madam,'it makes perfect sense not to plan private events on a duty day...'.
Are you stark raving barking mad? This is an AIRLINE (well..it tries to project that image and indeed markets itself as such)it operates on schedules.Pilots get Rosters.I have every right to make an appointment for after my scheduled,rostered work is done.Its called LIFE (i`m not sure who the agents in Gauteng are for this wonderful product-but i respectfully suggest you GET ONE).And before you make an inane comment about technicals etc,YES I KNOW A/C BREAK DOWN.I ACCEPT THAT.I WILL DEAL WITH THAT.But to suggest crew plan (well...how can they?)around an Airlines incompetence,staff shortages(sorry,but whose fault is that?)and generally chaotic operating is absolutely ridiculous.I`m afraid the companys tearful handwringing about pilot shortages is laughable-i don`t see Comair,Sax etc spiralling into this shambles.Sure they are looking for crew like everyone else-but they are`nt really battling too much to fill pilot positions are they? Funny,that......Anyway,back to your sun-filled meadow where bunnies,puppies and butterflies play gleefully alongside the picket fence that you obviously inhabit when you can`t deal with reality.If you are a pilot(?)then you are one of the dangerous new breeds of newly-minted products of the "oh,i`m so happy to get an airline job-i`ll do anything to please my boss" schools.Dangerous? well,cosider your attitude-the" i`ll do anything for this company" syndrome your post seems to suggest you suffer from.'...i fear for the lives of your passengers'.Well,you may fear that the pax don`t go due to crew that are mature enough to book off sick when they are not fit to fly,nor alert enough due to fatigue to deal with an engine failure or fire on take-off at max weight out of Jhb on a hot summers day.No,i guess that does`nt enter your head,does it? Just another 1000 hr inexperienced pilot who now suddenly knows all about Airline flying and life because they were an instructor at the ACME school of aviating in Coffiefontein or they did a 'tour of duty' in some shthole in Africa in a van.Yes,you are the type that jvj and RF need to continue with the shambles-then they don`t need to fix it,do they?Grow up.Of course you have the right to make private appointments. You have the right to switch your cell phone off.You have the right to book off sick,not fly a/c you and your crew are not happy with,not to be phoned at one o`clock in the morning,not to have your roster changed/mangled/generally fed with by incompetent staff with no regard to your LIFE (remember that little thing....)and the list go`s on and on and on.RF said 'he was disapointed pilots chose to air their "dirty laundry" on pprune'...well what does he want us to do?Biscuits and hot chocolate next to the fire with himself and jvj? RF had one meeting once with the pilots ,a real 'let-me-have-it'meeting.It was great.Another one?It was asked for.Response from management? I think it must have been 'INCOMING!TAKE COVER BEHIND THE DESKS MEN-THOSE BLOODY INTERFERRING PILOTS WANT A MEETING!MY GOD,THEY MAY WANT US TO ACTUALLY ANSWER QUESTIONS'.So.....dirty laundry,we have`nt even started.(and,last but not least-i sincerely apologise in advance for comments about 1000 hr inexperienced newbies-I truly do not intend any insult at all.just for illustrative purposes only-but those types i mentioned are out there-they are coming to an Airline near you soon....
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