PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - I think they call it 'scare in the community' ?!
Old 24th Oct 2000, 02:23
  #36 (permalink)  
Tartan Gannet
Posts: n/a

Jackonicko, I wondered how long it would take you to crawl back out of your lavatory pan? You have confirmed for me why I have such a detestation for the yellow gutter press. I would compare you to the Biblical Onan, but that suggests a sense of purpose!

Contrast your purile playground level of name calling, with the measured and reasoned response of Skydrifter, he has put his case quite sensibly and while I have to say that I have no time for those who endanger the lives of others by their conduct, his suggestions, if the sutuation permits, such as straps, quick action handcuffs, pepper spray would certainly reassure and protect both crew and the other pax. I also endorse his view of airlines being far stricter in allowing already drunk or disturbed pax onto an aircraft. In the end it is the lives and safety of the other pax, the crew and of course the people on the ground (remember Lockerbie) which are paramount.

Jackonicko, I treat your other insults with contempt. I will correct you on a few factual points. I am neither sad nor a loser having an enjoyable job, various hobbies, good friends. Neither am I "right-wing!" indeed in economics I stand to the left of centre, and I am pro abortion and euthanasia, secularist as regards education, against censorship and the imposing of Judeo-Christian sexual morality on consenting adults in private . Only on Law and Order do I take a hard line pro capital and corporal punishment stance. Sorry to confound your stereotype of an ill-educated trailer trash red-neck, I went to Grammar (not spelt "Grammer"), School and got 4 A levels,History, English, Chemistry and Physics, and have qualifications in Electronics. I dont know what paper you write for and I assume it is under a name other than Jackonicko. I dont suppose I read it as I only read the local newspapers in my home town or use Teletex, BBC Radio Four or the Internet for other news. Still, if you care to mention your paper I will gladly avoid purchasing same in error.

Regards to Skydrifter, though I will still entrust my flying to the hands of the "Nigels" of BA. Jackonicko, try a camping holiday on Gruiniard Island!