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Thread: US Recon Marine
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Old 10th Dec 2001, 00:52
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West Coast
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Your ability to overlook the same problems in Britain while criticising the US for same is remarkable, or better said hypocritical. I used to live in a suburb of LA, for the most part it is a safe place with great weather. Without doubt there are areas I wouldn't want to get caught in, Compton comes to mind. I would no more want to get caught there than in the impoverished areas of Oldham, Burnly or Leeds. I believe the Asian immigrants have even coined a term for areas of those towns, "no go white area". I could be killed for the color of my skin. I understand I might be safe in Glasgow, there the white youth gangs are the ones in charge. Takes alot of courage to stand with your gang at the entrance to the high rises in the city center (sorry, for those Euro-centric, centre) and beat up on immigrants. Remember the riots in Bradford? Your equal to the KKK even has a recognized political party, my memory fails me, I believe its called the BNP, perhaps the national front.
The gang members in LA are at least allowed to travel abroad, the low grade terrorists called British soccer hooligans are banned from many European countries for their actions, what an embarrassment to your country and the good people that make up the vast majority. You mentioned you were panned on another thread for saying that not everyone wants to be an American. I cant help but feel that some Brits dont want anyone but white immigrants to become British. I doubt you will find any consolation in that I agree with you, I have traveled extensively and have found life outside the US, the gold coast down in OZ comes to mind. In the US we have a tremendous problem, we have alot of work to do This is in no way trying to diminish the problem here, but just to show you as a hypocrite. The UK has alot of work ahead, I suggest your angst could be put to some use in your backyard prior to looking abroad to point out the same problems you have domestically. I imagine you will broadside me with race problems again here in the states, can't deny it, but I can one for one do the same to you.

I suspect you have never been in the military after some of the comments I have read of yours. I worked with all branches of the Brit military, found them to be professional and dedicated, however they complain about their surroundings, pay, food, superiors etc as well I as I ever could. A complaining soldier is a happy soldier. You can deny it but I doubt very much you ever served your country or you would know better. I am always happy to debate but your credability is gone. You post only to get a rise, I recignize you for that now.
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