PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - No AOC for Skyairworld, delay for Solomon Airlines
Old 15th Aug 2007, 23:27
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As a long time (and suffering) traveller to the Solomons and being familiar with the way things go in this part of the world, it comes as no surprise the circumstances surrounding Solomon Airlines and their venture into the big league. They only had to look around and see the results of the past when small nations try to go it alone with international operations. Unless you've got a pretty decent tourist base to underpin an operation (e.g. Vanuatu, Fiji) then you are always going to have difficulty with the "bottom line". Nauru, although it seems to be managing with Our Airline, has had its troubles in the past so no-one is immune.

From my perspective and experience out here, and if I was managing the airline, I'd need to see it undergo the drastic sort of overhaul that Our Airline went through. I speak with the crews there regulalry (wouldn't travel any other way to Honiara now) and they tell me of significant job cuts over their network, salary cuts, changing suppliers for better prices/value (meals), dual jobs (the hosties clean the aeroplane on turnarounds, pilots doing other duties in addition to flying) etc etc. It would appear only because management has bitten the bullet that they are surviving. This is exactly what Solomon Airlines needs and they would be well served to take on a similar model, better still as previous posters suggest, they could do very well by joining forces with Nauru and making it an airline "for the region by the region". (nice concept, Capt. Moonlight)

If I was a manager with the current Solomon Airlines I'd be very concerned with the apparent vested interests of a certain few who are (desperately, by now) trying to protect their positions and handsome salaries - salaries that are seemingly over and above the industry standard for what they do. It is these few that are blocking the proper resolution of Solomon Airline's problems and until they are taken out of positions of influence then nothing of significance will ensue. Obviously they have the ear/s of politicians but I often wonder about the quality of the advice these pollies are getting.
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