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Old 2nd Jul 2007, 21:32
  #102 (permalink)  
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City Alternative CVD test

Hi Stevieb1

Welcome to the funny farm. You are among some frustrated friends. We share a similar limitation. I say limitation, because its not a problem, disability or concern. It simply limits our ability to pass outdated and quite frankly irrelevant CVD tests. Why can I see all the colours on a runway (naming each one, where it is and what it does) and not pass an Ishihara test.
Why is it can spot the PAPI lights changing from 3 whites and 1 red to "2 and 2" quicker than my instructor?
Why can I get an IR rating to allow me to fly in shocking visability and yet I cant fly on a crystal clear night?
Why can CVD pilot fly into Heathrow in an American Airlines 777 yet I will never fly out of Heathrow in a British Airways 747?

Right..... off my soapbox.

And relax....

I went to Gatport Airwick about 4 years ago and did the Ishihara and lantern tests. Failed all.
City is a bit different. They make you do the following (FYI I have included my results)

Ishihara 38 plate test - Fail (mild cvd noted)
CAD Test - Mild protan colour deficiency
Farnsworth D15 test (passed)
City University Test (passed)
American Optical Company (HRR) Plates (Fail 19 out of 20)
Nagel Anomaloscope (Matching range 50-8 Protanomalous Trichromatism)
Holmes-wright lantern (Fail - 1st run 4 errors, 2nd and 3rd run 13 errors)
Diagnosis - Mild Protanomalous Trichromatism

You will see there is no pass/fail on the CAD
They are developing a PAPI light simulator that does the reds and whites on a runway. I was OK with this as the reds and whites arent a problem.
Interestingly they tried me on a revised PAPI simulator that shows all 4 lights in the same colour - a White, off white, yellow, red, blue, and green. I scored full marks.
The downside is that I feel that the CAA are no closer to introducing this new test.

To answer your question, I thought the City stuff was more comprehensive as at least they can give you an accurate idea of your limitation.

Well while this all goes on, the only thing to do is to get on with getting a PPL and enjoying flying.

My 2 best experiences are 1.) seeing a 737 pass below my Cessna 150 as it approached Luton; 2.) a real engine failure above Cranfield resulting in a Fire Engine escort down the runway.

Love it.

Thanks to all on this forum for keeping this fantastic thread going.

BTW 2close.... you are teasing us with that comment "watch this space"

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