PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - A PPRuNe FUND - To assist pilots and would be pilots to achieve their goal
Old 11th Jun 2000, 22:51
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Unhappy A PPRuNe FUND - To assist pilots and would be pilots to achieve their goal

Pause a while in your seat up high, take a moment to sit and ponder.
Remember those dreams a pilot dreams?
Remember the sweat, and the tears, as you toiled to reach the big blue yonder?
Of the hours you read, of how you learned, of the many many schemes.
And now! As you fly your wings from place to place
When for all you yearned, was just to smile.....
Now as you fly from mile to mile. Look at the smile your smiling now. It's a smile that lights up your face!

A part of my own memories.....

And by way a reminder that when we learned, studied and gritted our teeth it was tough. Well, PPRuNe might be about to play a small but significant part in helping guys and gals to get their wings.

As a result of a cheque we got from The Ash, £60. Danny said that he had no where to put it so why don't I start a fund that will help wannabes, CPL's and ATPL's!! Well £60 quid won't go anywhere so I said I would start a committee to see what we can do.
First HORATIO, ex Monarch Captain, has agreed to be Teasurer, HAMRAH, Chief Pilot of GO, has agreed to be part of the team as has WEE WEASLEY WELSHMAN, an instructor based in Spain. I have one other who I haven't TOLD yet! Each will bring some determination and no-how. Me? I will bring experience from being 27 years in aviation top management, with a few thousand hours, and of chairing committee's. This gives us our quorum but it will take a few weeks to get really going.

I have given the project a working title of "The PPRuNe Flying Scholarship"

What are our aims? Not entirely sure yet, but they will be to offer financial assitance where it is needed to, for example, purchasing ATPL course notes, a lot of money. Or for a wannabe to step on the first rung of the ladder to flying.
We will see how we can encourage airlines to make a contribution to our funds. OR to give selected guys or gals the advantaged use of their facilities and sims.
We will see how we can raise funds.
How we can persuade the Lottery Fund that we are as deserving as anyone else. Most times better than anyone else.
How to select at least two wannabes a year for a flying scholarship. How he/she will have to prove that they are worthy of sending them to an airline to complete ALL their training.
ALL things are possible. We just have to get the ball rolling.

Your ideas are sought.
Ideas on fundraising.
How you would select a wannabe?
How YOU could help the committee?
How YOU could encourage and how YOU could persaude your company to participate.
And any number of other things to help us help them.

Well that's it. No point in pressing too hard now, but please do make your feelings known.

PS. Capt PPRuNe contacted me last night from Puerto Plata! He said he would like to join the committee. Welcome Danny.
I have invited Stan Sted to join us on the committee, to which has agreed. His will be a good voice. Welcome to Stan too. I have invited one other well know PPRuNer to join our number, to make seven, I will let you know who that is when and if he agrees. That will complete the committee.

[This message has been edited by InFinRetirement (edited 12 June 2000).]

[This message has been edited by InFinRetirement (edited 12 June 2000).]

[This message has been edited by InFinRetirement (edited 13 June 2000).]