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Old 5th Sep 2000, 18:39
  #20 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I really don't believe this! Is every one on this BBS supposed to have a degree in English Lit from Cambridge? Or Oxford? Or ... give me a break!! Get a life and find something worthy to talk about because this is absolutely ridiculous.

I write ALL my posts in the way my thoughts present themselves. I put commas where I'd normally take a pause while talking, or to effect a brief distraction from whatever point I'm ATTEMPTING to make.

Do any of you people understand just how difficult the English language is ... when spoken in the UK? I've travelled around there a bit ... from the East End of London to the heart of Geordie territory. I can tell you that there's very little in common betwen those two extremes.

Have you ever had friends who come from a non-English speaking background? People who have had to learn anything up to 3 or more languages? Friends of mine, in Japan, are a wee bit (read "massively") confused by the pronunciation of English words, let alone the spelling of them. Makes it REAL hard for them to even find the word in a decent dictionary, I can assure you.

If any of you have ever used any other type of internet communication medium, perhaps like ICQ or Yahoo Chat etc., you'll know that there's heaps of abbreviations in use. There's also a lot of so-called bad spelling and poor grammar.

Wake up and smell the coffee, or tea, or whatever! There's a whole world outside of here and it's full of people with different levels of education, different languages, different concepts.

I have no problem at all with so-called bad spelling and/or grammar in posts here. If I don't understand a particular aspect in a post, I will ask ... very politely. I think that is the PROPER way.

I suspect that I've just wasted my time with this post, but couldn't ignore this form of ethnic cleansing. I vote that this subject be closed now and forever .... Amen!!