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Old 3rd Mar 2007, 18:17
  #13 (permalink)  
saddest aviator
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Quote "Open Letter to Ryanair's CEO"

Dear Bonernow

Hope you don't mind but this wonderful letter has to reach a wider audience

Dear Michael,

I just thought I would drop you a line or two to explain a few things regarding your ongoing contractual dispute with those "jet jockeys" you happen to employ. You know the ones I mean. Those ordinary guys and girls whose professionalism and dedication to this company, that have contributed so greatly, to making you a very, very wealthy man. Ring any bells?

Well Michael, I'm fairly new to this company and it's got to be said, never have I known a work place like this. For instance, in my last job, we had contracts. You know, those bits of paper that had the conditions of our employment written down. Set in stone so to speak. So we all knew where we were at. If I bent the rules as written in the contract the company could come down on me and if the company broke the rules, I could take the company to an employment tribunal. A fair and balanced arrangement I'm sure you'll agree.

We didn't have "rough guides to" that were changed on a whim. Our salary structure was set out in our contracts. Not hidden in a drawer somewhere to be changed at the flick of a pen when someone felt like it. So too the grievance procedure and disciplinary procedure. Key elements of any modern work place.

So what's the point in writing to you Michael? Well, you see, I happened to be at one of those "Pilot pay negotiation meetings" that took place the other day. And after listening to what your able deputy's had to say, I have to confess to feeling a little moved. Hence this letter.

Let me ask you a few questions Michael. First of all, why does it have to be this way? Why would you rather go to war and risk a strike by your pilots than simply pay a fair days wage for a fair days work? Why do you feel the need to bully, intimidate and insult your workforce? Because that is what you do on a daily basis.

So in my mind I have to ask myself, is this a guy worth working for? Well, I guess you could be if there were certain checks and balances in place. You have after all built quite a formidable airline.

BUT, before I, or any of the other Pilots in this company enter into negotiations with you, there are a few imbalances that need re-dressing. The Pilots WILL NOT speak to you direct.

YOU WILL deal with an independant body, democratically elected by the Pilots, to represent the Pilots at the negotiating table. This condition is a deal breaker. Say no and the "deal is off". Sound familiar?

YOU WILL accept that all Ryanair terms and conditions of employment will be transparent and readily published for the world to see. A careers section on Ryanair.com could be set up to facilitate this. After all, a rapidly expanding airline needs to attract the correct calibre of staff. The open and transparent publication of terms of employment will assist in this regard.

YOU WILL accept that in the event discussions break down between Management and our democratically elected representatives, then a Labour Court hearing will take place and that Court's ruling in industrial issues will be accepted by both parties. For the avoidance of doubt, this can be the Labour Court in Ireland or the Court of Arbitration in the UK.

YOU WILL accept that where internal "contractual matters" arise, (you know, a Pilot is meant to have a pay increase from FO to SFO salary but doesn't get it), then an independant body, chosen by that Pilot, will be allowed to intervene on that Pilot's behalf.

For the avoidance of doubt, if a democratically elected body happens to be a trade union or Pilots Association, then so be it. YOU WILL deal with them.

I could go on and on Michael, but you're probably due on a golf course somewhere and I wouldn't want to keep you too long. I know Management read this site quite often and this will end up on your desk at some stage. But please be advised, the above are conditions you have to agree to before we even consider appointing someone to talk to you at the negotiating table.

Best Regards and have a safe, peaceful, happy life.

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