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Old 1st Feb 2007, 23:35
  #168 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2006
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I remember when nobody i mean nobody ever responded to anything on this forum positively more importantly negatively. About Emirates.

The airline was reasonably happy and therefore there was no reason to bitch or complain.

However from 2003 onwards this has not been the case. Something has been introduced into the greater scheme of things that has caused massive discontent amongst the people that mean the most to the ultimate expansion plans and longevity of this airline and for that matter DUBAI, that is its PILOT workforce and that of its frontline personnel in general.

5 years ago, you would not hear very blatant SLAGGING off of this airlines product or its practices RE COST CUTTING, which is the management BUZZ word of modern aviation. But now on any crew bus return to CBC, that is all you hear, tired this fatigued that, cannnot wait to leave this, i have already resigned that, ETC ETC ETC . It is disheartning and demoralizing and unfortunately most of it is true and well deserved.

This airline will yet again announce record profits on the backs of its VERY cheap labour force, and behind closed doors will be patting each other on their backs for a job well done!!

The crux of the matter is something needs to be done to improve morale in this forever declining atmosphere of contempt and disgust for this company. To start with the removal of those disgusting and provocotive FULL blown posters and banners in customs telling us to stop being THEIVING BASTARDS.

This company is heading into decline, we are peaking now but are relying on great PR which i cannot deny,BUT THAT is the only department I am willing to concede to as being GREAT!!!!! The rest is mediocre!! AT BEST!!

I will not say to anybody do not come and see for yourselves, infact i openly encourage it. However does anybody not get a pang of guilt or embarresment when they see an open TOP bus Trawling the streets of Dubai taking tourists to see the TOP SPOTS of dubai in stinking heat, caught in the nightmare of 24 hour traffic. To see those poor tourists in that open top bus sitting there in pain having spent over the top prices to see WHAT exactly, EMIRATES MALL, THE BURJ, just what exactly!!!

So when all the first timers have been DUPED to spending 24 hours here, do you think we are going to get return business, my guess is a big fat NO!!!

Is this airline going to survive the next TEN years without a serious unblockable, newsworthy INCIDENT, or god forbid the worst case senario, in my humble opinion NAHH!

We are entering a VERY VERY crucial stage in the further developement and expansion of this airline, and all trends, however profitable in the short term,point to an underlying trend of decline in the quality and motivation of its frontline staff!!

Take heed Emirates, you are ****ting in your own nest!! Unless you like the smell of your own faeces you had better be more mindful and respecful of your frontline staff and find ways to motivate staff,retain pilots and entice quality pilots to join OR face the the inevitable fact that you will ALWAYS be an ALSO RAN second string airline with great PR!!

Over and OUT!!

Last edited by BIKKERDENNAH; 1st Feb 2007 at 23:52.