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Old 28th Jul 2006, 19:27
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Captain Kirk

I concur!

A trawl through kms901s posts would highlight the following quotes (and all within the last 12 mths or so!):

"I got my PPL about a year ago (To be more accurate I was up to 200 hours over a decade ago, but practical considerations got in the way and I had to start again.)"

"As a humble PPL of 20 years experience with 1100 hours (1500 t/offs and landings)"

"I am only an amateur pilot"

"I am a PPL based in Italy"

"I am now living in Italy"

Now being a mere humble military aviator I leave you to draw your own conclusions, but IMHO, if he lives in Italy and works out of Italy he may not even pay our wages. The ItAF perhaps ...

Furthermore - "lost a few good friends over the years", "trust my life with my crew, I have to", "no pension scheme". Sounds like a mercenary to me! Perhaps he doesn't pay tax at all? Flies Ryan Air a lot mind and seems to be highly critical of their flight deck crew abilities. Maybe he pays their wages as well?

kms901 - I don't give two hoots whether you think that paying a miniscule amount of my, or any other Crown employee wages gives you the right to be treated differently or not talked down to. Military Aircrew forum for military aircrew and their backroom support team. You are neither, so with all due respect, stay in the PPL forum theres a good chap.
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