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Thread: Crime in SA
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Old 28th Jul 2006, 11:38
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Apology accepted Fliterisk. Look this site is not what we as South Africans living in or abroad really want to hear about, we like to think SA is a beautiful country with so much going for it, but the reality is we have serious problems. We SA living abroad are ambassadors here in Europe for SA. Most folks I meet are scared to go to SA and I have always told them SA as any country has its good and bad elements and you don't go walking down certain streets in London or Paris at night, the same applies to SA. Of late SA has been creeping into the news, and the sad part is how SA folks even behave here in Europe. Fighting in pubs, road rage, the Taliban moving through JHB International, not to long ago a Bunch of SA boys tried their own tricks in the UK, taking a women in broad daylight, abducting her, then raping her, they were caught on CCTV from start to finish, just to mention a few of the headlines and now this. The news and media here is very big and when stories make headlines, they stay on the news for days, then we hear about it 24/7. Saffers here have to live with these disgraceful events. It's not nice hearing about a site like this at all and is rather worrying for all of us, but it's making a point, if we like it or not, denying the fact, is surely the wisdom of a fool. It is a serious issue, and it will harm the country. The government had better start addressing these issues very quickly, Tabo's silent approach to events like this and to Zimbabwe's situation is not doing anybody any good, and as President of SA it's high time he starts displaying leadership qualities and starts leading his country. Start tackling the crime problems. Blaming whites and looking for all sorts of excuses for SA current position is not going to help. He needs to stop dividing the country with his racist policies, admit that crime is a huge problem, pick up his poor performance and start getting the country behind him and sorting out and do what needs to be done. If they choose to turn a blind eye on these issues, the world cup will surely be a disaster, not to mention how the tourist industry will suffer as well as aviation.
I think the government has lost the plot, they have sabotaged this site to stop it from running, but its on mirror sites so his still getting his message across, dirty play (makes the government look stupid and shows they have something to hide), I wonder why every South Africans even bothered to vote, this is a violation of free speech, its not democracy, not with death threats, it a dictatorship. The government is supposed to represent the people and work for the people not the other way around. Exposing the government's poor performance is not a crime, it's a democratic right and to voice you opions be it good or bad is a freedom of speech. It happens here daily, and the governments here get exposed and held accountable for their actions, something which doesn't happen down south. Zimbabwe's dictatorship is starting to wear off on South Africa, with the way the government is handling this situation. What's it going to be next, is Watson going to serve jail time, or be investigated by the Scorpions and some dirty trick pulled on him, to expose him as something his not, for voicing his and many others opions.

Leaving the problem as you suggest and only foccussing on the positive is a total unjust way of dealing with the real problem at hand, this is a reality which involves people loosing their lives and love ones, be it South Africans(white or black) or Europeans it does'nt matter. Criminals have no respect for the law or for human life in South Africa.
It is not acceptable which ever way you choose to look at it, to aknowledge crime and do nothing about it is the biggest crime of them all.

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